The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 220: Fight the landlords according to plan

In these days, a strange piece of news broadcast on the Internet and on the news has aroused the interest of many people-a blond man in armor stands on a street lamp, behind him is floating something similar to a magic circle halo, various Various weapons extend from it.

Many people are arguing whether this video is true or not. Of course, most people feel that this is a surprise or a joke made by someone comparable to the Hollywood special effects team.

However, government departments will not treat this as a well-made fake video like the public.

As a result, Tosaka Tokimin was forced to face the official pressure on the one hand, and on the other hand to continue to appease Jin Shining.

As expected, he was so busy that he couldn't spare any energy at all to find the trail of Eomiya Kiritugu and the chaos of Heroic Clatter.

On the other side, ready actors Alice Phil and Saber also appeared, saying that they would join the crusade.

Then I ran into Alexander the Great and Jin Shining who was in a bad mood.

Ever since, the three of them started the legendary "Three Kings Talk" inexplicably.

Altria was ridiculed by Jin Shining and the emperor, then the assassin appeared, and the emperor turned on the king's army to kill.

Although there was no battle for the castle, Kenneth, who was dismantled by the original bomb, had his magic circuit captured by his fiancé Sola.

Sora got his wish and became the master of the spearman, if not the character guarantee of the spearman.

At this moment, there was already a green cloud cover above Kenneth's head-of course, it was almost the same.

Everything is developing step by step, there are not too many things out of the ordinary.

At night that day, Eomiya Kirisu, who had disappeared for a long time, as well as Kraton and Nami, appeared near the Weiyuan River.

All of a sudden, the magician of the church monitored it and sent a message to the masters!

The cavalry who got the news—Iskander the Great, Altria and others began to rush towards Weiyuanchuan without stopping.

On the quiet channel of Weiyuan River, a yacht floats quietly on the surface of the river with the occasional current.

Eomiya Kiritugu, Kika Saki Yashin, Nami, and Kraton stood on the deck of the boat.

Muhua Saki Yashin stood on the bow of the ship, looking at the sparkling water in the distance, with a leisurely look, seemingly not worried about the next thing at all.

Nami didn't know where to pull out a book of "Game Theory" and looked at it, looking very casual.

Craton was standing on the top of the ship's cavity, looking into the distance with his arms folded, thinking of a stone statue.

Kirishu Eomiya's usual playing card face, with a cigarette sticking to his mouth, but not lit, he simply kept opening and closing the lid of the lighter.

Three heroic spirits and a man did not speak, unexpectedly forming a quite harmonious picture.

In the end, Muhua Saki Yaxin didn't hold his breath, took out a stack of cards from his arms and jumped directly into the crowd.

Looking at the pile of cards in Muhua Saki Yashin's hand, Eomiya Kirishu raised his brows, wondering what the girl was going to do.

Muhua Saki Yashin greeted Nami and Klapton over, and the magic light of the cards in his hand flashed into playing cards.

"It's still early, let's play some Doudizhu first."

Nami and Klaton heard the words and sat obediently beside Muhua Saki Yashin, waiting for Muhua Saki Yashin to deal.

"Okay, okay, these three are landlord cards."

"Nami has drawn a special card and can call the landlord."

"Oh? Is that so? Then I'll call the landlord."

"Then I will grab it."

"Grab the landlord!"

"Then I don't want it."

"I'll grab it! Oye, the landlord is mine!"

Muhua Saki happily turned the landlord's card over, only to find that it was a chain of cards like three, six and five!

She suddenly became happy: "Hee hee, good luck."

"Look at me 3456789 ten JQKA! One line runs smoothly!"

Clapton immediately threw out two cards: "King Explosion!"

"Wow, did Wang Zhai use it?"

"Hmm, then, one to three."

"Then I'm against five."

"I... can I do 9?"

Looking at the three of Yuya Yuza who didn't feel any tension at all, Weimiya Kirishu's forehead began to burst, and the fists in his hands gradually tightened.

"Then I am to A."

"Ah, it seems that I can't hit the right A."

"do not want."

After enduring this, Uemiya Kiritugu broke out and roared: "You give me peace of mind! The enemy is coming soon!"

Muhua Saki Yaxin handed out a 3, and then casually said: "But the enemy hasn't come yet?"

Weimiya Kirishu shouted at Dudu: "That's also good for me! Bastard! Waiting, are you still dragging them to fight the landlord?"

"It's not impossible..."

"Ha! What are you talking about?"

Muhua Saki Yaxin shrank from the loud voice, and said unconvincedly: "Okay, okay, I won't fight it."

As he said, Muhua Saki Yashin threw down the card in his hand, smiled at Nami and Klatton and said, "Three twos, I won."

Then, she stuck her tongue out at the furious Eomiya Kiritugu and then flashed back to the bow.

Eimiya Kirishu looked at it, gritted his teeth, but remembered the plan to wait, and suddenly endured it again.

"Wait, when I take the Holy Grail, I will definitely smoke your ass!"

Nami and Klatton separated as if nothing had happened.

Eimiya Kirisu sighed, shook his head, and continued to be vigilant about where he was in charge.

However, as everyone knows.

This scene of them has long been given insight by the magician of the church.

They used a detective magic of reflecting the moon in the lake to completely see Muhua Saki fighting against the landlord.

At this moment, they were a little bit stunned.

Why, these wanted guys are still in the mood to fight the landlords?

Is it so leisurely?

However, now those masters must have almost reached the end of the river.

At this time, Saki Yashin also noticed that Altria and others were approaching, and waved to Eomiya Kiritugu.

"That stupid lord, they are here."

Hearing this stupid prefix, Weimiya Kirisu twitched the corner of his mouth. He endured it, and it was not the time to be angry!

He directly took out a card, poured magic power into the card and threw it out, and shouted: "Summon! Evil magician!"


The card unfolded a magic circle in the air, and suddenly the figure of the magician heroic appeared in it.

However, this magician heroic spirit did not seem to have a trace of soul, his eyes were hollow, and his expression was awkward, just like a puppet.

Weimiya Kirisi didn't care about this, and directly ordered: "Launch! Luopan City Textbook!"

The magician Yingling's eyes flashed with a ray of light, raised his hands, and a magic book exuding evil aura suddenly floated in front of him.


Just as he was about to activate the treasure, Keiji Eomiya suddenly remembered something. He quickly took out his cell phone and drew a call out.

"Hello, Mr. Ma Tong?"

"Is it Mr. Wei Gong?" Jian Tong Yanye came out of the microphone with a doubtful voice.

When Muhua Saki Yaxin heard this voice, she suddenly showed an expression of interest.

"Oh, what. Why did you contact him suddenly?"

Eimiya Kiritugu ignored Muhua Saki Yashin, and said into the microphone: "It's me, it's like this, I have the position of far board time."

On the other side of the microphone, Tong Yanye was silent for a while, and then his voice suddenly became low and deep: "You continue talking."

"He is coming to Wuyuanchuan now."


Jian Tong Yanye was stunned for a moment, feeling that the name was a bit familiar.

Jian Tong's dirty inkstone is dead, Jian Tongying has also been rescued, and the significance of his participation in the Holy Grail War has been largely lost. At this moment, Jian Tong Yanye was also at a loss, whether he wanted revenge or not, it would be nice to stay with Ying like this.

However, when he heard that name, he really couldn't help it!

Can't help but want to beat that man! At the same time, he has to question him!

Why send Sakura to Ma Tong's house!

Why should she...

He gritted his teeth, and the hatred in his heart towards Tosaka Toshimi began to burn again, biting his heart.

Finally, Jian Tong Yanye calmed down, her eyes became cold, and her tone was cold and said to the phone: "Thank you, Mr. Wei Gong! I know what to do!"

After speaking, the phone hung up.

Keiji Eomiya also put away the phone, and said indifferently: "Tosaka Tokimin should not be able to make it for the time being. With Lancelot's treasure, it should be able to hold the King of Heroes."

For him, the hero king is too dangerous, and it is very unfavorable to the next plan.

Although the sea monster he summoned seemed powerful, it could not withstand the bombing of the heroic king's treasure.

Pulling Jian Tong Yanye over now, with his and Lancelot's restraint on the Hero King, it can be regarded as putting an end to the possibility of the Hero King doing something.

"You have to start quickly, and if you delay, they will come soon." Nami began to urge next to her.

Eomiya Kirishu nodded, and commanded the magician heroic spirit floating in the air: "Launch! Great magic! Summon the sea monster!"

Ding! !

The treasure floating in the hands of the magician heroic spirits, Luo Xiaocheng textbook, began to glow with magical blue light!

And a huge magic circle is unfolding in the sky, it seems that the magic power needed to activate this magic is very huge!

But Kirishu Eomiya didn't have the slightest uncomfortable expression.

This lies in the function of the treasure of Luoyang City Textbook!

The Luoyang City Teaching Book is a magic book bound with human skin, which can summon and enlist the monsters in the deep sea. At the same time, it also possesses the ability to act as the heart of the magic power, and can ignoring the magic power of the magician himself to launch the great magic-the magic of the ceremonial spell level.

Now, what Eomiya Kirishu has to do is to summon huge undead sea monsters just like the heroic magician in the original plot!

In the dark night, dense fog began to continuously diffuse from the magic circle, causing the originally low visibility around it to drop to the point where it was almost invisible after a while.

Eimiya Kirishu looked at it with naked eyes, and even Nami and Klatton, who were a few steps away, were only left with a vague phantom.

The huge magic circle is in the air, exuding evil aura, as if people would fall into chaos at the first glance.

"Let's go."

Weimiya Kirishu said to Nami and Klatton who were on the side.

Without asking about Muhua Saki Yaxin, he jumped off the yacht with Nami and Kraton. When jumping into the sky above the magic circle, a huge phantom appeared directly and swallowed the three at the same time.

Muhua Saki was stunned when she saw this, and then puffed up her face: "This stupid mortal!"

Her figure flashed, and immediately disappeared in place.

At this time, the phantom in the fog began to gradually expand, and in just a few seconds it became a huge monster like an octopus, with countless tentacles and exuding evil aura!

The monster is extremely exaggerated, raging on the Weiyuan River, waving its tentacles a little, it can cause a ten-meter huge wave!

Although there was almost nothing in the Weiyuan River at this moment, there was only a huge octopus sea monster, which temporarily caused no casualties.

However, the people on the shore had already noticed the huge monster body appearing in the strange thick fog.

The people who realized that some super monster might have attacked began to flee in a panic, and looked forward to the arrival of Ultraman.

The lancer, the great emperor, and Altoria and other talents were able to arrive, and for the first time saw such a huge monster that is not a **** appeared in the river.

This monster, still waving its tentacles and making waves of the sky, seemed very cruel.

"What is this?" Lancer Di Lumuto asked, frowning.

This time, his current master, Sola, didn't seem to show up yet.

"Why does such a monster appear!?"

Looking at the monster in the distance, I asked the horrified words that it was Webber, the master of the cavalry Emperor Iskandar. The two people rarely separate.

"I'm afraid it is the monster summoned by that special hero's treasure." Alice Phil seriously agreed.

"No matter what it is, we must prevent this monster from landing, and not allow it to cause more damage." Altoria said awe-inspiringly.

At the same time, she also summoned the treasure that was wrapped in the enchantment of the Wind King, and could not see the true appearance-the sword of vows of victory, in a posture of preparing for battle.

"Just because of you, you want to stop me?"

At this time, Craton's bold and rough voice came from the body of the giant sea monster, with an indescribable arrogance.

"That's the hero!" Iskandar summoned his bullock cart, took Webber into the car, and rushed towards the sea monster with a arrogant laugh: "This guy will leave it to me! This I will accept the one-time reward."

Obviously the reward for this mission is to control his own spell, I don't know what excitement this guy is really excited about. Is it because he met a rare opponent?

Lancer looked at the emperor who rushed out, thinking for no reason.

The sparks of the wheel of Shenwei brought lightning along the way, and it instantly drew across the body of the sea monster!

At this moment, both the wheel of Shenwei and the sharp sword in Iskandar's hand left a wound on the sea devil's body.

It was just that this wound was not worth mentioning compared to the sea monster's huge body. Numerous granulation emerged from the wound, which had recovered before Iskandar launched a second attack.

At the same time, countless tentacles rushed towards Iskandar like a poisonous snake, making Iskandar have to evade his edge temporarily.

If you are entangled with so many tentacles, you will definitely fall into a dangerous situation.

"No effect, you can't be my opponent."

Craton's "Domineering" voice came out of the sea monster again, making Iskandar's face look ugly.

"I said you are not my opponent, four two! Bomb!"

In the body of the sea demon, Muhua Saki Yashin threw out the four twos with a smile on his face, and at the same time, opposite him, the brows of Keiji Eomiya frowned very tightly.

However, he raised his head and looked at Muhua Saki Yaxin earnestly. With a very careful and focused action, he took out two cards from his hand and slapped them, and said decisively: "King!"

"Huh?" Muhua Saki Yexin's eyes widened!

Clapton smiled boldly: "Oh? You have a good set! But ah! Your trump card has been played! But my hand hasn't been played yet, what do you do with the rest?"

This sentence, after passing through the sea monster sound card, and then through the magic horn, it seemed that the voice was full of madness, domineering and tyrannical aura.

It just so happened that Altoria also joined the battle, and directly cut off one of the sea monster's waving tentacle, which seemed quite appropriate.

Yes, that's right, Muhuasaki Yaxin inside the sea demon and they were taking turns fighting the landlord.

Originally wanted to use this sea monster to cover his eyes and ears.

Therefore, Eimiya Kirishu didn't expect anything from the sea monster, and he didn't even bother to control the sea monster, and gave him an order to wave his tentacles to counterattack.

But even so, in the sea monster's powerful resilience and huge body, even simply moving and waving tentacles to counterattack is enough to drag Altria and the others into a difficult battle.

Ever since, the funny scene came.

Muhuasaki Yaxin and they happily fight the landlords.

The great emperor outside and Altoria fought hard with the sea monsters, and they were also caught in a bitter battle because they were reluctant to use the treasure.

But God seems to be blind to it, the glittering Jin Shining and Tosaka Tosaka rushed over at this time!

Jin Shining was sitting on a flying machine full of king's breath, Shichen next to him looked at the sea monster under his feet, his face looked rather ugly.

Jin Shining was photographed, and Tosaka Tokimi had spent a lot of effort in order to suppress this incident. As a result, another sea monster came out now. If this guy is really allowed to land and cause damage.

The Holy Grail War will no longer be carried out.

The Templar Church, the Magic Association, and even the official authorities will take action to bring these chaotic magicians into harmony.

And now there are fighter jets approaching the sea monster, even one has been destroyed, and the human army is coming.

When the army takes action, things are even more important!

However, UU reading www. hadn't waited for the minister to persuade Jin Shining to take action, the real berserker Lancelot suddenly jumped out of the air and slammed into Jin Shining viciously.

Jin Shining's ruby ​​eyes suddenly let out a murderous look: "Miscellaneous repair!"

Behind him suddenly unfolded the treasure of the king!

At this moment, the minister who realized that Jin Shining could not shoot, left the aircraft angrily.

He is going to find Jian Tong Yanye, and then kill him!

At this time, Yanfeng Qili, who was hiding in the dark, was also entangled about whether he should make a move or continue to wait for the opportunity.

At the same time, Muhua Saki Yaxin, who was in Doudizhu, suddenly raised her head with feeling, and the corners of her mouth were slightly tilted.

"Hmm~ All the players of the Holy Grail War are already in place, and the game is finally about to begin."

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