The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 216: In 2 juvenile illegal assembly!

"Who gave you the courage to stand on the king's head and speak!"

The menacing gold glittered, and there was a murderous look in the ruby-like eyes.

Behind him, a golden vortex opened up from the void.

All kinds of treasures emerge from the whirlpool, such as spears, swords, or halberds, all in various patterns and forms!

"That is!!"


A drop of cold sweat fell on Altria's solemn face, which was obviously incredulous.

"How is it possible!? So many treasures?"

Lancer also looked solemnly: "This guy! It's not easy!"

The emperor laughed boldly: "Tsk ha ha ha ha! Here comes an amazing guy!"

Jin Shining put her hands on her chest, squinted at the awkward-looking girl in the sky with contempt, and stepped down the crystal stairs step by step.

Directly let the treasure behind him shoot out!

Shoo! !

For a moment!

There was a golden rain in the sky, and it shot towards Muhua Saki Yaxin.

"Wow~ Is this welcoming me?"

Muhua Saki Yaxin's voice was attached with magic power, from the sky, as if the gods spoke with the power of heaven.

The heroes on the ground felt a little upset.

Especially Jin Shining, who has a high self-esteem, has always been the only one who despise others, how can anyone be allowed to stand on top of his head!

He frowned, the treasure behind him was free of money, and the launch speed was doubled!

"Miscellaneous repair! I've said it all! Don't stand on Wang's head and talk!"


Because of the long distance, the first wave of treasures just flew in front of Muhua Saki Yaxin.

Muhua Saki puffed up her face and said earnestly: "Nice welcome ceremony! I accepted the gift you gave!"

Speaking, Muhua Saki Yexin waved her hand!

A gust of wind rolled up the cherry blossoms and greeted a shower of treasures.

Under the breeze of the cherry blossoms, these treasures seemed to have hit the cotton, and they all stopped in the air feebly. Then, wrapped in the cherry blossoms that came with the wind, they floated back to Muhua Saki Yaxin.

Muhua Saki Yexin waved to the glittering gold underneath, and said with a smile: "Hey! Ali Gado! I have received your gift."

These words were full of ridicule, and Jin Shining realized that the treasure of her King's Treasury had actually lost her control!

At this time, Jin Shining became even more angry, angrily:

"Miscellaneous repair! How dare to take away the king's treasure! You despicable miscellaneous repair! You die ten thousand times is not enough!"

However, when Jin Shining was about to take out a little high-end goods, to blast Muhua Saki Yaxin from the sky.

"Fire escape! Extinguish the fire!"

I saw that the heroic spirit resembling the Berserker Service Agency, shrouded in pitch-black illusory armor, black aura, invisible to the real face, exuding a disturbing frenzy, sealed with one hand, directly spit out a sea of ​​fire, facing the gold Glittering away!

Jin Shining's eyes narrowed, he remembered that this guy was the unknown hero who was summoned with him!

Why would you attack yourself!

Jin Shining stared at the ten-meter-high fire wave rushing forward without blinking, but a huge vortex appeared in front of her.

when! !

A huge shield fell from the golden vortex, and fell on the ground to throw a dust.

Like a high wall, it directly blocked the fire wave in front of Jin Shining!

Wait for the flame to dissipate.

The shield turned into a light spot and disappeared.

Jin Xing looked directly at the unknown heroic spirit with Wang Zhi's contempt.

"Dare to do something to me! Misc! Who do you think you are!"

Uchiha Kirito, who is enveloped in the black illusory skull armor, is also extremely arrogant, holding his chest with his hands, and the corners of his mouth are slightly tilted: "Huh! Hero King! I really can't bear your stubborn posture."

"Huh! Miscellaneous repair! It seems that you want to return to the Hall of Valor soon!"

Dozens of golden vortexes appeared behind Jin Shining, and various treasures began to show their pointed ends.

Uchiha Kirito was unwilling to show weakness, the strange black energy on his body skyrocketed, and the illusory skeleton armor began to swell in just a second!

That armor directly turned into a giant of Dom!

The huge armored giant exuding black and unknown aura, like a demon **** holding a Fangtian painted halberd, black thunder arcs jumping on Fangtian painted halberd!

Altria and Lancer on the side will quickly retreat, giving these two ruthless characters out of the battlefield.

"hero King!?"

"Is it the oldest hero king? A rival!"

Altria thought, and at the same time looked at Uchiha Kirito who was like a demon god.

"What the **** is this? This ominous aura? This aura?"

After revealing his real name to Uchiha Kirito, the hero Wang Jinxing didn't care, she was still invincible and you were in a casual posture.

However, the secret hour was a little frustrated.

"What the **** is this heroic spirit! At first I thought he was a mad-tier heroic spirit! Now it seems that it is not simple!

So, what exactly is this strange hero? Why didn't you speak from the beginning? Why did you fight with the hero king? "

Tosaka Tokimi frowned, thinking.

Now, it's actually best to order them to stop!

However, it seems that neither the hero king nor the unknown hero would listen to him at all!

If we continue to fight like this, it will only expose more intelligence and strength!

It's not good for me!

Thinking about it, Shi Chen looked at the two spells in his hand.

"In the end, the order of the hero king, or order..."

at this time!

Jin Shining started fighting with the Berserker version of Uchiha Kirito.

The treasure of the king, the treasures are endless, and the treasures are like rain, and they hit Uchiha Kirito hard!

And these treasures are indeed strong enough, every hit can destroy a small part of Uchiha Kirito Nasusano.

However, it will be repaired soon!

However, the Suzano Nouga controlled by Uchiha Kirito, and the Fangtian painting halberd that he wielded, also knocked down a lot of treasures.

At the same time, while carrying out a fearless charge, step by step close to Jin Shining!

When Jin Xing saw this, although she was still disdainful, she spit out something that was barely complimented: "Huh! Although it is a miscellaneous repair! But in the miscellaneous repair, your strength is not bad!"

Jin Shining also noticed that the berserker was originally the representative of the violent, and would generally become a lunatic with a low IQ when summoned.

But obviously the guy in front of him still possesses saneness!

It's just a simple way of fighting, but it's a bit like Barthaka!

The berserker Uchiha Kirito fought with Shining Jin, it can be described as destroying the world and washing the ground with missiles.

Suzuo can almost sweep out the gullies with a single shot of sword qi!

Even if the glittering treasure was blown off and landed on the ground, its power would still blow up the ground like a small missile.

The battle between the two made the chaotic scene even more chaotic.

Several masters present also gradually began to retreat in their hearts. It is not good to start such a melee situation at the beginning of the game.

These two heroic spirits and the idiot girl who is still going down the stairs in the sky are obviously not a mess.

A plan must be negotiated before you can do it!

Moreover, this time the Holy Grail War seems to have undergone many changes!

The two guys who are getting on the scene now don't know yet, but they all know.

The killer order that was supposed to be death still exists today!

This shows that the person who planned all of this today definitely wants to reap the benefits of the fisherman!

Everyone wants to be a fisherman, but no one wants to be the hapless fish and the waterfowl.

Today the intelligence has already been harvested.

No need to continue.

At this time!

Suddenly the sound of a sirens came from a distance!

Just when Jin Shining pretended to be normalized with Uchiha Kirito Berserker, when Jin Shining wanted to take out the lock of heaven!

The roaring alarm bell suddenly came close!

Before the heroic spirits could figure out why there was such a warning bell, the bell approached at a considerable speed.

I saw a black car with a red and blue alarm bell roaring into the battlefield of the heroes.

With a terrible sound of braking, the car made a beautiful tail flick, leaving a few black marks on the ground, and stopped in the center.


Some harsh radio sounds came from the car: "I am a black cat police officer of the Fuyuki City Metropolitan Police Department in Japan. Now I have received a report from the public that a group of animation fans in fancy costumes were holding an illegal assembly at the dock. There were even illegal fireworks. The performance, the scene is almost out of control..."

"Have you ever reported to the meeting! Do you know if chaos in such a place late at night will cause trouble to other people!"

"There is also that person, a fool in a gold-painted armor, that shiny fellow! What are you doing standing on the street lamp! Do you wreck the public property! Get down to me quickly!"

When the car door opened, I saw Nami wearing a police uniform top and denim shorts, revealing a pair of long, white legs with a pistol and handcuffs hanging around her waist, making her look very sexy.

While holding a megaphone, she yelled at the golden glitter standing on the street lamp.

"It's you, that golden shimmering teenager from Form 2! Come down to me quickly!"



The scene calmed down.

Many of the heroic spirits were stunned. When they came to this world, they were instilled with a lot of information. Naturally, they knew that the law enforcers of this era were the police.

But they never really regarded these worldly powers as one thing, and now when the official personnel really appeared in front of them, the heroic spirits didn't know how to respond.

There was no response guide for official resistance encountered during the battle in the information that was instilled.

But the rider and lancer on the court were just stunned.

The boy next to Rider was in a panic, and he wanted to explain, but he didn't know how to explain it. He opened his mouth and didn't say a word.

And Alice Phil, Altria, and the hidden Hidden Kiritsugu directly Spartan.

Why did the police intervene! !

Also, is the girl in police uniform a bit too sexy?

"However, this is fine too."

Weimiya Kiritugu murmured, he originally meant to retire temporarily.

Now this police officer is strongly intervening, unless the magicians really don't care about being upright, otherwise this battle will definitely not be fought.

The magician family is very powerful, but what is behind the uniform is the national power after all.

Will they confront the state apparatus head-on regardless of the situation?


An angry voice came out from the golden mouth. He understands that the person in front of him is a police officer, but as the so-called oldest king with eyes on his head, he regards "I agree with you" as the man who praises others the most. How could he allow a mere ant to ask himself?

With Jin Shining's first exit, golden magic circles began to emerge behind him, the treasures of the king's treasure began to be used, and many sharp weapons began to appear from inside.


At this moment, a voice rang in Jin Shining's mind.

Jin Shining chose to mess around, but his master Tosaka Tokimi couldn't make the same choice. Realizing that Jin Shining had a stance to do something, she had no choice but to force him back.

"Bastard, you got a life back." Jin Shining dropped a word, and her body flickered and disappeared.

The other heroic spirits fled while the police officer was attracted by the arrogant gold glitter.

Well, the cavalry emperor left in the same way as when he came, and the sacred bull rode a carriage against the thunder and screamed straight into the sky!

It's not as low-key as the Berserker Ninja and Lancer.


Nami covered her mouth and coughed, indicating that she didn't seem to see the heroic spirit's exaggerated way of leaving.

Then, he put the megaphone and a black box back in the car, turned around and looked at Alice Phil and Altria who hadn’t left yet, and said, “Seeing that you are not too old. Don’t follow that group of people to learn well. , Where is your home, I will send you back."


Nami fully demonstrated the qualities and attitude of a police officer to serve the people.

"Uh-okay." After a moment of stunned, Alice Phil, pulling Altoria, who was still stunned, got into the car.

However, at this moment, Altria, who was sitting in the car, maintained a well-behaved posture and did not dare to move at all.

However, when she glanced out the window at random, she found Muhana Saki Yashin who was quickly running down the sky crystal stairs.

Altria pointed to Muhua Saki Yaxin in the sky subconsciously.



Nami also looked at Muhua Saki Yashin in the sky, and then she spread her hands to Altria with no surprises: "That's a mirage, haven't you seen it? I haven't seen it many times.

Well, leave her alone, sit and fasten seat belts, we are going to set off. "


Altria's eyes widened.

She didn't know for a while, whether this policewoman was very nervous or really thought it was a mirage.

However, the vigilant Alice Phil has prepared defensive magic.

Although, she did not feel the breath of a magician in this so-called police officer.

However, it is always necessary to prevent it!

However, UU reading www. uukanshu. Com is at this moment!

The windows of the police car suddenly shattered!

A bullet inscribed with a special rune hit Nami's head directly!

However, a strange scene appeared!

The bullet seemed to penetrate a shadow, directly penetrated Nami's head and hit the back seat!

Upon seeing this, Altria quickly pulled Alice Phil out of the car, and then became vigilant towards Nami in the car.

"Sure enough, things are not that simple!"

"Haeh~ It's really not that simple."

The corners of Nami's mouth curled slightly, revealing a mysterious smile: "I was discovered by you, but I am actually a mirage."

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