The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 233: You thought I was the black cat sergeant, but I was actually jojo! …

   Black and red, the pattern like a crack in the space spread out from the strange-looking blade of the Deviate Sword, and Jin Shining's side was suddenly wrapped in the crack in the space.

   Altoria’s Sword of Oath of Victory slashed directly on the crack, and a sonorous voice came out, as if it had been hacked on some solid metal.


   With Altria's lightness, the black sword light that had originally wrapped the blade burst out.

   It's just that, at this moment, the black and red lines spread in all directions at the same time...Uh, only the position of the obliquely behind Kika Saki Yaxin was not affected.

   The sky and the earth trembled at the moment when the lines spread, as if everything would be broken in the next second, cracks appeared on the sky and ground buildings like a mirror after being smashed.

   It's as if everything around here is the illusion in the mirror, which will be completely shattered in the next second.

   Terrible power came to each of Altria, Alice Phil, and the armor on Altria’s body directly issued a burst of "creak and creak" similar to the harsh sound of metal being twisted.

   This is the true destructive power of the legendary Departure Sword that cuts through the world after the explosion!

   "Die all to me!"

   Shining gold lifted up the star of the groundbreaking and deviant.

   "Wow oh oh oh oh~ Did you make a big move?" Muhua Saki Yashin asked in surprise like an audience watching a movie behind.

   I don’t know if Alice Phil can take over the sparkling golden star.

   At this moment, the black cat police chief's voice echoed in everyone's ears: "I shall judge for justice! Justice cannot be provoked."

  Following these words, four cat's claw pillars once again fell in the sky, instantly connecting the city to an independent space.

   The power of the star that opened up the world and deviated from the world exploded in an all-round way.

   There was no earth-shaking sound, and nothing changed in the surroundings. Only the four pillars of cat's claws that fell from the sky trembled twice and turned into fragments.

Just at the moment, the Black Cat Sheriff once again trapped Jin Shining with the barrier formed by his trial cat's claws. Shining Jin's pioneering star naturally shattered Captain Dragonfly's barrier, but that power It was also turned away, but Altoria and others were not injured.

  Kihanasaki Yashin saw this scene, without complaining: "Actually, you are not the black cat sheriff, so you just jo...cough~ Captain Dragonfly!!!"

   Jin Shining turned his head abruptly, and looked at the black cat sheriff who looked serious but looked a little cute not far away.

   "Slag repair! I dare to interfere with this king!"

   "Black Cat Sergeant Guilty Trial!!" Faced with the golden gaze in the rage, the Black Cat Sergeant, as the adjudicator, did not dare to neglect, and immediately displayed it, but it was not a special ability of the adjudicator.

   In front of the Black Cat Sergeant, a trial space filled with chains was like a prison, and the invisible pressure in the center of the space began to flood into the golden glitter.

   I saw, behind Jin Shining, an angel and a demon appeared. The chain around the flames of **** was winding around the angel like a criminal, and a golden holy sword of trial was also inserted into the devil!

   Jin Shining also felt that she was being restrained by some kind of regular force at this moment, and her brows were frowned.

When Muhua Saki saw this, she opened her small mouth slightly in surprise, and then she didn’t know where she grabbed a handful of potato chips and stuffed it into her mouth. While surprised, Kazkaz ate the potato chips as if she was amazed. Fan saw an otaku girl with a reversal plot.


   With a crisp sound!

   The chain began to pull, and the holy sword continued to penetrate into the demon's body.

   "Judgment for the crime of arrogance! Give visual deprivation!" Black Cat Sheriff Cat Claw pointed at Jin Shining and shouted sharply.

   "Huh?" Muhua Sakiya was stunned, her mouth wide open and a handful of potato chips fell directly from her mouth to the ground.

   Deprivation of the five senses, such a brutal move, it doesn’t look like a child can show it to the black cat sheriff in the cartoon.

   This skill shouldn’t be the effect that Shaka’s Heavenly Dance Treasure Wheel in the Bloody Battle Saint Seiya can exert?

However, no matter what Muhua Sakiya thought, as the Black Cat Sheriff’s trial fell, the eyes of the demons and angels behind Jin Shining dimmed, and Jin Shining’s eyes that were as dazzling as rubies dimmed, as if Contaminated with a layer of haze.

   "Judge your arrogance! Deprive you of hearing!"

   Black Cat Sheriff once again displayed his special ability, depriving the golden glitter of hearing as well.

   The glittering world fell into darkness and silence. If it were ordinary people, they would have already panicked. However, Jin Shining deserves to be the King of Heroes, she still remained calm under the sudden blow, the blade of the Star of Disparity in her hand was spinning, and there was a constant breeze around her.

   Once someone approaches and launches an attack, the breeze will instantly transform into the most terrifying wind pressure, tearing that person to pieces directly.

"Okay, so strong." Looking at how strong they were just now, and making them shimmer like a boat in the raging sea, the glittering gold was hit by a marquee into a "half-shrinked" state, and he couldn't help but say. .

   What he said is so strong, of course, the cute black cat sheriff with a serious face.

   The time he and the Berserker were summoned was the moment the house collapsed. As soon as they came out, they joined the battlefield non-stop. In fact, they didn't know much about the enemy and us.

   "To be able to participate in such a battle, I still—"

   Before the inner sigh was over, Cu Chulainn felt a huge force coming from the back of his head. The powerful force made him lean forward and his head directly touched the ground.

   The huge force shook the ground, and cracks spread out in all directions centered on Cuchulin's head.

   Immediately afterwards, a heart-piercing pain came from behind, and a familiar force pierced through Cuchurin's heart.

   "My treasure..." Cu Chulin's eyes widened slightly, he heard the sound of the armor colliding, and he also felt a gust of wind passing above his head.

   He knew that the petite but powerful Knight King was rescuing himself, and he also knew that this rescue was meaningless.

   Although his heart hasn't really been penetrated yet, Cu Chulainn knew very well that the opponent used his own treasure to pierce the Deaththorn Spear. As a result, the moment the person fired the gun was doomed, and his death could not be changed, even if the Knight King killed the person who fired the gun.

   What's more, Cu Chulainn didn't think the Knight King could stop the heroic spirit with his hand on his head.

   The Sword of Oath of Victory appeared in front of Lancelot's eyes with the blade wrapped in black aura. At this time, Lancelot's piercing thorn gun was less than one centimeter away from Cú Chulainn's.

   Help yourself or kill the enemy?

   For ordinary heroes, this is a single-choice question, but for Lancelot, who has become the puppet of Muhuasaki Yaxin, it is not a problem at all.

   completely ignored the Sword of Oath of Victory, and pierced the Spear of Deaththorn steadily through Cú Chulainn's heart. At the same time, the black sword light on the Sword of Oath of Victory erupted, engulfing Lancelot in it.

   However, the expression on Altoria's face changed slightly at this moment, and he suddenly retracted his sword and backed away.

   The holy white chain that was constantly transforming between the virtual and the reality burst out from the black sword light that slowly disappeared as Altria took the sword, and pierced Altria's chest.

Fortunately, Altoria retreated fast enough. The length of Saint White’s chain was limited. It stopped when it was about to touch Altria’s chest, and was caught by Muhua Saki who seemed to be casually eating potato chips and watching the show. Ye Xin took it back.

At this moment, Muhua Saki Yashin's small face with a lot of potato chip crumbs on the corners of his mouth turned around, and smiled at Altria: "I'm really sorry. The unlucky gunmen will go first. Leave it."

   The holy white chain disappeared in the air, and Lancelot, who had just been swept by Altria, also stood up from a squat position, and the terrible wounds on his body quickly recovered as he stood.

   When Lancelot stood up completely, not to mention the wound on his body, even the clothes were intact. On the contrary, a large area of ​​buildings behind him has been turned into ruins. Some ghouls running towards this side died before they could express their existence. There were no fragments left.

   The corpse of Cuchurin next to Lancelot and the spear that pierced the death thorns turned into light spots and gradually disappeared.

   In this battle, the first dead-Lucky E's spearman appeared.

   When everyone noticed Jin Shining and Captain Dragonfly, Muhua Saki Yaxin did not choose to protect Jin Shining, but instead chose to send a small soldier Lancelot to kill Cú Chulainn first.

   "Justice Judgment! Ability Seal!"

The Black Cat Sheriff’s trial cat claw was used again, and it was facing Muhua Saki Yaxin. At this moment, the holy white chain in Muhua Saki Yaxin’s hand suddenly began to appear, and it was still trembling violently, which seemed to be somewhat mysterious. The power of, although it has not fallen to the disadvantage, I am afraid that there is no way to use it in a short time.

   can be regarded as achieving the effect of the black cat sheriff's seal.

   Immediately afterwards, an extremely tall figure fell directly from the sky, hitting Muhua Saki Yaxin and Lancelot, leaving a deep hole on the ground.

The restored berserker—Hercules, whose body full of oppression stood in front of Lancelot, a low roar like a beast came out of his mouth, and the terrible evil spirit came from him. Uploaded his body.

   Altoria only revealed the blade of the Sword of Oath of Victory, but the meaning of the threat was already obvious.

   Jin Shining, who was temporarily deprived of sight and hearing not far away, of course would not know that such a change had occurred on the court in less than a minute.

   just killed Kuchurin, Saki Yashin, who seemed to have the upper hand, seemed to be in a crisis of being besieged again.

   "Creator, are you interested in joining us now?" Alice Phil walked to Altria's side and said to Muhua Saki Yaxin.

   "Is it any good?" Saki Yashin asked Alice Phil with a handful of potato chips that he had not finished eating.

   "Benefits..." Alice Phil stretched out a finger, tapped a finger near her temple, thought for a while, and said, "Is it possible to let Creator stay in this world for a while longer?"

   "If you don't agree, Creator will no longer be able to stay in this world later. It's obviously to fulfill Keiji's wishes. Why does Creator have to stop us?"

   "I didn't want to stop you... Although the final result may be the same, my purpose is completely different from his." Kihana Saki Yashin smiled and said.

   Hercules's low growl suddenly intensified, he took a step back, and assumed an attacking posture as if he had encountered an enemy beast.

   Although he has gone mad, Hercules, a powerful **** of martial arts, still possesses the skill of "Mind Eyes" and is extremely sensitive to danger. Now he felt a sense of danger rushing toward his face. If it hadn't been for Alice Phil's order, he would have been unable to restrain himself from making a move.

   "Sir Shenhao!"

   "Sir Shenhao!"

   "Two Shenhao adults! Wait for me!"

   At this moment, a crow-like voice came from far and near, and a penguin stumbled into the battlefield at an extremely fast speed.

   "What is this?" Alice Phil was taken aback for a moment, looking at the penguin who entered the chaos, is it possible that he is also a hero?

   She clearly remembered that there were seven heroic auras displayed by the Black Cat Sheriff. Could it be that this heroic spirit was the one whose aura appeared to be like a gold coin ($)?

   Now, it seems that there is no way to know what ability this penguin has?

   After all, when the fighting broke out just now, almost no one noticed this penguin who was staying next to the golden glitter and had a low sense of existence.

"Master Shenhao, don't abandon the pendants on your thighs." The penguin howled and rushed to Jin Shining's side, then stopped, and seemed to feel the terrifying place of the breeze surrounding Jin Shining and Jin Shining. Strange state.

   "What's wrong with Lord Shenhao?" Penguin turned to look at Muhua Saki Yaxin.

Muhua Saki Yexin’s dangerous aura converged when the penguin appeared, and smiled and said to the penguin: “Jin Shining is deprived of hearing and vision. I’m afraid I won’t be able to charge you in the future... It's money."


   The penguin demagogue's wings were swiped, and he came to Muhua Saki Yexin's side, "Can't I take money from Lord Shenhao in the future?"

   "Hmm." Muhuasaki Yashin nodded: "Of course, if you can help him recover, that's all."

   Penguin glanced at Muhuasaki Yaxin: "Will you give me money later?"

   "Are you doubting my money or the glittering treasure house?" Muhuasaki Yaxin laughed.

   "In that case." Penguin nodded and turned his head to look at the black cat sheriff in the distance: "You are the adjudicator! You actually made Lord Shenhao like this!"

   "Are you also the adjudicator?" The black cat sergeant raised two cat claws at the penguin, and said solemnly

"It's really a shame to be an adjudicator like such a silly cat." Penguin waved his hand disdainfully, glanced at the people present, and muttered: "Sure enough, there is no one who can charge money. There are only two Master Shenhao."

   The emotional expression of hate that iron cannot become steel is vividly expressed.

   "Kill it."

   Alice Phil frowned and gave orders to Hercules.

  Although this penguin looks very weak and very unreliable, if it is really the adjudicator, it will definitely be a huge threat.

   The adjudicator’s frontal combat effectiveness may not be strong, but the ability to assist in combat is extremely terrifying.

   It was the Black Cat Sheriff alone, trapping Clapton and the others, and directly putting the King of Heroes in a passive defense state.

   "You still want to take action against my uncle?"

   The penguin waved his short wings and said disdainfully, a halo appeared from its body and directly enveloped Hercules who was rushing towards him.

   Hercules' huge body was a little still at the moment when it was shrouded in the halo, and then fell directly to the ground.

After falling down, Hercules immediately struggled to get up, but he could only maintain the "kneeling" on all fours, panting constantly, as if he had just run tens of thousands of times around the earth, and simply stood. Weakness and fatigue that can't get up.

   "Hmph, Halo·Weak Warrior!" The penguin snorted, and his wings flicked twice, his appearance inexplicably triumphant.

   "It really is the adjudicator." Alice Phil said inwardly.

   "Without the referee's permission, even if you are another adjudicator, you cannot intervene in my judgment!" The Black Cat Sheriff's voice full of justice came.

   "Shut up!" Penguin turned his head and stared at Captain Dragonfly.

   "Contempt of the law and contempt of justice, you will be punished." The black cat sergeant said, a hand stretched out to the sky, and a sky thunder fell directly from the sky with his movements and struck the penguin.

   The penguin whose stomach was still snow-white was hit by this sky thunder and suddenly became pitch black.

However, although this sky thunder changed the image of the penguin greatly, it did not really hurt the penguin at all. On the contrary, it aroused the anger in his heart: "How dare you hack this uncle, Halo Erlian·Dropped City·Drop Line canyon! Go all out to this uncle!"

   With an angry shout, two halos fell from the sky and enveloped the Black Cat Sheriff in.

"what is this?"

   Black Cat Sheriff's body tilted, and then his head suddenly crashed, his eyes stared, then turned white, and then his head dropped.

   The words "Trying to relink" appeared above his head, and there was a horizontal bar that kept moving back and forth.


"Hmm, I want to fight this uncle, you are so tender." Penguin hummed triumphantly and walked to Jin Shining's side, waving its wings twice, and a blue light appeared on Jin Shining's body. .

   "Oh, I didn't expect you to have some ability."

   Jin Shining, who reappeared in her eyes, saw the penguin next to her, slowly spoke, and directly took out many treasures from the King’s Treasure.

   These treasures just came out, and they were swallowed by penguins before others could see what they were like.

   "Master Shenhao, is there anything else I need to do?" Penguin said flatly.

   "Just don't let people disturb me." Jin Shining said coldly. Although she didn't have the irritable performance before, the state at this time was even more frightening.

   "Don't do it, this king will solve them by himself." Jin Shining turned her head and looked at Muhua Saki Yaxin and said.

   Kihana Sakiya nodded obediently, and took a step back.

   Now that Jin Shining is willing to be a pioneer, let her fight Alice Phil and the others.

   She still likes to be a spectator or the last big boss.

Speaking of it, Altoria’s hole cards have already been opened. After the blackening, she has a powerful force that can directly contend with Hercules. There seems to be no limit to the release of the Sword of Oath of Victory. In a short time It has been released several times in a row.

   But based on these two points, she is still no match for Jin Shining.

   Jin Shining is the oldest king, her treasure of the king actually contains many treasures to restrain other heroic spirits, but she has always been quite contemptuous of her enemy.

   has never really paid attention to an opponent, to observe the opponent's weakness against them.

  Kihanasaki Yashin fully suspected that there would be treasures to restrain Altria in the golden treasure of the king, if Altria had a weakness.

   Wait, think about it this way, Jin Shining can't suddenly pull out one of the twelve knights of the round table from the treasure of the king, right?

   "If you don't disturb, if you don't disturb..." Penguin thought for a while, but didn't seem to find the ability similar to the Black Cat Sheriff to divide the battlefield.

   "I really can't do it without topping up more."

   While talking, Hercules, who was kneeling on the ground, suddenly burst out with a roar and stood up abruptly. You could see that black mud appeared under his feet, spreading directly up and wrapping him up.

   Hercules's tall figure became even bigger under the black mud. A few seconds later, a black giant that was ten meters tall appeared in front of everyone.

   When the black giant appeared, the aura of the weak warrior above his head also disappeared.

   "Go away!"

   In the face of the oppressive giant berserker, Jin Shining snorted coldly, the King's Treasure was activated, and countless treasures poured out.

The huge berserker Hercules roared and did not dodge the treasures at all. He rushed towards Jin Shining. After the earth shook twice due to its huge trampling power, he had come to Jin Shining. In front of, his fist blasted directly towards Jin Shining.

Jin Shining remained motionless, her eyes narrowed slightly, watching the fist drop from the sky, when the fist wind made her long golden hair flutter, a sneer appeared on her face, and a finger flicked slightly. one time.

   A golden light appeared from the void, piercing through the berserker's body instantly, entwining it.

   The huge fist was less than ten centimeters away from Jin Shining's. After her long hair fluttered for a while, Jin Shining slowly moved a step to the side, looking at Hercules, who was locked by the chains of the sky in front of her.

   Hercules kept his punching posture, her body trembling slightly, her neck and limbs were entangled with chains, and her chest was repeatedly pierced by chains. What three knives and six holes is not enough to see in front of the current Berserker.

   An angry growl came from his mouth, and the chain kept shaking with a crisp sound.

   "You can't break free." Jin Shining's tone was full of delight.

  Sky Lock was slapped with a big slap on the side of Klatton and Uchiha Kirito, and it didn't work at all. Now facing this divine berserker, he finally played his due lease.

   No matter how hard Hercules struggles, there is no way to get rid of the shackles of the Instead, the chains become tighter and tighter. With the golden glitter, even the basic struggles can't be done.

  The higher the divine nature, the better the effect of the Sky Lock. Hercules is a Hercules, with a divine nature of A. He is completely different from an atheist like Uchiha Kirito. He is restrained by the Sky Lock.

   Moreover, now his master is not a cute and legal Lori Ilia, even if he is blessed by Alice Phil, there is still no way to burst out for Lori's blood.

   Jin Shining walked in front of the Berserker, raised one hand, a halo appeared behind him, a strange shape, a special shape like a sickle, and a weapon with a blade on the inside emerged.

   This weapon is called "Hepal". Although it is not a sharp treasure, it has the ability to invalidate the immortal attribute. It happens to be the nemesis of immortal heroes like Berserkers.

   However, how could Alice Phil let Jin Shining kill the berserkers so easily, Altria's sworn victory sword was held high, and black spots of light began to converge.

  Despite the magic power provided by the Holy Grail, the blackened Altolia can use the Sword of Oath of Victory, Darkness indefinitely. But the power is not charged, and the destructive power is completely different.

   "Dropped halo!"

   Seeing that Altoria had plans to do something, how could the penguin, who is a Shenhao pendant, make her wish?


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