The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 255: Finish

Muhuasaki Yaxin’s eyes radiated red and blue light, the space around her body was distorted, time stagnated, and the whole person seemed to be in the chaos of nothingness!

This may be the most serious use of the Eye of Death ability in her history!

If it hadn't been more troublesome for the enemy this time, I'm afraid she wouldn't be so serious.

After all, if the Eye of Death is used too seriously, it will speed her up into the realm of the omnipotent "God".

She knew from the beginning that she would definitely become the omniscient and omnipotent existence.

The personality of her own roots made it impossible for her to stop the pace of evolution.

However, she actually didn't want to be that kind of existence, once to be that kind of existence.

Because she knew that once she became that kind of existence, she might lose that precious "human heart" forever, and she would no longer have human emotions.

Even if she is now, no matter how much she suppresses her power, she still has a sense of emptiness.

Because, nothing can give her a "surprise" anymore.

If she does not limit her "field of vision", human beings are like a bunch of meaningless particles in her eyes.

What you think, every move, is nothing but the change of particles.

The so-called time and space, for her, are also visible and tangible lines.

The tentacles can be flicked at will, twisted, cut short, and kneaded into a ball is also easy.

All things in the world, time and space, everything in her eyes, are like toys, and they can be easily modified without a trace of effort.

It's just that she, who can still be called a "human" now, can do it.

Once you reach that state, the Seed of Root will thoroughly analyze the entire Dimensional Realm!

Then, she will truly become "He", no matter what emotions or rules are, it doesn't matter to that "He".

One thought but the past and the future, there is no unknown, everything is a definite fact.

Becoming such a being, she...

I feel I'm not ready yet...

There is also some fear.

However, the enemy in front of her, although not a threat to her.

However, it was extremely threatening to the friends she had always guarded.

It is impossible for her to hurt the friend she has been protecting!

So, she decided to take it seriously!

It turns out that the eye of death got serious.

Very powerful.

The personality of the root is far beyond the imagination of such a small existence as the Lord God and his like.

Even if the main **** is considered a strong one in the ten thousand realms dimension, but under the eyes of death blessed by the source itself.

It is still far from enough to see.

Muhuasaki Yaxin’s root vision has completed the analysis and assimilation of high-dimensional space.

At this moment, Muhua Saki Yaxin saw through the infinite dimensions and the infinite dimensions at a glance, the countless timelines of the infinite dimensions at one glance, and the countless parallel dimensions on the countless timelines.

For a time, the past and the future have a close view.

However, she discovered an anomaly. The timeline she was in was very peculiar and seemed to be independent of all timelines.

Moreover, I don't seem to be able to see through it.

However, it captures the ontology of the main **** space on the infinite timeline and the high-dimensional space of the parallel universe.

There is no problem at all.

Just a thought.

The split body and body of the main **** space divided in the ten thousand realms disappeared instantly, together with the main **** army fighting in the normal space of the daily world, also disappeared silently.

This war ended silently and very suddenly.

The guardian legions and the avatars of Muhua Saki Yashin just saw the dark angel glance at the world they guarded in horror and disappeared.

It disappeared so suddenly... as if it had never existed before.

However, Muhua Saki Yashin's clone quickly reacted and began to celebrate with the guardians happily.

"we won!"

After that, in order to celebrate, they simply changed the war platform that had been set up to fight against the Lord God Legion into a stage, and prepared to hold a wave of song and dance party here to celebrate.

Because the war between the guardians and the main **** army can be said to be beyond the concept of time and space, so in the daily world, busy people do not know what happened in the starry sky.

On the contrary, Gabriel from the Angel camp and Satania and Vinette from the Demon camp received an invitation letter from their family.

Said to be a super song and dance party held to celebrate a hard-won victory, the stage has been set up on the stars.

This makes them a little confused.

Thor, the dragon maid of the Kobayashi family, also received the letter of invitation.


But Muhua Saki Yaxin went to a peculiar "space" at this moment.

This place can be said to be beyond the edge that she can't reach.

That is, the infinite dimension and ten thousand realms, the nihility outside the infinite universe.

It can be said that this is outside the "box".

However, outside the "box", she saw an unexpected "person".

Here is a pure white space, except for endless white, nothing exists.

However, in the next moment, a small round table and a "Muhana Saki Yexin" suddenly appeared!

That's right, Muhua Saki Yashin saw "self", but she grew up with her ideal figure.

And "Muhana Saki Yaxin" seemed to have expected it a long time ago, and a gentle smile appeared at Muhua Saki Yaxin: "You are here, earlier than I thought."

As he said, "she" directly sat at the Madoka table and motioned to Muhua Saki Yaxin to sit down.

Muhua Sakiya's thoughts in her heart became more complicated than ever before.

At this moment, she also understood her identity...

The true identity!

She sat on the opposite side of "Muhua Saki Yexin", and instantly a pot of tea and two teacups appeared in front of them.

The tea in the teacup is already full.

Muhua Saki Yaxin didn't speak, but with complicated eyes holding up the teacup, sipping tea in silence.

"Muhua Saki Yaxin" kept a smile: "Sure enough, I still envy you. This trip, I still have such a good time."

Muhua Saki put down the tea cup, feeling complicated: "Envy yourself?"

"Haha, it's weird, I envy myself or something."

"Muhua Saki Yexin" pursed his lips and smiled: "So, do you want to erase your memory this time? Or start a journey again?"

Muhua Saki Yaxin shook his head: "No, I still want to go with Ino and others for a while."

The expression of "Muhua Saki Yexin" didn't change at all. It seemed that he knew the result a long time ago: "Then you go back soon."

Muhua Saki nodded with a complicated expression, and then disappeared into this space.

"Muhua Saki Yaxin" looked at the disappearing Muhua Saki Yaxin for a long time without a word, and then she also disappeared.

The pure white space is completely quiet.


But Muhua Saki Yaxin, who had returned to the daily world, sighed heavily.

At this moment, after she knew her true identity, the worries of becoming a **** that had plagued her can be said to be completely resolved.

Perhaps she should have known it a long time ago.

How could it be possible to hang on to an ordinary second-degree sick girl like this against the sky.

In fact, she is just a clone of "True Eye of Death".

However, she is very special.

This is where the person of "Kihana Saki Yexin" is.

It represents the part of the person "Kihana Saki Yashin".

And "Muhua Saki Yexin" may be completely dehumanized after knowing that he has become an all-knowing and almighty god.

Therefore, she simply took herself as a part of a person and turned it into a body.

Let her experience everything about "people" for herself, in the endless journey and harvesting endless happiness in the ten thousand realms dimension.

For this, to resolve her endless emptiness and loneliness...

However, she understood the moment when she saw "Mika Saki Yashin" in front of Saki Yashin.

"She" is still so empty and lonely. To her, this "happy" emotion of hers is probably just a bunch of cold data.

Nothing can be changed at After sighing, Muhua Saki Yaxin no longer struggles.

After all, as a "human", thinking too much will only make myself uncomfortable.

Cogito ergo sum.

Happiness is the most important thing.

Even if it's data, we must be beautiful!

So, she immediately ran to participate in the cosmic stage celebration song and dance party!

After the song and dance party, she will travel to various worlds with Ino and others!

Their journey will never end!



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