The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 210: The call begins!

In the world of FATE, the World of Holy Grail War is the main body of all the plots.

It happened in Fuyuki City, about once every sixty years.

Every sixty years, the spiritual power in the veins of Fuyuki City will accumulate enough, and then the super-large magic circle constructed by the three major magician families will launch a ritual to bring the legendary universal wishing machine-the Holy Grail to the world.

At this time, there will be seven magicians in the destiny as Masters, degrading to launch the magic "Spirit Summoning Ceremony·Heroic Spirit Summoning", summoning the Heroic Spirit Servant (servant) of the Hall of Valor through various media. Fight for the ownership of the Holy Grail.

Muhua Saki Yaxin patiently explained the little common sense of this world to the ignorant Nami.

However, Nami was still stunned, she didn't even know the nouns.

Muhua Sakiya covered her face: "Well, to put it simply! The Holy Grail War is the seven chosen men of destiny, bringing their respective heroes to a life-and-death duel, and those who win can get the Holy Grail! This paper!"

Nami suddenly understood: "Oh~~" she said.

"Oh~ you are so big!"


Muhua Saki Yashin akimbo her hips, her cute face exuding a burst of girlish pink domineering.

Nami nodded slightly: "Probably understand."

Muhua Saki Yaxin shook his head: "Understood, then the plan will be carried out."

Craton and Uchiha Kirito who were bored by the side were stunned.

"Didn't it mean to go and see the root cause first?"

Muhua Saki Yaxin directly gave the two a mysterious smile: "How do you know that I didn't see it?"

She did want to go straight to the root cause, but was stopped by someone.

In an absolutely pure white space, a small round table and three stools are placed.

Two little loli are sitting on two of the small stools.

The two of them are the manifestation of restraining power-the human collective subconscious Alaya consciousness and the earth will Gaia, they are preventing themselves from going to the root cause.

However, Muhua Saki Yexin is also a little curious about these two goods, and she is not in a hurry to go to the root cause and sit down on a small stool.

"Why stop me, I won't smash your root vortex."

The two little loli shivered suddenly, they stood up quickly and bowed to Muhua Saki Yaxin, "I'm sorry!!"

After speaking, they looked trembling, looking at Muhua Saki Yaxin, as if begging for something.

Seeing the two loli's scared expressions, Muhua Saki Yaxin felt a little funny: "So, just a word of apology, I thought it was all right?"

The two loli shivered again, they closed their eyes and bowed again: "Well, please don't ruin this world."

"I'm talking about something like a great demon who destroys the world." As he said, Sakiya Muhua tilted his head mentally: "Is I so scary?"

The two little loli nodded almost without thinking.

Then they shook their heads quickly: "No, no, not terrible."

"Since it's not terrible, why not serve me tea!" Muhua Saki Yaxin looked like a villain approaching, and patted the table heavily.

The two loli shook suddenly, and quickly showed the tea set in front of Muhua Saki Yexin.

"Are there no snacks except tea? Neither of you will entertain guests at all!"

When the two loli heard this, they suddenly looked crying, and then carried her own Hall of Valor.

Saber Mao Wang and Joan of Arc were forced to open business, and they all put on maid costumes to pour water or snacks on Muhua Saki's heart-packed tea.

A kind of spearmen such as Kuchurin perform martial arts or conduct wonderful battle drills on the sidelines.

Even Jin Shining was forced to open business, and with a distorted expression, the King’s Treasure House and the Palace of the Heroes, which were also forced to open, were engaged in a firework show.

And the instigator Muhua Saki Yaxin sat on a throne of a girl, appreciating it all with a satisfied expression on his face.

In fact, when she came here, Muhua Saki Yexin also understood that the roots here and the roots she possessed were basically two things.

Her roots probably have nothing to do with the roots here.

She was a little disappointed and a little happy.

This shows that her roots are stronger and her personality is higher.

In essence, the root of this world is no different from the world consciousness of other worlds.

So the FATE world is no different from other worlds.

She is still the one who can walk sideways.

Her roots can represent the oneness of all things in the infinite-dimensional universe, or it can represent the infinity of the future and past of the infinite-dimensional universe.

Although the root cause here is roughly the same in concept, it can only represent this world, and it is infinite with limits.

It only represents the knowledge of the world. The so-called omniscience is also a limited omniscience, which can be regarded as an ultimate knowledge base.

So it's totally incomparable with Muhua Saki Yexin's.

Muhua Saki Yaxin didn't worry about the root cause anymore, it didn't make sense anymore.

At the same time, the present war of heroic spirits has begun.

A complex magic circle was burned in the open space, and beside the magic circle stood a man with justice written all over his face. This man seemed to have many stories in his body, making him a little deep.

"Jiji, let's get started!"

Standing beside him was a very beautiful wife, with long beautiful silver-white hair and a golden scabbard in her arms.

Hearing his wife's urging, the man nodded: "Eri, put the holy relic on the altar."

Ellie nodded, trot all the way holding the scabbard, and then inserted the scabbard onto the altar.

When everything was ready, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath, then opened it suddenly:


"You are under me, entrust my destiny to your sword."

After speaking, take a deep breath and shout loudly:

"Follow the call of the Holy Grail, and if you follow this will and law, you will answer immediately!"

At the same time, the same scene appeared in other places in Fuyuki City!

A young man with long hair is also doing a heroic summoning ceremony, and the magic circle in front of him is shining brightly!

"I swear here. I am the good of the world and the evil of the world!"

In a dark basement, a gloomy old man stood on the steps, watching the man underneath declare in front of the magic circle:

"Make your eyes chaotic, and your soul violent. Prisoner imprisoned by the threshold of madness. I am the master who manipulates this chain!"

Screen split!

The magicians shouted different spells together:

"The three spirits surrounding you come from the wheel of restraint, the guardian of Libra!!"

The magic array suddenly lit up with absolutely dazzling brilliance!

However, some people's magic circle has undergone a sudden change.

Like the melancholy man at the beginning, when he finished chanting the spell, the magic circle in front of him suddenly changed. He felt that the air seemed to be flowing toward the magic circle in front of him!

The sky began to become dark clouds, a spiral eye of the storm took shape in an instant, thunder and gusts were everywhere!

The silver-white long-haired wife looked worried: "Kiji! What happened?"

The man named Kirishi looked blankly at the eye of the storm above the sky that was clearly aimed at this place. He didn't know what was going on?

Did he just pronounce the wrong line?

Or did he make a mistake in which step?

But at the next moment!

Suddenly he felt a moment of unresolved connection.

Suddenly, he felt that the magic power in his body was pulled away extremely quickly, and the magic circle in front of him began to change drastically!

It was as if the invisible hand was carving runes and lines, the entire magic circle was instantly expanded and turned into a super giant magic circle with a diameter of more than 20 meters!

At the same time, some spells began to appear in his mind, and he began to chant involuntarily:

"The creator of the world hidden in the source of infinite time!

Kai and the gate of destiny, borrow our bad hands!

Raise the trembling corner of the soul intertwined echoes!

Break the shackles that close you in the cracks of the world!

Unlock that infinite power!

Break the barriers of time and space!

Open up the unknown world!

Follow the traces of the flow of the stars and weave all your wishes!

Let's fill the world with fetters!

Creator! ! "

Hum! !

Thunder in the sky! !

The ground flashes like rain, UU reading www. is covered by a storm!

The terrifying magic circle shining a beam of light that connects the eyes of the wheat sky storm!

Illuminate the entire Fuyuki City like daytime!

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