The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 213: Are insecticides really not working?

Jian Tong's is a large mansion, which has become fragmented at this moment. The roof has broken several large holes, the surrounding walls are full of cracks, and half of the rooms have collapsed. It can be said that the entire mansion has reached the point where it is about to collapse.

"Little old bug~Where are we going to go~"

Craton is two meters tall, with a sturdy figure, walking slowly in this ruin-like room step by step, with a playful expression on his face like a cat catching a mouse.

As for the dirty inkstone in the only remaining house in this mansion, of course, through a little magic, you can naturally and clearly observe the situation outside, and you can also hear the oppressive footsteps!

He gritted his teeth: "This bastard! Where did the old man provoke you!"

But at this time!

Zi Zi Zi! !

Boom! !

The wall on the left of Jian Tong's dirty inkstone turned red directly, and then!

boom! !

Two terrifying laser beams came directly through the wall. At this moment, the dirty inkstone couldn't react as much as it could be. The laser was directly swept by the laser, and the body broke in two and fell to the ground.

"Peek-a-boo can't hide well, I really found it again by Lao Tzu~"


The wall just collapsed!

The smoke was scattered, and in the smoky environment, Craton's tall figure appeared in the smoke.

"It's really embarrassing, bugs."

The smoke diffused, Kraton, with his hands on his chest, stood in front of the two-sectioned old bug with a playful expression.

However, at this moment, those two bodies suddenly melted into dense swarms of small insects and scattered.

An extremely cold voice came out of the room behind Craton.

"Your Excellency, do you have any misunderstandings?"

Clapton frowned and turned around.

Sure enough, I saw the figure of Jian Tong's dirty inkstone!

This bald, skinny limbs are as thin as a mummy, and the deep eye sockets show awkward excitement. The short, hump-backed man, no matter his appearance or behavior, is different from the ordinary weird old man!

This old man still had a gloomy expression, even if he was killed a few times, there seemed to be no trace of battle on his body!

Wearing an ultramarine and dark gray kimono, holding a wooden walking stick in his hand, his body still exudes an unpleasant smell of corruption, which is disgusting!

"This guy..." Craton had extremely disgusted eyes in his eyes.

According to his understanding of Jian Tong's dirty inkstone, and the exploration of his own transcendent senses now!

He can clearly know that the smell of corruption from this disgusting bug is the same as those of corrupted corpses, it smells unpleasant!

This old man should have died long ago, but he is still alive.

That's because this guy was resurrected by eating other people's flesh as a substitute!

This old worm is just such a parasite that continues to live on the flesh of others.

A parasite that has lived for five hundred years!

Therefore, Kraton had no intention of wanting to chat with this thing at all, his eyes became red again, this time he was going to burn this disgusting old bug with the most powerful hot sight!

The dirty inkstone of Jian Tong naturally also discovered his intention to attack, knowing that he could not avoid it, and did not choose to avoid it.

"Is that so? It seems impossible to mediate!"

Then, two big beams of hot sight directly bombarded Jian Tong's dirty inkstone!

However, the dirty inkstone of Jiantong was directly incarnate as a swarm and scattered on the ground!

Let these two beams of hot sight be directly empty!

Clapton suddenly closed his hot eyes and frowned as he watched a group of crawling bugs on the ground.

"How tenacious, you bug!"

On the other side, Jian Tong Yanye had already arrived in the worm nest in the basement, and took Jian Tongying, who had lost sight of her eyes, into her arms.

However, Yan Ye felt a little strange at the moment, because he didn't expect to be able to save Sakura so easily. Just now in the swarm, Sakura seemed to be protected by a magical ball of light, and was not eroded by the swarm.

When he went down to the Worm Nest, the bugs actually avoided him.

This really makes him feel incredible!

Sure enough, he was right to bet this wave!

That strange heroic spirit can surely subdue that old guy!

That's right, although his fear of Jiantong's dirty inkstone made him hardly dare to resist this old bug!

However, since the hero said that he could be solved, he naturally wouldn't be afraid anymore!

After all, I still have Lance Rock!

Jian Tong Yanye looked at the curse in his hand, took a deep breath, hugged Sakura tightly and hurried out!

After all, there is a barrier set up by the old man in the Ma Tong family, and it is always unsafe here!

Watching the door approaching in front of you!

However, he was inexplicably frightened.


Hearing this sound, Jian Tong Yan Ye's figure was shocked, and he quickly backed away, away from the door in front of him.

I saw that the door in front of me suddenly opened!

Outside the gate, there is no light, only deep darkness!

In the darkness, something seems to be surging, and there seems to be something huge hidden in the darkness!

Jian Tong Yan night swallowed a mouthful of saliva, he naturally knew what it was!

insect! All bugs!

Thinking of this, he felt the engraved insects in his body biting his own flesh and blood, and the nerves in his body began to ache, and he couldn't help howling: "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!

At this moment, the wave surging in the darkness outside the door seemed to have heard a horn, and a large number of insects squeezed out in an instant, like a sea wave, engulfing Jian Tong Yanye's body, and then swept the entire room like a tide!

call out!

Craton, who was moving here at high speed, felt that his scalp was tingling when he saw this scene. This was not to say that he was scared, but that he was disgusted.

A large number of weird bugs entangled in front of one's own eyes, and everyone would feel sick.

In particular, most of the bugs are still very nasty.

Klapton suddenly turned red: "Get out of here!"

Zi Zi Zi! !

Two beams of hot sight are combined into one beam, which turns into a half-meter-diameter laser beam and sweeps directly at the wave of bugs!

One swipe is the worms along the straight line are burned to death!

However, Kraton didn't dare to be too messy, after all, he also knew that Jian Tong Yanye and Ying were in the swarm!

However, according to his powerful super vision, he can use his hot sight to perform surgical micro-manipulations!

I saw that a thick laser beam swept back and forth in the insect swarm like a scalpel. The ray cut finely around Jiantong Yanye and Sakura, perfectly cutting the distance between the insect and the two!

However, this seems to treat the symptoms rather than the root cause, and the bugs seem to be endless.

At this time, the cold voice came from the insect swarm.

"It's not a simple thing to kill the old man who masters all kinds of insect techniques."

Clapton frowned upon hearing the words.

Indeed, this old immortal who has lived for five hundred years is not so easy to kill.

He didn't understand magic, and he couldn't recognize the real body of the old bug with super vision and super hearing.

As far as he knows, Jiantong dirty inkstone itself can also be said to be made of insects, so it can live for a long time. Although his feverish sights hit the head of the dirty inkstone of Matsumoto with precision, and even burned most of his body, they failed to kill him.

If you want to really kill Jian Tong's dirty inkstone, you must completely wipe out the true body of his insect.

Roar! !

A berserker dressed in black armor and an unknown aura-Lancelot is finally here as the savior!

He didn’t know where to go, pulled out a street lamp and enchanted it with his treasure "Knight does not die with bare hands". The original street lamp was covered by magical lines, and the lines around the lines were flashing with black thunder arcs, which looked extra cool. !

Lancelot led the enchanted street lamp like this, waving like an autumn wind sweeping fallen leaves, sweeping away the insects in front of him!

Keep Jian Tong Yanye and Sakura by his side.

However, in the face of such small and diverse creatures as insects, his street lamp is obviously a little weak. In a few blinks, a few weird insects climbed on his feet, although they were shocked to the ground by the magic power on his body. .

However, there is also what he has overlooked, Jian Tong Yan Ye and Sakura next to him!

But fortunately, with Craton, he directly killed the insects that broke into Tong Yanye's side by the hot sight micromanipulation.

However, this is also a temporary solution instead of a permanent cure.

At this moment, a lot of bugs climbed on his feet beside him.

He felt very sick and angry, but he was a little weak!

"Disgusting bug, get out of me!"

He stomped heavily and directly exploded a layer of air, blasting all the bugs away!

Then he flew over and grabbed Jian Tong Yan Ye and Ying, and then directly chose to escape!

He felt right now that the protector was too aggrieved!

Standing in this courtyard already occupied by worms like tide water, he has no place to do anything!

As long as these two cumbersomes are sent away, he will kill him back and directly thwart the old bug!

puff! !

While thinking about how to retaliate, Craton accidentally increased the speed of his flight by a bit, directly breaking through three times the speed of sound!

In a flash, across hundreds of meters!

Jian Tongyan held her unconscious Sakura in her arms, and looked at the terrifying speed, a little panic aroused by the violent rain.

However, strangely, he didn't seem to feel any strong winds.

Craton didn't intend to explain the principle of his biological force field, so he flew silently for about ten seconds, came to the edge of a deep forest, and put the two down.

"You are here waiting for me to win!"

With that said, Clapton clenched his fists and was about to take off.

Suddenly, Jian Tong's eyes glared, pouting.

Spit out a big mouthful of black and red blood on the spot...

Craton frowned, stopped, and turned to look at Jian Tong Yanye.

"How are you?"

Jian Tong Yanye could feel the engraved insect in his body at this moment, it seemed to be extremely crazy, and the bite had touched his heart.

However, he didn't get close to the heart, just gnawing some nerves, making him miserable.

At this moment, he also understood that this was the old man's warning.

If I don’t send Sakura back, and then use a spell to solve this fantasy hero, he will probably die...

Jian Tong Yanye looked at the sakura with godless eyes in her arms, which seemed to be like a puppet that lost her soul.

With his half-paralyzed face, he tried his best to show an ugly but extremely gentle smile. This is the limit he can do, he said softly:

"Sakura, it's okay... it's okay, I won't be afraid of that old bug anymore, I will get rid of him."

A look flashed through Ying's godless eyes, but disappeared without a trace.

Jian Tong Yanye felt more distressed as he watched, and hated his weakness.

He raised his head, looked at Clarton, and nodded.

"Go, don't worry about me. I know, even if I die, you won't be sent back to the Hall of Valor, right."

Craton looked at the man in front of him, and he could see that the engraved insect in his body was gnawing at his body all the time!

However, this man can still show such a smile!

Clapton couldn't help tightening his fists, and then nodded blankly.

Jian Tong Yan night smiled: "Sure enough, you really have super free movement ability, I'm afraid it is EX level..."

"Go ahead, leave me alone..."

With that said, Jian Tong Yanye did not continue to look at Klatten, but cast her endless tender eyes on the distressed loli girl Sakura at this moment.

This, a girl who is just like her own daughter, this girl who hasn't protected herself well.

Thinking about it now, as expected, all of this is the fault of time...

Craton didn't hesitate anymore, he jumped with anger!

boom! !

The ground burst instantly!

Craton instantly broke through and leapt into the air, and flew straight towards Jia Tong's house!

He vowed to kill this old bug thousands of times!

Halfway through the flight, he suddenly remembered.


It seems that he can call foreign aid!

He didn't have the perfect assurance that he would really kill the old bugs, if the time was delayed.

That Yan Ye is not dead!

If that girl comes, it won't be done in minutes!

Thinking of this Craton, he immediately used his super vision to find the girl's position.

However, he didn't know if he didn't look for it, and he was dumbfounded when he looked for it.

This boss, what time is there to go there?

The courtyard of the Tong family.

Muhua Saki Yashin stood in the worm sea in the courtyard, surrounded by tide-like worms, and it seemed that he would run into worms with a slight movement.

However, these insects seemed to be jealous, and did not directly swarm them, swallowing Muhuasaki Yaxin, but twisted around. Only a few occasionally made tentative attacks, and then turned into ashes like self-immolation. Dissipated on the way.

"Who are you, who sent you?" A cold voice came from the pile of worms.

Muhua Saki Yaxin said with a holy smile: "Ah~ this world is really filthy, there is still this kind of garbage."

Seeing this weird girl, as the Patriarch of the Jian Tong family, an old monster who has lived for hundreds of years, with his insights and calculations, he can think of many things from the little clues in this girl.

church? The other two magician families? Or other forces—or even that one?

The old bug could feel the divine nature in this girl's body, and it seemed that she could still see the aura.

This is really incredible!

"I don't seem to have any grudges with your Excellency?"

The old bug asked vigilantly.

He felt like he had some bad luck, how could he always meet these strange characters against him.

Muhua Saki Yaxin shook her head, and then nodded again: "We seem to have no grudges, but we have a bit of grudges at intervals! After all, you dare to do that kind of thing to such a cute Sakura sauce, this is unforgivable. thing.

So, I decided to give you an unforgivable curse punitively. "

After speaking, Muhua Saki Yaxin immediately raised his hand, realized a branch, and turned to the place where the sound just made, and waved it casually.

"Avada gnaws big melon!"

Suddenly, a thunderous arc of magic flame shot out from his and her hands, blinking and bombarding the swelling insect nest.

The worms at that location suddenly dispersed, revealing the body of Jiantong's dirty inkstone that was hiding inside, crawling on the ground, still with blood on his head but not dead.

A strange voice came from the dirty inkstone of Matsumoto, with endless horror.

Although he has an old body, the body of Jiantong dirty inkstone is a bug hidden in the body. As long as the worm does not die, he can continue to live.

However, just now, the strange thunder arc shot from the girl's hand and directly hit his body.

At the moment it was hit, Jian Tong's dirty inkstone felt that the body, which was hidden elsewhere in the body and was ready to change places, was pierced at the same time and could not move.

Moreover, it seems that even his soul has a sense of tearing!

The old bug made a weird sound, and seemed very frightened: "No! No! No!!!"


The remnant body covered with insects directly ignited a green flame, and the body and soul of UU Reading were all being burned.

The tearing sensation of the soul and the burning sensation of the body being corroded by flames made him extremely painful!

This painful taste, as if he gave birth to 1.4 billion babies overnight, is indescribable, extremely exaggerated, and tormented like hell!

The other fleeing insect swarms seemed to feel the pain of their owners, and began to roll and struggle on the spot.

The pain seems to be linked to the old bug's senses, this moment!

He seems to have reached the root cause with the extreme of pain...

And Muhua Saki Yaxin just turned around and left with a bored expression on her face.

Le Wen

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