The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 236: ended! ……?

   Facing Muhua Saki Yashin's terrifying energy ball, Alice Phil had no way to resist, and there was no chance to resist, she could only reluctantly twist her body, and then face this terrifying energy ball of destruction!

   rumbling! ! !

The mountain was shaken, and the survivors of Fuyuki City, more than ten kilometers away, could see a huge mushroom cloud rising into the sky close to the outskirts of the city. The clouds above the sky were instantly dissipated by the shock wave, and there was no blue sky. cloud!

   The survivors looked at the mushroom cloud in the sky, their faces full of shock.

   This mushroom cloud reminds them of many things, such as the end of the world, when a nuclear war breaks out, and governments around the world want to use nuclear bombs to break the tiger and sink the boat.

   However, the sensible survivor, when he saw this mushroom cloud, knew that he had to hide in the bunker in time, lie down and cover his ears to prevent the next shock!

   If there is a lack of defensive measures, ordinary people's bodies alone will likely be shocked to death by the first shock at this distance. If you don't die, you will also lose your hearing, and the shocked five holes will bleed!

   After all, for this type of super-scale explosion, the farthest damage range is the shock wave of overpressure reflux!

   Many ignorant people are still looking at the nuclear explosion mushrooms stupidly. When the impact comes, the whole person is swept away, and the death of this ordinary person can be announced at this moment.


   At the center of the explosion, Muhua Saki lightly floated out of the soot cloud of mushrooms, and landed beside Craton and the others.

   Craton looked at the girl whose clothes were still white and clean, and the mushroom cloud like the scene of the nuclear explosion in front of him, he opened his mouth and suddenly didn't know what to say.

   On the other side, Eimiya Kirisu and others, who had been affected, had also had to stop the fight a long time ago.

   And, if it weren't for Nami and Uchiha Kirito's protection, maybe Emiya Kiritugu and Toshishima Maya would have been cold.

  Eimiya Kirisu looked at the mushroom cloud in front of his head painfully: "Did Eri do this?"

   Uchiha Kirito on the side shook his head: "This is an attack by the Creator. As for Mrs. Alice..."

   He showed a sad expression to Eimiya Kiritugu: "Please be sad..."


   Eomiya Kiritugu was dumbfounded.

   Even though they said that, both Saki Yashin and Klatten knew that Alice Phil was not dead yet.

   Alice Phil, who was in the center of the explosion smoke, flicked slightly at this moment.

   Probably because of the severe pain, Alice Phil couldn't help closing her eyes and groaning slightly. She is still thinking about the beautiful but cold eyes just now.

   In the red and blue pupils, she didn't seem to see a trace of mercy, but she remembered these special eyes deeply, always feeling that these eyes have a different charm.

   She shook her head and let out a mocking sigh: "I seem to be too naive, I'm not the opponent of Creator at all..."

   The treasures and distant ideals on his body are radiating a faint light and recovering from his physical injuries.

   Alice Phil looked at Muhua Saki Yaxin a few hundred meters away through the dense smoke, and showed a poignant smile.

   "Creator, you are really strong, I can see that even this kind of attack is not your full strength."

   She has absorbed countless magical powers. At least, if she really performs some magic, the destructive power will not be weaker than that of Creator.

   However, Alice Phil can see that there is too much difference between her and Creator in the use of power.

   The same value of one hundred strength, at the level of Alice Phil, at most fifty of them can be used. And Creator...Of course, it is impossible for Creator to exert more than one hundred power, but she can use various means to make this one hundred power exert an effect that two hundred or even one thousand power may not be able to achieve.

   The gap here is enough for Creator to seize the opportunity, expand its advantage, and in an instant hit Alice Phil with a devastating posture, and even directly established a battle victory.

   Moreover, Alice Phil also knows that at present, Creator has only used the collected magic power, its own treasures or special abilities, and even the pair of bizarre double pupil magic eyes have not been used.

   Therefore, Ai Li is sure that this is still the tip of the iceberg of Saki Yaxin's strength!

Muhua Saki Yaxin also heard Alice Phil’s words, but she did not answer. She opened her other hand and flicked her fingers a few times. The sacred white rune chain stretched out, extending hundreds of meters in an instant. The smoke accurately pierced Alice Phil's heart.

   Alice Phil did not resist, just sat in place, smiling poignantly.

   Of course, even if the heart is pierced, Alice Phil is still alive.

   She is now a group of magical powers. The general way is naturally that there is no way to kill her, at most it is a serious injury. If you want to truly threaten Alice Phil’s life, you still need special weapons and methods...

   Kihanasaki Yashin stretched out his hand!

Jingle Bell!

   directly pulled Alice Phil out of the big crater in the center of the smoke and dust of the explosion.

   Alice Phil was also directly pulled down in front of Muhua Saki Yaxin, sitting on the ground poignantly.


   Alice glanced at Muhua Saki Yaxin in pain.

   However, Muhua Sakiya heartlessly exposed the woman in front of her: "Don't pretend, it won't hurt at all."

   "Oh, it seems to be eh."

   Alice Phil suddenly laughed, and the moment he raised his hand, it condensed, forming a very ordinary, destructive magic bullet, which directly penetrated Saki Yashin's chest.


   Kihana Saki Yashin stared slightly, and spit out a mouthful of blood: " actually counted me!"

   Alice Phil saw this, she also turned her head, spit out a mouthful of blood, stretched out her other hand and covered her chest with her uninjured hand, with a pained expression on her face.

   "Woo~ it hurts."

   In contrast, Kawasaki Yashin, who had a terrible wound on his chest, did not appear to be vivid enough.

Muhuasaki Yaxin suddenly became a little uncomfortable, her eyes filled with a big teardrop, and she pressed her hand on her belly, bent over and vomited a big mouthful of blood. At the same time, the blood from the wound on her chest directly soaked her white clothes like a faucet. Wet and dyed red, and within two seconds, there was a lot of water on the ground.

   "Uh uh uh~ I am so painful, I am going to die."

   Alice Phil suddenly couldn't help but laughed when she saw it, "Ahaha, no, Creator is too much for you, how can there be such a bleeding, and your posture is more like that one..."


  Kihanasaki Yaxin immediately recovered his sorrow, and said with a serious face: "You don't understand, this is an exaggerated rhetoric, which highlights the severity of my injury."

When    was talking, Muhua Saki Yaxin's wound was still bleeding, and a small puddle formed under her feet.

   "Hehe~ This is too exaggerated." Alice Phil chuckles on the ground, covering her mouth.

"But, in fact, I really hurt, not just the wound hurts, but also the heartache. Creator, don't you hurt?" After smiling for a while, Alice Phil suddenly smiled at Muhua Saki Yaxin. .

   At the same time, he stretched out on his chest and stroked it, and the chain that penetrated his chest was automatically blurred when Alice Phil stretched out his hand, making Alice Phil scratch a void.

   "Well, it probably hurts, after all, I haven't eaten enough dim sum."

  Kihanasaki Yashin replied honestly: "So Ellie, how about you give up resistance obediently? Come back and continue making snacks for me?"

   "I don't want to."

   Alice Phil flatly refused: "This is Kirishu's dream. He is obviously such a gentle person... but he must do those sad things. Obviously I can realize his dream--"

   Alice Phil's words turned into a painful muffled sound, and he almost curled up, and when he recovered, he stared at Muhua Saki Yaxin angrily.

   Using the holy white chain to continue to crush the magic power of the Holy Grail on Alice Phil, Muhua Saki Yashin said with a serious face: "Alice, please don't show affection in public, especially in front of me."

   "Why does Creator think it's Kirishu?" Alice Phil glanced at Saki Yashin charmingly.

  Kihanasaki Yaxin was a little hairy by this look, and she couldn't help turning her head and dared not look at her.

   "Huh, who else is it, you annoying woman!"

At this moment, Uchiha Kirito and the others rushed over, and Eimiya Kirito threw the bundled-up Gonmine Kirei to the ground, and kicked it by the way, causing the guy to roll over and hit the gravel next to him. , The body trembled for a long time.

   Kihana Saki Yashin and Kraton deal with Alice Phil, the battle between Jin Shining and Altria, Jin Shining will not let him intervene. So the two of them had no choice but to get Yanfeng Qili. With the participation of Uchiha Kirito, Yanfeng Kirei was hung up and beaten severely.

   Then, Muhua Saki Yashin's nuclear explosion came!

   After the shock wave passed, they were also eager to know what happened here, so they rushed over quickly.

   "This guy is quite resistant. We have beaten him to death several times, but he hasn't died." Uchiha Kirito said to Saki Yashin.


  Kihanasaki Yashin glanced at Yanfeng Kirei, who was already autistic, and she knew that this guy must feel that being immortal is not a good thing now.

   That thought, at this time!

Yanfeng Kirei trembles suddenly, and the frequency is getting higher and higher, and finally burst into laughter. There is a bit of joy in the laughter, as if something was beaten by Uchiha Kirito and the others. Strange properties.

   "It's so noisy!"

   Uchiha Kirito ran over with another kick, kicking Yanfeng Kirei directly and fainted.

"has it ended?"

Eimiya Kirei ignored Yanfeng Kirei, but walked directly to Muhua Sakiya's heart, and quietly looked at Alice Phil, who was lying on the ground. There was no expression on his face, but his eyes were flashing. It is extremely complicated.

   As for Jin Shining and Altolia, they are still fighting, but Altolia is obviously getting tired and feeling a little bit exhausted.

   and Jin Shining still has the taste of enjoying the battle.

   Although the blackened Altria has been strengthened in all aspects of power and speed, his fighting wisdom has been greatly weakened, and he fought straight forward. Jin Shining, who was serious, naturally found her weakness and began to target it. In this way, it was only a matter of time before Altria lost to Jin Shining.

   But their two masters, one is the Holy Grail Alice Phil, and the other is an invincible existence like Muhua Saki Yaxin, so there is no problem of the master's magic power restricting the heroes. As long as Jin Shining doesn't suddenly take out the Departure Sword to inspire a powerful state of Departure Star State as a big move, they should be able to fight until tomorrow afternoon.

   Therefore, the key to victory lies between Saki Yaxin and Alice Phil.

   But, the state and posture of these two people are very strange now?

  Eomiya Kiritugu watched the holy white chain in Saki Yashin's hands penetrated his wife's chest directly, but there was no blood on his wife's chest, only a faint mist.

   And Kihana Saki Yaxin has a penetrating wound on her chest, bleeding crazily.

   Weimiya Kiritugu immediately questioned:

   "You...what are you doing?"

   "Of course it's a chat, can it still be a battle?" Muhua Sakiya said straightforwardly.

   The corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

   still chatting? What kind of chat are you?

   He turned his head to look at Alice Phil, and Alice Phil returned. With affectionate eyes, he didn't hesitate anymore when he saw it. He turned around and drew the samurai sword directly from the hands of Maya Island.

   Tokashima Maya, who doesn't know them well, widened his eyes: "Mr. Kirishu?"

  Kihanasaki Yaxin is also a little surprised, is this man really going to kill his wife righteously! ?

  Emiya Kiritugu had already taken the samurai sword and came to the side of Saki Yashin and Alice Phil. There was no expression on the playing cards.

   "Kiji." Kihana Saki Yashin did not speak, but Alice Phil yelled aloud, making the atmosphere on the court even more weird.

   Muhan Saki, who clearly felt that there was nothing, also whispered. What will happen to this knife later?

   Will the two perform a farewell performance directly?

"Feel sorry."

   At this moment, Kirisu Eomiya spoke, and he waved the knife in his hand, and a cold light flashed across.

   Kihana Saki Yashin felt a cold on her chest, and the blade pressed against her small body, piercing Alice Phil's heart diagonally.

   Alice Phil let out a muffled sound, and Muhua Saki Yaxin said uncomfortably, "Oh oh oh, what are you doing? Why does this knife have to be stabbed against me?"

   "I'm sorry." Eimiya Kiritugu decisively drew out the samurai sword with another cut.

  Kihana Saki Yaxin and Alice Phil shocked at the same time.

   "You really did it deliberately, right?" Muhua Saki Yashin turned to look at Eomiya Kiritugu.

   Eomiya Kiritugu directly ignored Saki Yashin Kihana, squatted down, looked at Alice Phil's eyes, and asked softly, "How can I end this?"

   "Are you really going to end all this?" Alice Phil asked while looking at Eimiya Kiritugu.

   "Yes." Kirishu Eimiya stretched out a hand, seeming to want to touch Alice Phil's face, and finally put it down.

At this point, the surrounding space suddenly shook, Muhua Saki Yaxin's breath suddenly became violent, and behind him began to become chaotic: "I tell you, I am going to be angry! The one who is very angry and angry. kind!"

There are three black hole-like chaotic vortices around Muhua Saki. The color looks very strange. It looks black at first, but it is not black. It just seems to have swallowed everything, including the color. It seems black.

   If you insist on describing it, chaos or black hole is more appropriate.

   Just as Sakiya Kihana wanted to swallow Alice Phil in one bite.

   The world in front of her suddenly changed. Of course she knew what was going on. Someone pulled her into an illusory space.

   Of course, this is also why she did not resist to be pulled in.

   is surrounded by a vast expanse of whiteness, with mist everywhere, and it looks like a huge glass under my feet, and it also seems to be the surface of water, with the slightest movement of Saki Kihana, it will ripple.

   Kihana Saki Yashin glanced down at herself, and she wore a girly magic hair robe that she often wore when she was a teenager.

   "The spiritual world?"

   Touched his chin for a moment, Muhua Saki Yaxin stretched out a hand and made an wiping movement from left to right. The dense fog in front of her gradually dispersed, and everything around her began to become clear.

   But even if it is not clear, there is no difference. There is no scene around, only a large white area, and Alice Phil floating in the distance.

  Like Saki Yashin Kihana just now, Alice Phil likes her most familiar and favorite clothes, but there is a small holy grail floating above her head, and a special force connects the two together.

As the fog was dissipated by Kawasaki Yakina, Alice Phil opened his eyes, looked at Kawasaki Yakini, smiled, her smile full of allure, like a witch: "Creator, you just thought Do you want to eat me?"

   "Where is this place?" Muhua Saki Yashin asked knowingly.

"Our last battlefield..." Alice Phil stretched out her hand, and the surrounding mist began to roll, gathering towards her hand, spreading along her tender white arm, forming a layer on her body. The tulle-like whirlwind dress made Alice Phil full of fairy spirit.

   "The last battlefield?" Muhua Saki Yaxin shook his head boringly, "It's really boring."

   "Really? It seems that I don't understand the preferences of Creator very much.

   But, anyway, let's fight in the spiritual world and have a decisive battle with me! "

   "Oh~ you mean this?"

   Before Alice Phil had finished speaking, Saki Yaxin Muhua appeared behind her, grabbing the Holy Grail above her head directly.

   "...Can't you just listen to others' words?"

   held back for a while, Alice Phil said in a somewhat helpless tone.

   "No, thank you."

  Kihanasaki Yashin nodded, and stretched out her hand to hold it. The not-so-large Holy Grail was directly turned into fragments in her hand. Then, those fragments disappeared in her palm, as if they had been eaten.

   "This is the end?"

Behind   kihanasaki Yashin, three black holes disappeared, and then a card with the holy grail pattern fell into her hand.

   "Creator is so cruel and ruthless than Kirishu."

   Alice Phil turned around, looked at Muhua Saki Yaxin, and said with a smile.

   "Don't pretend Ari, the Holy Grail has been eaten by me." Muhua Saki Yaxin shook the card in his hand.

   "Really, Creator has no sense of humor." Yes, now Alice Phil has recovered and is no longer the one controlled by the Holy Grail

   Alice Phil’s full name is Alice Phil von Einzbern, an artificial man of the Einzbern family, the container of the Holy Grail.

   It can be said that her "birth" is destined to be a tragedy, and it will be a tragedy that will continue to my daughter.

   If it were not for the chaos of Saki Yashin, when this Holy Grail war entered the later stage, Alice Phil would start to lose the ability to move because of the death of the hero, and finally be killed by Yanfeng Kirei.

Now because of Muhua Saki Yexin Su Mo and Li Yunlong’s chaos, things have changed tremendously. Of course, the gunmen of Lucky E are **** dead. Even the five warriors were pulled out and died once, and the Berserkers were not well. Where to go.

This accident tells us that in the future, you must not choose the two professions of Gun Warrior and Berserker. This kind of rush to kill the previous profession is destined to be tragedy. It’s okay to play long-range professions like Bow Knight and Faye. It's okay.

   How the witch Faye of the Five Wars is a winner in life, the Faye of the Fourth War was dead and rushed to Muhuasaki Yaxin for a second, otherwise he could make some news by keeping the distance.

  Kihana Sakiya's confusion is not the other person, but Alice Phil. She not only blackened herself, but also blackened Altria, mothered golden glitter, zombies transformed the entire Fuyuki City, and really made big news, making Muhua Saki Yexin deeply surprised.

   Therefore, Saki Yashin Kihana decided to bring Alice Phil to resurrection. After the destruction of the "Holy Grail", she is definitely bound to die.

   However, Muhua Saki Yexin took her soul into her mind at the first thought, and then appeared and created a body for her one-to-one.

   "Creator is really amazing, I believe it now, Creator is really the legendary Nuwa."

  Kihana Sakiya gave Alice Phil a blank look: "Are you talking about it, didn't believe what I said before?"


   Alice Phil covered her mouth and smiled: "Nuwa, after all, it's so scary."

   As I said, Alice Phil floated to Saki Yashin, leaning on Saki Yashin, and whispered: "It's finally over, and I seem to be free too. Thank you so much, Creator."

  Kihana Saki Yashin was a little disgusted with Alice Phil's approach, but did not push her away: "Then what do you want to do after you are free?"

"I don't know, I probably want to get a good night's sleep, after all, I'm a little tired." Alice Phil's voice began to become lower, and his eyes closed directly: "Creator... You let me sleep for a while. OK."

   "...Ellie! You are a dying rhythm!"

   Kihana Saki Yashin suddenly shook her body, grabbed with both hands, grabbed Alice Phil by the shoulder and shook it several times, abruptly waking Alice Phil from a sleepy state.


   Alice Phil stared and retorted, "I'm just simply tired. I want a good night's sleep, and I have to fulfill Kirishu's dream next time I wake up."

   "Have you not given up on this dream?" Muhua Saki Yaxin suddenly became speechless.

   "Of course you can't give up. Only in this way can everyone be redeemed." Alice Phil nodded and said seriously.

   "Well, it's already broken so sideways." Muhua Saki Yaxin nodded seriously, too.

   "Hate, Creator is bad for you." Alice Phil looked shy.

"I'm not complimenting you, how do you feel that your three views have been completely destroyed by the black mud..." Muhua Saki Yexin felt that Alice, who had clearly recovered before her eyes, became strange, the elegant and gentle Alice before. Where is Mrs. Phil?

   "I didn't pull it, let alone, I'm really I'm going to sleep."

   Alice Phil looked at Kawasaki Yashin who looked a little coquettishly.

"and many more."

   "Let me take care of the matter first."

   Speaking, Muhua Saki Yaxin raised his hand and snapped his fingers!


   Suddenly, the whole world began to emit an extremely dazzling light!

  Wait for the light in front of you to dissipate!

   The two have returned to the messy battlefield in Fuyuki City.


   Seeing the two appearing, Eimiya Kirisu's eyes widened. Just a few minutes ago, three terrifying black holes around Saki Yaxin Muhua swallowed her and Alice Phil.

   Then, Altria turned into a light spot and disappeared, leaving only the golden sparkle.

   Craton, they have directly faded away from the heroic body and become human again!

what is this?

   means the Holy Grail War is over?

   Creator and Alice Phil died together?

   Now, Creator appears with Alice Phil again?

   What is this?

Who's winning?

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