The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 222: Come to an end

In the face of such a terrifying crimson ray, the King of Conquer had almost no power to react. In this extremely brief moment, he even thought he was dead.

But no!

Many of the warriors in his army are famous and extremely powerful heroes in history!

They are the heroes who exist in the gods, and some have even killed monsters comparable to gods.

Therefore, at the moment of the moment, a warrior wearing this red cloak stood up directly, with a shield in his hand directly in front of the red rays!

Zi Zi Zi!

The ultra-high-energy heat rays, at the moment they hit the shield, began to diffuse energy around!

The sand directly penetrates and dissolves like foam, and even the heat from the aftermath can easily melt the sand into magma.

The warrior roared, holding a shield, holding a spear in his left hand, bulging his muscles, and throwing a spear at the front!


The air was pierced, and the mighty heat rays were even blasted by this sharp spear, and the energy was scattered like a diamond mirror!

Flying spear against the hot gaze, pioneering all the way, in the shocked eyes of Klatton, it pierced his chest fiercely!

Ding! !

Bang! !

The javelin shattered instantly!

Craton stood still, but the terrain below and behind him exploded like a meteorite bombardment, forming a unique meteorite dune with a diameter of 100 meters!


The warrior was breathing quickly, looking at Craton's barely scarred steel body that had been shot with his full strength, he couldn't help clenching his fists.

"It's really a monster!"

The emperor was obviously also surprised. His subordinates knew that although the legions that came out of his inherent enchantment-the king's army were all heroic spirits, they were only equivalent to the projection clones of the original owner.

But even if it is a clone, its own strength will not be weakened much, the only drawback is that it cannot use its own treasures.

It is impossible to have a treasure, after all, this is just an inherent barrier.

However, without the treasure, it can not be said that their strength will be poor, and that one shot to replace him is almost a mortal game!

But Kraton was shot directly from the front, without any injuries, not even moving his body.

This gap is simply desperate!

"What is the structure of this guy's body? It's actually stronger than those of the gods!"

"It's a terrible guy, but fortunately he doesn't have many methods of attack. Let's be more cautious. He won't be able to hurt your Majesty!"

The King of Conquer nodded: "Well, but if we continue to consume it like this, it will always be detrimental to us. And..."

With that said, the King of Conquer looked to the side of the Sea Demon, and at this moment he saw an even more exciting look!

I saw that those heroic warriors who were taken into the card by Muhua Saki Yaxin were summoned again at this moment!

Moreover, they also rebelliously joined the "handling" queue!

The warrior who was dealt rebels in a blink of an eye, and then continues to join the ranks of dealing cards!


This scene made him feel more heartbroken than his brother was taken into the card as a ghost!

The King of Conquer suddenly widened his eyes.

What's the situation now?

He was dumbfounded by Alexander the Great!

The green cloud covered the top, and the King of Conquer suddenly felt that above his head was no longer the clear sky in his inherent enchantment, but a large green cloud, pressing directly towards him.

With the exponential explosion of the licensing team, more and more heroic soldiers’ armors gradually turned into the same holy white robe on the sea magic tree Hanasaki Yaxin, with some mysterious runes appearing. White paint also appeared.

Obviously, they are already Muhuasaki Yaxin's people.

Seeing his soldiers betrayed at a speed visible to the naked eye, the King of Conquer even trembled his hands, wishing to rush to Saki Yashin and Eomiya Kiritugu and kill them with a sword!

However, if you want to stop them, you must get past this mysterious and powerful heroic spirit.

"Can it really be defeated?" The King of Conquer secretly said in his heart, that punch, that weird ray, that steel body that could not be hurt by a powerful warrior throwing a spear with all his strength! Just two attacks and one defense, the displayed strength is already terrifying.

The King of Conquer also clearly knew that it was just the tip of the iceberg with all the strengths of the heroes in front of him-he didn't even use the treasures.

One of the special berserkers is enough, but the King of Conquer doesn't think there will be a second one.

The Conqueror did not move, and Kraton would naturally not move. The longer the time delay, the more people they had and the more the army transformed.

Now the King of Conqueror and important generals are constrained by himself. Although the ordinary soldiers have good combat effectiveness, they have lost their backbone and are in a state of no leader. They have to deal with the sea monsters and avoid Nami's catastrophic thunder.

However, they are huge in number, and they can't move flexibly. Under this kind of predicament, there is almost no way to escape.

It seems that it is just a matter of time that they are all become Muhuasaki Yaxin's people.

Unless, now the King of Conquer, they can join the battle, and display their strong personality charm, and command the shocking tactics to prevent this from happening.

"I'm lost?"

After a while, the King of Conquer woke up suddenly and realized that his state at this time was not right. When has he always moved forward courageously because of the strength of the enemy, when was he afraid or even backed down?

He is the king of conquerors, and he is bound to conquer everything!

Even the most powerful enemy will fall on his path to conquer!

Bet everything on him!

Putting aside the confusion in my heart, the King of Conquer roared, his battle clothes blazing: "Boy, come and fight like a man!"

Craton was stunned, and then he expressed his sincere praise to the King of Conquer: "It's you, King of Conquer! Under such a disadvantage, you can still have such a momentum and courage! To be honest, I admire you very much, you really are. Don't you think about joining us?"

"Hmph, I, Alexander, never succumbed to others." Conquer Wang said with a cold snort.

Craton shook his head: "Really don't think about it? In this situation, you also know that you are bound to have no chance to comeback again."

"I, Alexander, can only conquer, never surrender!"

The roar came from the conquer king's mouth, no longer nonsense, he rushed towards Clatton.

The generals who guarded by his side also rushed towards Craton, much faster than the Conquer King.

Craton shook his head: "It really is the King of Conquerors."

As he said, he clasped his chest with his hands, his body fluttered back out of thin air ignoring gravity, and the condescending figure was under the sun, and the shadow irradiated by it was like a giant, giving the King of Conquer a powerful sense of oppression!


The warriors and generals who rushed to the forefront threw their throwing weapons one after another!

For a time, either a spear or a spear, thunderously pierced the air to Clatton!

At this moment, Kraton finally moved, and a ring of air behind him exploded, and the whole person flew out like a cannonball!

Collide with flying spears and guns!

Bang! !

The sky burst into a shock wave of twisted air visible to the naked eye!

The thrown spear was instantly smashed into pieces by Craton's steel body!

At the same time, Clapton's speed has almost no effect on the King of Conquer!

At this moment, having lost the throwing weapon, those generals and warriors also drew out their melee swords for the first time, or directly raised their fists and blasted towards the flying Kraton.

Clinton didn't care about it in the slightest, and seemed to really hit himself as an invincible human cannonball!

boom! !


The warrior who stood in the front was hit and flew!

However, this also made Craton really come to a halt!

Upon seeing this, the King of Conquer narrowed his eyes slightly, his body muscles tightened, he roared, and he rushed directly, his aura was stronger than before.

The brave wins when we meet on a narrow road!

Conquer Wang believes that the fists of his fighters can preemptively hurt the heroic spirit in front of him. He also believes that he will not be easily defeated by the heroic spirit. He must seize the opportunity created by the warriors, or inflict damage, or It is to contain this heroic spirit!

In short, it is to find all opportunities to defeat this god-like content!

This is a gamble. After all, the King of Conquer doesn’t know what other special abilities or treasures Craton has besides the body of steel and the power of terror. .


The King of Conquer roared, his sturdy arms raised up with 100% of his own magic power, and he flew away at the bombardment in front of him!

boom! !

However, this punch was like a bombardment on a steel-cast mountain wall, hard, cold, and completely untouchable!

Conquer King's eyes condensed, he backed away without hesitation!


An arm suddenly grabbed his shoulder!

Conquer King's eyes trembled, but his body seemed to be completely suppressed, unable to move!

I was caught by this man, is it going to end?

At this time, the warriors and generals who returned to the defense began to rescue the King of Conquerors, screaming and slamming their fists at Craton!

The fists of those generals almost covered all the vital points of Klatton. The fists had not yet officially arrived, and the fist wind brought out by the powerful force had caused the yellow sand to fly!

Once hit, it will be a shocking blow!

Boom boom boom!

Yellow sand is flying all over the sky.

Those unreserved fists and overflowing power have caused a lot of impact on the surrounding environment. Judging from the flying yellow sand, the destructive power of each punch is no less than that of the one given to the King of Conquer by Craton. Punch!

Being hit by such a terrifying and destructive fist head-on, there is more than one punch, even if it is the body of the gods, there should be a little touch, or even be blown away!

However, in the yellow sand flying in the sky, the generals' faces were full of shocked expressions.

After receiving such a blow, the man in front of him was still unmoved, even his clothes were not sunken a bit!

Craton raised his fist slowly at this time, his eyes filled with cold killing intent!

"Conquer the King! Goodbye!"

"His Majesty!"

With a roar full of worries, that unpretentious punch penetrated the Conquer King’s body cleanly and neatly...

boom! !

The entire inherent barrier suddenly burst into cracks!

Conquer Wang suddenly coughed out a mouthful of blood, but there was no sadness on his face, he still had a bold smile.

"Hahahahaha! You guy, you really are a monster!"

"Tsk hahahaha!"

The Emperor was laughing, his body turned into a light spot and dissipated.

Alongside, his soldiers also dispersed.


The entire inherent enchantment space is instantly shattered!


Weber on the shore shouted loudly with tears in his eyes.

Just now, he felt that his servant, Alexander the Great, the guy who didn't care about things...has returned...

This means that he has been eliminated from this Holy Grail war.

No longer a participant in this cruel war. At the beginning, Webber was a bit chaotic, and he should have been happy, but now he only has grief and anger in his heart.

For the first time, Weber felt that he was so weak and weak.

The only thing Webber can do now is hope that Saber can kill the sea monster and avenge his heroic spirit.

The Berserker and Jin Shining were in a difficult fight, and the two big men shot each other in the sky, directly ignoring the pretty little girl, Altria. The spearmen, as always, stood in front of the onlookers, and did nothing after breaking their guns.

Altoria stood on the Weiyuan River, holding up his sword of vows of victory, the sword of the king exuded a dazzling golden light, and a little starlight appeared around it.

According to the commentator Alice Feir, the golden light spot represents the souls of the dead fighters, and Altria is the king carrying the dreams of these fighters to advance. In short, it sounds a bit pull and a bit heavy. .

"Fortunately, I have control of the field, otherwise this Mao Wang would have been slapped flying by the sea monster's tentacles for such a long time." In the thick fog, Muhua Saki could not help but stare at Altria. Tucaodao.

To be honest, the process of accumulating the strength of the Sword of Oath of Victory was not too long, but this time was enough for the sea monster to react.

Of course, seeing that Altolia was about to slash the sword, the sea demon under the control of Saki Yashin and Keiji Eomiya violently waved his tentacles-in the dense fog, Mu Hanasaki Yaxin and the others were directly thrown out and fell into the distant river without being noticed by anyone.

At this moment, Altoria took a step forward, and the huge sword light swallowed the sea monster with the terrifying power of tearing the world apart.

In the distance, Kirisu Eomiya was chanting a spell, and the magician heroic spirit that was projected suddenly closed the Luoshancheng textbook. As the book was closed, the sea monster was enveloped by the sword of the victory oath. Also began to disappear slowly.

It seemed that the sea monster was completely wiped out by this terrifying sword light.

In fact, it was almost the same. If it hadn't been for Uemiya Kirishu to take back the sea demon in time, under the power of the sword of oath of victory, the sea demon would be directly wiped out, and even a trace of residual flesh would not be left.

Now, anyway, most of the body is left, and it takes time to slowly recover.

"What are we doing now?" Craton hugged Nami and climbed onto the bank from the other side of the river.

"Go back and take a shower, and then after watching the drama I'm chasing, I'll take a good night's sleep." Muhua Saki Yaxin said with a casual yawn.

"What about them?" Craton looked at Jin Shining and the others in the distance and said.

"I don't bother to control them." Muhua Saki Yexin waved his hand. According to the plot or the control of the two little loli, this is obviously not the last battle of the heroes, so there will be no problems.

Eimiya Kiritsugu seemed to agree with Saki Yashin's words, and did not say a word, just took a deep look at the fighting heroes in the distance, then turned and left with Saki Yashin's steps.

At this moment, Ma Tong Yanye was undoubtedly hanged by Tosaka Toshimi and beaten fiercely. He was almost dying, but was rescued by Lancelot, who had also bombed the glittering aircraft. gone.

Jin Shining was also idle, and Altria and the Spearmen had no intention of continuing to fight.

As long as Jin Shining didn't mean to start the war at this time, the night's battle would be over.

In fact, Jin Shining did not mean to fight, but she nodded to Altoria in agreement-this was his highest praise.

After the compliment, Jin Shining left directly. For him, the scene had already been watched, but it was a pity that he could not kill the disgusting Peak Dog Berserker in Lancelot.

But it's not a big deal, just kill it next time. With that crazy dog, it's a little more fun in a sense.

On the river bank, Weber stood in place, and Lancer stood beside him, silently. They already knew the news that the King of Conquer had died under the sea demon and the heroic spirit.

As a man, Lancer is not a comforting character, just standing beside Webber in silence.

When Altoria returned, he was obviously taken aback when he heard the news of the death of the Conquer King. After a moment of silence, Altria bid farewell to several people, turned and walked to other places.

Alice Phil said in a hurry, and followed Altria's footsteps.

The Battle of Weiyuanchuan officially ended.

In the follow-up Alice Mayer report:

The rider conquer king Alexander the Great died, Altoria was liberated with his left hand, and the saboteur of the Holy Grail War—Heroic Craton and the Conquer King died together!

But after Basaka-Lancelot's master Ma Tong Yanye was severely injured by Tosaka Toshimi, Yonho Kiri (pretending) succeeded in making a repair, and the hero and the master each lost one more person.

The information provided by Weimiya Kirishu has never appeared, and UU Reading is in a state of mysterious disappearance.

This is also the information obtained by the church. The overall result is still quite satisfactory to Yan Fengli. In addition to successfully eliminating an unstable factor, the rider's death is simply a surprise.

The only thing I have to worry about now is where the magician killer, Kirisu Eomiya, is hidden, but the threat of him who has lost the hero is definitely not as great as it is now.

With Gilgamesh's terrifying strength, the victory of the Holy Grail War is already an ironclad thing, but this heroic spirit is too uncontrollable, or find a suitable opportunity to end the Holy Grail War in one night.

Then, Yan Feng Lizheng, who was smiling and happily, was killed by a sneak attack by Kenneth who had obtained a magic spell overnight.

Of course, Yan Feng Rizhao, the old man, has nothing to do with Muhua Saki Yaxin and the others, it is Kenneth alone.

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