The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 235: I am the darkness!

   The survivors who were tortured by ghouls shivered under the fluctuations of the battle between Altria and Jin Shining.

Of course, their thoughts are "what kind of alien invasion, World War III broke out, the messengers behind the Resident Evil came out to destroy mankind, the emergence of superpowers at the end of the world, etc., in short, they all feel that it is the end of the world now, this World pills!

  Of course, their thoughts have no effect on the status quo of Fuyuki City and the Holy Grail War. They can only hide in a safe place and wait for the group of terrifying destroyers to disappear.

And the government that completely blocked Fuyuki City from outside naturally saw this huge battle scene, and they all felt that "it's a dog". Fortunately, they acted decisively and completely blocked Fuyuki City. Otherwise, the noise would be unpleasant. It's not that they can easily cover it up.

  The Magic Association began to swear at the church: What kind of holy grail war is going on. Now that it is like this, you are responsible for it! The eighth secret relic will be yours, right, the overseer of the Holy Grail War, oversee a ghost! Don't pretend to be a fool, and be responsible for me!

   However, the temple church is not a fuel-efficient lamp, and immediately scolded: Your uncle who participated in the Holy Grail War is not your group of magicians! What qualifications do you have to say about us! Not convinced to go to war!

   Although the two sides scolded very fiercely, they only moved their lips. In the current environment, no matter what, it is impossible to start a war.

   had to curse and fight each other to vent their anger.

   The things that came out of this Holy Grail War are enough for them to scold them for a year or a half. It seems a bit comfortable to think about it this way. After all, both sides want face, there is no way to swear directly for no reason, find an excuse, and immediately become confident when they scold.

   Here, the Templar Church and the Magic Association scolded joyfully.

  The Holy Grail War in Fuyuki City has also progressed to the most intense place. The blackened Altria has an extremely large magical support. Although it has been at a disadvantage in the battle with Golden Shining, it has not shown any signs of failure.

   But the Heroic Legion confronted the ghoul army, and under the command of Clapton and the golden equipment, the ghoul army was miserable. If these ghouls had the ability to think, they would directly surrender.

   According to this, the ghouls will all be wiped out sooner or later! It is only a matter of time before the heroic army wins.

   "It seems that there is nothing wrong with me." Muhua Saki Yaxin stood next to Clapton and yawned lazily.

   Others are playing team battles, and it's thank good for not having a pig teammate on your side. However, Muhua Saki Yaxin and the others are playing a group, and the teammates around him are super gods, and Muhua Saki Yaxin naturally has nothing to do.

   "Suddenly want to drink tea?" Muhua Saki Yashin walked to the side, put a complete chair that was overturned but accidentally kept, sat on it, and looked at the sky leisurely.

  According to the normal situation, in the battlefield, the girl who pretended to be like this was going to be killed directly, but now everyone is very busy and no one cares about her.

Then, Muhua Saki Yashin conjured up a small table out of thin air with tea and pastries on it. She began to enjoy it leisurely on the battlefield, and exclaimed: "Ah~ soft tea time~ It's really wonderful."

   "Creator~ Do you think you have won?"

   At this moment, Alice Phil's voice echoed in the sky of Fuyuki City.

Muhua Saki Yexin heard the words, stood up holding the hot tea, looked at the sky and smiled and replied: "At first I am not sure, but now I am sure. Ellie, you are finally getting nervous, even if you don’t have it now, I think It's coming soon too."

   Alice Phil’s voice is as sweet as ever, with a faintly dangerous but fascinating feeling that makes you want to get closer.

   But Kawasaki Yashin also heard it, and the lightness and smile in the voice at the beginning have completely disappeared, indicating that Alice Phil's leisurely attitude has changed.

   "As expected of the Creator, really smart and cute. I have indeed been forced to a certain level." Alice Phil said without any scruples: "But I still don't understand, why do you have to stop me?"

"Too many people in this world are filthy and unbearable. It is not good to purify them and create a whole new world, a world that is truly full of justice and purity. Isn't this your ideal? Why should you stop me? , They have worked very hard to fulfill your ideals..."

   said finally, the voice gradually became low.

   This is not Alice Phil's sophistry or something. She is fused with the Holy Grail, and her real thoughts are like this, as if she doesn't know anything about the world, as pure as a newborn baby, and as evil as a newborn baby, doing what she thinks is right.

In Alice Phil’s opinion, it is obviously a good thing to create a new pure and just world through the method she said. She doesn’t know why Muhua Saki Yaxin and the others are on the opposite side. They are all so good. Partner.

   "Cough cough—"

Muhua Saki Yaxin coughed twice and said, "Although I really want to answer you, your thinking is wrong, the world is actually very beautiful, it should not be destroyed, etc., praising the truth, the good and the beautiful. But...Ari, I Never thought of saving this world, or preventing you from destroying this world."

   "I think that only Eimiya Kirisu is the one who is holding this righteous idea and struggling with pain in grief."

   Craton said at the right time: "Actually, I just want to have fun. After all, I like fighting."

   "Or Jin Shining may stop you with similar thoughts, after all, in this guy's eyes, this world naturally belongs to her. How can you destroy it without her permission." Muhua Saki said with a smile.

   "Is that so?"

   Alice Phil asked, "What about you, Creator, why are you fighting with me?"


Muhuasaki Yaxin smiled: "I am the **** of creation, Alice Phil, I said from the beginning that I came to this world only for fun, of course, the real purpose is to see the root cause, but This goal has been achieved, and the rest is left to play.

   just encountered such an interesting Holy Grail War, of course I have to join in the fun, after all, this invincible God of Creation is very boring. It is often necessary to find some fun to play, so that you will not be bored into a daze. "

   "Oh? Really? That said, Creator's personality is really bad. I didn't expect Creator to be such a fun person."

Although I can’t see where Alice Phil’s person is, from the performance of her words, her originally depressed mood has been restored, and her tone of voice also has the original charm of a witch: "That Isn’t the Creator unnecessary to fight with me? Why not join me directly? Isn’t it fun to purify all mankind?"

"Well~ Although it is not necessary, for me, I still prefer to be a decent person, so saving the world is the most interesting thing for me." With that, Saki Yashin put the tea back. On the table, then stood up and pushed the chair aside.

At this moment, in the distance, Weimiya Kiriji, who was fighting with Yanfeng's sharp weapon, did not change his face, but his hand movement suddenly slowed down. When Yanfeng Kiri caught the opportunity, he directly stabbed a few black keys. come over.


With a crisp sound, Toshishima Maya’s katana arrived just right, blocking the fate of Eomiya Kirishu’s penetration. At the same time, Toshishima Maya’s blade turned, and a cold light passed, forcing Yanfeng Kirei to retreat continuously. Several steps.

   Although Yanfeng Kirei has become an immortal-he can't die casually, which is why he can still fight to the present under the joint efforts of Uemiya Kirisu and Toshishima Maya. But the original fighting instinct was still there, and he would naturally avoid or block in the face of an attack. He hadn't had a frantic life-for-life battle yet.

   "What's the matter with you?" Toshishima Maya said, looking at Eomiya Kirishu.

   This man is indeed a very strong person. His body is clearly weak, but he still exerts a terrifying combat effectiveness. Without him, Dudao Maya felt that she might not be able to hold up for five minutes in front of the priest Yanfeng Kirei.

   "It's okay." Eimiya Kiritugu shook his head.

   He has run out of bullets, killed Yanfeng Qili five times, but he was resurrected by him, and now he has joined the melee combat.

   "You look a little green..." Dudao Maya said in a daze, feeling a terrible killing intent coming towards her face.

   Yanfeng Kirei also involuntarily took a step back. As a substitute, he was shocked by the killing intent emanating from Keishu Eomiya in a trance! It is tolerable or unbearable. The perverted priest was originally quite happy, but now he is suddenly unhappy, and the three parties are once again fighting together.

"How is this going?"

   On the other side, the ghouls have been almost cleaned up by the Heroic Spirit Legion, but Kraton's face did not have the slightest relaxed expression, but his face was solemn, and the sky in Winterwood City did not know when it had turned black.

   This kind of black is not dark, but it is obviously black, but it still makes people see things like the day, which is very strange.

Those black auras surging, like a tide, shrouded like a whirlpool towards a place not far away where only ghouls gather. Clapton looked up, and saw the black aura in a trance that seemed to be twisted and struggling. Human face.

   After watching for a while, Craton turned his head to look at Muhua Saki Yexin and asked, "How do these things give me a sense of magic."

   "Well, magic and vitality should be the same." Muhuasaki Yashin nodded and said.

   What those black auras are, she naturally knows what they are, that is the human soul and the vitality of ghouls, and now Alice Phil seems to be attracting and transforming all of these into magic power at once.

   "With such a huge amount of magic power gathered, what is she going to do?" Craton asked solemnly.

   Jin Shining and Altria in the distance also temporarily stopped fighting, and the endless sound of destruction and collapse stopped, and the entire Fuyuki City suddenly became extremely quiet.

   "Seeing me getting up, I thought I was going to do something, so do you want to do it first?"

  Kihanasaki Yaxin has a faint smile on her face, looking up at the sky, her eyes are instantly covered with black, like a whirlpool.

   "Then just do what you want! I'm going to do it!"

   The girl folded her hands together and made a strange triangular handprint, with the corners of her mouth slightly tilted, and she shouted with a hint of proud and enchanting: "The domain is unfolding!!"

   "The emptiness is silent!!"


   A burst of invisible fluctuations suddenly dispersed, and the space ripples everywhere!

   Everyone present suddenly felt their chills stand up, as if they were about to encounter something extremely terrifying!

   The next moment, space and time seem to become still!

   Everyone's consciousness seemed to be fragmented and flickered a few times, and the world in front of them completely changed!

   The original color world suddenly became black and white, and everything around it lost its color. This world seemed to have become a black and white stick figure.

   One meter, two meters, ten meters, one hundred meters, kilometers!

A circle with a radius of 3,000 meters centered on the heart of Saki Kihana—or to be more precise, the spherical space has completely lost any color that it should have, and has been transformed into black and white from beginning to end, like light and The yin is intertwined.

   Only Kihana Saki Yaxin is the only color, the only true god!

   The role of this field is to swallow!

   swallow everything! Whether it is the spirit, the magic, the soul, everything!

   Moreover, this domain is actually a technique constructed by Saki Yashin using magical powers. In this process, she has not used a bit of her own energy, all of which are absorbed by Eimiya Kirito and the free energy in the air.

   But even so, the strength of this field is still unmatched!

   It can be said that in this realm, even if Muhua Saki Yaxin is an ordinary magician, she is also the only king and the only true god!

   As long as she has a single thought and a look in her eyes, she can swallow everything in your soul and body, and the most important swallowing ability is to swallow the soul!

   I dare not say anything else, the soul has absolute priority in this swallowing domain!

   It can be said that no matter you are in a state of dying or leaping around to death with one punch, once you enter this realm, your soul will no longer belong to you.

   Your soul will become the "property" temporarily stored in this domain, the owner of this domain.

   If you want to resist this power, unless you have a super personality or a very special treasure!

   Of course, it’s okay to be strong to a certain extent.

   Alice Phil's strength is not particularly strong even with the blessing of the Holy Grail and this huge magic power, but she still has this EX-level defensive treasure in her hand-the scabbard of the contract victory sword!

   So, she wouldn't be killed in a second, but she wouldn't feel good.

   At this moment, Muhua Saki Yexin opened her hands and floated in the air, her body wrapped in darkness, she shouted.

   "Darkness covers the sky and devours everything! I am the devil who devours the world! I am the great darkness!!"

   Seeing such a majestic girl, everyone present was dumbfounded.

   Alice Phil is even more confused and doesn't know how to complain.

   How do you say, the identity of this girl has been reversed too much, right?

   Although she also thought that the identity of the girl's goddess of creation is false, but you have directly changed from being a goddess of creation to the dark demon? Even in the middle of the second full of people say I am the Great Darkness?

   With this special effect, this posture, Alice Phil doesn't know whether she should believe in the identity of the girl at this moment, or is this also what the girl calls playing?

   After playing the cool Muhan Saki Yashin, the next moment he turned his eyes to Alice Phil, and stepped in the void, and started walking towards the place where Alice Phil was in the distance.

   In this field, the soldiers of the Heroic Legion began to disappear. Of course, it wasn't that Muhua Saki Yaxin killed them, but that he couldn't bear the pressure of this field and turned back into a card on his own.

   Even Craton frowned and his face was not pretty. Obviously, it was not easy for him to stay in this only black and white realm, even if Kihua Saki Yashin didn't mean to target him.

   Craton suddenly felt a little unhappy, and at the same time secretly thought in my heart, going back to plan to improve magic resistance, or just learn magic!

Um! Use magic to defeat magic!

It was a bit difficult for even the friendly party of Craton to resist this swallowing domain. The souls in the sky naturally could not make any resistance. They flew towards the black ball vortex in the center of the domain, and were swallowed by the vortex like moths fighting fire. !

   Of course, more souls are directly torn into pieces in the sky, dissipating invisible.

   Now it is not just a person in the realm of Muhua Saki Yashin who is devouring souls, but also Alice Phil, who transforms these souls and vitality into magic power to continuously strengthen herself.

   Under the collision of these two powerful forces, those souls had no other way except to drift with the waves like a boat in the waves, or to be swallowed by one side, or torn to pieces by two forces.

As Muhuasaki Yaxin’s pace became faster and faster, the black-and-white swallowing realm began to move away, and soon all the ghoul army was wrapped in. The only thing left in it was the remnant soul that had no value absorbed. Shattered.

   These ghouls became completely dead. The original surviving ability to move was also lost at the same time, one by one fell to the ground, the body quickly decayed, and one after another appeared bones wrapped in clothing.

   makes this neighborhood feel like **** of bones.

   A few meters away, a pile of white bones piled up into a two-story "bone pile", on top of which was a pile of black mud that was constantly changing in shape, like a monster.

Muhua Saki Yaxin looked up at the black mud, stretched out his right hand to the void and gently squeezed it, a dark red energy ball appeared in the palm of her hand, and with a throw, the dark red energy ball turned into a black and red streamer. Go straight to the black mud.

   At the moment when the energy ball was about to touch the black mud, a tender and white hand stretched out from the black mud. A light touch between the fingers touched the flying energy ball.


The energy ball kept vibrating, but there was no way to break through the defense of one finger in this area. With the downward stroke of that finger, the dark red energy ball directly reversed its direction and flew down into the black mud. Disappeared without a trace.

Then, the black mud gradually dissipated, and Alice Phil appeared. Her long silver hair had turned black and fluttered without wind. The toe of one foot lightly touched the top of the pile of bones, her face With a slight smile, she looked up at Muhua Saki Yaxin in the sky.


   Suddenly the black mud on Alice's body was like a small firecracker thrown into a small pool, and a lot of black mud was splashed out when the black mud disappeared.

   A wound appeared on Alice Phil's body, and the wound quickly showed a faint golden halo, and he recovered almost instantly.

   That's right, this is the scabbard of Altria's other treasure, the distant ideal town, and it has repaired her injury.

   Except for the hair turning black, Alice Phil is no different from before, or even more beautiful, just like a fairy who has fallen into the world, and has great lethal power against ordinary people.

   But Muhua Saki Yashin and the group are not ordinary people, just when Alice Phil stepped on the bones on the tip of her toes, she bloomed like a queen! She didn't have time to say anything for a moment.

Clapton turned into an afterimage and disappeared in place, and appeared in front of Alice Phil in an instant. He squeezed a fist with his right hand and blasted out with a punch. This fist condensed all Clapton's power and exploded. , Blasted out and turned into a black streamer, before the fist arrived, there was already a deafening sonic boom.

   Alice Phil's long hair fluttered, her eyes widened slightly, she didn't seem to expect that the first attacker would say Clarton, and his offensive would come so fiercely, she just instinctively stretched out her hand to resist.

At the moment when Alice Phil stretched out her hand, a huge pressure came directly on her body, and the black and white two colors of the space covered by the Devouring Domain suddenly began to twist, as if there was an invisible flame burning around. Become chaotic.

   The hand that was about to raise to catch Clapton's fist paused for a while under the sudden pressure.

   What Clapton needed was just this, and his fist hit Alice Phil without reservation.

Alice Phil disappeared in place, or flew out in a whistling direction, and then smashed to the ground fiercely, like a meteor falling, leaving a place far beyond the golden sparkle on the city of Fuyuki. The huge wound left by the confrontation with Altria.

   Absorbed the vitality of countless people in Fuyuki City, transformed into a magical Alice Phil or very strong.

   But at the same time, she also has a very weak side. After all, Alice Phil is not a warrior. She is an artificial person of the Einzbern family, an innocent and romantic eldest lady.

  Her combat experience is far inferior to Kenneth, Tosaka Tokimi, and others, not to mention the magician killer Eomiya Kiritugu and Kenmine Kirei of the Templar Church.

And even with the combat experience of these two people, there is still no way to compare with Kraton, the **** of the world. After a long time, even if Kraton is an idiot, he doesn't want to do anything after each battle, relying on the battle accumulated by instinct. No one can compare to experience.

   Not to mention, Craton also has this super intelligence and super memory that will never be forgotten!

At the beginning, Muhua Saki Yaxin had already begun to calculate. She deliberately relaxed the pressure on the swallowing domain, and then burst out in this instant. Alice Phil, who had a body of power but did not control their experience and skills, really In the move, he hit Clapton's hard punch without reservation and solidly.

   The scabbard that had severely hit Alice Phil and captured the enchanted scabbard vanished and disappeared, and Clapton's body disappeared in place again.

   At the same time, Muhua Saki Yaxin also turned into a black and red streamer, and instantly surpassed Craton and caught up!


On the other side, Jin Shining had just tied Altria with the lock of sky and smashed it to the ground. Before she could make another move, she had no less power than a berserker after being blackened, but she was not restrained by the lock of sky. The divine Altori shook suddenly and got rid of the shackles of the lock of heaven.

   However, he was slammed to the ground, and Altria was uncomfortable, staggeringly supported himself with the sword of vows of victory and did not fall.


   Jin Shining did not take advantage of this opportunity to launch any offensive, but frowned and looked to the right side of his body. There was a huge roar from UU reading

   Just now, an afterimage passed directly between her and Altria, so fast that she couldn't even see what it was.

  Altolia also turned his head involuntarily, looked to the other side, and a wave of anxiety surged in his heart. The one who flew past just now seemed to be her lord—Alice Phil?

Soon, this doubt was answered. The black and white colors spread from the opposite direction, and the Devouring Realm enveloped the two of them. It slightly aimed at Altria and suppressed her. Muhua Saki Yaxin started from the two. A flash passed over the person's head.


   Jin Shining didn't say anything, "Dare to fly over this king's head", her eyes were a little dull.

   Is this the true power of Creator?

   After finally recovering from the dizziness, Alice Phil coughed a few times and vomited a large mouthful of blood. Before she could stand up, the pressure was on again, and the upper body that had just gotten up was directly pressed on the ground again.

Immediately afterwards, Muhua Saki Yaxin fell to her side, and her hand suddenly lit up with black and red light, and a red and black energy with a frightening energy began to converge and form, forming an energy ball with a small half-meter radius in less than 0.1 seconds. Directly facing Alice Phil underneath, pressed it down! !


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