The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 208: Gangster

In the dull and dark room, a gentle young man with golden eyes stared at the screen phantom in front of him panic.

The ID that should never appear on the screen!

The eye of death!

The chat group of the heavens that he has been controlling has unexpectedly appeared a mysterious person he didn't know!

"how so?"

"how come?!"

"Who is this guy? When did he join the group?"

A man with golden silk eyes, his eyes condensed slightly: "No! Maybe this guy was hidden in the group from the beginning! Only now suddenly appeared!"

He sighed at the thought of this.

"After all, I am just a small group owner, and I am not even the owner of the chat group..."

After all, members of a group like Eye of Death can't find the ID, let alone operate it.

It is estimated that he can't even play if he wants to.


Other people in the group began to speculate, and all kinds of doubts rose.

Not the **** of the world: "@死之眼—Big brother, explain it. It's really scary that a big man like you suddenly pops up."

Muhua Saki lay down on the bed, leisurely tilting her two white feet, typing back with both hands.

The Eye of Death: "Is there any explanation? I just simply hid my information."

The girl who loves oranges: "Wow, boss, you haven't been in the group since the beginning."

Eye of Death: "That's not true. I only joined the group not long ago. There should be people who know me in the group."

People who know me will...

That's right...

The fir, located in the world of cursive war return, saw this sentence, saw this ID, and suddenly thought of that strange girl!

The girl who claims to be the Eye of Death!

The girl who made him unforgettable!

That girl who was called an outside **** by her teacher Gojo Satoru!

He also knew that the young girl had resolved the crisis of extinction that once appeared in this spell world.

He and the people in the group are not the gods of the world, the lord of the group Yannian, Uchiha's party, and the captain of the Pirate World, Doragon, are also witnesses of that unprecedented battle!

I vaguely remember that the girl disappeared out of thin air after solving the three monsters.

I heard Gojo Gotoshi say that this girl is a traveler in another world, and disappearing out of thin air is probably leaving their world.

However, he didn't expect that the girl would actually join the chat group quietly!

Do not!

If that girl is so powerful that people can't imagine, then the chat group can't escape her eyes at all!

In this way, it makes sense!

That girl is not a chat group that she joined by normal means!

Maybe, she has hacked the chat group!

Thinking of this, Shan Shan took a deep breath, his eyes firmed up, his attention focused on the virtual frame of the chat group, and he typed a line of words cautiously.

The unlucky traveler: "Big Eye of Death, what you said...wasn't it me? [Weak, helpless and pitiful. JPG]"

The Eye of Death: "Yes, it's you."

Suddenly, Shannon had such an expression on his face.

The hapless traveler: "It turned out to be you, the boss of Death Eye. After that day, did you leave directly?"

The Eye of Death: "Yes, because there is no point in staying there. What's the matter? Missing me? [Mao Niang smiles on hips. JPG]"

Upon seeing this reply, the fir didn't know how to answer.

After a while, he hesitated to type out a line.

The unfortunate traverser: "...should be regarded as such."

Seeing the reply from Fir, Muhua Saki Yaxin suddenly stiffened on her face.

What should be considered?

This guy, a perfunctory answer.

Other people in the group also felt a little funny seeing this.

It seems that this hapless traverser is not only hapless, but also has no EQ, no wonder it is not good.

And in the DC parallel universe, Gotham City.

The Kryptonian sitting on a dark throne-Kraton!

At this moment, his attention is all in the chat group in his mind!

Seeing the unfortunate traverser, he naturally remembered that incident too!

So far, he still remembers the monster called the Runner King very clearly. It was also the first death crisis he encountered since crossing!

He was an invincible Kryptonite who was beaten so hard to fight back. Now that he saw any group of tasks, he didn't dare to go.

To put it simply, he was shadowed again, got PDST, and didn't dare to run into other worlds anymore.

The risks in another world are unknown. If you really encounter another mysterious big boss, it will not necessarily be the same as the time when you curse back to the world, and someone will save him.

And this time FATE is a world of high mystery that is famous.

World consciousness-Gaia and the collection of human consciousness-Alaya, these two supreme beings observe the world of FATE all the time. If they dare to invade, they may be like a curse to return to the world. The start is given to them. A copy of Nightmare difficulty, then they will directly GG.

And the return transmission of chat groups?

Since the failure last time, he never believed this stuff anymore.

Of course, during that mission, he didn't just harvest the shadows, but also met a super strong boss.

A girl with extraordinary appearance and great strength!

As far as I know, that girl should have the ability and strength to freely travel through the dimensional universe.

From this look, he knew that he must be comparable to those in the DC Universe with the strength of the multiverse.

Even to be an exaggeration, that girl has reached the strength of the almighty level.

That is, relative to the concept of DC God or the oaa of the Marvel world.

The concept of Marvel oaa:

He is the source of all metaphysical and metaphysical powers in nature. Metaphysical refers to phenomena that are produced by all thoughts (imagination, fantasy, YY, and meditation are all thought activities) that do not exist in our natural world and all real worlds, all times, and all spaces. Metaphysical refers to all concrete and real substances and forms.

Although, that girl can be powerful, not as good as these two.

However, in any case, these two seemingly invincible beings can only dominate their respective (multiverse) boxes.

But this young girl can jump out of the box and wander through the universe of all dimensions.

Looking at it this way, the existence of this young girl seemed to be much stronger.

However, no matter what, he knew that if the girl interfered with the chat group of the heavens, she would definitely have a chance to succeed.

Now, seeing the ID that cannot be displayed in the user group in the Eye of Death group, that's it. l

This girl directly interfered with the chat group.

Looking at it this way, it seems that with the shelter of this super powerful guy, this world can still be visited.

Clapton was lost in thought.

After half a moment.

His eyes typed a line firmly.

Not the **** of the world: "Big Eye of Death, take me, and I will go."

At this time, watching the group fell into a quiet Muhua Saki Yexin, he shook his head depressedly.

She knew that her appearance must have frightened the chat group.

Now, those idiots are brainstorming by just wait for them to calm down.

If there is no response after waiting, then she will go to FATE world by herself.

Thinking about it, Muhua Saki Yaxin's right eye's root source lighted up, and a smile hung from the corner of her mouth.

I have long wanted to see how my roots differ from the roots of the FATE world.

Perhaps, what is the connection.

At this moment, a notification tone for new messages in the chat group came.

Ding dong.

Muhua Saki Yaxin glanced sideways, and the corners of her mouth rose slightly.

"Interesting and interesting, your joining will definitely make that world more interesting."


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