The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 217: Randomly killed 1 hero while driving fast


The sound of police sirens came from far away.

Standing on the high ground, Kirisu Eomiya frowned.

The police who came this time shouldn't be impersonating!

Because the police car that came this time was not one or two, but an entire convoy!

However, even thinking about it, the fighting here is so dynamic.

If there is no one to deal with it, it seems a bit fake.

At this moment, Altria also heard the dense sirens, but she did not act rashly, but guarded Alice Phil, and was wary of Nami in the car: "Who are you!"

Nami spread her hands out: "Now, I'm just an ordinary hero, I'm actually here to seek cooperation, and I have no malice against you."

Altria remained unmoved, frowning slightly: "You were not credible from the beginning!"

Nami looked helpless: "Then how can you believe me?"

"I know how they can believe you!"


Nami was stunned, turned her head and looked at the car window, only to find that a wooden flower Saki Yaxin was already standing there outside the car door.

Muhua Saki Yaxin didn't hesitate, she opened the door of the car and put her arms around her chest, looking up and down at Nami with scorching eyes:

"Well, I really don't feel malicious in you, but it doesn't mean you don't have any problems!

Well, you take the co-pilot and I will drive. "

Oh oh oh~

The sirens are approaching again, and from the window of the car, you can already see a fleet of sirens flashing in the distance of Lianmai, driving here!

Nami looked at Altria and Alice Phil behind her.

The two still had a wary expression.

Nami sighed suddenly: "Well, I'll drive you."

Nami drove directly from the main driver to the co-pilot position.

Muhua Saki Yaxin was also unambiguous, and immediately sat in the driving seat, grabbing the steering wheel with both hands.

Then, the probe pointed at Altria outside and said: "Get in the car! There is no time!"

At the moment, Altria and Alice Phil are a little confused about the situation, it seems that the real police are indeed coming to clear the scene.

Moreover, with Nuwa's means, even if this unknown hero wants to make trouble, there shouldn't be any problems.

The two thought for a second, and then they got into the car directly.

When Muhua Saki saw this, she immediately shouted excitedly: "Sit down, I'm about to start!"

With that, my little foot slammed on the accelerator!

Nami and Alice Fei Er saw this, their expressions said in unison: "Wait!!"

However, the little foot has already stepped on the accelerator hard!

I saw the car's engine roared and the car was shaking violently, and a pungent smell of oily smoke filled the car!

The car has no intention to move.


Muhua Saki Ye was puzzled.

Nami on the side just covered her face.

Alice Mayer said helplessly: "Don't you know how to drive Creator?"

Muhua Saki Yaxin suddenly shook his head, and said seriously: "Who said I can't drive, I just haven't driven for a long time, it's a little strange!"

Nami collapsed and said, "Do you know that you must first adjust the gear when driving, and then step on the clutch."

"What is it! Is this car so troublesome? It's really a backward thing!"

Muhua Saki spit out his tongue at night.

"Hey, hey, now is not the time to pretend to be cute!"

"Cut, there is nothing in this world that can stump me!"

With that, Saki Yaxin Muhua clasped the steering wheel with both hands again!


I saw sparks flickered from the steering wheel, and some mysterious lines were burned on his body.

Then, with the steering wheel as the center, the pattern instantly covers the entire car!

It's like a flash of thunder!


The body of the car jumped fiercely, and the whole car completely changed its shape like a brand new one. It became a silver-white body, and every inch of the body was engraved with mysterious runes like ancient oriental characters.

"Wuhu! Sit firmly! My super invincible vehicle is about to start!"

Nami and Altria were surprised, and they quickly pulled on their seat belts!

At this time, Muhua Saki Yaxin stepped on the accelerator again!

Zi Zi Zi!

I saw that on the silver-white body, the rune disappeared after a flash!


Start off like a catapult!

A strong air blast exploded from the back of the car!

Then, the whole car jumped out like a rocket!

It took less than a second to break through 300 hours!

The girls in the car were violently embedded in the backs of the seats, pushing their backs is simply unparalleled!

Alice Mayer started to panic: "Creator!! Don't be so fast!"

"What? Not fast enough? Humph! Ellie, I promise you!"

Muhua Saki Yaxin said, with a look of excitement, he stepped on the accelerator again!

call out! !

The cool silver-white car accelerates again!

On the highway, this car is like a silver-white electric light, breaking through left and right, extremely fast!

Looking at the car that was going far away, Eimiya Kirishu silently put the gun away and said, "This time the Holy Grail War is really problematic."

At the same time, at the other end, the mercenary Hisou Maiya, who was working with Kiritugu Weimiya, put down his binoculars and said to the radio: "Since this is the case, should I find some more people?"

"No, the movement is too loud," Eimiya Kiritugu said.

In any case, the Holy Grail War is a hidden "war" that cannot be known to the public. In a Holy Grail War, in addition to their followers and masters fighting endlessly, the Templar Church, as the arbitrator, is also busy.

They are busy wiping the **** of these slave masters, trying to minimize the aftereffects of the Holy Grail War.

For example, this time the heroic spirits fight will be defined as the so-called S2 Junior Magic Gathering, using fireworks and firecrackers illegally.

If you really encounter something that the church can't handle, you still ask the Magic Association for help.

Moreover, everyone maintains a certain tacit understanding and cannot involve ordinary people in the Holy Grail War.

This is also the reason why the overlords chose to leave after Nami pretended to be a police officer and showed up with fanfare... It really made things worse, and everyone would not be better off.

The car drove quietly and extremely fast in the dark.

After this period of training, Alice Phil can be regarded as calmer.

Although she no longer dared to look out the window at will, she could only talk about focusing on the inside of the car, or simply closing her eyes.

However, when she was observing the interior decoration of the car, she suddenly became interested.

Speaking of it, she has lived in the castle since she was a child, and for the outside world... to be honest, she is not even as clear as Altria, who has been instilled with all kinds of information.

Now Alice Phil is completely attracted by the different interiors of the car she usually drives, passively forgetting the terrifying speed of this car!

And Muhua Saki Yashin tried to experience the feeling of speed and passion in the city.

I completely lost interest in driving.

after all…

The speed is still too slow.

Passion is not up.

After allowing the car to drive automatically, Muhua Saki Yaxin didn't know where he took out a crystal ball and started pointing on the crystal ball.

"What are you doing?"

When Altria saw such a beautiful crystal ball, Nuwa still used her fingers to click everywhere, and couldn't help but ask curiously.

"Well~ I just want to post a video." Muhua Saki Yaxin said casually.

Altria tilted her head and asked in confusion: "Send a video?"

Muhua Saki Yaxin looked at Altria's puzzled expression, and immediately threw the crystal ball to her: "Look at this video, isn't it cool?"

Altria flipped the crystal ball twice, and she saw that the crystal ball displayed the same interface as the mobile phone Alice Fei had played with, and a video was playing inside.

She still asked with some doubts: "What is this... on earth?"

"This is a crystal ball that can record the shadow of Wan Logistics. I just modified it a little bit." Muhua Saki Yaxin said casually.

"I just filmed the scene where the shiny golden guy used the treasure to fight the dark guy, and I'm planning to post it on the Internet to let these mortals see the excitement."

"..." Altria was speechless for a while: "Does this have any effect?"

"Hehe, don't you think it's funny?" Muhua Saki Yaxin treacherously made a grimace and smiled.

"The shiny golden guy seems to be a very proud guy.

If he were to see the comments made by people on the Internet, even the guy who praised him would be very annoyed.

Not to mention that the master of that guy, he seems to be a guy named Tosaka Tokimi.

That guy likes to engage in conspiracies and tricks. Now that I have made Jin Shining famous, his face will definitely look good.

Moreover, he has to deal with the pressure of mortals from the outside world, and may be called upon by the law enforcement forces of this country.

Haha, when I think of these things, I know that this guy will definitely be burned. "

Altria looked at the successful prank girl in front of him, and a big drop of cold sweat fell on his forehead.

Nuwa? Goddess of Creation?

Are you sure you made a mistake?

The goddess of creation made a prank?

Altria shook her head and said helplessly: "We... shouldn't we be beating each other upright?"

Altria is the king of Arthur, the king of knights, and the king of dumb hair!

From her various titles, we can see the upright and kind character of this girl.

"Of course it's upright." Muhuasaki Yaxin changed her face for a second to restore her upright color, and said seriously: "I took the video upright and posted it on the Internet at random. Is this something that violates justice and morality?"

Altria spoke directly.

"Creator seems to make a lot of sense." Alice Phil next to her covered her mouth and smiled.

"It doesn't seem to be, it makes sense." Muhua Saki Yaxin turned his head slightly, and corrected with a serious face.

Alice Phil just covered her mouth and smiled without saying a word.

"...Be careful ahead!"

Nami, who hadn't spoken for a long time, suddenly shouted!

what! ?

Altoria, who was next to him, was just about to say something. Hearing this, he immediately began to tighten his body, his face became serious in a second, and he began to look forward!

At a glance, she saw a figure appearing on the quiet road not far away.


Muhua Saki turned her head in no hurry, and saw the person less than ten meters away from the car, but instead of stepping on the brake, she stepped on the accelerator all at once.

The powerful performance of the modified car was brought to its limit at this moment, and the speed instantly increased to a thousand hours!

In the blink of an eye I ran into this man standing in the middle of the road most of the night.


The man rolled from the front cover of the car to the window of the car, had intimate contact with it, and then was thrown away because of its powerful impact!

I saw that the man flew up to more than a dozen high altitudes, his body rotated twelve and a half times, and fell to the ground with his head on the ground.

"What are you doing?" Altria's eyes widened.

Alice Phil was also surprised.

They could all perceive that, not only did Muhua Saki Yaxin not slow down, but instead increased the speed, there would be such a violent impact.

At that speed, even the strengthened windows of the car had cracks like spider webs.

Muhua Saki Yashin said casually: "It's just an evil magician, and that guy is not that easy to die."

After speaking, she pushed the car door and walked down.

"Another hero?" Altria also reacted at this moment, even Mela pushed the door with Alice Phil's little hand and walked out of the car.

That's right, the one who was hit by Muhua Saki Yexin was not an ordinary person, but a hero of the magician profession.

When the car lights shined on this guy's quite distinctive face, with eyes widened like a toad, Muhua Saki Yaxin recognized it.

So, Muhua Saki Yaxin stepped on the accelerator.

If she remembers correctly, this hero and his lord are alternatives in the Holy Grail War, a pervert, a demon!

Although other people will do everything in order to win the Holy Grail War, they will not deliberately kill people.

These two are different!

They have almost no desire for the Holy Grail, they are completely perverted, they like to kill, and they also like to study torturing and killing, in order to obtain their own emotional pleasure!

Other masters, although there are also people who like to pursue inner pleasure!

For example, a perverted priest, or an irresponsible father who gave his lovely daughter to a perverted old man, or a pair of mentors and apprentices.

But compared to this pair of masters and servants, they can be regarded as three good students, morality pacesetters, and the friendly five-star citizens of Fuyuki City!

And seemingly indifferent and ruthless, but in fact has a very hard past. A lonely pursuit of justice Weimiya Kirisu and his heroic spirit Altria can be regarded as moral models.

I saw that the guy who was lying on the ground stood up swayingly, his body seemed to have no bones to be twisted back and forth to correct, and then turned back instantly, with a terrifying expression, staring at Altria with his big eyes. Said in a tone of piety and fanaticism: "Jan of Arc! Jean of Arc! Jean of Arc!!"

When Altria saw this hero looking at herself with such eyes, she felt uncomfortable all over her body. Zou frowned and said: "You have admitted the wrong person, I am not Joan."

The car ran into it just now, and it didn't seem to have no effect on this guy. He was obviously a little unsteady, swaying, with blood still hanging on his mouth, maybe he was internally injured.

Under such circumstances, he can maintain such a fanatical posture. Talking to Altria is really a desperate fanatic!

"No! No! You are Joan of Arc!" The heroic magician continued to look at Altria feverishly.

"Jan of Arc? I have never heard of this name. Who are you?" Altoria frowned slightly as he looked at the abnormal hero in front of him.

"Impossible!" The heroic magician roared, with a face of disbelief, "Have you forgotten my face? I am..."

Before the latter words could be said, suddenly a rocket blasted directly at his face!

The former baron named "Jill De Ray" had a stiff face, and he hurriedly crawled and evaded!

call out!

boom! !

The rocket flew directly hundreds of meters away and exploded!

The heroic magician turned his head to look at the place where the rocket exploded behind him, and then looked back at Muhua Saki Yaxin viciously: "You! Why did you stop me from talking to Joan!"

Muhua Saki Yaxin didn't answer, and didn't want to talk too much to this pervert!

Raising the palm of her hand and flicking her finger lightly, a black chain did not know when it had spread from her palm!

The chain stretches extremely fast, and the tip is very sharp, flying like a sharp arrow!

Upon seeing this, the heroic magician quickly opened a magic barrier, ready to defend!

But it's no use!

The chain directly penetrated his magic enchantment, and then stretched back and forth around his body, binding his hands and feet.

"How dare you interrupt my goodbye with Joan!"

The heroic magician roared, and the magic power began to surge, and a magic book appeared in front of him, and a black shadow appeared around him. It seemed that he was about to summon some demon to fight.

As a magician, this guy is of course not good at close combat, but good at using magic.

Otherwise, if you change to other heroes, you can hardly hit them at the speed just now-only the magician heroes who are weak in close combat and have slow reactions can be hit by a car at a speed of one thousand yards per hour.

Therefore, this guy was a little bit stubborn, and now he is still stunned by Muhua Saki's chain!

That would also give him a chance to resist.

Muhua Saki Yaxin grabbed the chain and pulled it lightly.


The black flame began to burn along the chains!

In an instant, UU reading lit the whole body of the magician hero!

The magic book projection in front of him instantly turned into a light spot and disappeared, and he also began to howl in pain!

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! What a pain! What an agony! My soul! My soul!"

"Your soul, I smile."

Muhua Saki Yaxin said with a smile!

next moment!

The body of the magician heroic spirit was burned to death, and the black smoke that appeared after the burning was absorbed by the chain!

In this way, a hero is gone.

Altria and Alice Phil looked a little dazed.

Nami has a thoughtful expression.

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