The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 215: It's not just gold glittering

Hearing Muhua Saki Yashin casually speaking about the future, Uemiya Kiritugu was really shocked.

He did not doubt the authenticity of what Muhana Saki Yaxin said!

Because, he also thought about it, and knew that certain heroic spirits did have the ability to meet the future or see the future!

It's not surprising that Nuwa, who is the agency of the creation priest, should have the corresponding ability.

Weimiya Kirishu asked quickly: "Then, do you know the real name of this spear-level hero? And his master!"

"Of course, what is the name of this lucky pikeman... um... it seems to be called Chu Kulin, and the master is Kenneth."

Muhua Saki Yaxin thought about it for a while and then replied.

Regarding this, Kirisu Uemiya narrowed his eyes, he didn't expect to get the information so easily.

"So, do you know where the lord of the lancer is now?"

Muhua Saki Yaxin immediately shook his head: "I don't know."

"Is that so?"

Hearing Muhua Saki Yashin's answer without hesitation, I don't know, Kiritugu Eomiya suddenly thought a little bit more carefully.

"Well, then Creator, you are still responsible for following the assassin, if you find his lord, then solve him!"

Muhua Saki Yashin nodded when he heard the words, and then stared at Eomiya Kiritugu.

Weimiya Kirishu was a little stunned: "What's the matter, is there any problem?"

"What is my reward?"


Weimiya Kirishu couldn't help but the corners of his mouth twitched again.

Sure enough, it is not so easy to command this goddess of crumbs.

Keishi Weimiya resisted the discomfort, and raised a finger: "A royal cake!"

Muhua Saki Yaxin suddenly shook his head firmly!

Weimiya Kirishu raised two fingers: "Two copies!"

Muhua Saki Ye's heart is still unshakable!

"Three copies! No more!"

Muhua Saki's heart suddenly slumped: "Cut, petty guy, I'll just go."

With that, Muhua Sakiya's mind and body suddenly turned into a light spot and disappeared.

Weimiya Kirishu took a deep breath, just when he wanted to continue observing the battlefield.

Muhua Saki's heart flashed out again, and said seriously: "Remember that it's three copies, don't be shameless!"

Wei Gong Qisi suddenly collapsed, and said grimly: "If you don't go anymore, you won't have a copy!"

Muhua Saki Yaxin shrank in fright, and then whispered with her unconvinced hands on her hips: "What is fierce? I'm just here to remind you."

After speaking, Muhua Saki Yaxin disappeared in an instant.

He didn't give Eimiya Kirito a chance to refute.

Keizo Weimiya suddenly became a little short of breath, and had to take three consecutive deep breaths to calm down.

After calming down, he continued to look at Altria's battle with the lancer, but in his mind he was thinking of Muhua Saki Yashin's figure.

"Really a troublesome guy. Unexpectedly, she also has the ability like [Future Vision]. However, this ability does not seem to be complete."

However, speaking of it, the identity of her Nuwa is what makes people even more concerned!

After all, the ancient gods in such myths shouldn't actually appear in this world.

Such gods should stay in the imaginary space, and they can't appear in the world, at least they can't appear casually, right?

And the existence like Nüwa actually appeared as the hero of the foreign mythology!

This is very intriguing.

Therefore, Wei Gong Qisi guessed that this spiritual body that Nuwa exists in this world belongs to the clone!

Moreover, Nuwa must have come with a certain purpose in this world!

It is very possible that she just hitchhiked at random that day, following the call of King Arthur.

In this way, Nuwa is actually not trustworthy!

When thinking about complicated things, there was a loud noise!

boom! !

It directly broke his thinking.

Eimiya Kiritugu's attention returned to the battlefield that was fighting fiercely.

The explosion that just happened was because of the lancer's surprise attack.

This spearman, wearing blue armor and a mole with tears on his face, was holding a red spear.

But the innocent King Mao really believed in the justice of the so-called rider. He was fooled into being foolish and white, and took off his clothes directly...


No, it should be said that he took off his armor.

Then, he was assaulted by the lancer. In an unexpected situation, the lancer separated the long spear into two short spears, and unexpectedly wounded the King of Dumbledore.

However, under the instinct of the King of Mao Mao, he still avoided the fatal attack to the limit. He was only scratched with a small wound, but the wound was on his hand!

According to common sense, for the heroic spirits, such a small wound can be recovered with a small amount of magical power.

However, no matter how Altria stimulated the magic to heal, the wound remained indifferent!

This is a wound that cannot be healed.

Altria's face suddenly became heavy.

Lancer smiled: "Did you find Saber? Yes, as long as I hurt it, then this wound will last forever!"

Altria immediately clenched the holy sword in her hand with cold eyes. With the blessing of the Wind King enchantment, this sword of vows of victory turned into an invisible sword.

However, even the invisible sword did not seem to have much effect for this martial arts lancer.

On the contrary, in the battle, let lancer gradually figure out the size of this "invisible sword", and now he can deal with it more calmly!

Altria raised the "invisible sword" straight over her shoulders, pointed the tip of the sword at the lancer, and said seriously: "If this is the case, then I won't be hit by your gun again!"

Lancer froze for a moment, then laughed loudly: "Hahahahahaha~"

After laughing, with a confident smile on his face, Kyogen said: "It's really confident! Saber! Let's give it a try!"

After speaking, lancer immediately raised the gun and stab!

Saber also greeted him without fear.


Gun and sword clash!

The roar of steel is continuous!

The dazzling spear light and sword light intertwined and collided, sparking fierce sparks in the air!

At this moment, neither of the two can do anything about it!

Both of them are waiting for each other's flaws!

At the same time, Eimiya Kiritsugu is always looking for Kenneth, the lord of the spearmen who is fighting endlessly with King Arthur on the field!

Although he knew who the master was, he could arrange assassinations at any time.

However, if you can find the target directly on the battlefield, it will be easy to get it.

But he discovered that this guy is obviously not a fool, and he knows the basic rules of the Holy Grail War-hide himself and let the heroes take charge of the main battle.

A few more minutes passed.

Altria began to show her powerful strength gradually. Even though her thumb was weak and her left hand was almost abolished, she still played vigorously with the lancer, although it looked a little difficult and faltering.

However, the pikemen just couldn't hold her.

Kenneth, the spearman master who was hiding in the dark, also began to become irritable.

In fact, lancer is not what he wants.

The heroic spirit he originally selected should be a cavalry, but the medium used for summoning was stolen by his student Weber, so he had to use a different medium to summon the spearmen who had been lucky e since ancient times.

This is nothing. Kenneth has confidence in his own strength. He feels that a magic genius with noble blood and superior strength like himself will surely win the Holy Grail War in the end.

Even if the spearmen were summoned, it was no exception.

However, this pikeman seems to be too good-looking, with a charming tearful mole on his face!

Of course, as a man, Kenneth didn't think he was good-looking.

But couldn't stand the charm bonus of Mole of Tears, which made Lancer successfully confuse his fiancee, Sola.

In this case, every time Kenneth saw the gunman, he felt that he was wearing a hat on his head, and he felt that he was in a mood.

Every day watching his fiancée’s affectionate eyes on the lancer, he already has a cold attitude towards him, he feels that his head is green!

Even though the lancer has repeatedly expressed his loyalty, Kenneth said he could not forgive such things as the green lord!

Therefore, now that the Pikemen were so weak and still unable to take down the enemy, Kenneth became more irritated and began to order the Pikemen to kill, and at the same time, he decided whether he wanted to take action.

After all, the master of the swordsman looks like a beautiful woman! He doesn't think how powerful this woman is!

Following the secretly issued order by Kenneth, the lancer's offensive also changed and became more fierce, and his eyes began to show killing intent.

And Kenneth is also ready to shoot!

Upon seeing this, Weimiya Kiritugu realized that the enemy's master had appeared!

Thinking of this, he quickly set up the sniper rifle, and at the same time installed the original bullet in the interval on the magazine!

However, the development of the gaffe is beyond everyone's expectations!

A sacred bull pulled a carriage and fell from the sky like thunder!


All of a sudden, the battlefield of Altria and lancer was divided!

On the bullock cart, a strong man laughed boldly and loudly: "Hahahaha!"

"It's really a wonderful battle!

I am the King of Conquerors-Iskandar! Are you two interested in following me and conquering the world together! "

Altria and Lancer both looked dumb.

Originally, I was very angry at this rider who suddenly entered the battlefield!

However, he was startled by the guy who blew his real name at the start and forcibly invited to speak.

On the bullock cart throne, in addition to the rider Conquer King, there is also a young boy who is also ruined.

"What are you doing! rider! Why should you tell your real name directly!!"

The teenager yelled at his headache.

However, the King of Conquer's face doesn't matter: "Does it matter? This is how I conquer the King! Even if I know my real name!"

These words made Altria and lancer enthusiastic admiration.

Altria seriously refused and said: "Conquer the king, I can't agree to your invitation! Moreover, I am also a king. As a king, it is impossible to be your subordinate!"

Lancer also smiled: "Ah~ I can't agree, we are a hostile relationship."

Conquer Wang Wenyan also laughed boldly: "Ahahaha! That's good, then let us fight together in the Holy Grail War!"

Weimiya Kirishu looked at the rider who entered the chaos, feeling a little helpless.

If there is no such thing as the foolish cavalry and his master suddenly making trouble, his plan is basically half the battle.

Unfortunately, there is no if, but the situation is not bad.

He knew the real name of the Heroic Cavalry, and he also knew his identity and general information.

This is the famous king of conquerors, Alexander the Great!

Knowing his master, it seems that he doesn't want to be a ruthless character, this master should be easy to deal with.

At the same time, Altria and Lancer directly exposed their real names because they did not want to take advantage of Alexander the Great.

At the same time, they also had a good impression of the muscular and seemingly unrestrained Emperor Iskandar.

The emperor did not live up to everyone's expectations of his appearance. He was bold enough to speak out.

After knowing the identity of King Altria Arthur, she also bluntly mocked and even scolded the Assassin who was hiding in the dark.

At the same time, Kenneth found that the rider who was acting recklessly, his master turned out to be his own student, so he became even more angry.

In this way, a good Holy Grail War, the **** atmosphere that had sublimated the wonderful battle between Altria and the lancer, immediately caused the emperor's ridicule to be completely destroyed.

At this moment, Eimiya Kirishu hoped that those guys would not let go, and it would be better to come out and do one of them, so that he could catch fish in troubled waters and kill several masters with sniper rifles or something.

However, before Weimiya Kirishu's wish came true, he didn't pay attention, and two heroic spirits appeared on the court again.

A whole body was shrouded in pitch-black illusory armor, black aura was lingering, no real face was visible, and it exuded an uncomfortable violent aura. The style of painting was obviously different from other heroic spirits. You don't need to think about it to know that it is a berserker.

The other one is just the opposite. The whole body is shining golden and the hair is still upright. Standing on the street lamp, it looks like a large light bulb, quite eye-catching.

To be reasonable, if it wasn't for this guy who had a good-looking face and a pair of ruby-like eyes, the whole one would be the sense that the noble dynasty killed Matt.

Wei Gong Kei Si thought to himself that he was only one short of Qi Ling.

However, he unexpectedly came!

See you!

A magnificent magic circle lit up in the sky, directly covering all the heroic spirits present.

Immediately afterwards, a crystal staircase fictionally emerged from the magic circle and built all the way to the center of the heroes.

The gust of wind rolled up a burst of cherry blossoms and fell on the magic circle at the top of the stairs, gradually forming the body of Saki Yashin.

In this way, Muhua Saki, dressed in a holy white robe, stepped barefoot on the crystal stairs that fell to the sky.

This scene directly attracted the attention of everyone or heroic spirits.

Eomiya Kirishu's mouth was even more open.

"What the **** does this guy want to do!?"

Muhua Saki Yexin stood on the top step, opened his hands, and smiled proudly: "Hmm~stupid heroes! Stupid masters! Your nightmare has come!"

With that, Muhua Saki Yashin took the first step.

The huge magic circle in the sky shattered directly like glass!

The broken pieces all turned into cherry blossoms and fell. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

And the holy girl Muhua Saki Yexin, with the cherry blossoms drifting away, walked down the crystal stairs step by step!

However, at this moment, whether it is the great rider, Altria, or lancer, they all have a blank expression.

rider: Who is this girl? More exaggerated than my appearance? Talking crazy than me? caster?

Altria: Your Excellency Nuwa is too...

Lancer: Isn't this girl a fool? Although this ladder is very beautiful, but it is so long, you just keep pushing it down slowly, afraid that it won't take a long time to walk.

And standing on the street lamp, the whole body of golden glitter is different, and she stared coldly at the sky on the top of the magnificent crystal staircase Muhua Saki Yaxin said coldly:

"Slag repair! Who gave you the courage! How dare to stand on my head!"

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