In the Secret Service, in addition to the old director, there are a total of five deputy directors. The configuration seems very unreasonable, but the Secret Service is a special organization and naturally has a special aspect.

   Among the five deputy directors, the real power lies in the hands of two people. The other three people have power in their hands, but they are not comparable to these two people. It is a bit similar to the meaning of reputation.

  Because Zhang Ju is easy-going, he knows a lot, and he does not have the heart to fight for power. He is very happy when he is on the show and on the ship every day. On the contrary, he is quite prestigious in the special bureau, and his speech is also useful.

   But now the other two in the room are a bit worse.

   The person making a noise in the room now is not someone else, but one of the two directors in the special bureau who has real power, and one of the chiefs of the island province, Ichiro Tanaka.

   After all, in addition to his identity as a special bureau, he is also one of the people in the island province. In this meeting, he can be said to have the greatest right to speak, and no one can stop him from launching.

   Even another deputy bureau, Zhou Zhiyuan, is no exception. In other words, if Zhou Zhiyuan comes, it will intensify the conflict.

   Not to mention, the two roles in the room are more powerful than the mascots, and they can only endure being scolded.

   Of course, I can't bear it, I have to say what I should say.

"Su Mo, the special adviser, has not formally joined the special bureau, and we may not have ordered him. Moreover, from the feedback sent back over there, even if we are anxious to enter the asylum, there is nothing we can do. The elevator door simply Can't open." Another person said.

   "How did those people come out?" Tanaka Ichiro said.

   "That was through a special bracelet... but now it is out of power. No, it should be said that the power source has been lost. You should know this."

   "Hmph!" Tanaka Ichiro snorted coldly, "Even if that thing has no power, is there nothing else to put in it? What the **** Zhou Zhiyuan is doing! Does he know my son is still inside!"

   There is a division of labor between him and Zhou Zhiyuan. Although everyone is concerned about things in that small village, the person in charge is still Zhou Zhiyuan.

   Who is Tanaka Ichiro’s son? Tanakajima Osa! Although this son disappointed him very much, he still has great expectations for Shima Xiu!

   I hope he can inherit his mantle, but now his son is trapped in an extremely dangerous shelter where monsters are being held. How can this make Tanaka not angry?

   The other two looked at each other and didn't speak.

   In fact, if possible, they would like to say, who told you to put your son there to get some qualifications, Zhou Zhiyuan couldn't stop him before letting him in. It is a risky thing in itself. Now that something happens, you are not happy again. We are embarrassed by you!

   Everyone is all grown up. Look a little bit away. If you don’t have a son, you’ll have another one. Are you hungry? I’ll give you something to eat.

   The other two in the room wanted to persuade Ichiro Tanaka so much, but they didn't speak in order to avoid being beaten up. Although Ichiro Tanaka is over half a hundred years old, he is still strong, and it is no problem to fight two young men, let alone two old cadres who are about to retire.

"I can't wait. One day, another day, the shelter will definitely be opened, and you will see people and dead bodies!" Tanaka Ichiro left a sentence, "I will handle the things that Zhou Zhiyuan can't do. !" After speaking, he walked directly out of the meeting room.

   The other two looked at each other again, and one of them said, "I'm afraid the last sentence is his real intention."

"Heh, not just here, the situation in other places is much more serious than ours, and even small countries have begun to chaos. This day will also change, how could he sit still and give such a big advantage to Zhou? Zhiyuan?" Another person said.

   They are just getting older and are reluctant to fight, but who can sit in this seat, who is a simple character?

   Tanaka Ichiro is so angry, there are reasons for his son's disappearance, but more is to use his "pain of bereavement" for greater benefits. You can see this kind of thing more or less, but you can't say it.

   It is a fact that the son knelt down in the asylum. When it gets bigger, it means that he sacrificed for his duties. No one has much to say.

   Ichiro Tanaka, who walked out of the conference room, had a gloomy expression on his face. The staff passing by did not dare to say hello to him, and walked back to his office with something that could be called a sham.

   The secretary in the small room outside saw Guan Qianjun coming back, and immediately stood up, put a portfolio on Ichiro Tanaka’s desk and whispered, "Here is all the information you want."

   "I see." Tanaka Ichiro sat on the chair, waved the back of his hand towards the door twice, signalling the secretary to leave.

   The secretary walked out of the room in small steps like a pardon.

   Although he has been with Ichiro Tanaka for five years, he still doesn't understand his leadership. Under normal circumstances, he is regarded as his own person, and the pressure on him is also very high when he is around such a person.

   After the secretary left, the gloomy expression on Ichiro Tanaka's face gradually receded and replaced with a cold look. His son was missing in the shelter. Of course he was very angry and heartache, but Ichiro Tanaka didn't let the anger and heartache crush him.

   On the contrary, he suppressed these emotions with absolute, even cruel, cold-blooded reason, and instead used his son's death to seek greater benefits for himself.

Yes, in the thinking of Tanaka Ichiro, he felt that his son was dead. Judging from the information he obtained, the shelter was definitely a dangerous place... Even if his son was lucky, he did not encounter any monsters. , Three or four days have passed. In that closed environment without any food, most of them died of thirst early.

Ichiro Tanaka has been a soldier and has received training. He is very clear that the so-called not drinking water for three days refers to a relatively good environment. Under normal circumstances, he is already in a very dangerous situation if he has not entered the water for less than three days. In a state of dying.

   Sitting in a chair and thinking silently for a while, Ichiro Tanaka picked up the file on the desk and opened it, and poured out the contents, some files and a small USB flash drive.

   plugged the U disk into the computer, and Ichiro Tanaka flipped through the documents in his hand.

   In the data, all the X individuals that first appeared throughout China during this period are individually made into paper documents by people who are more important, have potential or special ability, or have a certain degree of danger.

   The U disk contains all the people's data-at least all the data of the X individuals that have been discovered so far.

   "Su Mo."

   Looking at the thicker pile of materials, Ichiro Tanaka read the name and frowned.

   When he first entered the special game, he had heard of this name and knew something about it.

Now as something happened, this person came back into Tanaka Ichiro’s sight. Looking at the more detailed information above, Tanaka muttered: "It would be a shame if such a person can’t be used by me. The idiot Zhou Zhiyuan let him go."

   After half an hour, while Ichiro Tanaka was still reading the information, the phone on the desk rang, and Ichiro Tanaka answered the phone...

   Ten minutes later, Ichiro Tanaka put down the phone, the corners of his mouth raised, and a smile appeared. His half-truth anger in the conference room just now had an effect.

   The above did not agree with him to intervene in the asylum. After all, the matter is of great importance. At this time, it is not to put Tanaka Ichiro in the past and Zhou Zhiyuan's internal friction. However, a plan submitted by Ichiro Tanaka earlier has been approved-it is wrong, and it cannot be said to be approved, but is allowed to try in a small area, which is commonly known as "crossing the river by feeling the stones." If there is any problem that is not feasible, it will be terminated immediately.

   This can be regarded as compensation and comfort from the top for his loss of son.

   Tanaka Ichiro picked up the phone, dialed a few more numbers, and ordered a few more words. After hanging up the phone, he stared at the computer screen and opened a document.

   There are four big characters "elite plan" in the document.

The    Elite Project is an idea and idea of ​​Tanaka Ichiro. In this plan, he intends to establish an elite club. This organization is different from an official organization like the special bureau, but a non-governmental organization, but it will be controlled by the special bureau.

According to Tanaka Ichiro’s plan, he wants to "collect" all the X individuals that are now appearing, as well as those "dangerous elements" who are not supernatural but still have destructive powers that exceed ordinary people, and let them join the elite society. Use a stick in one hand and a carrot in one hand to control it for your own use.

   If this force can be integrated, it will undoubtedly be very terrifying. Coupled with the large number of Huaxia, there will be more X individuals in the future.

   Once these people can be mastered, it is definitely a qualitative leap for Tanaka Ichiro.

However, at the beginning, the above did not agree with his plan. Because the stability of the plan was too low, Tang Tian tried to bring those supernatural powers into the special bureau. As a result, the failure of an operation proved that these people may not be easy to use, at least Can't compare to the special personnel trained little by little.

   Moreover, it is not easy for ordinary people to join an organization inexplicably, even under the official name. Now is not the age of "learning good martial arts and selling them to the emperor's house".

   But the current situation is different from the previous period. If you simply monitor the increasing number of X individuals, not to mention a lot of manpower and material resources, it is not conducive to stability.

Therefore, Ichiro Tanaka’s plan was put on the agenda again. Just by taking this opportunity, Ichiro Tanaka became the host of the plan as he wished, and he will also become the president of the elite club in the future. Of course, the premise is that his plan can be successful. If it fails, everything is empty talk.

"Failure, how is it possible to fail, a group of casual young people, it is so easy to deal with them, as long as the heart is a little bit cruel, everything is not a problem." A cold smile appeared on the corner of Tanaka Ichiro's mouth, and he slapped again. A phone call said in a cold voice: "The Wolves Project is launched. I will give you a 20% death target."

   The other end of the phone was taken aback: "20%, is it too high?"

   "Is it high? You have to know that the dead have no value. If they have no value, let them die." Tanaka Ichiro said, "I want to see results within five days."

   The phone was hung up by Ichiro Tanaka.

   If Zhou Zhiyuan's attitude towards Individual X in the special bureau is dovish, then Ichiro Tanaka is an absolute hawk.

   His attitude towards these people is absolutely tough, not like Zhou Zhiyuan and the others, who are persuasive. Ichiro Tanaka only gives those people two paths-to die or to join an elite club.

   This wolf pack plan with a super high death index is a sub-plan that Ichiro Tanaka did not put into the elite plan.

   But Ichiro Tanaka knows that as long as there are results, even if some people die, there will be no impact.

   Of course, Tanaka Ichiro’s plan is not to be so rough as to directly threaten the door, but one round-to introduce those X individuals into danger, forcing them to injure or kill people.

   At that time, someone will show up and give those people two choices. One is to join the elite club and contribute to the country. Everything that happened just now will be covered up, and you can even be treated well.

   If you don’t agree, then everything will be avoided... or even executed directly on the spot, without even the trial process.

   In this situation, most people made the right decision. Of course, many people thought they were invincible and died under terrible modern weapons.

   The death index is not only for the X individuals, but also for those killed by them.

   In the next few days, some homicides and deaths occurred across the country, and the deceased were not ordinary people. In the end, they were secretive, and there was no news on the Internet.

   More and more individuals of X began to join the elite society.

Tanaka Ichiro’s wolf pack plan and the elite plan have achieved very good results. In a short period of time, almost half of the X individuals have joined the elite club. The rest is to make them obediently through various means. Obedient.

   Of course, there are also some people who have not died or joined the elite club. They have temporarily escaped with their own strength. This is something that can't be avoided. These little things are ignored in the face of excellent results.

However, Ichiro Tanaka’s mood did not become very good because of the success of the elite club...just a little better, because the big fish he wanted to catch the most-Su Mo had left China before that and went to North America. went. UU reading www. uukanshu. com

   Now Ichiro Tanaka is looking at everything about Su Mo. If you want to catch such a big fish, of course you can’t use the wing-folding plan. It is only used to deal with small chickens, and it has no effect on such old fried dough sticks.

  On that night alone, there were hundreds of lives on this person's hands. Can you care about this kind of thing? Must start from other aspects.

   "I don't have any friends, let alone relatives. The people I often contact are the housekeepers of the Butler Association. They are quite unique." Tanaka Ichiro said while reading and turning to the next page, frowning involuntarily.

   Above is a picture of a blonde woman, with ruby-like eyes with a breath of overlooking all living beings, even a picture can be felt.

"I don’t know the origin of my identity. I’m currently living in the home of a popular idol Kuka Sakiya, who is suspected of imitating a girly version of an 18X game character decades ago. There may be serious mental problems? Or is the anchor of a live broadcast platform recently founded An entertainment company is planning to debut. What a mess of this!" Seeing Jin Shining's information, Tanaka Ichiro almost didn't throw it away. Is there a brain hole in the person who sorted out this information?

   Seeing this, Guan Qianjun didn't want to look any more, and threw the information in his hand aside.

   At this time, Su Mo walked out of the airport and suddenly frowned and said in secret: "Why do you feel so upset all of a sudden, is it being targeted by a **** guy?"


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