
Lin Yun, who was resting, was sitting on the ground, wearing coarse clothes.

Su Mo looked at her twice and said, "It is normal to make a scream when you are hungry. There is no need to cover it up." Although the expression on the face is serious, the hidden malicious ridicule cannot be concealed.

"It's been a long time since I had eaten anything." Lin Yun said helplessly, with a "cuckoo" cry in his stomach.

"Let's rest for a while, if there is an exit, it shouldn't be too far." Su Mo said.

"Okay." Lin Yun nodded, and there was some light in her eyes, somehow there was some hope, didn't she? After sitting for a few more minutes, she stood up again.

The two continued to move forward, but this time the speed slowed down a lot. Lin Yun asked as he walked: "You are a legendary supernatural power person, is there really a superpower person in this world?"

Lin Yun is not like Dao Xiu, who comes from a middle-class family. He only learned through some channels that the villagers in a small village were driven away and the village was directly expropriated and closed, so she came to interview with the blood that might not be appropriate. .

She knew less than Dao Xiu. It’s safer now, and the curious soul of a journalist is starting to burn again.

"You have already seen it." Su Mo said.

"But, according to what you said, didn't he just become a supernatural person?" Lin Yun is not stupid: "Could it be that you have blocked this area because it can make people change and possess supernatural powers?"

"If it's just that, isn't it a good thing?" Su Mo said with a smile.

"It seems that this is correct... But, it's not without a price. Not a few of the people who came here with us just died." Lin Yun said.

Su Mo kept walking: "So now you know why Tang Tian can't wait to let you leave this place right away?"

"I see." Lin Yun nodded, "I'm sorry, but as..."


At this moment, Su Mo stretched out a hand to signal Lin Yun to calm down.

Lin Yun was taken aback, then quieted down.

A faint electric current reached her ears, and then Lin Yun saw Su Mo take out an intercom.

"Can you... come... hear...?"

A vague voice came from the walkie-talkie, intermittently, but after repeating it several times, it can be heard clearly.

"You can hear, where are you?" Su Mo asked.

"Great, there is a signal." There was a suppressed exclamation from the other side, and the voice became a little clearer. "We are in a room now. There is an iron door and a monster in the room. Repeat. In the room, there is an unopenable iron door and a monster. Many team members have already sacrificed..."

Speaking of this, there was another sound of electricity coming, and finally it fell silent.

"It looks like our luck is good," Su Mo said.

"Where are they?" Lin Yun asked: "This bracelet can or should be able to open the door of the room."

"It should be in the front." Su Mo said. He didn't stop when he was talking just now, but his voice was a little clearer, and now he can only judge that they may be in the front room.

The two of them continued to move forward, and the walkie-talkie in Su Mo's hand made some electric noises from time to time, but no human voice came out anymore.

"Not here."

He cut a monster that he didn't know what it was into pieces, Su Mo turned and left, Lin Yun immediately closed the slow iron gate.

Half an hour later, when he came to an iron gate numbered 173, the walkie-talkie in Su Mo's hand suddenly made a very violent noise, and Lin Yun couldn't help covering her ears and stepping back for several steps.

Su Mo's right hand violently squeezed the walkie-talkie into a mass of fragments. The sound stopped abruptly, and a very faint sound of scraping the stone came from the iron gate next to it.

"Is it here?" The unusual change made Lin Yunling suspicious.

"Open it," Su Mo said.

"Okay, be careful." Lin Yun stepped back two steps, walked to a relatively safer position, and tapped twice on the bracelet.

The iron gate in front of him began to sink slowly, followed by bursts of extremely depressed breathing.

"Who is it?" A voice came from the room.

"Tang Tian? It's me." Hearing this voice, Su Mo was taken aback and said, "You..."

"Quickly go, no! Quickly look clearly, see the monster inside, and be sure to stare at it!" Tang Tian's voice came out of the room.

"Huh?" Su Mo turned his head to look at Lin Yun next to him in confusion: "You..."

Before he finished his words, an earth-yellow afterimage passed by and appeared behind Su Mo. With a crisp sound of broken bones, Su Mo's head twisted more than 270 degrees.

"What is this?" Lin Yun exclaimed, staring at the "creature" behind Su Mo with wide eyes.

This is an earthy-yellow object. Its body looks a bit like a matryoshka, but it’s the reverse one. The head is bigger than the body. It has short limbs and messy patterns on it. It looks like a small doll. A clay doll that a child squeezed up randomly.

But it was such a thing, which turned Su Mo's head to an exaggerated degree in an instant.

After breaking Su Mo's neck, the monster's figure became blurred again and was about to disappear, but at this time, from the not-so-big door of the room, Tang Tian appeared with a few people, staring at the monster. .

The vague body began to become clear, and finally stood still and did not move.

"damn it!"

Seeing Su Mo's head turned to a strange angle, Tang Tian cursed.

"This stuff is really interesting." Just when Tang Tian started to scold him, Su Mo stretched out his hand and turned his head back. The wound healed almost in the blink of an eye. He shook his head from side to side and made some crisp noises. , He turned to look at the monster behind him and said.


At this moment, Lin Yun's eyes on the monster no longer looked at the monster, but at Su Mo.

Tang Tian and several people were also terrified, forbearing the emotions in their hearts without turning their eyes away, still staring at the clay monster.

Su Mo looked at the monster up and down, reached out his hand and touched it twice, suddenly asked: "Do you know *****?"

"What?" Tang Tian asked, still staring at the monster, moving slowly, not letting his gaze leave half a minute, as did the others. This is the true meaning of "If the eyes can kill people, this monster would have died a long time ago. I don't know how many times."

"The fantasy world of some people, to put it simply, is a fictional creation of various monsters on the earth. This foundation is to imprison those monsters to prevent damage to humans. This place reminds me of **** *The shelter, especially the monster in front of you, is almost indistinguishable from the fantasy." Su Mo said.

These things are all decades ago, and they were circulated on the Internet at that time. Some are similar to the Cthulhu mythology system, some are unpopular, and belong to the carnival of certain people. Among those present, the old player Su Mo knew.

"Are you saying that there really is such a monster on earth?" Tang Tian asked with wide eyes.

"of course not."

Su Mo denied it. As an old monster who had lived for a long time, if there really was such a monster and such an organization, how could he not know?

"Also, any of you have seen that old house in the forest?" Su Mo asked again.

"Is it a long, old movie?" someone asked.

"Yes." Su Mo said: "I don't remember the specific plot of the movie, but... there is a similar place where various supernatural monsters are closed."

"This is an abandoned asylum. Like ***** and the old house in the forest, all kinds of monsters are held."

After listening to Su Mo's words, everyone was silent for a while.

For a long time, Tang Tiancai said, "You mean, those things in our fantasy are real?"

"No, I mean, this place is full of monsters. Let's find a chance to run." Su Mo said with a smile, "Who knows, the universe is so big...it's not strange to appear. I'm not saying that the fantasy is real. Existing means that everything in our imagination is not necessarily false and non-existent."

"For example, before you actually see the supernatural being, do you think this is just a false imagination?"

Su Mo heard the sound of someone gulping, but in fact, nothing else, just this shelter, the monsters in front of him, and Su Mo, who was far more frightening than these two, were constantly attacking them. Worldview.

"The existence of the special bureau is really necessary." Tang Tian said solemnly.

There used to be all sorts of messy superpowers, and finally the Age of Doom, suddenly a new X instance popped up, and now all kinds of monsters appeared, Tang Tian suddenly felt that the burden on his shoulders became extremely heavy.

Special Bureau, it must be expanded!

"Well, now is not the time to think about these unwritten things. Tell me about this monster." Su Mo interrupted Tang Tian's thoughts.

"Good." Tang Tian said.

Compared with Su Mo and the others, Tang Tian and Professor Hao Ren had much worse luck. Although there were a large number of people, nearly a hundred people all at once, but all these people were thrown into the small room where the monster was being held.

Then, the monster in the room, the rough clay doll that was motionless in front of him, began to slaughter frantically.

After nearly a hundred people died and only a dozen people were left, Tang Tian and the others could barely escape the fate of being slaughtered. They found a way to "restrain" this monster-by staring at it. If you stare at this monster, the monster won't move.

Of course, this method is not absolutely effective. At least after opening the door just now, Tang Tian and the others looked at the monster, but the monster still moved and broke Su Mo's neck.


If you just simply look at this monster, it seems that you can only guarantee that you will not be targeted and killed by the monster, and to completely stop the action of this monster, it should take multiple people to stare at it almost without blinking.

Just now Su Mo asked Lin Yun to open the iron gate. Everyone could not help being attracted. Some people involuntarily looked away. It may be this reason that caused the monster to move. Su Mo who chose to look at it did not even intend to see it. .

Lin Yun's luck was also good, standing diagonally behind Su Mo, otherwise there would be an extra corpse on the ground now.

"It turned out to be so."

After listening to Tang Tian's description, Su Mo stretched out a hand and pushed the clay monster, only to find it unexpectedly heavy.

Not to mention the speed of this monster moving quickly, but also quietly, it really is a monster that completely ignores any scientific principles and physics. In theory, such a heavy body cannot be supported by the short legs. Even if it can be supported, there must be enough strength to gain momentum for such a fast speed.

The heavy body, under a step that produces such a speed, will inevitably leave marks on the ground, and at the same time make a sound, it is impossible to quietly.

In short, this is a monster girl who is looking for her elder brother like the rift girl, and can't infer any of its behavior with everything currently known.

"Professor Hao doesn't want to study this thing, right?" Su Mo asked.

Hao Ren said with a straight face: "Such a monster has the best research value only when it is dead. If you can kill it, I hope to bring it with you if permitted. Of course, everything is premised. Keep everyone safe."

The behavior of Su Mo twisting his head just now has caused everyone to directly raise Su Mo to the same level as the monster in front of him. Even Tang Tian, ​​who thought he knew something about Su Mo, was very surprised.

At first, he only thought that Su Mo should be the kind of relatively long-lived, and there are many survivors of Individual X. He didn't think that this guy could survive if his head was twisted, and even twisted his head back with his hands.

This is beyond the scope of human beings. If the newly born X individuals can grow to such a terrible level, Tang Tian feels that there is no need for the special situation.

Even... the pattern of the entire world will be broken.

The only thing to be thankful for now is whether Su Mo, the monster, can communicate, or is on their side.

"Mr. Su, can you kill this monster?" Tang Tian asked in a timely manner. It is natural for this monster to be invulnerable, and the only hope now lies in Su Mo.

Except for Tang Tian's questioning, although everyone else looked at this monster, their eyes flashed with hope, and Su Mo had become their last hope.

"I don't know." Su Mo said.

Although the slit girl and the monster girl are weird, they basically obey the human form, and their physical strength is a little higher than that of ordinary people. Su Moda and the others are just like a joke, although they don't know if they can be completely killed.

But the strength of this one in front of me is a bit different.

"But you can try and step back." Su Mo motioned to the others to step back, and then said to Lin Yun: "After I get this thing in, you will immediately close the iron door. Open it again in five minutes."

"Why five minutes later?" Lin Yun asked ignorantly.

"You want to let me out anyway, although you can kick it from the outside, but if you want to break it from the inside, I may not be sure." Su Mo said.

"Are you going in?" Lin Yun's eyes widened.

"Why don't you go in?" Su Mo said.

"Mr. Su is sure? If it is possible, there will be no danger just by re-closing this monster. I prefer the latter one." Tang Tian said.

It is the best to be able to kill this monster, but for such a dangerous gambling, no more, there shouldn't be any problem with closing this clay monster in this room.

"No, I'm very interested in playing with it. Let's do it--" As soon as the voice fell, Su Mo's body was slightly lifted to one side, and his right foot turned into an afterimage, and a whip leg was swept over. .

The whistling sound filled everyone’s ears. Before they could react, the monster was about two meters tall and flew upside down into the room. At the same time, Su Mo also took a big step and stepped directly into the room. .

"Wait! There are no lighting tools in the room, you--" Lin Yun called out loudly as she started the closing procedure, thinking of something.

Before the words fell, the doorway was reoccupied by a khaki figure. At this time, the iron gate had just begun to rise. Compared with the speed of this clay monster, it was simply the difference between a snail and an F1 car.

However, before the monster escaped from the room, the fuzzy figure paused slightly, and turned into an afterimage at a faster speed, and flew back, hitting the wall of the room hard, and a muffled sound came. , But he was blasted back by Su Mo.

"Did I let you go?" Su Mo turned his back to Lin Yun and the others, blocking the door of the room.

The iron gate slowly rose behind him, forming a somewhat tragic atmosphere in this small space.

Tang Tian immediately removed the lighting of the gun in his hand and threw it into the room. At the same time, using the etiquette of a soldier, he watched Su Mo and shouted in a solemn voice: "Salute to the hero!"

The others explained their expressions and saluted Su Mo. Professor Hao and Lin Yun reacted slowly, but they also raised their hands.

At this moment, in their hearts, Su Mo is no longer the other monster compared with the clay monster, but a lonely hero who resolutely went to danger for their survival and life, and walked toward unknown danger with a tragic atmosphere. future.

It's a pity that this lonely hero can ruin the atmosphere.

Hearing Tang Tian's voice, Su Mo turned his head helplessly: "Why do you want to make me want to come back? In case I really hang up, I will come to you at night."

Just finished speaking, the clay monster reappeared in front of him. Before Tang Tian could see if the clay monster had stretched out his hand, Su Mo's head turned a few more times, with a trace of uncomfortable expression on his face. Helpless expression.

At this moment, the iron gate slowly rose, passed Su Mo's neck, cheeks, and the top of his head, and finally closed, blocking everyone's eyes, shutting Su Mo and the clay monster in a dark room. .

Just like the ancient Roman Colosseum, two fighters fought to the death, sometimes humans and beasts, sometimes humans and humans, and sometimes beasts and beasts.

Which one is there? Humans and monsters? Or monsters and monsters?

Tang Tian didn't know, other people didn't know, all they could do was wait quietly, waiting for the result in five minutes.


In the room, Su Mo stared closely at the inferior clay doll in front of him. If he remembers correctly, this thing should be s-cp173 from the s-c-p foundation!

A monster known as Little Peanut, this thing can instantly twist the neck of all living entities, moving so fast that it almost teleports!

However, as long as there are eyes on it, it cannot move.

Su Mo raised his hand and gathered a black mist, frowning: "If it is 173, I am afraid I can't destroy it, but it doesn't feel too deadly to me. Then try it. How much is this thing? Hard!"

Moreover, more importantly, Su Mo did not find the life characteristics and soul body on this concrete doll!

This monster can be said to be something Su Mo can't understand at all!

Su Mo casually swung it, and the black mist flew out like a bullet, and hit the clay doll fiercely!


Only a dull sound was heard, and the concrete doll was immediately knocked into the air and slammed into the steel wall behind the room!


There was another crow of steel, and the doll fell directly to the ground!

Su Mo looked at the almost intact doll on the ground and took a deep breath.

"It seems that I really can't destroy this thing."

You know, his seemingly simple black mist impact just now, if he directly attacked the steel wall, he would be able to penetrate a big hole.

However, this doll, which looked like a concrete pouring, never dropped a little bit of debris.

"Is this really the foundation?"

Su Mo frowned, it would be a big trouble if it were the Foundation.

Among the monsters held by the Foundation, there are many that can destroy the world, and there are also many monsters that are basically unsolvable!

But here comes the question again. If it really is the Foundation, then where did the guards here go?

Such a terrorist organization as the Foundation, even if containment fails, it should be able to organize rescue quickly.

Unless there is a more terrifying monster, the entire Foundation will be...

"Don't think about it, this is just a doll imitating the Foundation."

At this moment, a girl's voice suddenly appeared in Su Mo's ear.

Su Mo suddenly tightened his pupils, and he didn't even want the black mist all over his body to gather into a spear and pierce the sound source directly.

However, the black mist seemed to have encountered a nemesis and was directly dispelled!

It just so happened that Su Mo turned his head and looked at the unidentified character who appeared-the weird girl in a white dress!


The next second, Su Mo's neck was twisted 270° again.

Then, in less than a second, Su Mo twisted his neck back, and then stared at the 173-like doll while staring at the unknown girl from the corner of his eye.

"Who are you? The manager here?"

"Hmm~" Muhua Saki Yexin shook his head: "I'm just curious about the tourists who come here to take a look."

Su Mo just noticed that this girl wouldn't be attacked even if she didn't look at the doll.

Is it a troublesome guy again? I'm afraid it's another monster in human skin!

Su Mo was secretly vigilant in his heart, and tried to test his face calmly: "Tourist? It's really leisurely. Are you not afraid of any monsters here?"

Muhua Saki Yashin carried her hands on her back, and there was a happy sunny smile of a normal **** her face: "Hehe, don't try, I really came to see it, but there are indeed many monsters here, and there are quite a few. Creative, but if compared with the legendary foundation, it would be far behind.

This doll is also, although the characteristics seem exactly the same, but the core is too bad. "

With that, Muhua Saki Yaxin approached the doll, raised her little hand, and knocked on Little Peanut's face.

The knock was muffled.

"Well, it seems that the structure is quite good."

Then, Muhua Saki Yaxin took out a black box from nowhere, and once opened it, he saw all the tools inside.

What kind of screw lion knife, electric drill, wrench, watermelon peel, bazooka, folding stool, paraquat, etc. are all alive.

Then, Muhua Saki Yaxin raised the electric drill, and under Su Mo's stunned expression, he directly tossed the doll apart.

Moreover, Muhua Saki Yaxin was still thinking about it while tearing it apart, saying that this is poorly made, this material is of poor quality, and that structure is anti-human...


The perspective goes back to the outside.

Tang Tian and the others felt that time was so slow and so fast at the moment, as if it was a second and like a whole day. Waiting for these five minutes is just like waiting for a long five months, this time is almost coming.

Everyone became nervous, and some even sweated profusely.

"What is the maximum control distance of your bracelet?" Tang Tian swallowed and turned his head to ask.

During this time, he also learned about Lin Yun and the others.

"About 50 meters." Lin Yun said.

"Okay. We step back. It's not Mr. Su who opens the door when that time comes out. You can leave. Xiao Li and Lao Liu stay with me and stare at it. Is there any problem?"

"Don't worry, Chief Tang!"

"I'm an old bachelor, afraid of death?" One of the two soldiers named by Tang Tian had a serious face and the other had a smile.

"We can stay too!"

"I'm fine!" the others shouted immediately.

"Shut up, I have the final say, give me the order!" Tang Tian waved his hand: "Besides, backing up while watching, it's not going to die, don't do him-mum- for Laozi... uh, go there. It's the same as death."

Tang Tian paused, because he suddenly realized that he seemed to understand Su Mo's feelings just now. He obviously didn't die... As a result, everyone behaved like you were going to die. This feeling is really indescribable.

"Okay, open it." Tang Tian said to Lin Yun after retreating to the limit after saying these words.

Lin Yun nodded, reached out and nodded the bracelet on her wrist, and the iron door that was almost shrouded in darkness in the distance moved ~www.readwn.com~ and began to sink a little.

Everyone was staring at the iron gate, and some people instinctively held up the gun and pointed the gun over there, even though he knew that the gun was just as useless as a fire stick in front of the clay monster-er, it was better than a fire stick. Also useless, the fire stick can at least be used to burn fire.

"Don't shoot, yourself."

The iron gate sank to a certain extent, Su Mo's voice suddenly came from inside, and then he stretched out a hand and shook it twice.

"It's him!"

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

Lin Yun ran over quickly, hugged Su Mo who had just come out, and whispered: "It's fine if it's all right, it's fine if it's all right."

Su Mo coughed a little embarrassingly. The feeling of beauty in her arms is naturally good, but at least it is "warm fragrance"! After experiencing so many things, Lin Yun's body really didn't smell good.

Su Mo felt that he didn't push this girl away, which shows that he is a good man, a warm man, and a central air conditioner.

With a cough from the central air conditioner, Lin Yun also noticed her gaffe, pushed Su Mo away abruptly, stepped back, and a blush appeared on her face.

"Did you kill that monster?" Tang Tian and others walked over quickly, asked, and directly changed the subject, which relieved Lin Yun's embarrassment.

"Between turning hands, there is no bones left." Su Mo pretended to laugh, but there was a sense of bravery in everyone's eyes.

That's a terrible monster that is almost incomprehensible. Even if it is an immortal body, you will have to pay a heavy price to kill it, right? How could it be that there is no bones left between the hands.

If it was so powerful, the neck would not have been broken several times just now.


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