The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 214: Sakura Sakura

Dim Sum shop.

Muhua Saki Yashin took the absent-minded Makiri Sakura into her arms, with a pity on her face.

Poor Sakura, in fact, she is the youngest daughter of Tosaka Tosaka, the head of the Tosaka clan of the three magic families. The real name should be called Tosaka Sakura.

It's just that the old bug would treat Sakura like this.

"That old bug!" Seeing Ma Tongying's condition, Kraton clenched his fists again in resentment.

"Okay, that bug has been cleansed by me, Sakura doesn't need to be afraid anymore." Kihua Saki Yaxin gently touched Sakura's head and said softly.

Ying's absent-minded eyes finally had a little color, but they were still a little dazed.

Jian Tong Yanye also looked distressed when he saw this, stretched out his hand, but didn't know what to say.

Muhua Saki Yexin looked up at Jian Tong Yanye at this moment, and said seriously:

"Sakura will take care of her from now on, so don't let me know that you are not good to her in the future! Otherwise, I will purify you too!"

"Okay." Jian Tong Yanye nodded heavily, speaking of which, before then, he had always given Sakura gifts.

If it weren't for Tosaka Tokimin!

How could Sakura become like this!

Thinking about it, Yan Ye clenched his fists again.

He looked at Sakura again, and looked at her as if she had lost her soul, and felt helpless in her doll-like state.

After all, she had gone through those things, how old she was... Jian Tong dirty inkstone had already used the engraving insect on Ying's body, throwing her into the worm's nest, and let her suffer from inhuman torture.

At an age when she was supposed to be naive, she suffered such torture!

All this is the fault of time!

He is not worthy of being Ying's father, not worthy of...

"What are you thinking about? Those who have suffered a lot of grievances, Engraving Chongwu has helped you cleanse me, and those hurt me have also helped you heal.

Do you still want to fight the Holy Grail War? To pull out Tosaka Tokimin? "


Jian Tong Yan Ye was a little stunned at this moment, staring at Mu Hua Saki Yexin blankly.

"By the way, what are you?"

"I am a hero, and you should be considered hostile."


Jian Tong Yanye's eyes widened.

However, Muhua Saki Yaxin held Sakura indifferently and asked her to sit on her lap, while holding a spoon, digging a small piece of strawberry cake and sending it to Sakura's mouth.

Makiri Sakura looked at the cake in front of her, and looked at Muhua Saki Yaxin blankly, as if she had no intention of opening her mouth.

Probably she had adapted to the endless torture, and for a while, she had not had time to adapt to this sudden beauty.

Muhua Saki Yaxin probably also knows this loli's mood at this moment, she also has enough patience, squinted and smiled: "Open your mouth, ah~"

Sakura hesitated for a moment, but opened her mouth mumu and took a bite of the cake.

After taking a bite, her eyes flashed suddenly, and then she fell silent back to the original sluggishness.

Muhua Saki Yaxin didn't care when she saw it, she was like Sakura's sister, digging out the little cake spoon by spoon and feeding it to Sakura.

Jian Tong Yanye looked at the warm appearance of Muhua Saki Yexin and Sakura, and couldn't bear to interrupt, so she almost looked to the side of Kraton.

Klatton also noticed Ma Tong Yan Ye's eyes at this moment, which seemed to be asking about his relationship with Muhua Saki Yexin.

Craton just spread his hands on this, saying that he has no comment.

Soon, the time for Muhuasaki Yexin to feed passed.

And after feeding, Ma Tong Ying seemed to have recovered some normal little girls' posture at this moment.

In this way, in order to allow Sakura to continue to recover, Sakura Yashin Kihana took Sakura's little hand and began to wander around the street.

"Sakura sauce~ I'm going to buy you so many cool and beautiful clothes!"

Ever since, Kihana Saki Yashin began to take Sakura to various boutiques.

"Na na na ~ Sakura sauce, come and try this shiny little skirt."

Sakura is still very clingy, but she didn't refuse Saki Yashin.

In this way, she passively changed into lovely clothes one after another.

In the process, Sakura's eyes began to fluctuate, and something called happiness that she hadn't felt for a long time in her heart seemed to be overflowing in her heart.

at the same time.

The two big men Jian Tong Yanye and Klaton began to become distressed, they were like two attendants...

No, it should be said that the bodyguard.

Following Muhua Saki Yaxin, he enters and exits various women's clothing stores.

The two big men of them were embarrassed to the extreme in such a place. They neither dared to move nor dared to glance at them, just like two dumb melons.

In this way, Muhua Saki went shopping for two hours and bought a lot of things in large and small bags.

Naturally, Jian Tong Yanye and Klatton are responsible for taking things.

"Girls like Sakura should like to eat sweets."

Kihana Saki Yashin said next to Sakura, "Well, of course there are cute teddy bears, right."

Muna's Sakura nodded subconsciously at this moment.

Muhua Saki smiled when she saw it, "Okay, then I will take Sakura to buy snacks and toys!"

Ever since, another hour later, on the back seat of a car, there were several doll bears that were a little bigger than Ma Tong Ying, and next to them were piles of various candies and potato chips. , Jelly and other snacks.

Ma Tongying sits between two huge doll bears, holding a cute little Corgi in her arms. This Corgi seems to like Ma Tongying very much, and she sticks out her tongue to lick her little cheek from time to time.

Ma Tongying's blank, expressionless face seemed to finally have some expressions, conveying the meaning of a dazed face and sudden happiness.

"It seems that Sakura likes them very much." Muhua Saki Yaxin said to Ma Tong Yanye in the driving seat.

"Well, but sure enough, I still have to go to the hospital. Ying's psychological problem is too serious." Jian Tong Yanye worriedly said.

"Well, that's fine. But you have to find the best nursing home, the best and most beautiful nursing staff, and the best doctor. Sakura immediately received the best care and made her a beautiful woman. Bright little Gongju!"

Muhua Saki Yaxin emphasized on the side.

Jian Tong Yanye twitched his mouth: "Although I really want to do this, I don't have that much money."

"I have it."

With that, Muhua Saki Yaxin took out a bank card and said with a grin: "Don't worry, my money is endless."

Jian Tong Yanye felt a little strange: "You won't be your master's bank card, are you?"

"Yes, his money is my money, it doesn't matter how you spend it."

The corners of Tongyan Ye’s mouth twitched, and he felt distressed for the Lord, just looking at the way Muhua Saki Yexin spent money just now.

It is difficult not to overdraft more than one billion with this card, and hope that the poor lord will not go bankrupt.

"Okay, don't worry, let's go, I just happen to be hungry, let's go to the best restaurant in Fuyuki City to have a meal." Muhua Saki Yaxin said with a grin.

Jian Tong Yanye was a little emotional, maybe her master is really rich.

"Well, I know there is a very good restaurant, not far from it."

On the other side, Germany.

The old man of the Patriarch of Einzbelurg looked at the bill in his hand, his fingers quivered twice, touched his heart and comforted himself: "It's okay, as long as the Holy Grail War is won, spending a few dollars is nothing..."

"Eimiya Kirishu, if you fail to capture the Holy Grail this time, I will let Alice divorce you!"

A roar came from inside the castle.

Uemiya Kiritugu, who was far away in Fuyuki City, suddenly sneezed, and Hisou Maiya next to him asked with concern: "What's the matter?"

"It's okay." Weimiya Kirishu frowned and said, supplying the magic power of the two heroes was a considerable burden for him.

Had it not been for the hero Muhua Saki Yashin who belonged to the free-action ex+ of the foreign system, it would greatly reduce the magic consumption of Eimiya Kirito. Maybe he is already kneeling directly now.

But this is the case, now his magic power still seems to be anxious, the inherent time control that can be easily used before, now it will be very tired to use it once.

Fortunately, he is not a pure magician. Kirito Uemiya has always regarded magic as a means. For him, there is no difference between firearms and magic, and he will use whichever works.

It is precisely for this reason that Eomiya Kirisu still maintains a considerable combat effectiveness even when there is almost no way to use magic. At least with his skill and shooting level, with special bullets such as the origin bullet, it is still a huge threat to the magician.

"Next, act according to the plan!"

Jiuyu Wumi nodded when he heard the words: "I see!"

Saki Yaxin, the culprit of all this, just had a meal and walked out of the restaurant with Sakura's little hand contentedly.

"Satisfying." Muhuasaki Yexin touched her belly contentedly.

Just about to say something to Yingjiang, her face suddenly changed slightly, and then a funny smile appeared: "Hehe, it seems that something funny has happened."

As he said, Muhua Saki Yaxin looked at Sakura: "Sakura, you follow your uncle and them first, I have something wrong."

Sakura heard the words and looked at Muhua Saki Yaxin with some worry, and her little hand grasped Muhua Saki Yaxin's fingers tightly.

Muhua Saki touched Sakura’s small head: “Don’t worry, I’m super strong, do you know who I am? My setting in this world is the **** of creation, does Nuwa know? I’m Nuwa. ? So no matter what, I can't have anything to do."

Kozakura was a little anxious at the moment, and some resentment showed in her eyes: "Really?"

Hearing Ying's voice, Jian Tong Yanye and Klatton were both surprised.

This is the first sentence Sakura has said so far!

Muhua Saki Yaxin smiled, and gently rubbed Sakura's hair and said, "Really, I will come back to you in a while, don't worry."

Sakura's eyes stared at Muhua Saki Yaxin tightly: "Don't regret it."

"Well, absolutely no regrets."

Hearing Muhua Saki Yaxin's promise, Sakura reluctantly let go of her hand.

Muhua Saki Yaxin smiled, her body gradually blurred, and she waved to Sakura, "I will be back soon."

After speaking, he disappeared in place.

"Well, did you start?" Klatton said solemnly.

Jian Tongyan nodded at night: "Yeah, speaking of it, we are also the target. If we are spotted by the enemy on the street, then Sakura is likely to be in danger."

Craton folded his arms and said, "Don't worry, I can't get close to me easily! My super vision and super hearing are not vegetarian!"

Jian Tong Yanye sighed: "Hope."

On the other side, Kirisu Eomiya directly called Saki Yashin for support, which means that they—or Alice Phil and Altria have encountered an enemy, and the real Holy Grail war has begun!

At this time, under the street lamp in the dark, Altria was fighting a man with a mole with tears, holding two guns, and knowing that he was out of luck.

Each attack between the two weapons will wipe out golden sparks, bringing out the roaring sound of breaking through the air.

Alice Phil stood next to her with a trace of worry on her face.

On a tall tower far away from here, Muhua Saki Yashin suddenly flashed beside Eomiya Kiritugu, supporting the tower wall with one hand, and said with a proud smile: "Why are you looking for me over here? Okay, there is nothing wrong, don't you bother me?"

Eimiya Kiritugu was already very comfortable with Muhua Saki Yashin's rudeness to him, and he didn't care, so he directly handed him a telescope and pointed it in the other direction.

Muhua Saki Yaxin took the binoculars, was stunned, and then threw it away. She shook her hair proudly with a small hand and said, "I don't need this kind of boring thing."

Then, Kiritsugu Eomiya watched the binoculars fall on the tower board like this. Then, a bullet fell directly out of the fence and out of the tower, and fell down from the high school.

Watching this scene, Eomiya Kirishu's mouth twitched. He turned his head and looked at Muhua Saki Yaxin with a black face: "Then do you think I need it?"


Muhua Saki stayed in a daze, looked at the black-faced man in front of her, and glanced at the darkness outside the tower where the ground was barely visible. She immediately scratched her face with embarrassment: "Aha ~That, you shouldn't need it either."

Weimiya Kirisu's face was dark, he regretted now, he regretted calling this guy over!

Muhua Saki looked at the expression of the man in front of him, and smiled directly: "Okay, okay, I am the goddess of creation. It is a problem with a telescope, how can it be difficult to get me."

"Then you got the telescope back for me!" Eimiya Kirishu roared angrily.

"After all, I don't need such a thing."

Muhua Saki Yashin was a bit afraid of getting angry, and he raised his hand casually and snapped his fingers.

"Give you the protection of the eagle eye."

At the next moment, Eimiya Kiritugu suddenly felt his eyes slightly itchy, and then the world in front of him seemed to be particularly clear.

He was stunned, then turned his head and looked forward!

It was an amazing discovery that I could clearly see the scene hundreds of meters away!

Eomiya Kirishu turned his head to look at Muhua Saki Yashin, with shock in his eyes.

Muhua Saki Yaxin was extremely enjoying the look, and said proudly with her arms akimbo: "Hmm~ I'm talking about it, it's just a trivial matter."

Seeing Muhua Saki Yashin's arrogant appearance, the trace of worship that Weimiya Kirishu had just surged out suddenly disappeared.

This guy is really just a goddess!

I can't praise her in the past, I really just give a little look, this guy can take off!

Thinking about it, Eimiya Kirisu shook his head, then returned to his former cold face, returned to a "working" state, and pointed his finger to a strange black-robed man in a distant location: "Isn't it possible to see that guy? "


Muhua Saki said casually: "Didn't you say that this guy is dead?"

The strange black-robed man who was a few hundred meters away was the assassin hiding in the dark, and he didn't know that Wei Gong Qishi had discovered him.

But speaking of it, it was really shameful that an assassin spirit was found by a mere mortal magician.

"It's not that simple," said Keishi Uemiya: "You follow him and find his master."

Before that, Kirishu Eomiya had watched the video of the assassin being killed by the servant. At that time, he thought it was not that simple, but now UU reading accidentally discovered this assassin who should have died.

This shows that its master wants to use this non-existent dead person to do something sneaky!

So he directly recruited Muhua Saki Yaxin and asked him to take charge of the assassin.

As for Eimiya Kirisu, he is of course responsible for finding the lord of the gunmen who are fighting Altria on the field.

"His lord, I know." Muhua Saki Yaxin said to Eomiya Kiritugu casually.

"you know?"

Weimiya Kirishu was stunned: "Who is that?"

"It seems to be a guy named Qili. If I am not mistaken, that guy will kill his teacher in the future."

Weimiya Keishu was stunned immediately: "Huh?"

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