The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 209: Arrive at FATE


Three o'clock in the morning.

Modern cities are lined with tall buildings, thousands of lights are extinguished, and the bustling streets in the daytime are only left with colorful neon lights, but the big streets are lonely.

Suddenly, a silk thunder arc swept through the air, and a trace of black spots appeared first, and then suddenly exploded, turning the black spots into black holes!

The surrounding space seems to be distorted by this **** hole, and the light seems to be swallowed by this black hole!

In a while!

The shock of the space around the black hole ceased.

I saw that a figure appeared from the black hole, the figure was not tall, and the figure was also very small.

That's right, Muhua Saki Yaxin.

She looked awake, and walked out lazily.

Following, she continued to walk out of several other people behind her.

An unusually strong man wearing a blue tights and a red cloak with a big letter S in the middle of the tights.

A man wearing a red cloud and black robe of the Hokage Xiao organization.

There is also a **** woman wearing denim shorts and a short yellow and white shirt.

As soon as the woman came out, she complained: "How do I remember that the transmission of the system does not seem to be like this."

Hearing the woman's complaints, Muhua Saki Yaxin paused, and then casually said with an indifferent expression: "Don't you think this kind of teleportation is very cool and powerful?"

"No, I just think it's conspicuous and useless."

The Uchiha party replied subconsciously.

However, it attracted Muhuasaki Yaxin's gloomy eyes.

After he was stunned for a second, he suddenly reacted to look at the cute girl in front of him and said in a panic:

"No, no, death's eye boss, I mean a low guy like me, using such a teleportation array is too wasteful, I'm just a useless spicy chicken."

Hearing this explanation, Muhua Saki Yaxin's eyes slowed slightly: "Huh~ I think you are sensible."

Then, she resumed her previous lazy posture and looked at the woman who had been covering her mouth and laughing and the tight-fitting Superman with a big S on her chest.

Muhua Saki Yexin rubbed her eyes sleepily, and let out a lazy voice like a cat whispering: "Um~ you introduce yourself first."

This scene made the woman's eyes stare.

"so cute!!"

The muscular Superman and Uchiha Kirito, who thought he was a straight steel man, also broke their defenses at this moment.

An awakened expression of "My old man is dripping with a young girl's heart", the old face is slightly red.

Muhua Saki Yaxin didn't see any reply for a long time, so she couldn't help tilting her head, and looked at the people in front of her with a look of confusion.

Seeing this spiritually tilted head, the woman felt that she was hit by a super killer, and finally she couldn't bear it. She ran over and hugged Muhua Saki Yaxin and squeezed in front of her face.

"So cute! So cute! Just like Chopper."

Muhua Saki Yaxin still pushed the woman's face away with a look of disgust: "Leave me away, you rude female human!"

That thought, at this time, Superman, who was tall and muscular, quietly came to Muhua Saki Yaxin and the woman.

Muhua Saki Yaxin also spotted the man, and while pushing the face of the fanatical woman Nami, he asked the "Superman" in confusion:

"Are you... okay? Still want to introduce yourself?"

I saw that this "Superman" lowered his head and groaned for three seconds, then suddenly raised his head and said with a serious face: "Big Eye of Death, let me hug..."

Muhua Saki Yaxin didn't wait for the man to say the whole sentence, and slammed it over and smashed him in the face!

bump! !

This punch made the sound of steel chattering!

There was a sonic boom and a round of shock waves!

I saw that the steel face of the "Superman" that couldn't be blown by missiles was directly deformed, and the whole face was twisted and crooked.

Bang! !

There was a roar!

The ground exploded and the smoke scattered.

"Superman" turned into a black streamer and rose directly into the sky, and disappeared into the sky for a moment.

Nami was lifted off by the blast, flew out two meters away to find the ground, and was wailing like a kitten while touching her butt.

Although Uchiha Kirito used Chakra to block the storm and the waves, he was cold sweaty and stiff.

He was afraid and rejoicing.

In fact, he just wanted to say "that man" just now, but fortunately "that man" said it first.

Otherwise, his small body wouldn't be able to withstand this punch, he would really die.

Although this big guy looks really cute, it's really terrible to hit his chest with a small fist!

Uchiha Kirito calmed down his emotions a bit, and after taking a deep breath, stood aside pretending to be nonchalant.

But at this moment, Muhua Saki Yaxin's red and murderous eyes suddenly glanced over!

Uchiha Kirito only felt as if he was being stared at by a demon, his heartbeat stopped suddenly, his face was cold and sweaty, but his expression was calm.

He even put on a wooden expression and looked down at the ground with a dull and foolish gaze.

As if to say again, I don't know what's going on.

what happened?

Does it matter to me?

I'm just a dumb passerby, it's none of my business.

Muhuasaki Yaxin looked at this picture, her eyes moved slightly, and she didn't pay attention.

This can be regarded as a warning from her, and there will be another offense, Xiaofenquan warning, the kind that is fatal.

Nami on the side, clutching her buttocks, walked over with a bitter expression on her face.

"Eye of Death, can you remind me next time you do it."

Muhua Saki Yaxin directly hugged her chest with her hands proudly, raised her head at a forty-five-degree angle, textbook-style proudly: "Huh~ I said it a long time ago, don't get so close to me."

Unexpectedly, as soon as she finished saying this, Nami directly pressed two big **** and held her high.

"But you are so cute. I really have no resistance to cute things."

As he said, that face came closer again, and Muhua Saki Yaxin's small face was a little deformed.

Muhua Saki Yexin looked depressed.

The boy Uchiha on the side looked envious.

At the same time, he also looked at the surrounding streets. Some residents seemed to be awakened by the loud noise just now, and many rooms were lit up.

"It seems we have been discovered..."

"But it doesn't seem to matter. After all, in Fuyuki City, gas explosions are very common."

More than half an hour later.

Craton, whose right cheek was swollen, finally flew back to the team.

Muhuasaki Yashin found a small table with a small product at the door as a conference table, and the four people sat around.

Muhua Saki Yashin stood up and patted the table, and said aggressively: "This time, the primary purpose of my coming to this world is to play!"

"Good! Very energetic!"

Craton complained inwardly. For this reason, he still said so aggressively, but you really have your loli boss.

Obviously, it's not just that he feels speechless.

Nami and Uchiha Kirito also felt a little bit so.

Nami shook her head, got rid of some complaints she wanted, and said frankly, "Shall we not save Sakura first?"

When Uchiha Kirito heard this, the expression on his face changed anxiously, and he nodded madly, "Yes, yes, I must save Sakura quickly! You know, she suffers from all the insects all the time. The bitterness of the body!"

Muhua Saki Yaxin patted the table again, and said with a serious face: "I know, so the first time I arrived in this world, I had saved Sakura, but you didn't know it."

As soon as Muhua Saki Yaxin said this, Nami opened her surprised mouth slightly.

Uchiha Kirito opened his mouth, and finally he could only slowly spit out two words: "Big guy bull~"

Craton, the quiet big guy on the side, silently gestured with a thumbs up.

Seeing this, Muhua Sakuya nodded proudly and satisfied: "Hmm~ It's none of your business, after all, you can't imagine the power of my eye of death."

"Since there are no objections, let me talk about the next plan."

"First of all, let me take a look at the root of this world..."



Hearing that the girl was going to see the root cause, Uchiha Kirito and Klatton exclaimed directly.

Only Nami, who didn't know it, looked puzzled on the side.

Muhua Saki night's face sank, and she said solemnly to the two men: "What's the matter, UU reading have any comments on my plan?"

They both shook their heads tacitly.

"That's fine. Don't make a fuss when listening to me."

Uchiha Kirito and Klatton looked at Muhua Saki Yashin's proud face, and suddenly they didn't feel that this girl was cute anymore.

Instead, there is an urge to beat her ass.

Although, they also knew that the girl's seemingly compelling statement was actually something that could be done easily and truly.

They can only mutter inwardly.

"Good job, you boss, you are awesome."

Muhuasaki Yaxin continued to talk about the plan.

"Later, I will confuse this Holy Grail War and let you pretend to be heroes and enter...Balabara..."

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