The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

: Extra: RWBY (First Coming)

The dark yellow sky, the barren earth, the broken ruins, here seems to be a civilized land after a doomsday.

"Ah~~~Isn't it a doomsday world again?"

Nanako, who was one centimeter taller, now seemed to be a little taller than Muhan Saki Yaxin.

She vented to the sky with her hands up, turned her head to Muhua Saki Yaxin and pleaded:

"Sister, let's go back. I have had enough of the doomsday. We are here to travel, not to suffer! And, I don't want to see those sad ones again..."

Speaking of this, Nanako suddenly felt a little depressed.

"An La An La, this world is not a doomsday world, but our location is a bit subtle."

Muhua Saki Yashin wore the classic red magician costume and cloak, with her hands on her hips with an air of confidence that didn't need to be worried. (Please take the initiative to substitute Huihui's image)

Ino looked youthful and beautiful in casual clothes from Naruto World. She looked at Muhuasaki Yaxin somewhat helplessly: "Yazin, we are not the same as before. Now I have noticed that there is nowhere in the air of this world. Full of emotions called despair and fear.

Are you sure this is not the end of the world? "

"Hmph, of course not, or it's not that way."

As Muhuasaki Yaxin said, she turned to look at the sky, the broken waning moon, her mouth curled slightly: "This world is quite interesting."

But just finished saying this sentence.

A black shadow covering the sky immediately enveloped the place.

Ino and the others looked up and saw a huge and terrifying dark black whale floating in the sky several thousand meters, covering the waning moon in the sky.

At the same time, the ground began to vibrate slightly.

Ino immediately activated his perception ability, and this perception was incredible!

She found all kinds of black giants all around the ruins.

These giant beasts all have a characteristic, they all wear weird white masks, and they are almost all black.

In addition, there are many types of them, with different sizes and shapes, and all kinds of weird shapes!

Ino and Nanako immediately wanted to do it, and they could feel the horror of this kind of creature.

They don't seem to have souls, they just have the instinct to kill creatures, and they are a group of machines that are born only to kill!

Moreover, they have also realized that these monsters that only kill can also absorb the negative emotions of human beings.

Especially fear!

Seeing this, Nanako pursed her lips and said angrily at Kuka Sakiya's heart: "It's not the end of the world! These strange creatures, how do you explain these strange creatures?"


Muhua Saki night scratched her tender face and explained: "Although these things are indeed the culprits who destroyed this place, human civilization is still there. They are still alive, and they are not the end."

Ino squinted his eyes and stared at Muhua Saki Yaxin with some cold air: "Isn't this the setting for the end of the wasteland?"

Muhua Saki Yaxin suddenly panicked, and quickly explained: "It's not the end of the wasteland. Human beings are still there."

Speaking of this, Muhua Saki Yexin seemed to turn her head away with a little guilty conscience:

"Well... it shouldn't be considered the end of the wasteland...

How about... How about we go directly to the land of civilization? "

Ino glanced at Muhua Saki Yaxin with some discomfort: "Huh~ Okay, who made Xiao Yaxin the captain of the tour group?"

With that said, Ino said coldly to the beasts that had already begun to rush over: "However, before that, let's try the ingredients of these things first."

When Nanako saw Ino give up her persuasion, she suddenly puffed her cheeks in anger: "Really... Ino is always going with her sister."

After finishing speaking, Nanako looked at the black beasts rushing like a wave: "I blame you all these things! Why do you want to appear in this world!"

With that said, Nanako raised his hand to instantly condense the complex energy in the body!

In just an instant, a superstar energy ball with a diameter of fifty meters appeared on Nanako's head.

Looking at this exaggerated energy ball, Ino couldn't help but feel a headache: "Hey, Nanako, don't go too far."

However, Nanako didn't listen at all, angrily, she directly held an energy ball like a little sun and smashed it forward!

"Eh eh eh! It's too exaggerated, in case there is anyone around it, it's not good!"

It seemed that Ino was too late to shout at this moment.

I saw that the 50-meter super giant energy ball directly bombarded the center of the herd like a meteor!

Boom! !

The world faded, the incandescent light illuminates the whole world!

A huge beam of energy that lasted several kilometers soared into the sky, annihilating everything that was touched!

Valley Kingdom.

Inside the line of defense, the people living in safety were suddenly disturbed by a violent shock.

The ground of the house was shaking like crazy. UU Reading www.uukā

People are even a little unsteady on their feet.

"What happened?"

"Have there been an earthquake?"

"No... it's not an earthquake!"

A civilian looked at the distant horizon in horror, and pointed tremblingly: "It's there! What happened there!"

I saw that a beam of light on the far horizon led directly to the sky, and the clouds in the sky formed a terrifying vortex.

"Isn't there...a deserted area?"

"Is Slaughter Beast? Is Slaughter Beast doing what? There is only Slaughter Beast, right!"

"God knows…"

The people of the Valley Kingdom began to panic.

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