The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 221: It's all included, and it really feels better for the pokeball.

"Right three."

"Right five, take care of it."

"Right ten, big you."

"Right 2!"

I can’t lose!

Eimiya Kirisugu solemnly threw two pairs of 2s.

"Throw right 2..."

Muhua Saki Yashin glanced at Eomiya Kiritugu's expression as if holding back something, and shook his head suddenly.

"Forget it, no more."

"Really! That's over! 6667772a plane!"

Uemiya Kirisugu immediately threw out a bunch of cards, and smiled.

"Hey~ there is such a good card!" Muhua Saki Yaxin dropped the card in his hand with some irritation.

Nami did as she did, smiling and said, "Kiriji finally won! It's really fun, Fighting the Landlords! Also, I finally found the skills, let's get the next one!"

Inside the sea monster, Muhua Saki Yaxin and the others are fighting the landlord in full swing.

The fighting outside is equally fierce.

The pikeman stood on the bank of the river in a daze with his gun, and didn't know what he was thinking.

But Altoria and Iskandar fought extremely fiercely against the sea monsters. Now that they were not willing to use the treasure, they fell behind and began to feel a little bit exhausted.

In the sky, the berserker Lancelot used his special treasure "The knight does not die with bare hands" directly to take away the golden gleaming treasure, the white wolf, and even went to the human military to grab a fighter jet. Now The fighter is "driving" with magic and chasing after Jin Shining!

For a time, various enchanted missiles and golden treasure weapons flew around in the sky, and from time to time, a few stray bullets or stray tools fell into the residential area, causing huge explosions.

On the rooftop of a house on the bank of the river, Tosaka Tokichen finally found Yan Ye.

However, the two are facing each other at the moment.

Judging from Jian Tong Yanye's distorted expression and the intense resentment that almost turned into substance, the two had fallen apart.

Sure enough, after a while, Ma Tong Yan Ye summoned the insect magic that was purified by Muhua Saki Yexin and became a sacred worm, and began to attack Tosaka Tokichen.

With a wave of his hand, he sprinkled a dense small spot of light, and shot straight away like a bullet!

And Tosaka Tokimi directly crushed a green gem, and the magic power diffused by the gem formed a solid magic enchantment around it!

Click! Click!

Without any pressure, the enchantment blocked all the spots of light spilled by Jian Tong Yanye.

However, when Tosaka was blocked, he realized that this is not a small light spot, it is a strange glowing bug!

Immediately afterwards, he also launched a counterattack, and the colorful gems were thrown out like bullets by him!

Boom boom boom!

Yan Ye hurriedly walked to dodge, and at the same time began to fight back with insect magic!

The fighting of these two men is very much in line with the fighting style of Zhan Zhuang Mage.

However, it seems that the battle is still poorly punished. Compared with the battle between the heroic spirits, the viewership is more than a star and a half worse.

"How's it going outside?" Nami asked as she sorted out the poker in her hand.

Kihana Saki Yashin, Klatton and Eimiya Kirisu laughed and said nothing.

Outside, Altria and Iskandar the Great, who fought hard against the sea monsters, began to get more and more tired. Faced with such a huge and resurgent monster, if they can't be completely wiped out at once, no matter how many tentacles are cut off, It doesn't make any sense to add more wounds on it.

Therefore, in desperation, the two heroic spirits only had to borrow their mobility and retreated to the shore first, and began to discuss countermeasures together as to **** such a terrifying monster.

At the same time, the shore also began to gather some reckless fun people and the media.

And the number is quite large, one by one set up a camera or mobile phone to take pictures.

"Hmm~ It's coming soon. You can start now!" Muhua Saki said with a smile.

Weimiya Kirishu nodded, his gaze passed through the sea monster, looking straight outside, and then he stretched out a hand and commanded it twice.

Suddenly, the sea monster seemed to have received a command, a tentacle was raised high, and then it slammed into the water!

Bang! !

The powerful force immediately set off huge waves, and some water splashed to hundreds of meters, like a light rain.

At this time, Kiritugu Eomiya took out his mobile phone and dialed a number.

On the bank of the river, Alice Phil's mobile phone rang.

When Alice Phil heard the phone rang, she immediately raised her mind, and quickly raised a hand and said to everyone: "Everyone, listen to me... If it's Saber, there is actually a way to completely wipe out the monster with one blow."

"Really?" Several people turned their eyes to Altoria.

"Yes, there is a treasure that can destroy the monster in her left hand, but..." Alice Phil stopped talking, but the meaning was clear.

"Is this true?" Lancer looked at Altoria, he knew that the Knight King hadn't really come up with his strength!

Altoria nodded. She knew what lancer cared about, but she still solemnly replied according to her own character: "The injury you left me is honor, not shame."

"I understand, I will cancel the effect of the curse and let you activate the treasure!" Lancer nodded calmly.

Next, after a short consultation, a few people quickly decided on a plan. First, let Iskandar open the king’s army and trap the sea monster in front of him in the inherent barrier, and find a suitable place.

Fang released it, and Altoria completely eliminated the opponent.

This is a perfect plan-the spearman must break his own treasure and let the curse disappear, otherwise Altria's injury cannot be recovered and the treasure cannot be used, then this plan is empty talk.

He also explained a paragraph about chivalry, cooperation, and so on. The pikemen decisively broke one of his double spears-the inevitable Huang Qiangwei, and liberated Altria's left hand.

A powerful breath was uploaded from Altoria, the Wind King's barrier was unlocked, and a golden sword appeared in front of everyone, exuding the breath of the king, it is the sword of vows of victory!

"Then I'll go." Iskandar put Webber out of the car and waved the reins. His bullock cart was drawn into a flash of lightning in the sky, and it came to the sea monster in an instant.

The Treasures of the Realm, the Inherent Enchantment, and the King's Army are fully deployed.

The huge sea monster suddenly disappeared and was imprisoned in the king's army.

Muhuasaki Yashin inside the sea demon and the others felt the sea demon's huge body shook slightly.


Muhua Saki Yaxin showed a smile, dropped the playing cards in his hand, and stood up.

At this time, there was a shocking cry of killing from outside, as if there were thousands of troops shouting!

With a flash of light, Muhuasaki Yaxin's four figures suddenly appeared above the sea monster's head.

The scene that catches the eye is in a vast desert, with the venomous sun above the head, and there is no shelter on the golden desert.

Only the heroic soldiers formed a huge army and approached the sea monster.

"Have the mysterious hero finally come out? It seems that I can solve the enemy without saber!"

Iskander drove in a bullock cart suspended in the sky, with the sword in his hand pointed at the tallest, mighty and conspicuous Craton.


However, he was still a little confused at the moment, he knew about Kirishu Weimiya, Kraton, and Nami.

After all, they were commissioned by the Templar Church, and the church will naturally send out their photos.

But who is this girl next to him?

It seems a bit familiar, do I know it?

Muhua Saki Yashin ignored Iskandar and looked at the soldiers at her feet, and smiled proudly with her hands on hips: "Huh ha ha ha ha~ every time, this is the warrior I want! My magic card is for this moment. Prepared!"

As she said, she looked at Uemiya Kirishu and proudly said, "How about it, with this army, is it sure that this war can be won?"

Weimiya Keiji's eyes trembled: "This guy, really gave a big gift!"

Iskandall, who was being ignored, felt a bad feeling in his heart, but he still yelled: "Soldiers, charge with me!"

"Your opponent is me..."

At this moment, Iskandar heard a voice rang from behind him diagonally.

Years of war and conquering career made Iskandar the most correct response. He did not turn his head without asking questions, and he put the sword in his hand to his diagonally rear.

Suddenly, an irresistible force came from his hand, Iskandall felt that he could no longer hold the treasure in his hand, the tiger’s mouth was torn apart, and the two broken swords flew into the sky, under the scorching sun. Turned into small spots of light.

Like golden dust floating, disappearing.

The difference from the elegant disappearing posture is Iskandar. His tall body is like a cannonball and was blasted from the bullock cart with a punch by Clatton, and a line is drawn in the sky—not a parabola, but a line. The absolute slash flies towards the ground.

Fortunately, several warriors in the army jumped up and picked up Iskandar who was about to hit the ground.

At this moment, the ox cart at the feet of Craton, the sacred bull uttered a roar, which directly turned into a thunder pillar to cut through the sky, and immediately fell to Iskandar's side.

Under the violent thunder and lightning, Craton didn't even blink his eyelids, but he was also blasted down by this thunder and lightning!

He fell straight from the sky, smashing a deep hole in the desert like a meteor.

Iskandar clutched his numb, completely unconscious right hand, and looked at the figure slowly standing up in the pit. The smile that had always been on his face and the bold breath that he didn't care about had completely disappeared.

Instead, there was an expression of extreme solemnity.

A punch, just a punch, directly smashed his treasure-the sword of Cyprus, and threw him into the air, almost without any resistance.

Just now Iskandar made the most correct response, did not look back, nor did he see if there was anyone on top of the sea monster.

Otherwise, this punch might have completely lost his combat effectiveness.

"Is this guy a god? He actually possesses this kind of strange power!" Iskandall immediately said to the subordinates next to him: "You can't take that guy lightly!"

As the King of Conqueror, his combat effectiveness alone is not the strongest in his army. The personal combat effectiveness of the few heroes who have just taken over from him has surpassed him.

However, it is far inferior in terms of personal charisma and leadership.

"If we do it together, even if it is a god..." a hero replied, his face was full of indignation, and their majesty was hit by a punch directly to the "throne", which is simply a shame.

"Let's be together." Iskandar moved his right arm, and the smile returned to his face. It was the smile that was completely aroused when he met a powerful opponent.

Iskandall led a part of the elite squad with a few superior combatants, separated from the large army, and walked step by step towards Clatton, with an aura like an army.

The other soldiers are going to deal with the sea monster and Nami!

"Report your name. A strong man like you shouldn't be a person who hides his head and reveals his tail!" Iskandal's voice arrogantly reached Clatton's ears.

Craton smiled and stretched out a hand and said: "My name is Craton, the King of Conquerors. To be honest, no old men in your army can beat me. Why don't you join us. This will save some money. effort."

"Huh?" Iskandar was stunned, didn't he usually tell others about similar things?

Now that someone else said it, I suddenly felt an uncomfortable feeling in my heart.

"You join me, and you will be given supreme glory and conquer the world together!" Iskandar said.

"Heh—" Craton hugged his arms in the air, and smiled contemptuously: "I have tried conquering the world a long time ago. The feeling of standing alone on the throne of the world is simply boring. !"


The emperor frowned, this heroic spirit actually conquered the world? Is it the hero of the future?

"Forget it, you don't look like someone who will agree to this kind of thing, and they have started to do it, and it's too late for you to agree."

Um! ?

Do it!

Iskandar suddenly felt a little in his heart, and quickly turned around to look at the sea monster!

Then, he saw a scene that made him angry!

I saw Nami on the top of the sea demon wielding a weather stick to cast spells!

A large black thundercloud was summoned instantly, covering the entire army!

Then Leiyun began to lay intensive thunder and lightning like Skynet!

As soon as the thundernet fell, the king's army immediately collapsed a large amount of black and heavy, and it was only because of the storage of electricity.

Then, Kihana Saki Yashin and Eomiya Kiritugu began to deal with the fallen soldiers from the side.

When a card is dealt, one soldier is accepted.

Keiji Eomiya dealt cards very slowly, only three to five per second on average.

But Muhua Saki Yashin dealt the cards very well. It was issued while jumping, spinning and jumping. I closed my eyes, while countless cards were scattered like a goddess.

It can be said that where Muhua Saki Yexin sits barefoot and Qingwu, he will start flying everywhere!

Of course, Occasionally Muhua Saki Yexin would encounter someone who hadn't been stunned, but she also forcibly took a card and pressed him on his forehead to stop him.

It's like sticking talisman paper to a ghost. UU reading

However, speaking of it, the heroic spirit seems right to say that it is a ghost.

Unlike Muhua Saki Yaxin who had fun over there, what the Emperor looked at here was a bit heartbroken.

Seeing that my dear warrior was taken away as a ghost, and a large piece of it was taken away!

Who can stand this!

He suddenly roared: "Stop it!"

"The King of Conquer? Did you forget something?"

Clapton's overbearing voice came from his ears, and his pupils shrank.

I saw a terrifying red hot ray bombarding it!

Le Wen

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