The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 211: On Foreign Employment Agency—Creator

After the man named Kirishu shouted "creator!"!

Fuyuki City is illuminated by a beam of light!

at the same time!

In the other direction of Fuyuki City, a dark day has risen, sucking half of Fuyuki City into the boundless darkness!

The beam of light that illuminates everything that gives all the light and the absolute darkness of the dark day have divided the city of Fuyuki!

Half the light, half the darkness!

The ignorant citizens of Fuyuki were shaking.

The bewildered magicians are at a loss.

However, they all know one thing!

That's the thing about Fuyuki City!

Participants of the Holy Grail War also know that some changes have taken place in this Holy Grail War!

They also don't know what exactly this dark day and the light beam that connects the sky represents.

In a while!

This divine celestial phenomenon disappeared.

Fuyuki City returned to the night before.

But people's hearts are agitated.

At this moment, the citizens of Fuyuki can no longer be soothed by the news of a brick explosion.

After all, almost half of the citizens have witnessed this miraculous scene.

The Templar Church, which is responsible for alleviating panic among the people, is now one of the first and two largest.

"What the **** happened? Did anyone perform any large-scale magic rituals?"

"How much magic power is needed for a magic ritual of this scale? Someone used the Great Holy Grail?"

"That's impossible, the Holy Grail War is still going on, and the magic of the underground spirit veins has no trace of being shaken!"

"Then what happened!?"

However, this problem!

A man named Kirisu Eomiya also wanted to know.

He blankly looked at the two young girls appearing in front of him?

A man wearing a blue and white armor and battle skirt, with shoulder-length golden hair, and a faint breath of king exuding from his body, can be seen from the aquamarine pupils that he will never admit defeat, and he has a resolute look at himself. Scrutinize.

The other is a girl wearing a white holy robe, with different colors and pupils in her eyes, giving people a breath of supremacy in life and supreme holiness.

And this girl is slowly floating in the center of this giant magic circle, just like a goddess who descended into the world.

If he guessed right, the movement just now was made by calling this girl!

"Are you my master?"

The two girls asked in unison:

The vocal cord of the girl in the war skirt is the king's prestige, full of heroism.

The voice of the girl in the white holy robe is as sacred and ethereal as an immortal.

But this really confuses Weimiya Kirito.

He rubbed his temples with a headache, felt his hollowed body, and resisted not letting himself fall. First, he said to the blond girl in the battle group: "The legendary king of knights, King Arthur-Altria Pan Dragon?"

Altria nodded: "Exactly."

The man shook his head: "Unexpectedly, the legendary Knight King is actually a girl."

Altria frowned: "Are you looking down on me?"

The man did not answer this question but looked at another girl: "So, who are you?"

Altria lowered her head and frowned and looked at the man in front of her.

The ethereal girl who was asked smiled at the man, but her feet were slightly lighter, and her body fell from the air to the ground as light as a feather, and a pair of white tender bare feet stepped on the ground like this.

The girl leaned on her chest and smiled and replied, "Have you heard of Nu Wa?"


The man named Kirishu Eomiya was taken aback for a moment, then suddenly looked at the girl, his eyes widened in shock:


The girl smiled softly: "You can call me creator."

He was stunned, how could he not know Nuwa!

This is a character in the mythology and legend from the ancient eastern country!

Goddess of Creation-Nuwa!

No wonder it's called creator!

He should have thought of it long ago!

&or! Creator!

Why is there a hero of this specification come to the world!

No, does this type of heroic spirit have so much magic power to supply?

Weimiya Kirishu thought of his evacuated body. If he did it again, he would not be drawn magically, and his vitality would probably be exhausted!

"Don't worry about the master, I can add magic power by myself."

The sacred girl seemed to read the man's heart, and replied softly.

Keishi Weimiya was taken aback for a moment, and then nodded: "So that's the case, but please don't read my thoughts randomly in the future, please creator."

The girl covered her mouth and smiled: "I will try my best."

The man frowned, and it seemed that this Nuwa was not easy to control!

"Yes, after all, even such things as curses have no effect on me."


In this way, doesn't it mean that!

This heroic spirit was summoned, but was completely uncontrollable?

"That's right, human beings, but if the creation **** can be controlled by a little magic, then I will really be laughed at."

Weimiya Keiji frowned, he thought that if he unintentionally summoned the heroic spirit of this priestly rank, this Holy Grail war would be safe!

It seems that this heroic spirit only came to this world through his hands!

"Then, why are you summoned by me?" Eimiya Keishi asked sharply.

"Well~ I'm probably a little bored, I want to come here to have a fun."

The ethereal girl smiled.

Such jokingly casual remarks made Weimiya Kirisu a headache, and he said with a cold expression: "You came to this world for a purpose, right?"

Nu Wa covered her mouth and chuckled: "Hehe~ Don't worry, I really have no purpose. And after all, you are the one who summoned me. I usually listen to your orders."

"hope so."

The man stared at the so-called Nuwa with cold eyes.

Just when the two looked at each other!

But the knight king behind was angry. She felt that she was left out. It was obviously this man who summoned herself and ignored her!

The more you think, the more mad, the more mad the more you think!

The Sword of Oath of Victory in Altria’s hand had not yet come into existence. Just when he was about to lift the sword to kill someone, Mrs. Alice Feier suddenly came out and grabbed the Knight King girl and comforted her. .

"Don't... don't do this, Keishi didn't mean to him."

Altria was stunned for a moment, looked at the woman with long silver and white hair, her brows were frowned and she did not forcefully break free.

At this time, Eimiya Kiritugu came over.

Altria looked at him.

"Then I will call you saber from now on."

Altria looked at the cold man in front of him, naturally not much better: "Humph!"

Eimiya Kirishu didn't care, but still had a cold expression: "My goal is to win the Holy Grail, saber."

Altria took a deep breath and endured the man's impoliteness. She also didn't want to break the relationship with her master: "Me too, I hope you won't let me down!"

Without saying anything, Eimiya Kirishu nodded, turned around and left.

Muhua Saki Yexin Version (Nuwa) happily followed behind her.

Saber looked at the girl tilted her head, and for some reason, there was always a strange sense of sight when she saw this girl.

"Leave saber."

Alice Mayer pulled Altria's hand.


A dark basement.

Craton, wearing a dark black Superman tabard, stood on the summoning magic circle. In addition to him, there was a hero in black armor.

"This is!?"

Jian Tong Yanye looked at the two heroes in front of him with shock.

An old man with an insidious face, leaning on a cane, laughed: "Hahaha! I didn’t expect it to have unexpected gains! But for you, having an extra hero is not a good thing, after all, with your magic power , It’s very difficult to supply a hero. But I have other ways to solve this! As long as..."


Suddenly, the body of the old worm who hadn't finished speaking exploded into a paralyzed liquid, UU reading only had one head flying in the air, and that head still showed an incredulous look.

Because, in front of him, what he saw was the weird hero in the black robe.

This heroic spirit suddenly punched his body into a pool!

"What are you doing!?"

However, Kraton, who was wearing a dark shirt, had red light in his eyes like burning iron, and a weird smile appeared on his mouth.

"you you!!"

Zi Zi Zi! !

Two red laser beams flew out from the surface, penetrating the walls and roof of Jian Tong's house and crashing into the sky!

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