Time goes back a few minutes ago.

   Seeing Muhua Saki Yaxin and Alice Phil disappeared in place, Altria turned into a light spot and disappeared.

   Eomiya Kiritugu immediately understood something, his mood became complicated, and his eyes were full of melancholy.

   Just in time, a breeze blew over, and his hairstyle, which had to consume a bottle of wax to maintain, was quite unscientifically shaking. He silently took out a cigarette, took out the lighter from his pocket, and lit the cigarette.

   Watching the smoke burning in his hand, Eomiya Kirishu didn't speak, as if he was paying homage to something.

   "The wind is a bit noisy today..." There was an inexplicable thought in his mind, and Weimiya Kirishu suddenly felt that his heart was filled with sadness—or in other words, he had been filled with sadness all the time.

   just suddenly and completely surged up at this moment, unable to restrain it.

   But Weimiya Kiritugu is an absolute man, so his sadness only exists in his heart, without any expression at all, his face is as cold as ever, but a little more tired.

   Tokushima Maya looked at Eimiya Keishu for a while, then suddenly said, "Are you okay, how do you feel that you have suddenly become a literary youth."

   This girl has a terrifying ability to hit the nail on the head.

   Just as Eimiya Kiritugu was about to say something, Saki Yashin and Alice Phil appeared in front of him, the two people he thought they were both dead.

  The literary and artistic youth Weimiya Kiritugu was stunned. Wait, shouldn't you all die together?

   If not, where did you go in those few minutes just now! Give me back my sorrow just now!

   Literary and artistic youth Eomiya Kiriji decisively took out a pistol and turned directly into the killer Eomiya Kiriji.

   But before he pulled the trigger, Alice Phil had just appeared, and her body suddenly became blurred, starting to change from the entity to the incorporeal direction.

At the side of   Kihanasaki Yaxin, the space began to twist, forming a whirlpool like the surface of the water, forcing Eomiya Kiritugu and Toshishima Maya to step back several steps in a row.

The gradually illusory Alice Phil turned around and opened her mouth to Uemiya Kiritugu, as if she was saying something, but there was no sound coming out, but the figure became fainter and transparent, until Disappeared in the eyes of Kirishu Eomiya.

  Eomiyakiji's eyes widened, but he could barely read the meaning of "goodbye" from the movement of Alice Phil's lips. Later, he could no longer read it.

   "That what..."

  Kihana Sakiya was a little surprised when he saw this, where is Alice Phil going?

   She shook her head, and didn't want to bother, anyway, Alice Phil should not have any extreme thoughts.

   Now, it's time for her to clean up the mess.

"has it ended?"

   At this time, Dushima Maiya spoke to Muhua Saki Yaxin.

"so close."

   Mikasaki Yashin said, and took out a card from the bad, which was the Holy Grail card she had just harvested.

  Kihanasaki Yashin raised his hand and threw the card into the air, the next moment!

   Suddenly, a huge, golden holy grail phantom that was several hundred meters in size instantly bloomed, as if a golden sun flower had bloomed, spitting out countless golden particles, scattered all over the city of Winterwood.

  Eomiya Kiritugu and the others, can feel the extremely huge vitality on this golden particle.

"This is?"

  Eimiya Kiritugu's eyes widened suddenly.

   Is this the wish of the Holy Grail?

Muhua Saki Yaxin seemed to hear his heart, and said bluntly: "No, it's just a simple magic that uses the huge magic power of the Holy Grail. The Holy Grail is not as good as you think, your ridiculous wish. , Don't count on it."

   Soon, the golden rain of light disappeared.

   Kihana Saki Yashin looked at Uemiya Kiritugu, then at Klatton and Nami, she said nothing, and waved.

   The four of her, Nami, Klaton and Uchiha Kirito were swallowed by a spatial vortex at the same time, and disappeared in place.

   She chose to leave directly.

   After all, Muhua Saki Yashin really has nothing to miss in this world.

   As for Ma Tong Sakura, Sakura is a member of the chat group, but she is not afraid that she will not find Saki Yashin and them.

   So, Kihana Saki Yashin left without a doubt.

   Looking at the open space in front of him, Eimiya Kiritugu closed his eyes, sighed, and said deeply: "It's over."

  He silently took a cigarette and stuffed it into his mouth, took a deep breath, and spit out a wisp of white smoke and said, "I still have something to do."

   Although he didn't face her, Dudao Maya knew that he was talking to her: "I have nothing to do, let's be together."

   "Maybe it will take a long time." Keitsu Uemiya said as he walked, and the two walked through the city of Fuyuki where half of the city was almost turned into rubble.

   A few minutes later, Eimiya Kiritugu pushed open the door of a small building that was fortunately kept intact, and said, "It's safe now. Come out."

   After a while, a small head came out inside, and a child with red hair came over timidly.

   When he was fighting with Yanfeng Qili just now, he found this little child. Now that the Holy Grail War is over, at least Oemiya Kirito thinks it must be over. With the disappearance of Alice Phil, Yanfeng Kirei also lost his immortality and died directly. Eimiya Kirishu came to find the child.

   Looking at this little child, there seemed to be a smile on the cold face of Kiritugu Eomiya...



   Back to the everyday world.

  Kihanasaki Yaxin stepped on her bed with both feet, and she was extremely excited: "I'm back, I'm back! Sure enough, my root cause has nothing to do with that root cause. It's just a similar name."

   "Ye Xin? Where did you go to play again?"

   At this time, Ino came over with a cup of hot tea and asked with a puzzled look.

  Kihanasaki Yaxin didn't want to hide it, and said bluntly: "I went to a very interesting world to play, um, the most important thing is to confirm one thing."

   "Oh? Is this a friend you know from that world?"

   Ino sat back leisurely on her small table and asked casually.


  Kihana Saki stayed in a daze: "Huh? What friend."

After    said, she immediately felt a different aura, as if thinking of something, she slowly turned her head with a stiff expression...

one look!

   "Eh eh eh! Why are you Jin Shining here!" Muhua Saki Yaxin suddenly became calm, and suddenly jumped up.

   Ino is also curiously looking at this strange woman in front of him, in a shiny golden dress?

   There is really nothing wrong with the nickname of "Golden Shining", and this temperament?

   So cool!

   Ino's eyes suddenly became shiny, as if he had seen some sparkling jewels.

   "The king just wants to know why I am here." Jin Shining glanced at Ino, then looked down, her angle of view was limited, and the corners of her mouth could not help but raised slightly, showing an inexplicable smile, looking very happy.

Upon seeing this, Ino suddenly narrowed his eyes, stared at Jin Shining and glanced up and down, then lowered his head to look at himself, and comforted himself: "Fake! It's all fake! It must be the role of the armor! I wear it. That armor will definitely be similar... right."

  Kihanasaki Yashin watched the two inexplicably fight the murder weapon, she couldn't help looking at her chest, and her mouth was instantly flattened when she saw it.

   Then, she looked at Jin Shining angrily: "Huh! Follow me without permission! You give me out first!"

   Kihana Saki Yashin grabbed Jin Shining's arm and dragged her out.

   "Who allowed you to hold this king's arm!" Jin Shining was as arrogant as ever, but she was still obediently dragged out by Saki Yashin.

   "Wait, the clothes that man just wore..." Ino reached out his hand and stopped, but couldn't stop Muhua Saki Yaxin, and watched Muhua Saki Yaxin drag Jin Shining out the door.

   Ino shook his head, ignored it, and continued to drink tea and read leisurely.

   As for Nanako, now she has become a game house. She stays in her room to play games almost at all times. Everything from the outside can't interfere with her wearing headphones.


   About ten minutes later, Ino looked outside the door, and it seemed that he could hear the noise of Muhua Saki Yaxin and the glittering gold.

   "It's arguing? Nothing will happen, right?"

   When Ino thought so, the outside became quiet again.

   "Well, it seems that there should be no problem, I'd better take a shower first."


   Half an hour later, Ino, who walked out of the bathroom, saw the small living room, Saki Yashin and Jin Shining sitting on the sofa in a very comfortable posture.

   The shining-looking woman in golden armor didn't know when she changed into a more casual outfit with a big thick gold chain hanging around her neck, just like those coal bosses who had money and nowhere to spend.

   Of course, even Ino had to admit that even with the gold chain that was full of nouveau riche, this woman still seemed to have a noble aura, just like a real queen.

   "Ino, come over here and sit down." Muhua Saki Yashin turned her head slightly and said to Ino.

   "Oh." Ino was a little confused and sat on the small bench opposite Yashin Kihana.

"Is there a problem?"

   "I have discussed with Jin Shining, so I also plan to discuss with you. Next, Jin Shining will live in our house temporarily, and when she finds another house, let her move out!"

   Ino scratched his face when he heard the words: "Is that right? You can decide this Yaxin? Why do you even ask me? This feeling..."

   It's as if she is the head of the family...

   Thinking of this, Ino's cheeks flushed suddenly, as if he really meant to be the head of the family. Nanako is their daughter, she is the husband, and Yashin is the stupid cute wife.


   Ino suddenly shook his head, and threw this strange idea out of his head.

   "No no no~ What am I thinking about!"

  Kihanasaki Yashin looked at Ino's strange movement, her eyes were a little puzzled: "Ino? After all, this is my house. If you let an outsider come, you still need Ino's consent."

   Ino heard the words and looked at Ye Xin before him, and suddenly smiled with some relief: "Ye Xin, who has always been like a child to go his own way, you have finally grown up. You actually know how to discuss with me.

   Don't worry, I will definitely agree to this matter. "

   "What? I'm already an adult, and what's wrong with my own way? I'm the invincible eye of death!"

   Kihanasaki Yaxin suddenly became a little angry.

   Ino suddenly rubbed the little head of Kika Saki Yaxin: "Okay, okay, I see."

   As she said, she looked at Jin Shining: "There is also this guest friend, you can rest assured, we still have a bit of space here."



   Jin Shining nodded and responded twice, and then she seemed to be a little distracted.

   This puzzled Ino.

   However, at this moment, Jin Shining stood up suddenly, and seriously asked Muhua Saki Yaxin: "By the way, where is this place? Shouldn't the Holy Grail War be over?"


   Kihanasaki Yashin met her golden eyes and blinked.

   "Holy Grail War?"

   Jin Shining nodded.

Muhua Saki Yaxin's small fist suddenly squeezed. Although there was a smile on her face, she could still see that the smile was very forceful: "You actually asked about the Holy Grail War? Then, I just said so much to you? You didn't even listen. is that clear?"

   Jin Shining looked disdainful: "Huh, it's boring, this king doesn't bother to listen."

   Kihanasaki Yaxin couldn't help it, and hit the arrogant face directly with a punch!

   However, Ino stopped him directly, and the peacemaker comforted him: "Calm down! Calm down! Ye Xin, you can't treat your friends like this."

   "Huh! She is not my friend pinch!"

   Kihana Saki Yashin and Jin Shining both said at the same time.

   Of course, Kihana Saki Yaxin, so-called with a little accent.

   Seeing this, Ino had such an expression as expected: "It seems that Ye Xin, you have made a very good friend."

   "Huh? Ino! How can you tell me and this guy are good friends?"

   "Yes, yes! How could this king be friends with such a liar!"

   "Huh? Why am I a liar again?"

   "Huh, Goddess of Creation? What you said, now?"

   "Huh! Who has never been a Nuwa, do you want to come and see the world I created, I am not a liar!"

   In this way, Muhua Saki Yexin and Jin Shining quarreled again.

   Ino looked at and shook his head: "Your relationship is really good."


  Kihanasaki Yashin and Jin Shining turned their heads and shouted at Ino at the same time.


   After five minutes, the fight between Saki Yaxin and Jin Shining stopped a little.

Muhua Saki Yaxin also continued to introduce the world to Jin Shining with an impatient look: "This is the world I live in, probably because of the contract or the relationship between the black mud. In short, you can live in this world. UU reading www.uukanshu .com can also continue to live in this world, which means you are equivalent to being born again."

   "Heh, as a king, does the other world really need me?" Jin Shining waved her long hair and said.


   Ino suddenly felt that the two people are inexplicably similar. As far as the degree of narcissism is concerned, if Kika Saki Yaxin is in the late stage, Jin Shining is the kind that is critically ill and hopeless.

Muhua Saki Yaxin snorted disdainfully: "Huh~ You think too much, it should be the two restraining powers of your world that fear me, so it didn't stop you from following me to this world. Otherwise, what about you? May leave that world."

  Fear of the two inhibitory powers?

   Jin Shining heard this, and suddenly thought of a lot of things.

   Being afraid of even restraint, no wonder he can travel through the world at will.

   At this moment, Jin Shining can be considered to understand the true strength of Muhua Saki Yaxin.

   "So, after you know the answer, Jin Shining, do you want to stay here to play? Or do you want to go back?"

   Kihana Sakiya asked, staring at Jin Shining with scorching eyes.

   Jin Shining lowered her head and pondered for a while, then raised her head and smiled and said: "Hmph, this king is going to have fun naturally, and then leave!"



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