The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 218: Necessary Miao

Altria and Alice Phil are both incredulous faces at the moment.

After all, the scene where Muhua Saki Yaxin killed a heroic spirit as easily as crushing a bug was really scary.

Is this the power of Nuwa?

Alice Phil looked at the smiling girl, thinking in her heart.

It was the first time that she saw Muhua Saki Ye's heart making a move. With one move, she would directly destroy a heroic spirit like a thunder!

Compared with the previous girl's harmless, greedy, and funny image, this shot is clean and neat, and she killed the enemy in one blow. The contrast is really a bit big.

Could it be that this is the real Nuwa?

Using a seemingly joyful and playful surface to conceal its powerful strength and ruthless reality.

But for a moment, Alice Fei suddenly gave up the idea.

I saw, Muhua Saki Yaxin proudly raised her head with her hands on hips, and said with an expression of credit: "Huh, do you see my power? Do you know how strong I am? Come and worship me! Belief! Oh!"


Alice Phil couldn't help turning her head away.

Okay, maybe I was wrong. This child Nuwa, in fact, has always been like this.

Altria was also a little speechless, but she was very concerned about what Muhua Saki Yaxin said just now, and she didn't bluntly ask:

"Creator, what does the sentence you just said, ‘I laughed at your soul?’ What does it mean?"

Muhua Saki Yexin tilted her head and said casually: "Literally, I just took his soul."

Altria's pupils trembled slightly: "The soul is collected directly? How is it possible? After the death of the hero, isn't it forcibly returning to the hall of heroes? And the heroic spirit that descended into the world is only a part of the spirit frame of the body!

What exactly do you mean? "

Muhua Saki Yaxin showed a weird smile: "What I mean is literally, and everything in the soul and spirituality is accepted by me."

As he said, a black hole suddenly opened from behind Muhua Saki Yaxin, like a mouth closed one by one.

Muhua Saki Yaxin threw the black chain in his hand into the hole in the back, and was instantly absorbed into it.

Altria faintly could see the phantom of the magician heroic spirit struggling in the weird black hole.

next moment!

The black hole began to shrink, returned to a point, and turned into a small card.

This magical scene again made Altria and Alice Phil look at it.

The small card automatically flew to Muhua Saki Yaxin's hand, but she didn't look at it, but showed a mysterious smile at Altria, and then threw the card directly over it.

Altria caught it, and asked in confusion: "What is this?"

Muhuasaki Yaxin smiled: "You can see it by yourself."

Altria immediately looked at the card in her hand, and she suddenly showed a panic expression.

Because the pattern of the heroic magician appeared on the card, he seemed to be imprisoned in the card, with his hands lying on the card, his mouth open, and a look of horror as if he wanted to escape the prison!

Seeing the terrible state of this hero, she suddenly felt a kind of creepy feeling.

At the same time, Altria's eyes looked at Muhua Saki Yaxin, and she was wary.

Muhuasaki Yaxin spread out her hands, and said indifferently: "Don't worry, I won't turn you into a card."

However, Altria still had a wary expression.

Muhua Saki Yaxin suddenly became a little unhappy: "I am the supreme goddess of creation. If I want to do something to you, you will have died long ago. Who can stop me."

However, Altria was still dubious.

Muhua Saki Yaxin suddenly puffed up her face.

Seeing that Nuwa, who had just shown her power, seemed to be in conflict with Saber, Alice Feier quickly stood up.

"Creator! Saber! Don't fight."

Alice Mayer stood between Muhua Saki Yaxin and Altria, while calming down: "Saber, Creator is our partner. Trust your partner...."

"Creator, Saber is just a little bit thinking about it, she is not malicious...."

Altria sighed, she was indeed a little worried, not to mention that Nuwa was indeed a partner.

It was said that Nuwa really did something to herself, she was really not sure to resist, after all, she couldn't understand how the magician heroic died just now.

"Yes, I'm very kind. The reason I would attack that magician heroic spirit was because I felt his evil soul.

If it's an ordinary hero, I would definitely not do this. I will communicate with him friendly first, and only if there is no communication, I will reason with him. "

Muhuasaki Yaxin said bluntly.

Seeing the team regaining peace, Alice Feil breathed a sigh of relief, and then she became curious about the card in Altria's hand.

"By the way, Creator. Does this card do anything?"

When asked about this, Muhua Saki Yaxin suddenly smiled proudly: "Hey, this is the summoning card I made. As the name suggests, you can input magic power to summon the characters in the card.

Moreover, the summoning is completely controlled by you, and consumes very little mana.

It just so happens, Alice, you can use it to defend yourself. "

"Is that so?"

Alice Phil took the card in Altria's hand and looked at it carefully.

It was discovered that the card actually had instructions.

The character introduction and skills are written on it.

"In other words, is this heroic spirit dead?"

It feels like catching a Pokemon

"Yeah~ be it." Muhuasaki Yaxin nodded, although the heroic magician is not completely dead now, but it is not far away.

Muhua Saki Yaxin is also not interested in continuing to explain in detail the card making to Altoria and Eri.

"Sure enough, it's Creator, it's really amazing." Alice Phil said from the side.

Muhua Saki Yaxin heard the praise, suddenly raised his head slightly, smiled, and accepted all the praise.

At this time, Altoria was holding his chin in one hand, and seriously thinking about how much he would win if he was really against Kamikasaki Yashin.

The first is magic, she fully perceives it.

Then there is strength, which is undoubtedly extremely strong, and the speed is even more unimaginable. Her eyes can't keep up with the speed of that strange chain.

And that strange ability and unknown treasure.

It can be said that Nuwa's display of strength is just the tip of the iceberg.

But even so, in the face of some power, she was unsure of her chances of winning.

Is it really worthy of being a heroic spirit of the creation **** level?

Really strong!

"By the way, Creator, can you let me drive later?" Alice Phil suddenly said to Muhua Saki Yaxin.


The serious expression on Altoria's face suddenly froze, and she immediately looked at Muhua Saki Yaxin, expressing the meaning of "hurry up and refuse" with her eyes.

Muhua Saki Yaxin showed a hesitant gaze, and it was quite rare that Altria could show such an expression to be reasonable.

"Creator? Can't it?" said Alice Phil, tilting her head and looking at Muhua Saki Yashin suspiciously.

"Well, of course you can."

Muhuasaki Yaxin smiled, feeling indifferent.

After all, in the eyes of her invincible death, she can be rescued no matter how much Alice Feier toss.

"Great." Alice Phil cheered, jumped to the side of the car door, opened the door and sat on the cab.

"...Why did you agree?" Altria began to communicate with Muhua Saki Yaxin with his eyes.

"After all, it is my agent Masa, but I can't refuse."

"Eimiya Kirishu never saw you behave according to his wishes!"

"Oh? After all, Kirishu Eomiya is a man, and he is still a very annoying man!"


The two exchanged and sat in the back seat of the car.

Altoria screamed suddenly as soon as he sat down, lifted up, knocked down the roof of the car, and then covered his head.

"What's wrong with saber?" Alice Phil asked strangely when she turned her head.

Altria took out a lollipop from under his **** with a blushing face and asked, "Why do you have this thing? Do you still like candy?"

"Ah? Is there any problem with this? Although this sugar doesn't seem to be mine." Muhuasaki Yaxin said.

"Huh?" Alice Phil and Altria both showed interested expressions.

Silent Nami raised her hand: "Yes, it's mine, this candy belongs to me."

However, before Altria passed the candy, Muhua Saki Yaxin quickly snatched it over.

Then, at the speed of light, he opened the candy wrapper and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Yeah, it's vanilla chocolate flavor."

Muhua Saki Yexin cupped her face, and said happily.

Altria was stunned, looked at Muhua Saki Yaxin’s face, sighed, and said helplessly to Nami:

"Sorry, Creator..."

"Don't worry, this candy is actually for Creator."

Nami smiled with a thief.

In fact, when she first came to this world, she observed Muhua Saki Yaxin's pockets containing a lot of candies.

Now, she tried it at will, and as expected, Muhana Saki Yashin liked candy.

Hmm, the big guy's favorability is increased by one!

Nami thought to herself.

"Is that so?"

Altria felt a little strange. Why did it seem that this strange hero and Creator knew each other?

On the one hand, Alice Feil drove very carefully and was very happy. It felt like a little girl got a new toy, with a constant smile on her face.

However, the speed of the car is not as exaggerated as when Kihana Saki's heart was open.

The highest did not exceed two hundred.

Ai Li drove, Na Mei was in a daze, Altria didn't know what she was thinking, Muhua Saki was eager to eat sweets.

In this way, the car suddenly became quiet.

Alice Mayer also seemed to feel the quietness in the car, and couldn't help but look at Muhua Saki Yaxin who was eating a lollipop from the rearview mirror.

Suddenly, she remembered that Yashin Kihana seemed to have left suddenly some time ago.

Chie Si still wanted to follow, but didn't keep up, and asked Nu Wa, she didn't seem to bother to answer.

I don’t know, I asked, will Creator answer me?

Thinking about it, Alice Mayer asked unconsciously:

"That, Creator? Why did you suddenly go out some time ago?"

After realizing that she had said aloud, Allie hurriedly covered her mouth with one hand, while staring nervously at Muhua Saki Yashin in the rearview mirror.

However, Muhua Saki Yaxin didn't react too much, and said casually:

"Oh? I just went to kill a disgusting bug called Jiantongzengyan, and rescued a loli."

"Save people? A dirty inkstone?"

Alice Phil chanted the name, as if she felt a little familiar, and after a while she asked, "Is he from the Matsuya family?"

"Well, it seems to be the Patriarch of the Ma Tong family." Muhua Saki Yaxin said.



There was a moment of silence in the car. Jian Tong's family was one of the three founding imperial families, and the status of Einz Beilun, to which Alice Feil belonged, was actually about the same.

Both were one of the three imperial families who were the leaders and pioneers of the Holy Grail War.

For example, Eimiya Kirishu was recruited by the Einzbeilun family to win the Holy Grail War.

In a sense, people like Uemiya Kiriji and Alice Phil are the pawns of the family to complete the Holy Grail War.

And the servant spirit is the master's chess pieces-of course, these chess pieces are not easy to control.

However, who would have thought that the so-called chess piece would start one of the three founding royal families, the Patriarch of the Matsuya family...

Others are still vying for the Holy Grail, you just killed someone at the level of Patriarch, what are you going to do!

"It won't cause any impact, right?" Alice Phil asked worriedly.

"No, the so-called Ma Tong family has disappeared."


Alice Fei'er opened her mouth wide. She couldn't believe it. The feeling that you didn't just kill the head of the family, or the whole family?

"Oh, it seems that there is another guy from the Jian Tong family, but not from the Jian Tong family, who is still alive. He is also a participant in this Holy Grail War, and his servant is a madman."

"Huh? Then he is not..."

"Don't worry, he is already my person."


Alice Mayer was stunned again, how did she feel that Creator went out to play around and did so many things silently.

Next time you suddenly disappear, won't you come back directly holding the Holy Grail?

"By the way, why would Creator say he is yours?"

"Because I saved him."

"How should I say, that guy is actually quite poor. A poor man gave everything to a woman but couldn't get her love. In the end, in order to protect this woman's daughter, he even took his own life..." said a little bit about Jian Tong Yanye is half the story of this man.

Muhua Saki Yaxin said in a flat tone: "If it weren't for me, he might not be able to save that loli even if he died."

I don't feel sympathy at all.

Altoria thought silently.

"Is that so? What happened to the girl you saved, Creator?"

"She should be in a nursing home now, what's the matter, are you going to see her?"

Alice Phil thought for a while, nodded immediately: "Yeah! Let's go see that kid."

With that said, the young woman stepped on the accelerator fiercely!

When Altoria saw this, he instinctively tensed, and reached out and grabbed the grasping hand on the top of his head.

I just felt the car tremble, and then screamed out!

But the weirdest thing is not the speed, but the way the car moves.

I saw that this silver-white car drove crookedly on the road, like a reptile twisting left and right, but the speed of this reptile was terribly fast.

The expressions of Altria and Muhua Saki Yaxin are not very beautiful.

Sure enough, I still overestimated Alice Phil's driving skills-the stability at the beginning was an illusion!

Just to make you let go of your guard!

"Everything said don't let her drive!" Altoria said helplessly.

"Who knew that Alice was so weird." Muhua Saki Yaxin muttered.

"Alice has never learned to drive..."

When Alice Phil drove to the nursing home according to the navigation, Altoria got out of the car, and the soles of his feet were a little fluttering.

And Muhua Saki Yaxin directly floated in the air, like a sleeping person, flying limply behind the team.

Nami's complexion is also not good, if it weren't for her physique, I'm afraid she would just throw up.

Several people walked out of Ma Tong Ying's room, but unexpectedly saw Keiyu Maiya, the partner of Kirito Uemiya.

She saw a few people, still showing no expression, just nodded.

Alice Phil laughed and talked with her.

Muhua Saki looked at this woman inwardly, thinking carefully whether she should tell Alice the truth.

As far as she knows, this woman seems to have the identity of the lover of Kirisu Eomiya.

Altria took a look at Jiu U Wu Mi, suddenly thought of something, pushed open the door a little angrily, and walked into the room.

Based on her understanding of Eomiya Kirishu—this method is so vicious that even his wife can release a man as a bait, and it is very likely that the poor child in the room will be used.

After all, from Muhua Saki Yaxin's description, this child is the heart and soul of that tragic man!

To control this child is to control that man, it is to control that mad-tier heroic spirit.

This is a great help!

How can we let go of this good opportunity for Weimiya Kiritugu who is only focused on victory?

However, when Altria entered the room, he saw Eimiya Kiritugu Masaru with a weird expression trying to make Makiri Sakura laugh.


Hearing the sound of the room door being pushed open, Eimiya Kirisu's face immediately changed, returning to his usual dead face, giving Altria a cold look.

"You came."

It seemed that the person was not him just now.

"Huh, how did you find here?"

Just as Altoria was in the same place, not knowing what to say, Muhua Saki Yexin's voice came from outside the door.

A surprised smile appeared on Ma Tongying's face, she jumped off the bed holding the toy bear and ran towards the door.

"Sakura..." Kihana Saki Yaxin also showed a gentle smile.

Sakura rushed over, and Sakura Kihana directly hugged Sakura and turned in a circle in the air.

"Hehehe, I said, I'll be back soon."


Ying was also full of joy at the moment, and she could see that she had almost recovered.

"Since they are all here, let's go, Saber, you stay here to protect them." Kiritsu Uemiya tidyed up his clothes and said to Altria.

"What are you going to do?" Altoria asked.

"I found the lair of the spearman master." Kiritsu Eomiya said concisely, and walked directly out of the room. Hisou Maiya nodded at several people again, and followed him.

At this time, Jian Tong Yanye just walked in and put the supper on the table.

"You are here."

Kihana Saki held Sakura in her arms, smiled and introduced to Ai, "This is the tragic man."

Jian Tong Yanye's forehead showed a question mark: "?"

Alice Mayer covered her mouth and smiled.

Without waiting for Alice Mayer to introduce herself, Muhua Saki Yashin asked Yan Ye curiously: "I'm very curious, why would you dare to let Eumiya Kiritsugu come by?"

"It's not that he dares, but I dare."

At this time, UU read www.uukanshu. The tall and sturdy Kraton suddenly emerged from the air, standing behind Yan Ye with his arms folded.

Altria was on guard immediately.

"Oh~ I will understand this way."

Muhua Saki Yaxin nodded.

"By the way, the guy Kirishi is ready to deal with Kenneth, won't you help?"

"If you don't help, that guy won't die so easily, and even if he gets cold, it won't affect me."

With that, Muhua Saki Yaxin moved her face to rub Ying's tender face, and made her laugh happily.

However, Ai Li on the side was unhappy, her face puffed up.


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