The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 204: Game over



   I saw a Middle Eastern bandit with a yellow face towel, his brain exploded into a cloud of black mist and fell directly.

  【The cute and cute Weijiang AWP1587 headshot and killed the monster】

   [One punch, one screaming] suddenly his head shrank, and he shouted to his teammates next to him: "Middle sniper! It's Weichan! The second girl did not show up!"

   However, at this moment!

   A flash bomb came in directly!

   [One punch and one scream] His complexion changed a lot: "Hurry up!"

   The five people immediately turned their attention!

   But, this is an instant flash!

   They didn't have enough time to turn around at all. Although they did, they only turned a little bit.

  Bang! !

   The flash bomb exploded!

  In an instant!

   The dazzling white light blinded their eyes, and the buzzing of tinnitus filled their earphones.

  Wait after one second!

   The screen is back to normal!

   [One punch and one blow] When they return to their normal vision!

   I saw a heroic female special forces character holding a 9555 assault rifle at them!

  Tutututututu! !


   Precise and continuous headshots sounded!

   [One punch and one strange] All of their pictures suddenly turned off-white.

   The game system directly broadcasts:

  【Police Camp Victory】


   This round ended so suddenly and so quickly.

   [One punch and one strange] They are still a little dazed.

   After a short while, [One punch and one blame] sighed: "Oh, it still doesn't work, the girl is getting more and more fierce."

   They plan to use all their pistols in this round and try to rush to the middle. If they can win the first blood of the second girl, then this round is also likely to win.

   If you can’t get it, you can save the economy for the next round, and they can all pick up their spears in the next round.

   Unexpectedly, the girl seemed to have sensed their intentions and put Wei-chan, a top sniper, to guard the middle road, and crushed them not to appear.

   She took the opportunity to touch them, and a flash raid wiped them out.

   "As expected of that girl, she is really strong!"

   [One punch and one blame] I was a little unconvinced, and said bitterly: "I don't believe it, let's continue! This will beat us well!"

   Girls Clan vs. Passerby Players Clan

   Score: 4-1

   Sixth inning.

   The player team chose a bilateral pull!

   One person goes to point b, and five people to point A!

   Both sides attack at the same time!

  Because of the path, the attack at point b sounds earlier!

   Kihanasaki Yashin hurried back to point A directly.

   Because she also guessed that this bandit would definitely launch a quick attack!

   They have full equipment, and their strength is far stronger than those of the girls who have just started to come into contact with this game.

   So, she must quickly return to defense!

   However, her prediction was wrong.

   There is only one person at point b.

   At point a, facing a team of players full of props and spears, they are almost helpless.

   [One punch and one monster] They skillfully threw various props and threw them at various points!

   In an instant, all kinds of props were flying in the sky, smoke, fire, and grenades smashed at point a like raindrops without money!

   Boom boom boom!

   incendiary bombs almost covered the entire point a!

   And Li, they stood behind some bunkers, and naturally they were inevitably burned.

   For a while, they are also in a hurry.

  Liu hurriedly threw out the fire, but as soon as she emerged from the bunker, she was instantly touched off by them [one punch and one stranger].

   Not knowing what to do, Miao stood there and was burned to death.

  紬 was also inevitably forced out of the bunker by the flames, and died in the rain of their guns.

   That's it. Two minutes after the start, [one punch and one blow] They won the A point!

   And Kihanasaki Yashin also knocked down the [Headshot Master] who wanted to delay her time.

   Then take Weijiang and the others, and rush to point A non-stop.

   However, facing the fully equipped player team, Saki Yashin also felt a little strenuous.

   Let's not talk about the issue of the road closure of props.

   Just relying on the [one punch and one strange] marksmanship is also a point to be aware of.

  As a professional reserve, marksmanship is not weak!

   Mikasaki Yashin may be able to shoot two enemies instantly with two shots, but the time for the third shot may be enough [one punch and one monster] to kill her.

   In this way, under the cover of the smoke bomb, the player and Saki Yashin exchanged their guns and played games in turns.

  , it was enough time for them to delay!

   Let the bomb explode!

  【The bandit camp wins! 】

   The score between the girl and the player came to 4:2.

   came to the seventh game!

   Although the players won the last round, they were still poor.

   can not be filled with items!

   And this one, Muhua Saki Yaxin directly acted as a police officer and charged with a gun!

   A person interspersed and beat them, and directly smashed them all.


   The eighth round was still Muhua Saki Yaxin’s solo show. Under Muhua Saki Yaxin’s aggressive police charge, they had almost no power to fight back.


   Kihanasaki Yashin and the others got a big score and ended the game without any suspense.

   And [One punch and one blame] They don't feel sorry, after all, masters like girls are rare.

   Being able to experience a wave of being dominated by top players will also help them grow their skills.

  Finally, [One punch and one blame] typed on the public channel: "It's nice to be able to confront you, the eye of death!

   This time you won!

   But, next time! I will not lose! "

   Then, Muhua Saki Yexin received a friend request from [One punch and one monster].

  Kihanasaki Yashin curled his lips: "This guy, would you like to have another time?"

   Public screen:

  Eye of Death: "Huh~ Stupid people are daydreaming. Rather than talking in dreams here, I might as well improve my strength! Weak humans, but they don’t even have the qualifications to meet me!"

   After speaking, Saki Yashin Kihana directly pushed out of the room. UU reading

   And, other girls also launched the game early.

   The girls raised their hands together, leaning on their back chairs, stretching their waists.


   Wei could not help but let out a lazy little groan, and then smiled with a slightly excited smile to Muhuasaki Yaxin: "It's really a good game! Yaxinchan! However, you must always concentrate on playing.

   I feel that I have concentrated too much, and I feel a little tired. "

  Kihanasaki Yaxin proudly raised his head: "It's just this level, but I don't have any pressure at all."

   "Ye Xin Jiang is amazing."

  紬 squinted and said with a smile: "I also feel that playing this kind of game is a bit too much for a long time."

   Lil clenched a small fist, and said handsomely: "I also feel no pressure, I can continue to play! Play all day!"

   Zi Miao spit on the side: "Is it only me who feels that this game is not played by girls at all?"

  澪 also said quietly from the side: "I don't like this game..."

   However, the girls directly ignored Min's words and discussed their respective performances in the game.



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