The once magnificent and luxurious villa has now become a ruin.

Su Mo expressionlessly walked out from lifting a slate, slamming the black flame on his hand casually, and the trace of violence remaining in his eyes slowly disappeared.

"Ah, since I can't make my accessories, and dare to invite me in, don't blame me for calculating the old accounts."

The so-called Anti-Cross Church, Su Mo certainly knows this organization. In the last century, this organization can be said to be the most prosperous and active!

-Killer organization!

It is quite similar to an Assassin organization that he remembers with the belief that "everything is imaginary, everything is allowed".

But this organization is even more miraculous, because their superpowers are really strong and even weirder.

However, it was only strong in the past.

In the modern era when aura has just recovered, this church is just an ordinary superpower organization with a little bit of strength.

For him, after clearing the strongest dungeon, in the end, the BOSS, he didn't even lose a life.

Next, Su Mo pursued the ancient relics of super power all the way, while battling wits with organizations such as the Cross Sect.

And Muhua Saki Yexin saw these so-called churches, even if they were all tied up, their strength was not as strong as the young dragon queen Connor, so she didn't worry about what would happen to Su Mo.

Instead, he turned his attention back to the deeper levels of the various types of main **** spaces, trial spaces, and the like that attempt to interfere with the operation of this daily world.

It was discovered that the power involved behind this type of space was more opaque than she had imagined, and even her Eye of Death wanted to pursue it.

However, Muhua Saki Yaxin didn't worry, she knew that these spaces would not be quiet forever, as long as they had malicious intentions, they would always take action.

As long as they do, she can track down the traces and pull out the black hands behind the scenes!

The next day, searching for the extraordinary ancient relics in Su Mo, he came to a weird forest hut isolated from the world.

Here, he found all kinds of cursed objects.

The book of death, faceless dolls, withered hands wrapped in bandages, etc.

Such items filled the entire basement of the hut!

Suddenly, Su Mo felt that these cursed items began to operate autonomously.

All kinds of curses were transferred to him in an instant!

At the same time, countless evil auras began to fill up around the hut.

Su Mo's eyes suddenly became icy, and at this moment he was stupid without knowing what was happening!

"Successful! Those guys really have a lot of back-ups!"

However, he is also a bold artist, and he didn't think that these curses could kill him!

It is better to say that these so-called curses are just his tonic!

He pushed open the door of the hut, and immediately saw that a strange and eerie and unidentified creature crowded in the dark outside was pouring over like a tide!

These creatures are all very "cute" long.

For example, the frogman whose whole body is amazed by bones, the explosive humanoid figure with countless tumors bursting on his body, the headless horseman in flesh and blood armor, the evil spirit with various saw blades inlaid on his head, the tentacles that are more alien than alien and so on.

These are relatively eye-catching, and other common weird things like mummies, zombies, and ghosts don't need to be mentioned.

Seeing this posture, Su Mo didn't panic at all, with the corners of his mouth slanted slightly.

"This situation is not bad, it's worth my strength."

As he said, he raised his hand and snapped his fingers.


Bang! !

A black flame ignited at his fingertips, and a trace of tyranny appeared in his eyes.

"Try your best to bring me fun! You chopsticks!!"

Bang! !

The thick black mist exploded all over Su Mo, and instantly rushed towards the rushing monster group like a wave!

boom! !

The black mist collided with the monster, and the sound of torn flesh and blood sounded!

The body of the monster in the front row was suddenly shattered by the black mist, and the flesh and blood flew across, and the fragile even burst into a cloud of blood mist!

These flesh and blood that fell into the black mist were completely swallowed, then turned into black mist, and continued to bite away from the next monster!

At a secret base, a group of staff in white robes are looking through the screen, watching Su Mo fight the monster group.

They looked nervous one by one, and they didn't know for whom they were nervous.

However, when they saw that the number of the monster group was declining at an alarming rate, their complexion became more and more ugly.

"What to do! What to do! How to stop him! If that monster kills all the media, that thing will be..."

"Come out as soon as you come out, it can't be stopped, maybe they also want to use him to kill this monster."

An old man with thinning hair said calmly in his eyes.

"What! Why! Let Him come out! What is the purpose of our sacrifices all these years?"

"Don't understand yet, the so-called safeguarding of world peace is actually just safeguarding the interests of those people."

"Now that their interests are shaken and their lives are threatened, that would be regarded as the destruction of the world, so what..."

The old man quietly explained that after this cruel fact, everyone in this base quieted down.

Their faces became pale, their eyes filled with fear and confusion.

They used to call themselves the savior, who sacrificed countless lives, what are they now?


Evil organization?

The man behind the destruction of the world?

They probably won’t be able to get this answer...

Because of the breath of curse, it has begun to permeate this base.

Even if they don't have any extraordinary power, they can feel that under this base, the suppressed things have recovered!




The sound like a heartbeat came from the depths of the earth, and it brought the ground sound like a magnitude two or three earthquake.

Su Mo, who was fighting with the monsters, also noticed the obvious tremors, and the strange heartbeat that seemed to touch his own heartbeat.

He put away a little excitement, and his attention began to focus on the ground.

"What's that? What's the resurgence?"

With a hint of black mist, it penetrated directly from the ground.

All the way through the underground mysterious base, came to the deepest cave entrance.

Feeling the breath in it, Su Mo's pupils shrank.

"It turned out to be... an ancient god!!"

The ancient gods banished and abandoned!

The oldest existence!

One, even the grotesque that he couldn't understand even in his heyday!

He squeezed his fists, and the breath on his body began to become more tyrannical: "Are these churches crazy! How dare to release such a thing! Damn it!!"

At the same time, UUreading, the black mist covering a hundred miles of radius began to become deeper, and the strong pressure it exerted instantly ate away the few monsters that were originally left!

Then, the black mist quickly contracted towards Su Mo, forming a black mist vortex, which was swallowed by Su Mo like a storm.

The breath on his body also began to rise steadily!

"No, I have to run away from this place quickly, the ancient gods, let this shab's country give it a headache!"

Anyway, it's not HX people who die!

With this thought, Su Mo suddenly turned into a black mist, thinking about escaping outside!

However, it seems to be too late at this moment...

A giant hand revealing the ancient aura, protruded from the deep abyss, the earth shattered, the sky was like ink, and the storm had arrived!

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