"It's okay." Professor Hao nodded.

   "Then let's go... If the guess is correct, when the number reaches one or zero, there should be an exit." Tang Tian said.

   After sorting out the bodies of the sacrificed soldiers in the room, everyone went on the road again, Tang Tian walked to the front, and a few soldiers behind him protected Professor Hao, while Su Mo walked at the back.

   Lin Yun walked beside Su Mo, looking at him a little absent-minded, she couldn't help asking: "What's the matter with you?"

   Judging from the current situation, everything is fine, and there is a high possibility of escape. Lin Yun as a reporter and a woman's curiosity and gossip are starting to burn again.

   A person with an "immortality" ability, if the interview can be broadcast, it will definitely be a sensation. As a reporter, Lin Yun's instinct wants her to make a big news.

   But Lin Yun is also very clear that it is impossible for such news to be broadcast right now, and it may not be lifted until many years later. But this does not prevent Lin Yun from making an exclusive interview with Su Mo first. Since it is an exclusive interview, of course, the other party must agree and establish a good relationship first.

   Lin Yun did not think that this good-looking young man would be a good talker.

   "Nothing." Su Mo glanced at Lin Yun and said, he was just thinking about what the clay monster does and what the so-called "soul" is, and who is that strange girl?

   Of course, these things are of course impossible to tell this beauty reporter.

   For a long time, Su Mo took the devouring of the soul-or vitality as a matter of course, after all, it was the "instinct" to accompany him through the life of the weak and the strong in the trial space. But now that he came to this asylum, Su Mo discovered something very interesting.

   is the uniqueness of the soul...Humans have souls and vitality, but those animals, Su Mo, have never seen any soul in them.

   But the monsters that I have encountered in the shelter now do not have any soul or vitality that can be absorbed by Su Mo.

   This makes Su Mo a little puzzled, where is his limit of absorbing vitality.

   There is no way to distinguish between a dead thing or a living thing in a simple sense.

   "Sure enough, I should study it carefully." Su Mo secretly said in his heart, flicking his fingers slightly, and a few pieces of clay fell from between his fingers and fell to the ground.

   He secretly put this away when the girl demolished the strange clay monster, it was barely a trophy.

   But even Su Mo himself did not notice. After falling to the ground, those tiny pieces of clay began to move on their own, rolling down into the gap between the wall and the ground, gathering some...

   "There is an exit!"

   With a suppressed voice of surprise, an iron door appeared in front of Tang Tian and others. This iron door is larger than the iron door on the walls on both sides, and there is no number on it.

   The most important thing is that this dark and enclosed walkway finally comes to an end—or the entrance, this iron door is on the wall at the end.

   Several people gave way to Lin Yun and let her walk to the iron gate.

   As Lin Yun tapped the bracelet a few times, a burst of sound came to everyone's ears.

   A beam of light shot out from above the iron gate, scanned Lin Yun's body once, paused on her bracelet, and then slowly converged.

   A burst of heavy mechanical turning sound reached everyone's ears, and the iron door, which could not see any cracks at all, cracked from both sides, revealing a dark metal passage.

   "It's okay." Lin Yun nodded.

   Tang Tian crossed Lin Yun and walked into the passage first.

   stood for a while, without encountering any danger, Tang Tian signaled the others to follow, and the others entered the metal passage.

   After Su Mo finally walked into the passage, a slight vibration came from under his feet, and the iron gate behind him slowly paid attention, and small round holes appeared above his head, making a sound of "呲呲呲".

   "What is this doing?" Lin Yun asked curiously. Although there was a little noise in the circular hole, nothing came out. According to the normal situation, shouldn't something like liquid or gas be sprayed?

   "Perhaps it is disinfecting?" Su Mo said.

   "But there is nothing." Lin Yun said.

   "Who knows how long this asylum has been abandoned, if this door can still be used, it is considered good." Su Mo said.

   "It seems to be the same." Lin Yun nodded.

   "This is a dead end." At this time, Tang Tian's voice came in front of him. He had reached the end of the passage, and there was a glimpse of the thickness, and I don't know what material was used to make the metal wall. Tang Tian reached out and knocked on it twice, only a faint voice came from between the knuckles and the wall.

   "Are we stuck here?"

Someone asked, the sound was a little flustered. This metal channel is only five or six meters long. Now the front and back ends are closed. The darkness has enveloped it. Coupled with the sound of "Bao 呲呲" from the top of the head, it is far away. Brings a stronger feeling of depression than the aisles outside.

   "Can the door at the back be opened?" Tang Tian asked, turning around.

"Let me try."

Lin Yun clicked on the bracelet twice, and a light curtain formed in front of her eyes, adding some light to the dark metal passage. However, the flashing red "Forbidden" word appeared in the light curtain, which proved the iron behind. The door cannot be opened.

   "What's the matter with this tm!" Someone cursed.

   I finally had hope of escape, and now I smashed this hope before my eyes. Such a gap is not easy for everyone to accept.

   "Calm down." Tang Tian said, his calm voice reached everyone's ears, then he looked at Su Mo and said, "Mr. Su..."

   "Wait, I didn't mean to let you go out before the disinfection is completed?" Su Mo said, his tone relaxed.


   Everyone was speechless. They turned on the lighting accessories and looked at the top of their heads. The round holes on the top of their heads still made sounds. As Su Mo said, is this disinfecting? It will not be opened until the disinfection is completed.

   The "disinfection" process lasted for five minutes, and finally the sound gradually disappeared. Then, there was a slight vibration, and there was a burst of pressure under the feet, as if the elevator was rising.

   "Is this an elevator?" Tang Tian couldn't help asking. Although the passage was very stable, the instinct of the human body still made him feel ascending. So, are they in an underground space? It is now returning to the ground.

   "To be precise, it was a moving cube. The technology displayed by this shelter has surpassed the current level of mankind. It is not necessarily an elevator, and it is more likely to be another source of energy as a source of power," said Professor Hao.

   "...This professor doesn't need to be so rigorous." Tang Tian said.

   "How can science not be rigorous?" Professor Hao said.

   With the voices of the two talking, everyone felt their bodies sink slightly. It seemed that the "elevator" had stopped. Before Lin Yun could make any manipulations, the metal wall in front of them opened directly, and a room appeared.

The ceiling of this room emits some faint light. The shape of the dome looks like an observatory, and the inside looks like a laboratory. There are all kinds of things that everyone except Hao Ren can see. The experimental equipment that I don’t understand—Hao Ren basically doesn’t understand, not at all. There is a little difference between the two.

   But at this time, everyone did not pay attention to the problems in the room, but walked quickly towards the door of the room.

   That door looked much more normal. There was a door handle. Tang Tian didn't hesitate. He immediately held the door handle, pressed it down, and made a creak. The door was easily opened by Tang Tian.

   A strong light pierced several people and couldn't help closing their eyes, followed by bursts of noisy shouts.

   Hearing the familiar language, everyone was shocked. Are they back on earth?

   "It's Chief Tang!"

   "Little Tang!"

   With some sounds, it seemed that someone had recognized Tang Tian, ​​and the sound of footsteps approached and stopped five meters away from the door.

The strong light that illuminates the neighborhood like daylight dimmed slightly, and Tang Tian's squinted eyes slowly opened, looking at the man in military uniform in front of him, and saluting: "Captain of the 13th Special Bureau, Tang Tian Report."

   "Stop for a while."

   The middle-aged man wearing a special black military uniform gave a bow and nodded slightly: "The situation is more complicated now. I will talk about it later. Now, can anyone of you close the protective cover outside?"

   "What?" Tang Tian was taken aback, only to discover that there was a faint, almost invisible, and occasionally rippled light curtain between the two of them.

   It seems that this light curtain blocked the outside people from entering this room. Tang Tian glanced over the man in front of him, glanced a little, and could see that their location was still in that small village.

   However, a lot of changes have taken place, and there are even military bases under construction around them.

   It took about ten hours from the disappearance of Tang Tian and others to the present reappearance. It has to be said that the efficiency is quite terrifying.

   "I can give it a try." Lin Yun said, only she has a hand ring pass, and perhaps she can close the defensive light curtain that looks like a transparent water curtain and shrouds the room.

   As Lin Yun manipulated the bracelet, the light curtain outside the room flickered a few times, and then a hole large and small for people to enter and exit appeared at the door of the room.

   "Come out first."

   The middle-aged man frowned and said, "Here we are going to lock down temporarily."


   Tang Tian and the others walked out of the room and couldn't help but breathe a long sigh of relief. Finally... they left the ghost place, the hell-like shelter, and returned to the safe "world".

   But there are some people who don’t care, such as Su Mo.

   Tang Tian and the others have already gone out, but he still walked around in the room, observing everywhere, staying on a table for a while, Su Mo slowly walked out of the room.

   At this time, Lin Yun made a very rapid "Didi" sound on the bracelet, and suddenly changed from the state of the bracelet back to the original key form, and fell to the ground.

   Lin Yunling squatted down to pick it up instinctively, but someone had already picked it up first.

"Let us keep this thing for the time being." The middle-aged man said, with an unquestionable command: "You go and check for any injuries. Let's talk about everything until tomorrow. You should take a break today. "

   Regarding this decision, Tang Tian and others will of course not refuse...it is impossible to refuse.

   "There is no need for inspection, please find a room for me to rest." Su Mo yawned and said lazily.

What the so-called inspection of injuries is all about, everyone knows-after all, they came out from a shelter where monsters are rampant, and they emerged from a weird shelter. Although it seems that there is nothing wrong, who knows what's going on inside? No viruses or other things will be accidentally brought out.

  Comprehensive inspection is necessary.

   But for Su Mo, this is of course not necessary. He knows his own physical condition best... he has no interest in "checking" other people. Su Mo is a man with many secrets, he must have been coveted by the special bureau for a long time.


   Hearing Su Mo's words, Tang Tian stopped and planned to say something.

However, the majestic middle-aged man waved his hand and signaled Tang Tian and the others to go first. He walked to Su Mo's front, stretched out a hand, and said in a deep voice, "Mr. Su, this is the first time we meet here. The current person in charge, Zhou Zhiyuan, is also the deputy director of the special bureau."

   "Yeah." Su Mo nodded, stretched out his hand and shook the middle-aged man.

"Since Mr. Su can appear here, he must be a man who understands things. I hope he can cooperate with us, so as not to make things that were originally happy and difficult to do." Zhou Zhiyuan said in a deep voice, exuding a permanent body. The breath of "superior" cultivated in a high position.

  The so-called majestic breath is of course not fake. Zhou Zhiyuan's tone is steady, but the indisputable smell in his tone is rushing over his face.

   "I'm already cooperating." Su Mo released his hand and said, "Otherwise, I can leave now."

   "Please check again." Zhou Zhiyuan repeated: "If you carry some kind of germs on your body, it will be catastrophic for the earth."

"If there are really terrible germs, we have spread them long ago after we came out." Su Mo said, "In contrast, I think you should worry about the monsters in it. Compared with the illusory germs and viruses, these things are extremely rare. It is a disaster when it comes out."

   "Monster?" Zhou Zhiyuan was taken aback, and then said: "It seems that the situation is much more serious than I thought."

   "Normal, don't show up some foolish guys, there shouldn't be any major disturbances." Su Mo said.

   The shelter that appeared at my feet for no idea, although abandoned for a long time, its role as a "cage" still continues. Without a bracelet, it would be difficult for those monsters to escape from it.

   "It seems we have an extra time bomb." Zhou Zhiyuan said in a deep voice, frowning involuntarily.

   "It's a time bomb." Su Mo corrected.

   Zhou Zhiyuan was taken aback and looked at Su Mo, not understanding what he meant.

"It has been abandoned for a long time, and now it can only barely keep running. I don't know what kind of energy it depends on to keep it running. You must know that even the sun will go out one day. Sooner or later this shelter will lose its function. Things, when the time comes, if the monster inside does not die, and the human outside does not die..." Su Mo said.

   Zhou Zhiyuan nodded: "It is indeed a serious problem, but the top priority is..."

   "I said, I am not interested in cooperating with your inspection." Su Mo took a step back and interrupted Zhou Zhiyuan.

   "This is not a question of interest or disinterest. I also ask Mr. Su to focus on the overall situation." Zhou Zhiyuan looked at the extremely young face in front of him.

   "The big picture?"

   Su Mo suddenly laughed: "Since you are the deputy director of the special bureau, you should be clear about the information about me, at least some of it... the overall situation, do you think what the overall situation is really important to me?"

   Zhou Zhiyuan's face was dark and did not speak.

   The man in front of him, a monster that is almost unkillable, was a man who "played" during the disaster a few months ago. What he said was true. Perhaps the so-called overall situation was just **** to him.

   "In other words, who should focus on the overall situation, Director Zhou, you can think about it." Su Mo continued. He didn't deliberately exudes any terrible aura, just standing like this, quietly watching Zhou Zhiyuan. He believed that as the deputy director of the special bureau, at least he was not an idiot. As long as he knew something about him, as long as he thought about it now, he would make the right choice.

   Of course, even if you make the wrong choice, it doesn’t matter. Anyway, the person who suffers is always Su Mo.

   "It's me who wanted to make trouble."

   After a while, Zhou Zhiyuan said, "Of course, it is impossible to treat a special talent like Mr. Su in a normal way."

   "Oh?" Su Mo's words were slightly tuned, which seemed to be a compromise and a threat.

   "Let's do it, I also ask Mr. Su to take a rest for the night. I will give Mr. Su a satisfactory and acceptable answer tomorrow morning for specific matters." Zhou Zhiyuan said.

   "Tomorrow morning, isn't it your final decision?" Su Mo asked.

   Zhou Zhiyuan couldn't help but smile. He also figured out just now that there is no need to maintain any majesty and momentum in front of such a person. Being sincere and not pretending to be with such a person is the best way.

"The Secret Service is just a special agency department. How can it be summed up in a word?" Zhou Zhiyuan said, indicating that although he is currently managing this place, in fact, the power in his hands is not so great. Degree, besides, he is only the deputy director.

   Apart from anything else, the other guy with the surname Tanaka caused him a headache.

"That's right." Thinking of this, Zhou Zhiyuan suddenly asked, "Mr. Su, did all the people in the small village enter the shelter you mentioned? Is there a young man named Dao Xiu? people."

   "Oh, you said he, if he is not dead, he is still locked inside." Su Mo said.

   "What?" Zhou Zhiyuan was taken aback.

   "Well, I was with him at first, but then we separated." Su Mo said.

   Zhou Zhiyuan nodded: "It turns out that it is, I will take Mr. Su to rest first."

   "Okay, okay." Su Mo nodded, walked beside Zhou Zhiyuan and said with a smile: "Actually, it doesn't matter if I don't have a satisfactory answer tomorrow."

   Zhou Zhiyuan paused and breathed: "Mr. Su, you..."

   "Don't worry, I am too lazy to do it, but if I don't want to, do you think you can find me?" Su Mo asked with a smile.

   "Hehe." Zhou Zhiyuan laughed dryly.

   The world is big or small, and if Su Mo intentionally hides himself—no, as long as Su Mo leaves HX, they will lose control of their whereabouts.

   There is no way to know his whereabouts through some means.

   Don't look at the special bureau looking for Su Mo, it seems very easy, that's because he never thought of hiding his whereabouts. If you really want to hide it—well, you will still be found. After all, it is impossible for Su Mo to live the life of a sewer rat. It is Su Mo's real daily life that he spends money like dirt, drunk his life and dreams of death.

   This started to be long, and then the short night passed quickly.

   The sun shines in the original small village, showing that a new and vibrant day has begun.

   Tang Tian and the others got up early in the morning and began to talk about all the things they encountered in the asylum. They talked about it over and over again, from morning until noon. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

   Many people originally turned on the head-mounted cameras, but I don’t know why after they came out, the image data has been completely damaged and there is no way to recover it.

   had to let them describe it many times to restore the details, and even used some hypnotic methods to describe some of the details. Of course, it worked well for Professor Hao and Lin Yun, but it was unnecessary for a tough guy like Tang Tian who received professional training.

   As for entering the asylum... Sorry, when the bracelet becomes the "key" again, the outside of the only hemisphere room exposed to the ground is again wrapped by a light curtain, and unknown power is blocking everything.

   Someone has already suggested to dig a channel, but the excavator in this place obviously can't get in. In addition, things are not that simple. Of course, there is no way to start construction directly.

   As for Su Mo, it was probably because he hadn't discussed it well, or it had been discussed, and he was not disturbed. He slept until noon before waking up.

   took a brief wash, and before he had time to find someone to ask what is today’s "morning and lunch", the sound of sirens reached Su Mo’s ears.

   "What happened again? Su Mo threw the towel aside, tidyed up his clothes, opened the door of the room and walked out.

   After not taking a few steps, Tang Tian stepped forward and walked towards him, his face solemnly said: "The light curtain outside the house has disappeared!"

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. The fastest mobile version update URL:

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