The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 205: Idol back to school

  Kihanasaki Yashin and the seven of them had a peaceful vacation for a few days, and the vacation that they thought to avoid the limelight was over.

   Although their reputation on the Internet seems to have not faded much, they are not allowed to continue their holidays.

   They are also a little tired of playing, and their identities are still students after all, and learning is the most important thing.



   I saw only five high-end commercial vehicles, guarded around an extended Lincoln model, all the way to the school with high profile.

   The students looked at the caravan and started to talk.

"who is this?"

   "What a luxurious caravan?"

   "Isn't this the plot on TV? It's a bit exaggerated."

   Five commercial vehicles opened the doors first.

   Then one by one, wearing a standard suit and wearing sunglasses, the tall bodyguard came out.

   They had a cold face, and they lined up in two lines in an orderly manner next to the extended commercial vehicle.

   Four of them all came to the front of the car door, opened the car door in an elegant posture, and then bowed slightly in a gesture of please.

next moment.

   I saw that Saki Yashin Muhua and the six-man group of Qingyinbu Girls in this black and white JK school uniform stepped out of the car in an orderly manner.

   Seeing that it was a girl from the light sound department, the students onlookers suddenly boiled over.

   "Wow!!!!! It's the light sound part!"

   "It turned out to be the light sound department! K-ON band!!!"

   "Azusa! I love you!"

   "Senior Mi! I am your fan!!"

   "Liu Jiang! Cool Lu Jiang! You are so handsome!"

   "Ye Xin Jiang! Ye Xin Jiang! Can you cat me?"

   "Wei-chan! The cute Wei-chan! I love your windmill so much!"

   "Jing Jiang! Jin Jiang! Can you take a photo with me?"

After    recognized the soft voice girl, the students suddenly became enthusiastic fans, and the crowd of melon-eaters who didn't know the truth also followed.

   The entrance of the school suddenly became very noisy.

   Fortunately, a tall bodyguard blocked some restless fans outside.

    Min looked at the crowd of fans surging, her little head shrank: "It's terrible, fans..."

  Liu has a big-hearted look. She patted Min on the shoulder: "Now, let me just say, why don't you have such a big battle. Now, only such a big battle can block the fans."

   said, Li winked at Jing Jiang.

   Jingjiang squinted her mouth and smiled happily.

   Wei and Zi Miao looked at Yan Jiang, and they immediately admired: "Sure enough, Yan Jiang is reliable."

   "Hey, hey, don't forget this is my idea."

   Kihana Saki Yashin hugged her chest with her hands, and said proudly.

   This wave of exaggerated caravans was naturally brought on by the eldest lady Zhenjiang.

   However, the idea was made by Saki Yazuki.

   Originally, Saki Yashin Muhua suggested that the student union should be used as bodyguards to protect them from entering the campus.

  , it was Jin directly volunteered that he had a professional team of bodyguards and took this job over.

   "Okay, okay. Don't stand here anymore, I feel so ashamed."

  澪chan was still a little bit twitchy under this public place, her face was a little blushing with nervousness.

   Zi Miao agrees with this.

   "Yes, yes, go in."

   In this way, under the cover of a team of professional bodyguards, Saki Yashin and a group of people came to the school classroom without any risk.

  The bodyguards were very professionally guarding them next to Saki Yashin's classroom.

   This scene shocked the school, but after learning that it was the bodyguard of the light tone girl, he didn't care much, and was even very happy.

   After all, the troubles the light-tone girls have brought to the school, and the effort they have to deal with is not necessarily effective.

   Now, the girls have solved their troubles by themselves, and they have gained fame, so they are naturally very satisfied.


   However, the teachings of Saki Yaxin Muhua and the others are still affected a little bit.

   During class, the atmosphere in the classroom became a little strange.

   Even when some teachers were teaching, when they looked at Muhua Saki Yashin and the others, they were obviously more cautious.

One more thing.

   The month comes first near the water tower.

   Classmates in the same classroom with Saki Yashin and the others, Saki Yashin and the others are not easy to avoid. Naturally, they took photos with them and signed them, and the interactive process was completed.

that's all.

  Kihanasaki Yashin and their idol students have a very fulfilling life this day.

   Zi Miao said that he signed his name to the fans.


  Kihanasaki Yashin and Yui-chan returned to the light sound department for a meeting.

   Kihana Saki Yashin patted the table with her little hand, stood up and said solemnly: "It can't go on like this anymore! We must think of a way to solve these crazy fans!"

   It's a pity that the girls sitting here are all frowning, whether they have a bit of fighting spirit.

   Zi Miao said with some frustration: "However, we have tried many ways. Even if we post a message to tell fans not to disturb our lives, it still has no effect."

   澪 covered her face and lay on the table crying: "What should I do, who can think of a way, I don't want to live like this in the future."

  Liujiang propped his head and thought for a while: "Hmm...or let's disband."


   As soon as the voice fell, the entire conference room became extremely quiet.

   Even the babbled Miao-chan stopped crying.

   I saw, Zi Miao, Wei Jiang, and Jing Jiang all stared at Li with their eyes wide open.

  Kihanasaki Yashin also had a small look in disbelief.

  Liu was a little hairy by the eyes of a few people, she smirked: "Haha, don't...don't tell me,...I'm just kidding."

   Min, who was lying on the table, changed her previous crying state, jumped up, clutching Li's shoulders with her hands and swayed wildly: "What are you talking about disbanding! You guy! Can this kind of thing be used to joke!!!"

  Liu was a little dizzy after being shaken: "Don't shake it, I'm so dizzy."

   Kihanasaki Yashin rolled his eyes at the two groups, and turned to look at Wei-chan.

   Yui-chan also stared at Muhua Saki Yashin's big eyes blankly.

   Kihanasaki Yashin shook his head suddenly.

   glanced at each other, confirming that it was someone without a head.

   continued to turn his gaze to look for the target and looked at the last 紬chan.

  The cute Wei-chan's little head is crooked at the moment, and she doesn't understand why Saki Yashin gave her a look just now.

  紬chan watched Muhua Saki Yaxin looking towards herself, she turned her head left and right, and when she realized that there seemed to be no other people around her, she pointed her finger at Muhua Saki Yaxin with a questioning expression.

   Kihanasaki Yaxin nodded seriously.

After   紬chan confirmed, after looking at Zi Miao and Wei Jiang who was in a daze, he immediately lowered his head, put his fists on his little head, and began to think.

After thinking for a few seconds, he once again said to Ueki Hanasaki’s eyes: “The way I thought of it, it seems that only the bodyguards should follow, and this is the only way to protect our lives. After all, other idols are not like this. ?"

As soon as   紬chan said this, the two people who were making noise at the side also stopped.

  澪 regained the frowning look just now: "Could it be that we will all live like this in the future?"

   Lijiang also scratched his hair, and said a little annoyed: "Sure enough, being famous is also a very annoying thing."

   Azusa Meow: "Meow~"

   Seeing the depressed girls, Muhua Saki Yashin patted the table again and said solemnly, "Quiet!"

   After finishing speaking, Muhua Saki Yaxin changed her expression to 嗷娇, and put her arms around her chest: "Hmph~ I expected you to be helpless."

   Azusa suddenly looked at Muhuasaki Yaxin with excitement: "Could it be that! Senior Yaxin, did you find a way?"

  澪A few of them also showed expectant expressions and looked at Muhua Saki Yaxin.

   Kihana Saki Yaxin's small head raised slightly, and the corners of his mouth curled slightly: "Huh, no."

   The girls all looked down and said, "No!"

   Zi Miao spit out: "That Senior Yexin, what are you proud of here?"

   "Humph, although I didn't think of a solution to the problem, I came here prepared."

   Speaking, Muhua Saki Yashin stood up and shouted outside the door: "Come in, my special guest!"

   "Special...special guest?"

   The girls are suddenly question marks.

   I saw, the door of the light sound department was opened.

   Ino and Nanako came in, and they greeted the girls.

   "Excuse me, classmates."

   Then, Ino looked at Kihana Saki Yashin: "Yazin? Is there anything wrong with calling us over?"

   Then, Kihana Saki Yashin and the soft voice girl told Ino about their troubles.

   Ino stood there, thought for a moment, and suddenly said a little embarrassed: "I'm sorry, I have nothing to do.

   Besides, I don’t know much about idols. "

   After Ino finished her answer.

  Kihanasaki Yashin smiled directly and announced: "Okay, please leave this guest."

   said, he directly pushed Ino and Nanako who was playing the game directly out of the door, and then closed the door smoothly.

   Just like that, Ino stood outside the door, still keeping the same expression on her face.


   "What the **** is Ye Xin doing?"

   Ino looked at the door of the light sound department, shook his head, and immediately pulled Nanako away.

   In the light tone department, the girls were dumbfounded, and they just reacted to Saki Yashin and shouted, "That's how I pushed Ino sauce away!"

   "Is there any problem with this?"

   Kihanasaki Yashin said with a serious face.

   If you want to talk about the problem, the girls don't seem to feel that there is any problem.

   However, I always feel that I have something to complain about.

   "No problem, then I will invite two guests!"

   Kihanasaki Yashin announced.

next moment.

   Gabriel, who was playing games at home, suddenly felt like she was falling. The next second, the scene changed and she came to a corridor.

   At the same time, another person appeared beside her——Vinette.

  Vinette also seemed to be confused: "Eh? Gabriel? Did you send me here?"

   Jia Baili suddenly looked blank: "Huh? Isn't it you?"

Just at this time.

   The door in front of them suddenly opened.

   Kihana Saki Yashin rushed out, took the small hands of the two of them, and ran directly in.

   The two of them were also dragged in confusion.

   came to the room.

   They looked at the girls in the light tone department, their brains were still a little stunned.

   "Well, this time we have invited our two guests to give us ideas."

   Kihanasaki Yashin made a please gesture.

   Jia Baili and Winnett blankly said to Muhua Saki Yaxin: "Idea? What's the idea?"

  Kihanasaki Yaxin had to tell Gabriel and the others the reason again.

   After listening, they suddenly fell into thinking.

   a little while.

   Weinet took the lead in thinking, and said apologetically: "Sorry, I can't seem to think of a good way."

   Jia Baili looked gloomy: "Sure enough, this world is very dirty! I have a way."

  The girls with a soft tone immediately looked happy.

   "Are there really? Jia Baili classmate!?"

   Kihanasaki Yashin was also a little surprised, but she was also a little proud.

   "Oh, it's an angel. What the **** is it?"

   Jia Baili's face was gloomy, and her right hand pulled out a golden horn directly from her skirt: "Just blow this, everything can be solved!"

  Vinette looked shocked, and quickly grabbed Gabriel’s right hand: "What are you doing! Why did you take out this horn! This is the horn that announces the end of the world! Is it necessary to destroy all mankind for this?"

   Then, Vinette looked at Muhua Saki Yaxin nervously.

   "Ye Xin classmate..."

   However, she did not expect that Muhua Saki Yaxin nodded.

   "Well, it's an angel, this is a good way."

  Vinette heard this, her mouth opened wide, her head was blank, and she didn't know what to say for a while.

   "I agree with... I agree with... unexpectedly... I agree with..."

   The light-sounding girls looked at the horn in Gabriel’s hand with a bewildered expression.

"what is this?"

   only asked blankly.

   "It's a good thing anyway."

   As he said, Muhua Saki Yashin looked at Gabriel: "Well, you can sit down there first. As a guest who helped us out, I will give a certain reward."

   Jia Baili's face was dumbfounded, and after hearing the reward an idea flashed in her little head. She looked at Muhua Saki Yaxin excitedly: "Reward! Are you rich?"

   In response, Muhua Saki Yaxin gave a mysterious smile: "It can be money."

   Jia Baili heard the words, the symbol of money flashed in his eyes, and sat aside with a smirk.

   "However, this method is a bit extreme, so let's continue to ask for the next method."

   Speaking, Muhua Saki Yashin snapped his fingers: "I would like to invite two guests."

next moment.

   Demon Satania and Angel Raphael appear.

   The two were also teleported over with a confused expression.

   Miki Hanasaki Yashin explained it as usual.

   Both Satania and Raphael expressed interest.

   Especially Satania, after knowing that Gabriel had figured out a way, she seemed full of fighting spirit!

Satania raised her head proudly forty-five degrees with her hands on her hips, and showed a little tiger tooth with a proud smile: "Wow hahaha~ I am the lord of **** from now on! Absolutely evil big devil! Such a thing, I am not. I will lose to you! Gabriel!"

   Jia Baili suddenly "cut" disdainfully.

   "Why is this guy here too."


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