The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 234: The melon-eating crowd in the battle

  Penguin’s ability to drop the connection is revealed!

   Altoria's body suddenly stiffened, and the same words and patterns as the Black Cat Sheriff appeared on the top of his head, and he was obviously in a state of disconnection.

   The black light spots gathered by the sword of contract victory also disappeared.

   "Damn fish! As a food, I dare to despise the majesty of the Black Cat Sergeant!" At this moment, the re-online Black Cat Sergeant's majestic meow voice echoed in the sky.

   Immediately afterwards, there was a sound of glass shattering, and the halo, words, and moving horizontal bars on the top of his head were all shattered.

   Black Cat Sheriff’s hands were dancing, and a large red cloud appeared directly in the sky, dyeing everyone's cheeks crimson.

   The red cloud fell from the sky, the Black Cat Sheriff raised his head, raised his hands, and made a few push ups and downs. The large red cloud directly gathered in its double claws, thinking of a cyclone.

"Huh! The sheriff doesn't show off his might, I really think I am a sick cat! Outbreak! The sheriff's majesty! Stage two! Transformation!" As the second stage aura exploded, the black cat sergeant pushed the cyclone in. In his chest.


The Black Cat Sheriff’s double cat claws clenched fists, crossed them into an X shape, and then violently opened them to both sides, making a pose of Saiyan transformation, like a flame, and a faint red light suddenly enveloped. After removing its whole body, its muscles burst out, and the cat hair on its body began to explode, looking very mighty!



   Jin Shining stopped the movement in her hand, and involuntarily looked at the Black Cat Sheriff, her mouth twitching a little.

   The new image of the black cat sheriff really makes people feel like they want to complain, but they don't know where to start. It is really weird.

   "Black Cat Sheriff Phase Two! Participate!"

   As he said, the majestic sergeant black cat with a muscular cat claw pointed towards the dropped Altria.


   The halo on Altoria's head suddenly shattered and returned to normal.

   Immediately afterwards, before everyone could react, a large number of trial cat claw pillars fell from the sky.

   It’s just that this time it’s not a simple division anymore.

   This trial cat's claw column is a group of eight, directly forming a translucent cage, enveloping Muhua Saki Yexin and the golden sparkle.

   The glittering golden lock of the sky released by itself while she was enveloped, and disappeared.

   Jin Shining sneered, a sword pierced into the void in front of her, and a pale red light curtain appeared, blocking her attack.

Muhua Saki Yaxin stretched out a hand, her fingertips pressed against the red light curtain and began to exert force. A large amount of thunder and lightning burst from the light curtain. There was a burning flame on her fingertips, but the flame was Can't hurt that white finger.

   retracted his hand, Muhua Saki Yashin looked at the transparent wall in front of him, then turned to look at the only penguin who was not trapped: "Now, can you let us out?"

   This new black cat trial claw pole, they are not absolutely incapable of breaking. But the Black Cat Sheriff is the adjudicator after all, and his "authority" is much higher than the heroic spirits of the seven major job agencies. The original 100% of the "harm" against the Black Cat Sheriff may be reduced to 10%. Even less, it will take a little time to break or burst out of powerful force directly.

   In that case, it is better to let the penguin, who is also the adjudicator, deal with him.

   "Don't you charge money?" Penguin's answer was as good as ever.

   "Are you doubting how rich I am?" Muhua Saki Yaxin said and looked at Jin Shining: "Ask her for it!"

   "Master Shenhao..." The penguin's eyes suddenly showed a $symbol, and he looked at the glittering gold with shining golden light.

   Jin Shining raised his hand slightly, a halo appeared, jingle, a lot of exquisite utensils fell to the ground.

   "Let us out, these things are yours." Jin Shining said coldly.


   The penguin became excited immediately, but before he could make any action, another sky thunder fell from the sky and smashed directly onto the penguin's body, and the black feathers on his body were directly turned into explosive feathers.

   Not only that, thunder and lightning, a huge claw fist appeared directly in the sky, falling from the sky towards the penguin's position.

Different from the fist just now, this fist is higher in height and falls faster. The outside of the fist seems to be burned by friction with the air because of the excessive speed. It is covered with a layer of red, or the black cat sergeant's strength is strengthened. External performance.

   did not recover from the lightning strike by the penguin, the cat's claw head of the fist had already descended on the ground, and with a shock, the cat's claw fist slowly disappeared.

   A small pit appeared on the ground, and in the pit was an exploding penguin slowly emitting wisps of white smoke, looking very desolate.

   "Despising the dignity of the Black Cat Sheriff will surely be punished."

   Black Cat Sheriff came over and said to Jin Shining and Muhua Saki Yashin: "You two, as participants in the Holy Grail War, I will give you a fair combat environment."

   "What is fairness? What is the standard of fairness? Is your cat set it?" Muhua Saki looked at the Super Saiyan Meow with a smile.

   "Naturally, my black cat sergeant judges fairness." The muscular black cat sergeant said with full authority.

   At this time, Hercules and Alice Phil stood on both sides of the Black Cat Sergeant.

   Alice Phil smiled and looked at Kawasaki Yashin with a charming look.

   "Four to four, is this not fair enough?"

  Kihanasaki Yaxin's little head crooked: "Oh, it's really not enough. We have five, and there are sixth, seventh, or even the ten thousandth person. Of course it's not fair."

   As she said, she looked to the other side, where the guys Klatton and Uchiha Kirito were. It's been almost ten minutes now, and they have almost come out. After all, with their strength, they shouldn't have been trapped for so long.

   "Is Creator still waiting for rescue?" Alice Phil asked with a smile: "Don't wait, Mr. Clarton and the others will not be able to make it for a while, so many ghouls..."

   "Oh? Can you control a ghoul?" Muhua Saki Yaxin narrowed her eyes.

"Oh, why did I say it, I was missing a hole card after being found out by Creator." Alice Phil held her face, but her smiling expression didn't seem like an annoyance after a gaffe. .

   "No wonder," Muhuasaki Yaxin said.

   "Also, Yanfeng Kirei, the perverted priest you used to talk about Creator may not lose to Kirishu, after all, he can't kill." Alice Phil said.

   "Is the immortal already rotten on the street? Obviously it is a very good ability to pull the wind." Muhua Saki Yaxin suddenly felt that the lucky gunman just now should have something to say.

   "So, what about Creator joining us, I won't blacken you-it feels like Creator is already black." Alice Phil said.


  Kihanasaki Yashin was very dissatisfied: "I am a decent person, and I have always been a good person! We are familiar with each other, but if you say this to me, I will sue you for slander."

   Alice Phil’s smiling eyes gradually became colder: "Isn't Creator not willing?"

Based on her level of dread of Saki Yakina, unless it is Saki Yakini who volunteered to become her hero, let alone use the "malicious" in the Holy Grail to pollute, even if it is close to Saki Yakina, Alice Phil didn't want to.

   This is an intuition after her fusion with the Holy Grail, and Alice Phil believes this intuition very much.

   "Wait a little longer." Muhua Saki Yashin simply sat down.

   "Wait for what?" Alice Phil asked.

"Wait for that penguin, don't you think that this penguin has become a roast goose so easily, right?" Muhua Saki Yaxin stretched out a hand and pointed to it—not at the deep pit, but Pointing to the golden glitter not far away.

   The various treasures thrown out by Jin Shining just now, I don't know when they have disappeared.

   "Huh?" A red diamond appeared in the sky with a slight voice of doubt.

   followed by a green diamond, a yellow diamond...

   Red diamonds, yellow diamonds, blue diamonds, purple diamonds, pink diamonds, green diamonds, black diamonds all kinds of diamonds appeared.

   At the same time, a red "V" appeared, and it was also plunged into the pit. The golden-red light appeared, making everyone present squinted their eyes.

   Except that Jin Shining's face was as calm as ever, she just gave a chuckle.

   "Krypton·Recharge·Diamond Emperor·Emperor Penguin!"

   With a voice full of extravagance, the penguin slowly floated out of the pit. At this moment, he no longer had the embarrassing posture he had just taken.

   In other words, there is no normal penguin appearance anymore. The whole province is covered by brilliant light. There is only the shape of a penguin, which seems to be a penguin sculpture carved from a huge colored diamond.

   "This, this is?"

   Black Cat Sheriff stepped back involuntarily in shock, and was shocked by the special temperament exuding from this "Emperor Penguin".

   "No participate in the Holy Grail War!"

   A cold and high voice came from the penguin, and the brilliant light began to spread across the board.

   It was as if a colorful sun suddenly appeared in the city of Winterwood, and that colorful light shone on every corner of the city.

   Like just now, the rest of the people closed their eyes to prevent being blinded by this local tyrant's light. Only Jin Shining's face was still calm, not caring, showing her true personality.

   When Guangmang disappeared, the trapped Muhua Saki Yexin and the golden cat's claw trial pillar had disappeared. Not only that, but also disappeared together with the black cat sheriff and the two heroes of Hercules.

  Emperor Huang asked for money. The penguin fell from the sky and said coldly: "If you don't have money, you deserve to participate in the Holy Grail War? All leave me!"

   changed from the original local tyrant pendant to the overbearing president on the spot.

   "Heh—" Jin Shining chuckled lightly.

   With a sound of "brush-", the colorful and dazzling emperor penguin disappeared instantly, changed back to the original penguin and ran to Jin Shining, "Master Shenhao, how is my performance?"

   "Not bad." Jin Shining praised her for a while, waved her hand and threw out a lot of treasures.

"As expected, Lord Shenhao, remember to find me next time you need it, and be there on call!" The penguin became excited at once, but slowly began to become transparent. Small spots of light came from it. The body floated out.

   It showed great power and made the Black Cat Sheriff and Berserker Hercules unable to stay after they left the field. The role of the two adjudicators was originally to bring the derailed Holy Grail war back to normal.

   Now that the goal has been achieved, the penguin will naturally return.

   "...Finally it's normal." Seeing the penguin disappeared, Jin Shining looked at Altria and Alice Phil and laughed, but there was an indescribable danger in the smile.

   "I obviously had a good time, why did I leave the show suddenly" Muhua Saki Yaxin mumbled aside.

   Lancelot, who was covered in black aura, stood aside, holding a virtual hand, the demon-breaking red rose appeared in his hand, the spear blade tapped the ground lightly, and the aura instantly locked Altria.

   It seems that Lancelot will automatically lock King Arthur.

   "Huh, are you two to three now?" Alice Phil leaned her head on Altria's shoulder and said.

   "No, it's two-on-two, Lancelot is just my card."

   Speaking, Muhua Saki Yashin said to Jin Shining: "I'll deal with Madam, you deal with King Mao."

   "Yes." Jin Shining held the deviance sword in her hand and looked at Altria.

   "Actually, it's not two to two."

   Craton's voice came from a distance, and then only a rumbling was heard, and a black shadow fell heavily.

   Seeing that tall and magnificent figure stood in front of him, Kihana Saki Yaxin squinted and laughed.

   "Wow, it's really a superhero appearance."

   Speaking, Muhua Saki Yaxin said to Alice Phil:

   "My increase in staff is coming, what are you going to do Eri?"

   At the same time, an army of heroic spirits of tens of thousands of people shouted and stepped neatly, marching in unison, killing all the ghouls that stood in the way!

   "Humph! Did you see it? It's ten thousand to two now!" Clapton said with a grin and a domineering grin on his chest.


  The heroic army seemed to have received some enlistment, and suddenly began to roar, and rushed towards the ghoul army fiercely.

   "Oh, what should you do now Alice?" Muhua Saki Yaxin asked Alice Phil with a small head poked out from behind the tall figure of Clapton.

   Alice Felton smiled: "Creator~ You are really naughty, do you want to see my power?"

   As he said, the black mud under Alice Phil's feet continued to emerge, instantly turning a five-meter radius around him into a vast ocean of black mud.

   Craton didn't dare to be handsome anymore, he backed away and focused on Alice Phil in the middle of the black mud.

   Alice Phil also responded with a smile at this moment: "It's coming."


   The black mud on the ground suddenly exploded, setting off huge waves, directly towards Muhuasaki Yexin.

   In response, Muhua Saki Yexin just raised his hand slightly and waved!

   A holy white chain was swung out, and it was thrown fiercely in the huge black mud wave like a whip, directly splitting the huge wave in half!

   However, after splitting the two halves, the figures of Alice Phil and Altria disappeared in place.

   Craton, they became more vigilant when they saw this.

   "Where are Mrs. Alice Phil and the King of Wool?" Craton asked.

   "They ran away. After releasing the big talk, they used a piece of black mud as a cover, and they took off in an instant. They should be in those ghouls now."

   Kihana Saki Yaxin had a faint smile on his face, and turned to look at the ghoul army not far away.

   As the two talked, the soldiers of the Heroic Spirit army had already met the ghoul army in short combat, and various swords were slashed directly at the ghoul's head. For a moment, I didn't know how many ghouls had dropped their heads.

   Ghouls are not strong in combat power, but the number far exceeds the soldiers of the heroic army, but this does not prevent the soldiers from cutting the grass.

   Moreover, they are not afraid of infection. It is only a matter of time before they clean up like this and destroy the ghoul army.

   Well, it should have been like this.

   But, here comes the problem. Ten minutes after the Heroic Legion and the ghouls fought, the number of the ghouls didn’t seem to decrease much, but more and more!

   "Huh? There is a problem." Clarton's face, staring at the battlefield situation, suddenly changed and became a little more dignified.

   "Well, Ellie made a move." Muhua Saki Yaxin also nodded.

Behind the ghouls, you can see the black mud like the tide starting to spread out, and the ghouls that were touched by the black mud directly roared, and the gray and dead eyes turned red and gradually stood upright from the original. The walking posture changed to creeping, and began to develop toward the beast.

   The black mud spread like a plague, and quickly spread to the front ghoul. A ghoul roared, directly ignoring the big sword slashed on his head, and rushed towards the warrior in front of him.

The big sword that could have split the ghoul in half stopped at half of the ghoul's head. The powerful force of the ghoul threw the warrior to the ground, and then bit him on the shoulder. superior.

   A few seconds later, both "people" got up, but the heroic warrior turned into a ghoul and an enemy.

   Seeing this scene, Craton frowned: "I really forgot. The black mud of the Holy Grail can infect the heroic spirits. Now it's troublesome!"

   Originally, the direct hand-to-hand fight was because these ghouls basically couldn't cause any harm to the heroic warriors. Now Alice Phil took action, and the situation suddenly reversed.

   "Should you let the heroic army retreat first? If this goes on, our heroic army will be wiped out!"

   Craton asked Muhuasaki Yaxin.

  If this continues, it is possible that their heroic army will become the enemy's crazy ghoul!

   "No need to go back to the city."

   At this time, Jin Shining came to Muhua Saki Yexin and Klatton's side.

   "Just retreat to the back bunker."

   Jin Shining flicked her long hair lightly, and pulled them from her chest to the back. After the motherhood, she also made many more feminine little gestures: "This king has a way."

With Jin Shining's voice, a halo appeared in the sky. It was her treasure of the king, but what appeared from it was not the weapons Jin Shining often used, but a styling — AK-4-7!

   "The Infinite Bullet Fire Kirin AK, that penguin sold to me was originally only for collection... Now, this king will give you this weapon with glory, great warriors!"

   The A-K47, which seemed to be burning with flames, fell into the hands of the heroic fighters, and a gunshot suddenly filled the sky of the battlefield.

   "Wow~ kind of awesome."

   Seeing this army of heroic spirits with a sudden change in painting style, Muhua Saki Yaxin couldn't help but smile, and his eyes were full of crescents.

   Craton and Uchiha Kirito were also speechless for a while.

  The elite soldiers of the Heroic Spirit Legion matched the infinite bullets of the Fire Kirin AK, and the group of ghouls suddenly began to fall in pieces like wheat.

   The advantage that appeared because of Alice Phil's interference was reversed in an instant.

At this moment, behind the army of ghouls, Altoria jumped up and flew into the air, severing several swords in succession, and the black sword light connected into a huge black light curtain, covering everyone. Shrouded in.


   Jin Shining snorted coldly, took out the Star of Deviation and lifted it up, the rotating blade also exploded with extremely terrifying power, and the black and red lines like the cracks in the space instantly permeated.

   rumbling! !

   The black and red light of destruction erupted in the air!

   In an instant, a large number of ghouls and many heroic warriors were directly killed under the impact of power.

   "Hmm! The mouse with its head and tail hidden, die for this king!"

  Golden shinning and laughing wildly, the sky was once again covered with the halo of the treasure of the king, and a large number of treasures and weapons blasted towards the falling Altoria in the sky.

Altoria in mid-air waved the sword of vows to block most of the attacks, but was still hit by successive treasures. Her body flew back like a cannonball, seeming to hit some building, directly causing it. There was a loud noise.

   "Knight King, you are qualified to be the opponent of this King!"

   The golden figure slowly disappeared from Muhua Saki Yexin's side, it was obvious that he had gone to trouble Altria.

   For various reasons, Jin Shining really did not fight well in this Holy Grail War. On the one hand, her pride underestimates the enemy-in her own words, UU看书www.uukanshu. Com will end in an instant as soon as the battle is serious.

   On the other hand, of course, it’s because of the various calculations of other people. Who told you to be so strong, how can we play without calculating you?

Fortunately, Penguin just walked through the scene and ran away after hitting a soy sauce, otherwise he and Jin Shining would really join forces, then this Holy Grail war would become a painful inquiry game, as long as recharge can become stronger, recharge Jin Shining is invincible Yes, as for Altria and the others, no money? If you don’t have money, wait for the coolness. If you don’t have money, you can play the Holy Grail War. Don't play if you are upset.

   Although the penguin is gone now, Jin Shining seems to have finally begun to show her strength for a battle.

In the distant sky, the halo of the King’s Treasure continued to appear, as well as the black sword light between Altria’s blackened vows and victory. Pieces of buildings began to fall, and the ground shook in the aftermath of the battle between the two. Up.

   This scale is already comparable to Ultraman fighting monsters.

   After all, Altria, who has unlimited magic power, makes unlimited moves.

  The golden glitter of the infinite treasure, the missile treasure can be used casually.

   The two went on like this, and it would not take a day for the city of Fuyuki to be in ruins.

   In response, Sakiya Kihana sighed insincerely: "Poor Fuyuki City, I don't know what the survivors would think."


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