The twelve-winged dark angel, or fallen angel, didn't even conceal his whereabouts.

The size of a giant star is not eye-catching in the universe, but its power is so powerful that the guardians cannot ignore it.

A galaxy cluster-level anxious main battlefield was accidentally located on the path of the black angel. After it passed by the edge of this vast battlefield, most of the guardian energy body was directly annihilated, and all the rest was transformed into the day ambassador. The huge matter of the entire galaxy cluster was taken into the bag by the Lord God Legion.

The menacing dark angel drew an arc in the four-dimensional fissure, and quickly crossed a fairly wide starry sky, approaching the location of the base camp of Saki Yashin Doppelganger Muhana.

You must know that neither the base camp of Muhua Saki Yashin clone nor the Guardian Legion can be immobile!

Under the action of a super gravitational monster that resembles a six-clawed octopus and constructed by a large number of black holes, the core areas of the Saki Yashin clone legion and part of the central guardian legion have been moving dynamically in the universe.

The extraordinary detection ability displayed by the black angel means that the current strategic situation of the main **** and Muhua Saki Yaxin clone is the result of their deliberate indulgence and cooperation, and the original strategic plan is no longer appropriate.

The avatars of the combat command Saki Yashin made a decision immediately, activated a large amount of reserve hidden power, and gathered together to encircle and suppress the black angel.

If this malicious outsider can be completely eliminated, it will be a matter of time to remove all the main gods army, for this reason, it would be a matter of giving up some of the advantages of the frontline battlefield.

In the temptation and sacrifice of a large number of puppet lives, the avatars of Muhua Saki Yaxin quickly figured out the sudden increase in the black angel's ability and effect, and then a large number of troops began to target the black angel's front road.


The black angel ignored the spontaneously exploding puppet life force that burst with dazzling fire and time and space ripples on his body, and volleyed the avatar of the remote commander of this force, Xiaomu Hanasaki.

Kogi Hanasaki Yashin's clone immediately blew up!

In an instant, a huge supernova exploded with energy comparable to a star, and then quickly collapsed into a black hole!

However, this black hole was chewed and swallowed by the black angel just after it took shape.

It is not difficult for the black angel to kill the last troops close to it in an instant, but it is currently a little annoyed and chooses to kill them bit by bit.

Because in the remote area outside its direct sensing range, a large number of Sakuya Saki avatars gathered into various arrays, and waves of simple and rough four-dimensional space-time shocks were created by the avatars of Saki Saki Yashin, who have almost unlimited energy. Superimposed bombardment towards the star area where the black angel is located.

These attacks are too rough, and even if they are superimposed on layers of intensity, they do not pose any threat to the black angel.

But this has greatly slowed the progress of the black angel-even if it is as powerful as it is, the depth of migration in the fourth dimension is not comparable to the magnitude of the four-dimensional shock created by the Legion-level space-time interference. It is not willing to force through the drastic changes in the four-dimensional space-time. A large number of space-time faults generated in the

After delaying the black angel's pace, the Muhua Saki Yashin avatar legion can perform a more precise lock, and then try to distort time and space in the besieged area to create a black hole with a volume that exceeds the conventional one to carry out a more practical attack.

This is also one of the few tactics currently tested that can cause damage to the black angel.

The large number of suicide troops mainly puppets used in previous trials have proved that high-energy lasers, particle shelling, four-dimensional strikes, and other seemingly super-conventional attacks do not show any practical effect on the black angel.

The black angel seems to have a complicated body, but in essence it is completely integrated, without any internal structure or functional organs at all.

According to the observation results of Muhua Saki Yexin clone here, the black angel's divine body is just a mass of quark aggregates that resemble the core of a large neutron star, and are purely chained and penetrated by strong interaction forces.

I just don't know how the black angel can strengthen the short-range force that can only act on the scale of the nucleus under natural circumstances, and release it into a body that is as large as a star.

It should be understood that in terms of the interaction between matter, the strength of the strong interaction force far exceeds the surface gravity, and the gap has reached an exaggerated fifty-eight orders of magnitude.

This means that under the same conditions, the black angel occupies the absolute advantage of the physical level of the world in terms of power, unless the root energy used by the Muhua Saki Yaxin clones can be accurately superimposed on the black angel and focused enough to annihilate the center of the universe. The level of the black hole, otherwise any attack would be a breeze and meaningless to the black angel.

However, the black angel is not weak in time and space ability with its super high power density, and it is almost impossible to hit the root energy with it.

Now, the black angel is gradually blocked in a huge range of tens of thousands of light years, and the amount and energy burned by the puppet life legion in an instant is an astronomical number.

At the moment when Muhua Saki Yashin's avatar army formed its next broad black hole surface attack, the black angel finally lost his patience due to the speed of the tortoise.

"Annoying bugs... Do you think this can bridge the gap between the mortal thing and the demon god? You can't even understand my existence!"

The roaring black angel did not evade the super space-time distortions comparable to the core of a black hole. In this attack, its figure disappeared completely with the vast space of the galaxy, and the avatar of Muhua Saki Yaxin and the various detection methods of the Guardian Legion could not be found. Its trail.

When Muhuasaki Yashin Legion's high-level hesitated, a certain daily world guardian who was so excited that he finally eliminated the enemy, suddenly found his consciousness gradually blurred.

Anger, jealousy, greed... all kinds of negative emotions broke through the suppression of its emotional control system.

The distorted and manipulated thinking ran wildly, a phantom of a demon with twelve wings slowly weaving in its struggling mind, the details became more and more detailed and more and more real...

In front of countless guardians whose spirits were distorted, the black angel walked out of nothingness, and the strong force broke free from the shackles, the twisted mass interfered with time and space, and instantly wiped out the large army of guardians around.

The black angel showing a new transfer method easily broke through the position before finding a way to deal with it in the guardian army. The large number of four-dimensional high-speed passages constructed by the avatar of Saki Yashin in the rear were all destroyed by the passing black angels. The main force of time can't catch up.

The black angel didn't mean to look back and continue to entangle with the reptiles in his eyes. Wakaki Sakiya's hearts couldn't find a way to stop it, so they chose to scatter and continue to replicate and expand the size of the puppet army. Its killing speed may not be as fast as Kuka Sakiya. The heart clones are expanding fast.

This kind of endless battle can be handed over to the Legion of the Lord God, and the goal of the black angel has never been to kill all these miscellaneous soldiers.

After passing through a temporary position again, the black angel finally saw the huge black hole base where Muhua Saki Yexin's avatar base camp was located, and the densely packed puppet legions that rely on the black hole body!

"Hey, it's just a heavy metal box."

Faced with such a super mobile fortress, the black angel sneered.

A vibrating sound using time and space ripples as the carrier spreads from the black angel's body to the vast space ahead, and the slightest spatial fluctuations are also completely smoothed by it.

The avatar Muhuasaki Yashin who had obtained a lot of knowledge and data from the body immediately knew what the black angels wanted to do that day - this was a precursor to a super-scale dimensionality reduction attack that their abilities were difficult to reproduce flexibly.

The huge six-claw gravitational monster with a size of light-years gathered its limbs in an wrapped the base camp and legion into the envelope of the body.

In an instant, the dimensions of the three-dimensional space collapsed.

The sparse starlight in front of the black angel suddenly closed and approached, and the space within the huge range was drawn away from one of the three legs of the tripod, and collapsed into an absolute plane.

The chain reaction caused by the collapse of dimensions makes this plane expand rapidly, but in the center of the plane and a three-dimensional space maintains its own existence without collapse and annihilation.

With enough energy, and enough cognition and intervention ability for time and space, it is not too surprising that the Muhua Saki Yaxin clones and the Guardian Legion can save their lives under their own dimensional reduction attacks.

Looking at the space that was gradually recovering, the six-clawed gravitational monster that slowly stretched out was about to seize the opportunity to continue attacking the giant fortress. The black angel suddenly turned his head, and looked back at the daily world earth with some horror. The star area where it is.


Le Wen

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