I don't know if I was caught by the **** guy. Anyway, since Su Mo got on the plane and got off the plane, he has received a lot of attention, and two flight attendants quietly stuffed Su Mo with a note.

  The first-class cabin on international flights, with a calm temperament, is just a word on his face that "young and more golden turtles miss this village and there will be no shop", which naturally attracts attention.

   "Sure enough, you can't stop the peach blossom luck." Su Mo secretly said in his heart.

   A car stopped in front of Su Mo, and a blond young man got out of the car and said in fluent Chinese: "Is it Mr. Su Mosu?"

   The information that Su Mo registered with the Butler Association is Hua Xia's identity. Most of the time, he used this identity to act, and a few times he changed to another identity of another person in another country, depending on the situation.

   "It's me." Su Mo nodded.

"Yeah." The blond man opened the door: "Hello, I am a Class B butler of my Butler Association. You can call me Mike. Mr. Su can contact me if he has any needs here. Now Class A Butlers are relatively busy. If If Mr. Su hopes, Mannheim can be brought over."

  In the Butler Association, butlers are usually divided into four levels ABCD. The specific assessment division is not clear to Su Mo, but his semi-exclusive butler Mannheim is A-level.

   From a theoretical point of view, coming to a country like Ugly Country, and the headquarters of the Butler Association, providing services to Su Mo should also be an A-level butler, not the Mike in front of him.

   "No need." Su Mo got in the car and said, "Are there many things recently?"

   "Yes, there have been a lot of things these days." Although Mike has blond hair, he speaks Huaxia in the same way as Huaxia recognizes people. Although the Housekeepers Association did not send A-level butlers, the sent Mike also shows his sincerity.

"The current world is very uneasy. There are always messy things happening, even the most powerful country in the world can't avoid it." Mike talked about the mountains like a Yanjing taxi driver while driving, with an ugly tone in his tone. The inevitable common problems of the Chinese people, but also vaguely reminded Su Mo that the current situation is not very good.

   The members of the Butler Association are rich or noble. Naturally, they know the current undercurrents on the earth. The Butler Association must also prepare early for some things. The busy time during this period is inevitable.


   Su Mo responded casually, took out a note from his pocket, held it with both hands, and sent it to Mike's side.

   Mike took the note and quickly glanced at it. There was a person's name on it-Eller.

   "Help me find the whereabouts of this person." Su Mo leaned back on the soft chair back and said.

   "This name is very common." Mike said, "I don't know which one Mr. Su is looking for."

   "The most powerful one." Su Mo said in general.

The name    belongs to a high-level member of the secret organ. When Su Mo returned, there was a commotion. Among them were the hands and feet of this secret organ, probably because he wanted to encircle and capture superpowers like Su Mo.

However, they are not the most ruthless. They did not give much effort, but they did. In addition, they had what Su Mo wanted. "Everyone is guilty, and it is even more guilty to hold Bi." This became the first person Su Mo had to deal with. The goal.

   "Understood, we will try our best." Mike said, putting the note away.

The car drove out of the airport, passed through the prosperous urban area, and drove towards the suburbs. As the world’s leading big city, Su Mo naturally has a villa here. The code has been told to the Housekeepers’ Association and they have already advanced. I cleaned it again and prepared all the daily necessities so that Su Mo could move in directly.

As time goes by, the traffic flow around has begun to decrease, and there are pastoral scenery around. The Ugly Country has a vast land area but a small population. Suddenly leaving the prosperous city will make people involuntarily produce a desolate gap. feel.

   "Mr. Su, do you mind if I open the window?" Mike asked.

   "Don't mind." Su Mo said.

   Mike lowered the driver's window slightly, and a cool breeze poured into the car, refreshing the air inside the car.

   Mike took a slight breath and said, "I still like the suburbs, where is the real place to live—"

   At this point, Mike's voice stopped abruptly.

   "What's wrong?" Su Mo asked.

   "Mr. Su, that... the car behind seems to have been following us." Mike said hesitantly. Through the rearview mirror, he saw a black car behind him.

   Mike seems to have a vague impression of the license plate of this car, and seems to have seen it several times just now.

When Mike was talking, the car accelerated suddenly and drove parallel to Mike's car. At the same time, a black off-road vehicle was also following behind the car and drove to the other side, which was equivalent to taking Su Mo's seat. The car was clipped.

   It is also possible to make such a move in such an empty road with few cars. In a city with a lot of traffic, let alone driving in parallel, just overtaking is a difficult task.

   The windows of the two cars dropped, revealing two black shots. The muzzle of the black hole on one side directly pointed at the microphone through the gap after the window was opened.

   "Su...Mr. Su." Mike swallowed, his voice trembling.

   He is the housekeeper of the Housekeepers Association. Yes, he usually has contact with some big people, but he has never experienced such a battle of being pointed at his head by a gun.

   Mike didn't know whether he should brake violently or speed up to get rid of these dangerous elements that he knew were very dangerous at first sight.

   "Calm down, see what they want to do, and cooperate." Su Mo said.

   "Good, good." Mike nodded.

   At this time, a man with a gun next to him made a gesture, and the two cars accelerated and decelerated one by one. They clamped Su Mo's car back and forth, and led it to the side path.

   Mike followed them nervously, pressed the alarm button at the same time, and sent the help message with one click, saying: "Mr. Su, we have to delay time and wait for rescue."

   At this time, a hand stretched out from the car in front, and the car started to slow down.

Mike had no choice but to slow down, and the three cars stopped on the side of the road. Among the black off-road vehicles at the front, a strong man with a slab and a cigar came down, followed by two holding a cigar. Man.

   A few people with guns got down from the car behind, and surrounded Su Mo's car.

Ban Shinan walked to the car and glanced at Mike and said, "It's nothing to you, kid, if you don't want to die, just be nice to me, okay?" With that, he drew the dagger from his thigh, and he was at Mike's. He patted the face twice, and then deliberately left a shallow wound on it with blood flowing out.

   The muscles on Mike's face kept twitching.

   Seeing Mike’s performance, Bansuno was very satisfied, walked to the back seat door, and clicked on the car window with a dagger: "If you are acquainted, cooperate a little bit. Our boss wants to see you."

   Su Mo lowered the window and asked, "Who is your boss?"

   "Which so much nonsense, you'll know if you go, just follow me if you don't want to die." Bansuno said.

Su Mo glanced at Ban Cun Nan and said to Mike: "It's okay, you don't need to contact other people. Don't forget to help me find the whereabouts of that person. I will contact you when I say." He opened the door and walked on. .

   "Su, Mr. Su?" Mike watched Su Mo get on the off-road vehicle in front, and the two cars left in a hurry, not knowing what to say.

   Although I said that I need to cooperate a little bit, but this is too cooperative. You got in the car with someone, where are you going to find you? Don't contact other people. Does it mean that I don't want to call the police?

   Mike felt that what happened just a few minutes ago seemed to exceed his imagination.

   "The kid is quite cooperative."

   Ban Cun Man looked at Su Mo in the back seat and said, his tone was a little uncomfortable, the cooperation is correct, but what is the matter of you being as relaxed as your own living room, we are kidnapped! You make us very unfulfilled.

   "Open the window, I don't like the smell of this cigar." Su Mo said, he doesn't smoke, nor does he have the habit of smoking other people's second-hand smoke.

"My God, little boy, haven't you figured out your current situation?" Ban Cun said in an exaggerated tone, turning his side and staring at Su Mo from the co-pilot, his falcon-like gaze exuded danger. The light.

   said, he deliberately took a sharp breath of cigar, and he was about to blow into Su Mo's face.

   But before he could spit it out, his eyes widened, in other words, his eyes stared like a frog, his face flushed in an instant.

   In addition to the driver, the two people beside Su Mo also dropped their guns at the same time, and couldn't help but reach out to grab his neck.

Su Mo flicked his finger, and the black mist turned into a rope lightly shook. The huge pain shocked the three people's bodies. They stopped their movements involuntarily, and their eyes began to turn white, and the feeling of suffocation became turbulent like a tide. Then, a lot of dark spots appeared in front of my eyes.

"I don't kill people just because I don't want blood on my face, understand?" Su Mo's voice seemed to come from the sky, and it was scattered a lot on the way, turning into a vague accent, but it still reached them accurately In everyone's ears.


   As the "Reaper's Scythe" on the neck moved a little, the three of them finally regained their ability to speak, and they said in a hurry.

   "Who is your boss?" Su Mo said. The two people next to him watched the car float, occasionally a little black mist appeared, and they wanted to shrink themselves into a ball.

   But occasionally when the neck is tingling with friction, they dare not make any unnecessary movements, even if it is an act of fear and surrender.

   "Our boss is called Guanghui." Itazuno said cautiously.

   "Girl?" Su Mo said interface.

   "Do you know our boss is a woman?" Bansun man was taken aback.

   "I don't know, but I guess she is mostly a second-degree disease." Su Mo said, these days, there are so many people in second-degree.

   Two cars stopped outside a small villa, and Ban Cun Nan whispered: "Here, our boss is waiting for you here."

   "Hmm." Su Mo responded casually: "Tell the person in the car behind, if you don't want to die..."

   "I understand, I understand." The Bansun man nodded repeatedly, got out of the car, walked to the back, and said something to the person who got off.

   Several other people in the car also got out of the car, respectfully opened the door for Su Mo, and stepped back to the side. After the near-death experience in the car just now, they understood that the person in front of them was the same kind as their boss, not the one they could afford.

   If you just kill him, open enough distance, and shoot and shoot, maybe there is a possibility of shooting, but their boss's request is to meet or catch alive, Ban Sunnan and others can't shoot indiscriminately.

   Standing at the door of the villa, he said something to the intercom. The iron door of the villa opened on its own. The Ban Cunnan and the others walked in front, and some walked behind Su Mo. However, the guns in their hands were not raised wisely, otherwise, they would have been in a different place at this time.

Opening the door of the villa room, Su Mo saw a tall blond woman standing next to the floor-to-ceiling windows in the living room. It was different from the gleaming pure gold, and the pale golden hair looked strange under the setting sun. Beauty.

   "Did anyone bring it?"

   Hearing the sound of opening the door, the woman turned around, revealing a beautiful face and blue eyes.


   The moment he saw that woman, a thought came to Su Mo's mind.

   The woman in front of her...or a girl, although she deliberately wore a steady black suit with her hair curled up, she also wore a pair of black-rimmed glasses to make herself look older. However, Su Mo's eyes are sometimes quite vicious. He can see through the disguise of this woman at a glance, and if all these deliberately old dresses are discarded, this woman is only about 20 years old, and it is not an exaggeration to say that she is a girl.

  Of course, it is also possible to be younger. After all, high school students in this country are basically the same as adults, and even some well-developed junior high school students can impersonate adults.

   Of course people at this age are just children in the eyes of Su Mo.

   "I thought it would be someone, but I was looking forward to it, but I didn't expect it to be just a child." Thinking about this, Su Mo directly said what was in his heart.

   The pretentiously calm expression on the woman's face disappeared, and she showed a little anger, but she adjusted it quickly and returned to her original indifference, saying: "For the king, everyone is indeed a child."

   "Do you know me?" Su Mo walked to the edge of the sofa and sat down on his own.

   The title of King Sumo, in this real world, would only be regarded as the second disease of the second-year teenager, but if it were in that trial space, it would be a proper name!

   Recently, because of the increase in returnees and the incidents that Su Mo took out in recent years, the evil name of the king has spread in the dark world of this world, and all major organizations have at least a copy of Su Mo's information.

   The so-called dark world refers to the "world" that is known to those with supernatural powers relative to ordinary people. It sounds a little special and is used as a different name. It's like the magic world in "Harry Potter".

   But there is no place that is purely a "supernatural person" like Harry Potter's world.

   Now that this woman knows him, there must be someone who used to be in the dark world beside her—yes, it used to be. The current dark world has long ceased to exist. With the advent of the Age of Doom, there are no more than a hundred "superiors" on the entire earth, such as the Cross, the False Bishops, and the Destiny Church, and other old organizations have also been lost. The most important force, the dispersal, the transformation of the transition, the country of refuge in the country, what about the dark world?

   waved his hand and signaled Ban Cunnan and others to leave. The woman said, "In the trial space, the king was a legend. The king wanted to come and discovered the changes in this world, right?"

   "Oh." Su Mo responded.

   He has basically understood what is going on. The Age of Doom has disappeared. With the reappearance of Individual X, I am afraid that some people will be ready to regain everything they lost.

And this woman didn’t feel like someone who lost the trial space, but wanted some ordinary superpowers who knew something about it, probably from her family, and let her know something, but she knew it was not so. Many, in a half-knowledge situation. Knowing myself in this way, I will invite myself in this way.

   really confirms the saying that the ignorant is fearless, and it is impossible for Su Mo to "invite" him in this way.

   After waiting for a while, Claire didn't wait for the following after Su Mo "Oh", so she had to say, "Mr. Su is here in Ugly Country. I'm afraid it's not a tourist."

   Su Mo ate the biscuits on the plate and said vaguely: "This biscuit tastes good, where can I buy it?"

Claire was silent for a while, took a breath, his chest hesitated, and continued: "I think, after that incident a year ago, Mr. Su shouldn't let off those forces that dealt with you, after a year of cultivation. Mr. Su once again set foot in this country, and I can guess one or two goals."

   Without waiting for Su Mo to speak, Claire said to herself: "If what I just said is correct, we might have the possibility of cooperation."

   "Cooperation?" Su Mo raised his head and glanced, then focused on the biscuit in front of him.

   "Yes." Claire said: "Now the world has begun to return to its former appearance, and the glory that belongs to us will eventually appear again."

   "What did it look like in the past?" Su Mo chuckled lightly.

   He is very clear that although the X entity, or the supernatural being, has begun to reappear, and the power that was once mastered by humans and then disappeared can now be controlled by humans once again, the world will never return to the so-called "old appearance".

   On the contrary, the world is becoming dangerous... Whether it is for supernaturalists or ordinary people, it becomes very dangerous.

   "By the way, I forgot to introduce myself."

   Claire said, "The last descendant of the reverse cross, Claire."

   "It turned out to be inverse cross." Su Mo was surprised, no wonder the half bucket of water in front of the woman swayed constantly. It is not surprising that it came from inverse cross.

   Inverse Cross was also an organization in the dark world, very famous, but the reason for its reputation is not because of its power, but its funny behavior.

   At that time, when the reverse cross turned out to be born, everyone turned their attention to the cross cult. This name is obviously to challenge the old organization such as the cross cult.

   The people of the Cult of the Cross were also very puzzled. How could such a force come out to oppose them? So, the Cult of the Cross sent someone out to test it out.

The results obtained are dumbfounding. The original intention of the inverse cross was indeed to smash with a certain organization. That organization was a secret organization, yes, it was not a cross religious group, but a hidden organization. This was the case with the boss of the inverse cross at the time. Got naughty.

  The consequence of being mischievous is that the Clan of the Cross feels that the other party is molesting him. Since you plan to smash with the secret organ, you can call it "Ini Hidden", your sister Nishi! According to the rules of the dark world at that time, for such a thing, it can only be solved by a single meal, um—or, the rules of the dark world have always been to solve anything by a single meal.

   That's why Su Mo, who is not good at managing, will become an extremely terrifying pole, because he can fight enough, and he is a very capable one. Doing nothing can attract a bunch of people to him and kneel and hug his thighs.

   In short, Nishiji was hung up and beaten by the Cult of the Cross because of his boring behavior. The Cult of the Cross has always been a representative of a very tyrannical organization, otherwise, they would not dare to plan any plan to deal with Su Mo.

   Knowing that Ni Shi is the secret mechanism of their enemies, I also shamelessly shot at this time, and directly killed Ni Shi, who was originally "seriously wounded and dying."

   This organization took about a month from its emergence to its complete demise, and it became a joke in the dark world. Of course, there are warnings. Many people have begun to change their titles of pulling wind, for fear that they will be beaten when they collide with some big brother-level people.

   Of course, after all, it is an organization, not an individual, and the members of Inverse Cross have not been completely killed. In fact, it is almost the same as the scores and disintegration. After all, time and energy to hunt down those who slip through the net is obviously not worth the loss.

   This Claire is probably the descendants of those who slipped through the net.

"I know that the secret agency was involved in the operation against Mr. Su. We have a common enemy and have a basis for cooperation. Now Mr. Su is alone? We also just need someone like Mr. Su." Claire said. The taste of invitation is obvious.

"What's going on recently, I'm always invited~www.readwn.com~ It seems like a treasure knife is not old." Su Mo secretly said, "Sure enough, a man like me who pulls the wind is the firefly in the night. How can the glory cover it? Can't live."

   Su Mo's narcissism level at this time is probably as good as that of Jin Shining.

   "Mr. Su, how about joining us in reverse cross? I can give you a position only below me." Claire said.

   "Are you the boss of the reverse cross?" Su Mo asked.

   "Yes." Claire nodded.

   "Sure enough, it has inherited the past traditions, this organization will not survive tomorrow." Su Mo shook his head and said.

   Claire was taken aback, and suddenly stood up: "How can Mr. Su speak like this?" When she was angry, the immature who should belong to her entire age was immediately exposed.

   "Secret mechanism..."

   Su Mo said, "Forget it, anyway, I'm also looking for trouble with them. Your luck is good, and I can barely be included by me."

   "What are you talking about?" Claire's anger could not be restrained obviously.

   Mingming kindly invited this outdated "old man" to join her inverse cross, and gave a very high treatment. I didn't expect the other party to respond like this.

  Does he think he is still the king of trial space?



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