"A monster came out?" Su Mo was taken aback and asked.

   If the disappearance of the light curtain means that this asylum is completely useless, the monsters that are imprisoned may come out.

   "This is not enough, but..." Tang Tian said generally, and a rush of footsteps came to him, Professor Hao ran over and said to Su Mo, "X fluctuations...appeared."

   "Where is it?" Su Mo asked.

   "There is no place, it's everywhere!" Professor Hao said.

   "...I didn't feel any special vitality appearing." Su Mo said.

   "That is to say that X fluctuation is not entirely a special fluctuation of vitality." Professor Hao said, "There may not be any shelter underground in this place, but it can only be judged that it is connected to other spaces that led to the emergence of shelters."

   "This X fluctuation may come from other worlds."

   Tang Tian grabbed Professor Hao's arm and asked, "Do you mean that it is really connected to other worlds?" This is the speculation that Su Mo told him, but he didn't expect it to actually become a reality.

   "I didn't say that." Professor Hao maintained the attitude of scientists who have always boldly speculated and carefully verified. "At least there is no clear evidence that there is a different world and space. The only thing is the shelter."

   "Forget it, this is not something I can control." Tang Tian said, looking at Su Mo again.

   "What am I doing?" Su Mo said, "Is my task completed?"

   "If possible, we would like to officially invite Mr. Su to join our special bureau."

   At this time, Zhou Zhiyuan's voice rang from behind Su Mo, and he walked and walked, and soon came to a few people.

   Tang Tian glanced at Su Mo and Zhou Zhiyuan in surprise, without speaking.

   "Come to me when things are over." Professor Hao dropped a sentence without greeting Zhou Zhiyuan, and left in a hurry. He has a lot of business.

   "Mr. Su, I formally invite you to join our special bureau." Zhou Zhiyuan looked at Su Mo and repeated it.

   "Me?" Su Mo smiled, "Are you sure?"

"Yes." Zhou Zhiyuan nodded calmly, "As far as the level of professionalism on supernatural phenomena is concerned, no one in the special bureau can compare to Mr. Su. The current situation is not optimistic. If everything is true, it will be. It is a war, and we will unite all the forces that can be united."

   "...you seem to be helpless." Su Mo said.

Zhou Zhiyuan smiled and said: "Ming people don't talk secretly, and I won't tell Mr. Su those hypocritical words. If it weren't for the special situation like this, people like Mr. Su, we would keep a respectful attitude. "

  Dangerous person?

   No, no, Zhou Zhiyuan brought out the special bureau's information files about Su Mo again in the evening, and he came to a conclusion.

   This person is not a dangerous person, but an untimely bomb, and can even rise to the level that threatens the safety of gj.

   All the terrorists are scumbags in front of him.

  If it was a previous era, there were many people with supernatural powers in the country who could still fight against the person in front of them, but now...

Of course, there are also many capable people like Su Mo who came out of that space in their special bureau. According to their intelligence, this man is a legendary figure in that space. Although after the return, this legendary king must have a hundred strengths. There is no one, but it can't be comparable to their weaker superpowers.

   Therefore, Zhou Zhiyuan judged Su Mo to be an aging tiger, like a powerful empire that is inevitably going to decline. The day when the sunset will come to the West Mountain, or it is now near the West Mountain.

   But even if it is an aging tiger, once it gets angry, the destructive power that erupts is not easy to bear. What's more, Su Mo's power is now indispensable to them.

   Taking advantage of this time, Su Mo can be included, which is definitely a great thing for Zhou Zhiyuan, and it is also a good thing for the entire country.

"But now the situation is quite special." Zhou Zhiyuan continued: "What we have to face may be an unprecedented disaster, and no one can stay out of the matter. I think in this situation, Mr. Su will join our Secret Service, Sincere cooperation between the two parties is the best choice."

   "No, I'm used to idle clouds and wild cranes." Su Mo waved his hand and said.

   Su Mo is not very repulsive about simply joining the special bureau or something, but he is used to it freely, and he has no interest in being controlled by others.

   If you join the special bureau-even if it is for Chief Su Mo, there will be a bunch of people standing there like pillars.

   "Is that so?" Zhou Zhiyuan said, "Mr. Su decides without thinking about it? After all, this is a good choice for us all."

After being silent for a while, Su Mo said, "Well, I can continue to be the non-staff consultant Tang Tian gave me some time ago. If there is anything, you can also contact me and I can help deal with it. Of course, There is a charge."

   "Is it a mercenary?" Zhou Zhiyuan said in his heart that it is a good choice to maintain such contact when Su Mo is unwilling to join the special bureau.

  The key is that Su Mo refused to join, and he could not force him to join.

   "In this case, if we encounter difficulties, please don't hesitate to help Mr. Su." Zhou Zhiyuan said.

   Su Mo said, "Let's do it, find someone to take me back."


   Zhou Zhiyuan was taken aback: "Mr. Su doesn't plan to stay here to see the situation?"

   "It's enough for you to watch, I just can fight." Su Mo shook his head, turned and walked outside.

   Until now, there is no chaos outside, which proves that the monsters in the shelter have not appeared raging, so why should Su Mo stay in this small village to waste time. He just came to see why instance X appeared frequently, and whether it was related to the trial space he had stayed in. Before he returned, he was considered a top expert in that space, and he still knew some information about the trial space. of.

   There seems to be no connection now, and Su Mo certainly doesn't have much interest in staying here.

   Researching this shelter and the monsters in it is the job of a scientist, and it has nothing to do with Su Mo.

   Zhou Zhiyuan did not force Su Mo to stay, so he directly arranged a car for him, but when the car was about to leave, Tang Tian came over and said, "Mr. Su..."

   "What?" Su Mo turned to look at Tang Tian outside the car window.

   "This..." Tang Tian frowned, and finally handed Su Mo a piece of paper with a series of phone numbers on it: "This is our new contact method, and I really hope that Mr. Su can join us."

   "Forget it, I've said it all, I don't like being controlled by others, so don't talk about it in the future." Su Mo took the note and said in a flat tone.

   Hearing the words, Tang Tian shook his head without speaking, and walked into the small village. Now outside the hemispherical house, a quarantine area is being stepped up to ensure safety.

When he arrived in the nearest city of Ancheng, Su Mo contacted the Butler’s Association and walked on the street. He was thinking about what to do next. After experiencing an unsuccessful era of the end of the law, the earth is now inexplicably moving towards another completely different one. the way.

  Although the order of the earth has not been greatly affected at the present time, the emergence of a large number of new X entities and the shelter will inevitably have an impact on the structure of the entire world, and eventually completely rewrite the status quo.

Don’t forget, it’s not just that Huaxia has appeared in such a situation, but similar incidents of varying degrees have occurred in various parts of the world. Huaxia’s situation is fairly good. Anyway, from the few words revealed by Tang Tian, ​​other places seem to be more serious. Case.

   As for the specifics, Su Mo did not choose to join the special bureau, and Tang Tian and the others would not tell him specifically. It’s not difficult for Su Mo to know what Su Mo wants. If you don’t say anything else, you can learn a lot of information through the Butler Association alone. A member of the Butler Association Su Mo’s level is either rich or noble, and the news will naturally be better than ordinary people. a lot of.

   Now the various undercurrents of the earth are in places that Su Mo doesn't know... all kinds of people or forces are all about to move.

When the light curtain of the asylum disappeared at noon today, in a shrine in a mountain forest away from the hustle and bustle of the island province, an old priest in a white robe, holding a compass-like thing in his hand, shouted with flushing face: " Came! Has Came finally answered my prayer?"

   But the short-haired girl with a beautiful face on his face is impatient.

  The old sacrificial priest was excited and said to the girl: "Our God Lord! Dashanjin Yasubiya God! It is about to recover!"

   "Aren't you an old liar, old man, what new trick is this?" the short-haired girl asked with a look of oweness and digging her ears.

"Heh." The old priest was not angry. Instead, he took out a shabby scroll from his arms and stuffed it into the girl's hands: "Since the artifact has moved, it proves that the era of our shrine is coming back, and you are chosen by the destiny. man of."

   The girl was taken aback for a moment, and looked at the old priest with some doubts.

"You have been practicing with me over the years, and the foundation has been laid. I originally thought that you would inherit the shrine as an ordinary witch, and then spend your life in an ordinary life. I didn't expect that there will be a gods who will return to one day today. That's good. "The old priest waved his hand: "Well, from today you will follow me to practice divine art. I remember you don't want to go to college, right? Then don't take the test and continue to practice with me. See through the scroll." After speaking, he turned and left the room.

   "Aren't you lying to me?" The girl looked at the scroll in her hand and suddenly believed a little bit.

   "Leave him alone, I'll know if you try the above." After thinking for a while, the girl opened the simple scroll in her hand.

  Although the scroll looks tattered, it seems to be a bit old, but the words on it are common words, and there is no problem of incomprehensibility.

  According to the book, the girl began to sit still, then she calmed down and felt the meditation mentioned in the scroll.

   After a while, the girl with her eyes closed suddenly opened her eyes, her eyes were extremely bright and breathtaking, and her face was obviously joyful.

"Really didn't lie to me!" The girl looked around in surprise. From that moment on, her world seemed to be different. Everything became so clearly visible. The girl could even feel a silkworm chrysalis in the corner of the yard. It seems to be coming out of the cocoon.

   just like her now!

   "Old man...No, Master, what happened to me just now?" the girl asked, flapping the closed door.

   After a long time, the old sacrificial voice came from the room: "Continue to meditate, my child, the rise and fall of the shrine is yours alone."

   The girl stopped her movements, and then nodded heavily: "I see, Master, I won't let you down!" After that, she took the scroll and walked out of this somewhat run-down small shrine with her head high.

   In the room, the old priest sighed: "Oh~ birth is not in time, birth is not in time..."

   Besides, in other places in the world, those organizations that have gradually deposited with the arrival of the Age of Domination also noticed that their era seems to have come again?


   Someone laughed wildly: "xxx, the hatred of the cross, you have to pay the price!"

   "Oh, the price? What is the price?" someone said next to him.

   "The Age of Dominance is over, don't you feel that the power in our blood is beginning to boil again? We will finally control the world again!"


   was silent for a long time, and the voice just said: "Your blood is beginning to boil, you have the power of the legendary ancestor, but what about those monsters."

   "Even in the Age of Doom, those monsters are so powerful that now, the shackles that envelope the world are opened, who can stop those monsters?"

   "You little strength, in front of those monsters? Are you sure we are not serving each other a delicious dish?"

   The pleasant atmosphere in the room stopped abruptly, and it took a long time to remember a curse: "***!"

  What impact did the end of the Dharma Era have on Su Mo?

  Of course, there is no direct influence. Su Mo is no better than those people. It has declined from generation to generation, and finally there is no way to control a special power. His source of strength is the instillation of trial space, and he doesn't rely on aura in essence.

   Therefore, his power cannot be deprived of in the Age of Domination, so no matter whether the Age of Domination comes or ends, Su Mo has no direct influence on his personal strength.

   But indirectly... For the soul-swallowing king, those souls that can only be used as a reserve of vitality finally have the qualifications to make him move his eyes and take a look.

  What is Su Mo doing now?

He was eating skewers in the street food stalls happily. Speaking of devouring the emperor dignifiedly, the actual enjoyment has always been much less than those of the big people. After all, he was in the "walking dead" for a long time. status.

   Finally got rid of it completely. After the serf turned over and sang, he was found by the special bureau staff before he could enjoy it, and all kinds of troubles followed...

   This time, the unlucky "poison" seems to be deposited for a while, and Su Mo can finally walk on the street and have nothing to eat.

   As for money... The Butler Association has already helped him fix the branch in this city. For example, this Ancheng at the feet of Su Mo, as well as big cities like Benben or tourist cities, the Butler Association will have branches. While the price is high, diamond customers like Sumo must be satisfied with the most satisfactory service.

   However, the Butler Association is only a good multinational company. It can only provide convenience in terms of food, clothing, housing and transportation, and cannot meet Su Mo's special requirements-finding an absolutely quiet, closed, and solid space.

   Such a place is not easy to find, at least it is difficult to find in Ancheng. The only place that can meet Su Mo's requirements is the underground place of a medical university or hospital.

   "Forget it, I don't want to go to that kind of ghost place, let it go for a while, don't rush it." Thinking about this, Su Mo took out his cell phone and dialed a mysterious number.


   After the call was connected, a lovely girl voice came from the other side: "Hello? Mosimosi~?"

   "It's me, where are you?" Su Mo asked.

   "Oh, so it was you." Muhua Saki Yaxin said, "Is there anything to do with me?"

   "It's okay, just to see if this phone can get through." Su Mo said.

  Kihanasaki Yaxin covered her mouth and smiled: "Haha~ I can't lie, do you think I'm playing you?"

   "No, no, I just had a little accident."

   Kihanasaki Yashin: "Accident? Why?"

   "It's probably that your phone number is so decisive, which makes me a little suspicious. But it seems that the number is correct."

   "Hee hee, is that really the case?"

"I guess so."

   Actually, Su Mo didn't expect Muhua Saki Yaxin to actually use the phone.

   From Muhua Saki Yexin's retro-looking I 唔唔唔 and so on, he thought this girl was an old monster, and his status was still very high.

   It is even possible that this girl is the old antique who escaped from the asylum, so she probably won't use human things.

   And, the reason why he had a phone call from Yashin Kihana was that he asked him personally.

   The girl also gave a string of numbers without hesitation, which made him very suspicious.

   However, judging from this call, the identity of this girl needs to be more refined.

  Kihanasaki Yaxin's tone was a little unhappy: "Ah~ I don't trust me so much? I saved your benefactor. That little doll is so fierce, you will die very embarrassed if I don't come."

   Su Mo: "Perhaps you are right, maybe I will die very embarrassed, but I will not die completely, so my life is not in danger, so the proposition that you save me is not very valid."

   "It's really a human being who can quibble, forget it, don't talk to you, I have something to work on here, just stay alone."

   After finishing speaking, Saki Yaxin Muhua hung up the line directly.

   Su Mo immediately shook his head when he saw this: "Human? This title really reminds me of a very unfriendly memory."

   He still remembers the tragic memories so far, and he still remembers that they met a **** in that nightmare-level world copy!

  The people in their team are really like ants in front of the god. After meeting for a second, the team has attrition.

   In the end, with the belief that the jade and the stone were burned, the whole team, including him, were left with three people to repel the nightmare enemy.


   Su Mo shook his head, did not continue to remember, and turned his eyes to the quiet street, his eyes were a little deep: "Hey~ let it go in the past, it's useless to think more."


   Turn to Muhua Saki Yashin, she is in line with Jin Shining.

   "Go up and like my photo." Jin Shining said with a proud face:

   "What?" Muhua Saki Yexin looked dazed: "What did you do?"

There is a fashionable golden necklace hung on the golden glittering big European pie. The necklace is covered with a crystal clear golden gem, which looks like a lady with a beautiful dress. His face also has a high look and gesture: "Huh~ this king Didn’t you tell you about your plan to be a star?"


  Kihanasaki Yashin's eyes widened: "Huh?"

   "This king wants to be a star, this king wants to let ordinary people in this world realize the greatness of this king." Jin Shining said naturally.

  Kihanasaki Yaxin suddenly patted the table excitedly: "If you want to be known, you don't have to be a star. Let's run for president, absolutely everyone knows you!"

   "Oh, this king is tired of taking care of those ordinary people's lives." Jin Shining repeated what she had said to Ino to Saki Yashin.

"..." Muhua Saki calmed down for a while, and said with her chin resting on her little hand, "Well...if you think about it, it seems very interesting. If you want to be a star, have you found a brokerage company? When do you plan to debut?"

   For the entertainment industry, Saki Muhua doesn't know much about it, but in this era, she still knows some inquiries in the circle.

   "Debut? I am now on **** live broadcast, is it a debut?" Jin Shining asked.


   "Live broadcast?" Muhua Saki Yaxin tilted his head.

   "That Ino, who doesn't have a good brain, she said it is the easiest way to accumulate popularity." Jin Shining said.

   "Yeah, the live broadcast is good, really good." Muhua Saki Yaxin said directly.

   Of course, Kihana Saki Yashin selectively did not go to see Ino passing by.

"Let's do it. After the king broadcasted it once, I found that those mortals seemed to be interested in the king's master. When you have time, you can come and watch the live broadcast with the king to help him increase his popularity." Shining spoke bluntly with a gesture of command.

   "Huh? You have already broadcast it?" Muhua Saki Yaxin's eyes widened again.

   "Huh, what I want to do, I naturally do what I want to do. If you are right, you can open the **** live broadcast and help my king pay attention."


   Kihana Saki Yashin is directly confused, Jin Shining is so skilled

Muhua Saki Yaxin suddenly opened the mobile web page with some inexplicable mood, and tried to search for related information. Unexpectedly, he jumped out a lot. The most striking one was "A certain secondary 2 anchor who starred in a live broadcast of secondary 2 girls has a monthly income of 100%. Wan"’s post ~www.readwn.com~ clicked in and took a look. The poster described in a very excited tone and detailed language that on a lonely night, he was wandering, and undoubtedly saw a blonde girl’s live broadcast room. Go in and take a look at it out of curiosity and boredom.

   As a result, this poster fell completely and directly established the "Queen's Cult" and became a fan of the brains. Many people downstairs expressed ridicule, saying that the poster was a silk, waiting for the rich and handsome to dig out the face of Jurchen.

   Then... those people also joined the Queen's Cult.

  Kihanasaki Yaxin looked at it and couldn't help laughing. After refreshing it, he found that the post had been edited by the host to become the title of "Long Live the Queen", the content was basically unchanged, and there were a few more stickers behind.

In the picture, Jin Shining sits on a chair, looking at people with a domineering queen attitude-or looking at the camera, there is a golden halo behind it, and the lock of heaven emerges from inside, entangled in Jin Shining On the slightly raised right hand, a wicked smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

   This is almost the same as the characters in the comics. The oppa is quite amazing, the momentum is quite strong, and the special effects are quite real!

  Of course, they couldn't figure it out. The anchor was actually broadcasting live so there was no laughter in the lines of the second grade. This skill really made them admire.



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