The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 239: Things are out of control

   "Captain Tang."

After    shouted, the middle-aged man walked over and said to Tang Tian, ​​"This time the fluctuations are more severe than before. I suspect that bad things will happen again."

   "I know." Tang Tian nodded solemnly.

   "Then let everyone evacuate." The middle-aged man frowned and said.

   Tang Tian shook his head: "This is not something I can decide."

   "Then report to your superiors, I said half a month ago, it's useless for you to stay." The middle-aged man said, waving his hand a little excitedly.

   "At least it can deal with some unexpected events."

   "It would be great if you can really deal with it." The middle-aged man said, "Forget it, I can't say to you, anyway, you report my opinion."

   "Don't worry, Hao." Tang Tian said, pointing to Su Mo next to him, "This is an external consultant of the special bureau, an expert in the supernatural field, Mr. Su Mo."

   When the two people were talking, the originally quiet village suddenly became lively.

   In other words, a lot of soldiers with guns appeared, and they looked on guard, and they almost immediately raised the alarm.

   Tang Tian and Hao are obviously used to this situation, and the expressions on their faces have not changed.

Then Hao said directly to Su Mo: "Since I am also an expert, let's come and study it together. A lot of information is only available here." Then, he walked violently towards the house that just came out, full of scientific madman. Demeanor.

However, Hao walked a few steps, but found that the consultant named Su Mo did not keep up. He turned his head anxiously and urged: "Come on, this X fluctuation time is uncertain. Maybe it will be over in the next second. I missed the most. Good time to observe."


   Su Mo nodded, saying that he had heard Professor Hao's words, and then walked directly to the northeast, "So I'll go take a look first."

   "Hey, what are you doing!" Professor Hao was stunned, and was about to grab Su Mo.

   Tang Tian stood in between the two and explained: "Professor Hao don't worry, Mr. Su is a professional, but his direction is a little different."

"Professional shit! It's also a professional to go directly to death like this? I said why you soldiers don't use your life as your life!" Hao is anxious, but the tall Tang Tian can completely suppress him with one hand. , So he couldn't get rid of it.

   "Hao, believe me, Mr. Su is really professional."

   Tang Tian explained that he was not in a hurry, but was rather moved in his heart.

   This 50-year-old man is called Hao Ren. His name is a bit strange, but he is definitely worthy of his name. He is a really good person.

   Hao Renzhi was so excited because the X fluctuations occurred in different locations in the last two times. He immediately took his assistant to investigate-what would be more research value than first-hand information?

Of course, it was the soldiers who came to the scene faster than them, but when Hao Ren rushed to the vicinity with some people, he found that the leading troops were half dead and half missing. Only one was unconscious and unconscious. The survivors who don’t know can be described as annihilation of the entire army.

   searched a large area for seven days, but could not find any traces, nor found any cause of death on the deceased.

   After half a month, the same fluctuations appeared. Despite preparations, many people still died unexpectedly. Not only that, but also a large number of trees collapsed, and now they have burnt marks.

   Hao Ren told Tang Tian, ​​one of the base’s leaders, several times that he hoped they would leave soon.

   God knows what will happen next time X fluctuates.

   "It looks like my son is still younger than my son, where can I go professionally?" Hao Ren said angrily.

   "This...I think his age should be older than your grandfather." Tang Tian secretly said in his heart, almost squeezing Professor Hao back into the small house with a half-arm.

   As for Su Mo, to be honest, Tang Tian is really not worried, even if everyone here is dead, that guy will live well.

   "Go away, let me come."

   Tang Tian thought Su Mo could not die, said as he walked.

   The soldiers who had been approaching the fluctuation of X based on the terminal in their hands stopped one after another.

   Before Su Mo arrived, his photos were sent here, and the information he made up was not mentioned for the time being. At this base, his words have the same effect as one of the persons in charge of Tang Tian.

  As a soldier, he naturally obeys orders.

   "Hey, the feeling is gone."

   At this moment, the huge soul fluctuation disappeared in Su Mo's perception.

   "It's all gone, why should I go, and leave the rest to me." Su Mo stretched out a hand and shook it.

   These people don't have any effect with him, it's better to let them go back.

   "Sir, this is..." A soldier sent to a communicator.

   "Yeah." Su Mo nodded, took the communicator, took a step, and quickly disappeared from everyone's sight.

   After hearing the news that Su Mo had left alone, Tang Tian nodded rather calmly, and did not contact Su Mo. He knows very well that you shouldn't pay too much attention to such people. Since it is cooperation, then both sides should be put on an equal position.

However, if Tang Tian knew that Su Mo did not put them on an equal position with himself, but treated them in a way of "children obediently and dad will take you to play", would he just draw his gun and follow him? Su Mo desperately.

   Su Mo, the "dad" acting alone, is naturally much faster than the large army of ordinary people. A few minutes later, he appeared in the fluctuating position of the huge soul that he had just sensed.

   There is a crystal clear stream in front of you. The sound of gurgling water and the round pebbles that have been washed by the stream all the year round are enough to cause a large number of literary and artistic young people to take pictures and upload them to express "purified soul".

   "It doesn't look different."

   Su Mo secretly said in his heart, he arbitrarily lifted his foot and kicked a rock on the shore into the stream, splashing some water.

With this action of him, the mud and sand on the ground of the stream that was not deep turned suddenly, and the original clear stream suddenly became muddy. You can see that there is a half-meter-long one among the surging mud. The blurry shadow moved.

   "What a big crab." Su Mo smiled.

   The black shadow moved a bit and quickly came out of the range of the mud and sand. You can see that this is a huge river crab. It looks no different from a normal crab, but its size is exaggerated.

   Su Mosi has no doubt that the pliers held high can easily pinch the arm of an ordinary person.

   The huge crab obviously didn't adapt to its huge size. It bumped into the stream and couldn't find its original "old nest".

   "In this way..."

   Su Mo walked to the side of a small tree by the stream, squatted down and observed it, and found a clue: "Are these things that suddenly grew bigger just now?"

   Seeing that the big crab disappeared along the river channel, Su Mo wandered around for a while, then turned and walked towards the small village.

   "How is it, what have you found?" Seeing Su Mo's return, Tang Tian immediately greeted him.

   "The so-called X fluctuation should be a kind of vitality fluctuation." Su Mo said.

   "Vitality fluctuations?" Tang Tian was stunned.

   Su Mo said: "Simply put, it is an electrocardiogram. Is the beating of your heart counted as a fluctuation of vitality?"

   "Forget it?" Tang Tian said.

"That's not the end. For you, the heartbeat can only be noticed when it is extremely quiet. But for some extremely small creatures, will your heartbeat become a deafening sound-if If they can hear, is it even an invisible fluctuation in their opinion?" Su Mo asked.

   "Do you mean that there is a huge life form that we can't understand that caused X fluctuations?" Tang Tian asked.

"I don't know." Su Mo shook his head: "At least I haven't found any huge, incomprehensible life form. But this is also a direction. You can regard the X entity as a new human being, so new life fluctuations will be detected. "

   "How could this happen." Tang Tian's expression suddenly became extremely solemn.

   If, according to his thoughts, a large number of such incomprehensible life forms suddenly appeared on the earth, it would definitely be a huge disaster.

  Even though the previous earth existed in special humans like Su Mo, they were still human beings, and in any case did not break out of the category of humans.

   Although these people are dangerous, their danger is to the superiors, because they are dangerous because they cannot be controlled, and they are not dangerous to the human race.

   As for other hidden creatures, those are bound by relevant treaties!

   But if it is such a huge and incomprehensible life form that suddenly appears, everything is different, because it is uncontrollable!

   Once these creatures cause any mass murder, it will definitely cause social panic!

   "Don't worry about this kind of completely unscrupulous thing... Take me to see the corpses first, they should have some of them stay here." Su Mo interrupted Tang Tian's worries.

   "Okay." Tang Tian nodded, leading Su Mo into the basement of another house, and a cold breath came over his face.

   In this room, which looks like a morgue, there are a few wooden tables, and a few corpses are placed on the table, covered with white cloth.

   "These are..." What Tang Tian just wanted to say.

   "It's okay." Su Mo turned around and left. He had already seen what he wanted to see.

  He came out of the trial space and exchanged his points for the return. The remaining points are still quite a lot, so he exchanged some of the abilities he had originally obtained in the space, and a special bloodline-Soul Eater!

  As a Soul Eater, the world in Su Mo's eyes is still somewhat different from ordinary people.

   For example, he can see the whole or broken souls of people who have died soon. If it is complete, it can be absorbed by Su Mo and turned into its own vitality, if it is broken, it is worthless to Su Mo.

   And now, the corpses in front of Su Mo have a lot of broken souls on them!

   Those intact souls that can be absorbed by Su Mo are like a cloud of mist in his eyes, constantly changing forms, occasionally revealing a vague face.

And those worthless remnants, like shards of glass, are attached to the corpse, revealing a breath of life. These shards are about the same size as a fingernail, and the number is about three or four, and no more than five at most. Piece.

   Su Mo, who has lived for at least so many years, said that he had never seen more than five pieces of soul fragments.

   But today, Su Mo saw another situation.

   The corpse, which is very common for ordinary people, is covered with dense soul fragments, covering almost the entire body, enough for a group of dense phobias to vomit directly.

   Although Su Mo is not a patient with intensive phobia, he still feels a little uncomfortable seeing this picture. Anyway, he also got the "information" he wanted, so he didn't bother to read it anyway, and just turned around and left.

  Unknown Tang Tian followed up and asked, "What do you see?"

   "These can't find the cause of death, right?" Su Mo asked.

   "Well, there are no fatal wounds on the body, no toxins, nor suffocation. On the contrary, don't you think their condition looks good? They even look a little radiant." Tang Tian said.

   Su Mo nodded: "I found something special in the place just now. If my guess is not wrong, they will be crushed to death."

   "Hold it to death?" Tang Tian was taken aback.

   "They are so huge that they can't accept the vitality to death." Su Mo said, "So these people seem to be in very good condition."

   " there such a possibility?" Tang Tian asked.

"Of course it is possible." Su Mo said, "My current thinking is... now that such a special force occasionally appears in various places, you can treat this force as vitality, or it doesn't matter if it is a force of other nature. In short, it doesn't matter if you come into contact with this. A person of this kind of power should have two consequences."

   "One is to change and become a supernatural person. The other is that he can't bear this power. According to your statement, he was directly crushed to death?" Tang Tian said.

   "Yes." Su Mo nodded.

   "What about the missing people?" Tang Tian frowned.

   Su Mo’s explanation provided a good answer to the cause of death of those people, but besides these people who died, there were many people who went missing directly, let alone any traces, they didn’t even follow Mao.

   in what book is the big unsolved mystery of the world N.

   "Well...Where do you think those special powers come from?" Su Mo asked rhetorically.

   "Could it be!"

   Tang Tian's face changed drastically.

   According to reason, today's earth has entered the age of the end of the law. This is the consensus of each possession-to be precise, the organization that once possessed supernatural powers, including the high level of various countries. This has been verified and absolutely accurate.

   Although there are superpowers and various species of gods and ghosts, the magic power in real space is very thin.

   This can be reflected in the dragon maid Thor and Connor.

   Dragon Maid is fortunate, her own strength is hard enough, even if the magic power is difficult to supplement, it will not have much effect.

   But Connor, who was a juvenile dragon, couldn't do it. In order to supplement his magic power, he had to absorb electricity. For this reason, the electricity bill of the Kobayashi family was comparable to that of a small factory.

   No one from the power supply bureau investigated this abnormal electricity usage incident, and it was also because of their special bureau greetings.

  Other legendary creatures, such as angels, rarely appear nowadays, also because of the emptiness of magical power in this world. If there is no special reason for them, it is bound to be impossible for them to descend from heaven.

   So, those legendary species generally stay in those strange spaces, such as heaven and hell, fairy caves, forbidden places and so on.

   The aura in those places is quite abundant!

  From the age of ancient mythology to the era of the doomsday, it can be proved that the sharp decrease of spiritual power in the air is inevitable. After a hundred years of the era of doomsday, I am afraid that it will become a real "impossible era."

   This is the irreversible law of the earth slowly developing to the present, but here is the problem!

   Then why in a short period of one year, there are so many instances of X that continue to emerge like spring weeds?

  Nature's laws, how can it be said that changes will change? In that case, where will the face of the world's will be put, and the era of the end of the law, a bunch of X entities have emerged again. Is this slapping him in the face?

  The only explanation is...

   "This is impossible! How is this possible!" Tang Tian shook his head abruptly, categorically denying Su Mo's thoughts.

   "Actually, since you can easily accept even the existence of superpowers and abilities, why can't you accept that there is another world, because of a certain relationship, it has a channel with the earth?" Su Mo said.

   This is the conclusion that Su Mo came to. There are other worlds that have "close contact" with the earth, and those special forces should come from other worlds.

   Moreover, he suspects that all this is caused by that space!

   "Why don't I change to a more scientific one, which you can easily accept. Some aliens have developed space technology to connect with the earth, and the earth has since passively entered the interstellar age."

   Tang Tian was sluggish for two seconds before he said: "Why do I find such a statement easier to accept? What you started to say is really too mysterious."

"Anyway, it's a force that you can't understand. Even if science and technology opens up a space channel, can it be achieved within the scope that people on earth can understand now?" Su Mo laughed: "But of course you have to believe in science, not feudalism. superstitious."

   Tang Tian shook his head and said, "I will report these judgments. Are there other things during this time?"

   "No, I don't mind staying here for a while, but I ask for a good living environment, I am not here to suffer and experience life." Su Mo said.

   Tang Tian nodded: "There is no problem with this."

   To be honest, as far as the special agency is concerned, the problems that can be solved with money are not problems. The real problems are those that have no clue at all, such as the current situation.

   Even if a lot of experts were mobilized to investigate and study on the spot day and night, facing this series of strange phenomena, there was no way to make an accurate response. Even if Su Mo came here, he only put forward his own ideas, and didn't say any suitable solutions.

   This kind of thing related to space, Su Mo himself has a black eye. He has no clue about the way of pulling people in space so far, how can he put forward any constructive opinions.

   But if Su Mo's guess is not wrong, he might be able to make progress with the help of the state apparatus.

   In this way, Su Mo temporarily lived in this small village.

   Of course, he is different from Hao Ren's busy group of scientists and research scholars every day. He just stays in the room every day, occasionally going out for a walk, waiting for the X fluctuation to appear again, and being an idler.

But speaking of it, the soldiers stationed in the small village are about the same as Su Mo, except that when they patrol nearby every day, they look serious and hold weapons, while Su Mo is just wandering around. Holding a birdcage is a standard pensioner.

   Su Mo, a retired pensioner, was lying on a recliner and basking in the sun with a carefree expression. Hao Ren beside him shook his head: "I said young man, how can you be so motivated every day? How come you look like an old man than me?"

   "Well, I have nothing to do." Su Mo narrowed his eyes and said lazily.

   "Then study with me, the few ideas you put forward are very innovative." Professor Hao said.

   Su Mo's words undoubtedly opened the door to a new world for him, but it is a pity that the door opener was quite irresponsible. After opening a gap, he flattered-the stock went away.

"That's nothing new." Su Mo stretched out a hand and shook it twice: "I am not a researcher. The only thing I can do is to see for myself when X fluctuations reappear. For the rest, you still have to Find someone else."

   "Nonsense, are you going there to find death?"

   "I won't die, I won't die if all the people here are dead." Su Mo said.

   "Huh—" Professor Hao Renhao was taken aback, "Wait a minute, I haven't asked, you are X... Are you a supernatural person?"

   Hao Ren can come here, naturally knows a lot of things.

   "I think so." Su Mo said perfunctorily.

   "Then can you let me study it?" Professor Hao suddenly became excited.

   Su Mo turned his head and glanced at Professor Hao speechlessly: "I thought that the supernatural beings in the novel were sliced ​​and studied are all fake, I didn't expect you to be such a professor."

   "Who said it is going to be sliced, I am not mainly researching this, but I have an old friend who is an expert in this field and has been thinking about getting some blood." Professor Hao said.

   "Don't you slice it?" Su Mo asked with a smile.

   "Cut a fart!"

  Professor Hao is a scientist, but he speaks like a pig slayer: "Isn't life more valuable than death?"

   Su Mo turned around silently, pulled some grass from the ground and held it in his hand.

   "What do you mean?" Professor Hao asked.

   Su Mo said: "His uncle might as well be sliced."

   "It's not a living experiment. At most, you can put a detector on you and record data every day. Where do you hear so many messy things?" Professor Hao said irritably.

   "Let's find someone else, anyway, there are a lot of abilities now." Su Mo said.

"There is no research value." Professor Hao slapped his thigh, and said regretfully: "Those who have supernatural powers in our hands...they are all supernatural powers. They can only bend a spoon and have to be within one meter of distance. , Staring at the spoon for five minutes, the quality of the spoon is not too good. Can that crooked thing be called an ability? It’s much more convenient for me to stretch out my hand and fold it directly than any crooked ability."

   "In the early stage, it's all like this, and it will grow up in the future." Su Mo said.

   He knows that this is a common problem with the ability of the modern factory, and the ability is quite weak.

   Some powerful, ancient supernatural beings, they couldn't invite them, and they didn't even dare to invite them. After all, they were invited to be studied. Who would be studied for their own reasons? Not everyone has the spirit of Da Vinci.

   Hao Ren shook his head: "Oh~ forget it, you know you are disgusted."


   School Light Sound Department.

   Muhua Saki Yashin, who had just finished playing a slippery egg, and the young girls began to laugh and roar back to the square table to spend the day leisurely drinking tea.

   A little star flashed in his eyes and said excitedly: "I feel like our performance is getting better and better!"

   "Hahaha, of course! Don't forget the goal of our Budokan!"

  Liujiang is as confident as ever.

   "Speaking of which, Wei has made great progress recently." Mio looked at Dawei curiously.

  Daiwei immediately became proud when he heard the words of complimenting himself. The corners of his mouth couldn't hide his smile, and the whole person became light and flirty: "Hey~hey~ How can I be like this all the time~"

   In response, Zi Miao and Miao dropped a drop of cold sweat on their foreheads, and said in their hearts:

   Weijiang, this guy, just can’t stand it...

Ms.    was smiling and making tea while she was not busy delivering cakes.

Muhua Saki Yaxin looks like a big sister, sitting at the c-position of the table with her arms folded: "Well~ Wei Jiang has a very strong talent. No matter how fast we improve, Wei Jiang can catch up. Although Wei Jiang's knowledge of music theory is not very good, but the absolute sense of sound is destined to Wei Jiang to be a genius!"

   After receiving such praise from the eldest sister Touki Hanasaki Yashin, Wei-chan suddenly felt that she was going to heaven, and her soul was about to get out of her body, and she said lightly: "Hey~hey~Really? I'm actually not that good..."


   Kihana Saki Yashin came directly to a big turning point: "However, Wei-chan often just keeps up with our footsteps and will stop at this position directly. If we don't move, she won't move at all! This is not good!"


   Wei Wei's face was blank, "Is that so? But I don't feel it at all, eh?"

   The girl present except Muhua Saki Yaxin suddenly showed envy, jealousy and hate to Yui. UU reading

   They knew it when they wanted to, but it was true that they were not aware of their progress. It could be said that to keep up with them, it was just a subconscious improvement, and then they followed, so only they were naturally completely unaware of their progress.

   Of course, it can’t be said that only talent is the only thing they know. They also know that only the love of guitar is nothing to worry about. They can hold all the broken feelings. It is true that they can make such rapid progress by putting all their heart and soul into it.

   "It's really good, Weijiang, cute, dazed, no worries at all." Lujiang sighed.

  澪 and Azuma nodded in agreement.

  Kihanasaki Yashin smiled, but Yui-chan's state is very enviable.

   Even she...


   At this time, suddenly the management of the main **** game space, Muhuasaki Yaxin No. 1 to No. 108, sent her some warning messages.

   "What happened to Le?"

   Kihanasaki Yashin slightly raised his head to look at the incense ceiling, but he was looking at the information in his mind.

   "You actually want to mess with someone on my territory?"



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