"Sister, where did you go during this time, and brought back one..." Nanako looked at Jin Shining next to her.

Jin Shining didn't even have any interest in looking at Nanako. She flipped through the women's magazine in her hand and nodded slightly, seeming to increase her sense of fashion. Speaking of this guy's dress is not gold but gems, very earthy, it is really supported by a face. You can't expect an ancient person to have too much current fashion sense, even Jinshining is no exception.

"Golden Shining, just call her like that in the future." Saki Yashin Muhua said to Nanako.

Nanako tilted her head and glanced suspiciously at the blonde European woman: "Who is she? Is it her sister's friend?"

"Hmph, don't guess the identity of the king, anyway, it can't be her friend." Jin Shining finally raised her head and glanced at Nanako with a contemptuous look. He did not express any objection to the name of Kuka Saki Yexin for an unprecedented time.

"Huh?" Nanako suddenly became more confused.

However, Muhua Saki Yashin didn't intend to explain, "Nanako, just ignore her and just play with your own."


Nanako responded, and immediately went back to the room to play a game.

Seeing that Nanako had been sent away, she turned her head to Jin Shining and said, "I have something to do today, so stay here for yourself. Don't cause me such trouble, or I will send you off. go back."

Jin Shining's ruby ​​eyes flickered slightly, and the corners of her mouth curled slightly: "Huh~ I didn't expect this king to be threatened one day."

Muhua Saki Yexin's eyes narrowed slightly: "Huh? Do you really want to cause trouble?"

Jin Xingyan said disdainfully: "Hmph, this king is not a troublemaker, unless someone provokes me."

"It's best."

With that, Muhua Sakiya put on the guitar on her back and was about to go out.

It just so happened that Ino walked out of the room: "Eh, Ye Xin, are you going to the light sound department?"

"Yeah, I plan to practice a new song today."

Muhua Saki Yaxin replied casually.

"Oh~ Is there a new song again? Then I have to look forward to it."

Holding a book in one hand and a cup of tea in the other, Ino sat in the living room as usual, preparing to spend a leisurely time of reading and drinking tea.

Muhuasaki Yashin smiled: "Well, Ino, wait."

After speaking, Muhua Saki Yaxin closed the door of the room.

After Muhua Saki Yaxin walked out, the room suddenly became quiet.

About thirty minutes later ~www.readwn.com~ The somewhat tired Ino stretched out, then looked up and saw the golden glitter in a daze.

She was a little dumbfounded at once, it seemed that the owner of her house was a bit rude to the guests.

Thinking about it, Ino looked at Jin Shining and hesitated, feeling that he should play the role of the owner of the house.

However, before Ino could speak, Jin Shining suddenly raised her head, looking at Ino with her ruby ​​eyes: "Little sister."

"What are you doing?" Ino panicked for no reason, and said.

"Is there any profession in this world that other people can know?" Jin Shining moved her long hair, and said in a helpless tone: "This king can't stand any ordinary people who don't show what they deserve to this king. Respect it."

"Huh?" Ino was taken aback for a moment, and said, "Do you want others to know you?"

"To be precise, it is to know the greatness of this king." Jin Shining said in a natural tone.

"This woman is really a bit abnormal in her brain." Ino slandered to herself, thought for a moment and said, "If you want people all over the world to recognize you, how about being a national leader?"

"This king is tired of controlling the lives of ordinary people." Jin Shining is the so-called oldest king, and she has no interest in what she has done.

"Then be a star."

Ino said, "You're still pretty good..." The second half sentence "It's just that the brain is not normal" was not said.

"Do you want this king to entertain people with lust?" Jin Shining was a little displeased.

"No." Looking at Jin Shining, Ino suddenly became interested. If this woman becomes a star, she might be quite interesting!

"Come here, I found that being a star is really suitable for you." Ino excitedly took Jin Shining's hand and pulled her into his bedroom.

After half an hour, when she had a thorough understanding of what is going on with the stars in this world, Jin Shining lightly squeezed her long hair and chuckled: "So that's the case, since this is the case, then this king will be reluctant to do so. Be a star."

If Muhua Saki knew what star Jin Shining had been fooled by Ino, she would definitely leave behind the truth hidden behind the changes related to the fate of this world, and ran back to take a small bench to see how Jin Shining became a star.

It's a shame to miss such an interesting thing.


Just when the girls are living a peaceful life.

Some unusual worlds have occurred in this everyday world.

As we all know, a country generally has a specially established organization.

And Su Mo is a member of a particularly secretive organization.

As a member of a mysterious organization, he naturally understands that this everyday world is not as simple as it seems on the surface.

What gods, demons, dragons, angels, these legends are all real things in this world!

Not to mention any abilities, Taoism, magic, witchcraft and so on!

These peculiar systems also exist!

With the existence of these superpowers, there must be a department that manages the existence of these superpowers.

Don't think that no one has noticed the anomaly of the Dragon Maid of the Xiaolin family.

This is just their special presence to maintain order.

Under the state apparatus, if you want to nurse these unusual characters, it is impossible for them to find out!

It's just that they choose the policy of being soft and observing the existence of this kind of existence that will not disrupt human society, with one eye and one eye closed.

As long as they don't cause any major incidents, they generally don't care about them, they just spy on them secretly.

However, now a big event has suddenly appeared!

An unusual event that will disrupt society!

Su Mo has been investigating this case-the mysterious disappearance case!

This case involves hundreds of thousands of people, which is not a small number, but if the branch is in each city in the island province, it will not be able to splash a splash.

Not to mention, most of those missing are marginal figures in society.

Therefore, this incident did not arouse public attention.

However, their investigation recently revealed that some of the missing people have suddenly returned!

And those who return, even carry super powers!

Most of those with super powers choose to live a peaceful life, but some choose to disrupt society and use super powers wantonly!

They just found out that there are a lot of chaotic parties and many things are happening in this peaceful society.


Su Mo, wearing a uniform, was in a secret base at the moment, staying in a small dark room, sitting on a hard stool, looking at the projection on the wall.

As an intelligence officer, Tang Tianzheng held a small stick with a serious face, pointed at a certain place of the projection, and explained something to Su Mo.

This scene seemed to be as if the serious crime team was discussing a certain action, and there was a depressive atmosphere in the whole room.

But really speaking, the next thing is definitely more important than the serious crime team case.

"Konjac! You should remember the weird X fluctuations we told you last time. In addition to people, there are also some special fluctuations that are continuous." Tang Tian said, the projection on the wall was right. It is a map.

"Here, here, here."

Following the guidance of Tang Tian's little black stick, red dots appeared in several places on the map: "These three places are the places where the fluctuations lasted the longest and the most intense."

"Anything to find?" Su Mo asked.

"I haven't found these two places." Tang Tian pointed to one of the places and said, "But here, there are some strange phenomena."

"Strange phenomenon?"

"Well, a supernatural strange phenomenon." Tang Tian's tone unconsciously brought a weirdness.

"and many more."

Su Mo interrupted Tang Tian's words: "Don't talk to me in a scientific tone. Just be direct. Don't play mystery on me. In the end, the reason for making a kid zombie jump is to attract the attention of others."

"Ah, haha, Konjac, I didn't expect you to watch such an old series." Tang Tian was taken aback and said with a smile. He is a loyal fan of the old show that has ended for many years.

"..." Su Mo was speechless for a while, and he didn't expect Tang Tian, ​​who looked serious, to have such unreliable times.


Tang Tian also realized that it was not the time to say this, he coughed twice and said: "Those supernatural phenomena are, in short, the current science has no way to explain... the only possibility is the X individual, uh-what the supernatural person does. . But after a month of investigation, we didn’t find any supernatural beings appearing nearby."

"Could it be that you did not record it." Su Mo asked, "According to the information you gave, the number of instances of X in the past few months has reached an uncontrollable number, right? Can the Secret Service be managed?"

He knew that Tang Tian suddenly changed the X entity to a supernatural power, in order not to arouse his own disgust.

In any case, the name X individual sounds uncomfortable to some people, compared to the supernatural being much better.

Because he is also a so-called supernatural person!

That's right, he was also the person who returned to that space, and he also exchanged some of his abilities. He wanted to live a good life, but he was accidentally recruited by the country.

He also joined recently, and the code name is Konjac.

"Somewhat reluctantly, this place is of course not only the people from our special bureau, but some other departments are also helping." Tang Tian said: "There are also some teachers from the special research institute, but...in the end, nothing was found. ."

"Then go take a look." Su Mo stood up and walked toward the outside of the room.

"Konjac! Don't you look at the photos of the scene?" Tang Tian asked: "Or go directly to see the scene. We have blocked it and try not to damage it, but after all, one or two months have passed. If there are any clues, I will also There is no way to guarantee that everything is kept intact."

Su Mo stopped, turned his head and said, "You really treat me as a detective. You can find out a so-called truth through reasonable analysis of clues? You don't lack such a person, right?"

"That's true." Tang Tian scratched the back of his head.

"I'm just going to take a look, don't expect too much from me." Su Mo stretched out a finger and shook it twice, "Arrange a room for me to rest."

It's already night, and that place is not in this city, but in the remote western region, or even in the mountains. Otherwise, these supernatural phenomena will occur in the prosperous eastern region, and the news will have spread long before the Special Bureau and other relevant departments have blocked those places.

Now is the era of the information explosion. Even personal terminals have appeared, but they are not popular. Once something happens, it is very difficult to hide it.

To go to that place, of course there is no rush.

"Mr. Su, this is your identity."

On the tarmac, Tang Tian handed Su Mo a small notebook.

Su Mo took it and opened it. The identity inside showed that he was a special consultant of the special bureau. Several of them sounded very lofty—the first person in the field of supernatural phenomena and other seemingly funny titles.

But with that steel stamp, even the funny title immediately became serious.

"Mr. Su now has the same authority as mine." Tang Tian said.

"Oh, such a big hand." Su Mo smiled, saying that, but his tone was extremely relaxed, he didn't care at all.

Although Tang Tian is only the middle level of the special bureau, the special bureau is a special department after all, and his authority is actually very large, and the resources he can mobilize are much more than those of the general department at the same position.

"In addition, you can also receive a monthly allowance of 100,000 yuan for Konjac..." Tang Tian couldn't say it anymore.

The monthly allowance of 100,000 yuan sounds like a high level, but it depends on who you compare. Anyway, as far as Tang Tian can find the information, the number of assets owned by the person in front of him is staggering.

I don't know which leader came up with the one hundred thousand each month. It's better not to express this sincerity.

"One hundred thousand? Can I get it now?" Su Mo stopped and turned his head to ask.

"Uh-yes, yes." Tang Tian was taken aback and nodded.

"Very well, then call me in. Don't tell me that you don't know the domestic bank account." Su Mo said.

Tang Tian asked: "This, does Mr. Su need it now?"

"Yes, how can you starve soldiers when you are going to the battlefield, do you think this is true?" Su Mo asked back.

"Mr. Su is right." Tang Tian squeezed a few words from between his teeth, turned and left.

Sure enough, **** is still hot. It is not unreasonable for those old men to be the leaders of the special bureau! There are so many things young people have to learn!

A few minutes later, the two men slowly lifted off from the military plane.

Tang Tian sat opposite Su Mo, but turned his head and looked out the window. He didn't mean to talk to Su Mo.

He has completely lost the temptation ~www.readwn.com~ to see if he can get any useful information out of Su Mo's mouth.

There was no word all the way, only the sound of propellers turning and the sound of interconnection in the cockpit. A few hours later, the plane landed on a seemingly temporary landing platform. Several people got on an off-road vehicle.

After more than half an hour's drive, the surrounding roads have become narrower and have entered the inaccessible mountainous area. The car drove for a long time in the bumpy mountain road, and finally stopped near a small village in a mountain col.

But this small village is no longer a village... To be precise, it has been requisitioned by a group of soldiers with guns and live ammunition, and it looks like a temporary military-affair-base-land.

"It's very serious?" Seeing this scene, Su Mo turned his head and asked.

"Yeah." Tang Tian nodded solemnly, "Half of the people in the village were dead, no fatal wounds were found on their bodies, and the autopsy did not reveal the cause of death. Other than that..."

After checking his documents, Tang Tian led Su Mo into the small village while briefly introducing the situation.

But after not taking a few steps, Su Mo's footsteps suddenly stopped, turning his head slightly and looking to the left.

"What's the matter?" Tang Tian asked.

"What a huge soul... or vitality." Su Mo said softly while looking at the northeast direction.

"What--" Tang Tian, ​​who hadn't heard clearly, had no time to ask what Su Mo was talking about. The door to the house on the right hand side that was reinforced like a fortress was violently pushed open.

A middle-aged man with glasses walked out and shouted: "Severe X fluctuations are found in the northeast, which is stronger than before!"

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