The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 223: struggle

Craton, who was sleeping soundly in the luxurious room of the hotel, opened his eyes helplessly, sat up, looked at Altria, who was serious in front of him, and said, "I'm not wearing any clothes."

Altoria's face suddenly stiffened, and he turned around abruptly: "Hurry up and dress me!"

"If you know you are shy, don't break into a man's bedroom in the middle of the night. Why are you here, Mrs. Alice?"

Clapton turned to the other side and looked at Alice Phil: "You don't feel bad about Eomiya Kirishu like this, right?"

"Huh, why?" Alice Phil blinked, a little puzzled.

"Forget it, you don't understand. And I guess he doesn't have time to care about such things with me now." Klatton spread his hands, his iconic tights instantly transformed into shape, lifted the quilt and got out of the bed, and said casually: "Think about it carefully, it's actually me who suffers."

Hearing the noise behind him, Altria turned around and looked at Kraton and said seriously: "I need you to give me an explanation, as well as the position of Creator and Kiritugu Emiya!"

"The death of the Conqueror?" Craton asked.

"Yes, why kill him?" Altoria said.

"Why didn't you kill him? He is our enemy, isn't he?" Craton smiled, his tone relaxed.

"At that time, he was not an enemy, but a comrade-in-arms." Altria said with a serious face, "I can't accept to attack my comrade-in-arms on the battlefield! I feel that I can't accept it. The battle died in a plan that I participated in. Among them!"

"King Mao." Craton shook his head with an expression of "you are too young": "You have to make it clear that you and them were united to kill me and Keishu Eomiya. Not your comrade-in-arms from the beginning.

Is it because of the sea monster that you have forgotten the original purpose? "

"I haven't forgotten that at the beginning, it was to make you and Keiji Weimiya die fraudulently and not be pursued anymore, but you didn't say to kill him. Using such a shameless strategy to kill a real warrior is already contrary to this. My knight's way!" Altoria is obviously a man who admits to death.

"Moreover, if it weren't for our request, he would never trap the sea monster in the enchantment and would not die. Therefore, I would think that I was the real murderer who killed him!"

With Altria's upright character, it is obvious that there is no way to accept the death of the Conquer King-or because of the fact that she died.

"You can treat the murderer as me." Craton said indifferently. He didn't intend to convince the stubborn knight king, and said lazily: "Although, the murderer is me. After all, it is indeed my own hand in the enchantment. Kill him. Use this."

As he said, Craton raised his fist, and a sudden killing intent appeared in his eyes.

"You..." Altoria took a step forward, and the clothes on her body began to change, from the original black suit to the armor.


At this time, Alice Phil, who was next to him, stood in front of Altoria, and she followed him just to prevent a conflict between the two. Alice Phil was innocent but not stupid, Altoria looked for Clatton angrily, and she knew that things were not so good.


Being stared at by Alice Phil with a stern gaze, Altoria froze for a moment, and the rising momentum disappeared, and he leaned slightly and said, "Sorry, I was impolite."

Craton smiled, did not speak, and swept his eyes on Altria. The indescribable gaze made Altria's body tense immediately, almost directly entering a fighting state.

This was her instinct and instinct as a warrior, as if she had encountered an extremely dangerous animal.

Fortunately, this feeling only lasted for a second and then disappeared. She saw Clatton wave her hand and said with a smile: "It's okay, it doesn't matter. It is always privilege for a girl to look good. Moreover, I am also quite I like Saber. Before, you were one of my wives."

As he said, Craton also extended a thumb, with a meaningful smile on his face.

Altoria didn't speak and didn't care about Kraton's words that seemed to be molested!

Her attention was no longer in him, but in her own reflection!

Indeed, she was a bit unreasonable in this sudden inquisition. But it was precisely because what happened was completely inconsistent with the chivalry she believed in and her own rules of conduct.

In Altoria's view, winning the Holy Grail War upright is like fighting a ring. In front of him, Kraton, the mysterious Creator, and Eimiya Kirishu. For them, as long as they can win in the end, all means are trivial, or they can be described by unscrupulous means.

Are they wrong?

Altoria asked himself that they were not wrong, but the methods were not so open.

Is that wrong?

Altoria also didn't feel that his own code of conduct and the chivalry spirit he pursued for a long time was wrong.

The wrong thing is the Holy Grail War, this world!

Of course, Altoria is not a second-degree girl, she would think so simply and rudely. Although she was a bit confused, she couldn't think that the world was wrong, but deep down she believed that this was the heavy shackles that a king must bear and the difficulties she has to face.

"Mr. Clapton! You are so true, how can you say these things to stimulate Saber?" After Altria was done, Alice Phil began to have a semi-doctoral conversation with Clapton.

"Yes, yes." Craton replied without sincerity, and suddenly said, "Madam, do you have any discomfort now?"

"Huh?" Alice Phil froze for a moment, and said, "I'm fine now."

"That's good. If you have any discomfort, you'd better go to Creator." Clarton nodded and looked at Altria and said: "Speaking of which, there may be another hero ending tonight. If you have time, now You can go find the lucky E guy, maybe you can see the last time."

"Lucky E?" Altoria looked puzzled, obviously unable to keep up with Craton's flamboyant and unpredictable thinking.

Craton said with a smile: "My hometown said: Since ancient times, the spearman is lucky E, that spearman is called Dilumudo?"

Altoria seemed to understand what Su Mo was talking about, turned and left the room.

Alice Phil wanted to catch up, but just before taking two steps, her legs softened and she fell directly onto the soft carpet. After such a delay, Altoria had disappeared from her sight.

"Symptoms have begun to appear..." Clapton secretly said in his heart, walked up to Alice Phil, and stretched out a hand.

Alice Phil grabbed Clapton's hand, stood up with his strength, looked at Altria's departure with some worry, and said, "Nothing will happen to Saber, right? What you just said was Keishi. The mission tonight, right? Will they..."

"King Mao will not betray, even if she disagrees with Eimiya Kirishu's philosophy, at best it would have quarreled-no, Eimiya Kirishu is probably not even interested in arguing with her, even if there is a big problem, Creator is also It will be solved." Craton helped Alice Phil to sit on the side of the bed: "You should worry about yourself."

"What do I have?" Alice Phil looked at Clarton with blinking eyes, and said obviously insincerely.

"The assassin is dead, the magician is dead, the cavalry is dead, and the pikemen can't survive the night." Craton gave a big smile and said bluntly: "As a holy grail weapon, how much time do you have?"

Alice Phil's eyes widened. She was the holy grail tool of the Einzbern family. She had never told anyone about this. The people who knew it were just members of the Einzbern family and Eimiya Kirishu.

How did this strange heroic spirit know?

"Speaking of which, Kirisu Eomiya is also a tragic man. He killed his master by himself in the past, and what he is doing now is equal to killing his wife a little bit. This is simply a destiny for the lone star, and he is destined to die alone. "Clapton said quietly, sitting on the chair in the room.

"Kirsi...he is obviously a very gentle person." Alice Phil sighed, showing a distressing smile, "He paid so much for that dream."

"It's really hard work." Clapton agreed with the sentence without any sincerity: "But, I don't agree with it."

He remembered that the final outcome of this Holy Grail War was still a tragedy. The Holy Grail failed to realize the wish of Kirishu Eomiya. After being destroyed, the black mud gushing out of it not only allowed Jin Shining and Yanfeng Kirei to survive, but also Caused the fire in Fuyuki City.

In the end, Kiritugu Eomiya used a surviving little boy as a spiritual pillar and lived for a few more years. Later, the kid participated in the Holy Grail War again...In short, it was a continuous tragedy. It has been pitted from generation to generation-just for a so-called root cause.

Clapton chatted a few more casually, and Alice Phil did not know why he knew some relatively secret things, and she was obviously more wary of Clapton.

Altoria returned in the early morning of the next day, telling Clatton with a tired look on his face.

The lancer is dead.

The attitude towards Clarton was a lot better. Perhaps there was a more cruel fellow, Kirishu Eomiya, and a creator who just played heartlessly as a comparison, and immediately elevated Clarton's image.

Compared to the action of Kirishu Eomiya instructing Kenneth to directly order the gunmen to commit suicide, Craton killed the King of Conquer in the enemy's enchantment anyway. Thinking about it carefully, it was actually a fair battle.

"Really?" Craton ate his breakfast, his mouth bulgingly replied, and Altoria was speechless for a while.

Anyway, if someone died, can't you be a little sad?

"By the way, didn't you fall in love with that guy?" Craton swallowed his last bite, suddenly raised his head and asked.

"How is it possible." The expected scene of flustered blushing did not appear, and Craton looked disappointedly at Altria explaining his feelings for the lucky man-such as between two upright knights. The feeling of the past, in short, is not a relationship between men and women.

"By the way, I remember that in the end she seemed to be the son of Kirishu Eomiya... I used to like old cows to eat tender grass, even though I looked very tender." Craton suddenly remembered, and his gaze at Altria suddenly became subtle. stand up.

Altolia, who couldn't bear this look, hurriedly left the room and went to see Alice Phil.

It's another day.

After Kihana Saki Yashin executed the poor lancer according to the original plot, he stayed at home for a few days.

This day is boring.

"Why don't you go to see that guy Kirishu Eomiya drills his Heroic Legion?"

Saki Yashin, who always wants to find something to do (play), takes the elevator and prepares to leave the hotel.

I was thinking in my mind whether to let Weimiya Kirishu bring his heroic army to end this Holy Grail war early in an absolutely violent posture, or wait for the plot to develop slowly, and let those guys continue to kill each other for a while, or maybe She played another wave of games.

As soon as the elevator door opened, Muhua Saki Yaxin saw a man with a mustache, a red suit, and a walking stick, and a man appeared in front of her.

"Tosaka Tokino?" Kihana Sakiya was stunned, "Why did he appear here? Hasn't this guy been killed by Yanfeng Kirei?"

Regarding the memory of Tosaka Tokimi, Saki Yashin, who was sealed as an ordinary person, remembers a little bit—

In the original book, he gave his loli daughter to the perverted old man of Jian Tong dirty inkstone, and was later successfully killed by Yanfeng Qili, which is also a tragedy.

Think about it carefully, this Holy Grail War is a tragedy for almost everyone.

This Fuyuki City is simply a huge coffee table!

Seeing the girl in front of him blocking the center of the elevator door, there seemed to be no sign of movement, Tosaka Tokimi frowned slightly.

"This gentleman..." Muhua Saki Yaxin showed a strange smile on his face, slightly side of his body, letting go of space, and said, "Do you know? There is a star of death shining on your head."

"What?" Tosaka Tokimi glanced at Muhua Saki Yashin, and felt that the girl seemed familiar, but because he didn't feel the magic from the girl, he didn't care, and said casually: "Who is this sentence? For you?"

"There really is a dead star, don't you believe me?" Kihana Saki Yaxin didn't care about Tosaka Tokimi's seemingly contemptuous eyes, walked out of the elevator, and reminded him again before the elevator door closed.

"Huh! The guy who pretends to be a fool!" Tosaka Toshimi dealt with it when the elevator door slowly closed, watching the face outside the elevator turning into his own face because of the closing of the elevator door.

"This girl, why do I feel a little familiar." Tosaka Toshimi secretly said in his heart, this familiarity does not mean what kind of appearance, but a special feeling.

For a while, he didn't expect that it was the unidentified female hero who forced the best way to play. After all, whether it was clothing, temperament, and magic, it was too far apart.

Tosaka Tokimi came here for only one purpose, which was to form an alliance with Alice Phil. As for what purpose was hidden in it, it was not known to outsiders.

After meeting with Shichen, Alice Feil directly asked Yanfeng Qili to withdraw from the Holy Grail War, so Shichen called Yanfeng Qili again. The three people sat down and talked for a while. After reaching a consensus, Shi Chen and Yanfeng Qili leave.

On the sofa in the hotel lobby, Muhua Saki Yaxin looked at the back of the two people leaving, tweeted, and said disdainfully: "Some humans are destined to not live long."

Yanfeng Kirei seemed to be aware of it, turned around abruptly, looked at Muhua Saki Yaxin who was leaning on the sofa, frowning.

"Kirei, what's the matter?" Tosaka Tokimi stopped, and some strange disciples suddenly moved. Could there be enemies around here?

Tosaka Tosaka is a relatively pure magician, and he has not learned much martial arts. He is naturally not as sensitive to the things as "breath" and "gaze" as his disciples.

"Nothing." Yanfeng Kirei stared at Muhua Saki Yexin for a while, suppressing the doubts in her heart and said.

"This girl... do you know? I saw her just now, and she said there was a dead sign on my head." Following Yanfeng Kirei's gaze, Tosaka Tokimi saw Muhua Sakiya sitting on the sofa. Xin couldn't help but ask.

This person, who can attract the attention of his disciples, does not seem to be an ordinary person? Or, it was only because of staring at them that Yanfeng Qili noticed.

Tosaka Tokimi looked at Muhua Saki Yashin, but did not notice the slight change in the expression on the disciple's face.

"It's nothing, it's just that she has been staring at us, she is probably a more curious girl." Yanfeng Kirei and Tosaka Tokimi reached the same conclusion, but the reasons were completely different.

"Then let's go." Tosaka Tokimi turned and left.

Seeing the back of her master leaving, Yanfeng Qili's gaze became a little strange, and finally turned into a hidden tyranny and weirdness, which disappeared after a few flashes.

Seeing the two leave, Muhua Saki Yashin also got up from the sofa, got on the elevator again, but came to the hotel's underground parking lot. After a while, a silver-white off-road vehicle drove from the underground parking lot. Came out.

That's right, this is a new car that Saki Yashin bought with Eomiya Kiritugu's money. Another car was exposed and was dealt with by Eomiya Kiritugu.

But to come and go in Fuyuki City, she can't live without a means of transportation. She is flying around by herself, so it's so innocent.

Anyway, it's better than the yacht bought by Eimiya Kirito, UU reading www.uukanshu. The money spent on the com car is a small amount of money. The Einzbern family did not express any dissatisfaction with the two people's behavior of spending money like water, perhaps it is really rich and powerful, or it has been numb.

When I drove to the nursing home, Saki Yashin Kihana spent a day playing with Makiri Sakura, and then watched Eimiya Kiritugu's military training for a while.

When night fell, Muhua Saki Yashin drove to the vicinity of Tosaka's manor, opened the door, and then turned into a shadow and sneaked into it silently.

Those magic circles that prevent intruders can't prevent the shadows, and the process of infiltrating is extremely smooth. It didn't take long to enjoy a scene in which Kirei Yanfeng stabs Tosaka Tosaka to death. The action is neat and simple.

After killing her master, Yanfeng Qili finally realized that she was a real pervert!

The priest, who had awakened his ontological attributes, signed a contract with Jin Shining and became his new master.

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