The Secret Code of Monsters

Chapter 128 Ch127 Meeting

Chapter 128 Ch.127 Appointment

The Queen made an appointment with Roland in a small restaurant - relatively small, in fact, it was about the size of a dozen drug stores.

This is just one of the 'smaller' private dining rooms in the palace.

Lavia Heidi stopped talking to Roland until they arrived.

She asked Roland to hand over the gun.

——To be honest, this is her problem.

Due to some prejudices, she originally didn't think that this man with "only a face" could make this appointment unexpected, and she had no intention or desire to check (touch) his body.

He's just a lucky guy.

A lucky man who relied on women to kill cultists.

Even with her eyes closed, she could subdue him within a few breaths.

She thought about what it would be like:

The Queen showed a little favor.


Roland Collins was like most men and women kneeling before the Queen, even more passionately, using all the good words he had ever heard, like a child looking forward to honey, hoping that the Queen would look at him more and say more to him. Just a few words - her Lina will have a useful and loyal dog.


This man…


This ungrateful bastard.

"I hope you can maintain due respect for the Queen, Roland Collins." When they came to the door, Lavia Heidi coldly told Roland: "The only wish of this obscene creature in this life is to wear decent clothes. You Here it is, Collins."

"As for me, I will probably see you in the Nuoti golden lamp." Roland smiled brightly and said in a gentle voice: "If you dare to insult my family and my friends again, I will kill you before I am killed by you. Use your position as executive to promote something interesting for your dear queen."

He suddenly moved closer to Ravia Headey.

A sharp "secret" was like an array of knives, pointing at his eyeballs, neck and temples.

Roland didn't care and said to her ear:

"...I guess you know my origin, Miss Lavia Heidi. Believe me, even if we dress neatly, we can't hide the savagery and madness in our hearts."

Lavia Heidi took a step back and looked at him for a long time.

The eyes are complicated.

"You are completely inconsistent with what I investigated. Roland Collins, you are very good at hiding yourself."

"It's not about hiding, but there are two people who taught me two things."

Roland regained his gentleness and said with a smile:

"One person fills me with hope for life, and I want to live on with her share."

"And the other..."

"It taught me how to deal with you idiots."

Roland tapped his cane and bowed slightly:

"I'm ready to see the Queen, Lord Chamberlain - and by the way, that parrot on your shoulder is beautiful."

Ravia Headey glanced over her empty shoulder.

'This madman. ’


The queen wore a lotus-colored silk skirt.

This is not too grand, but it definitely reflects the importance she attaches to Roland - she believes that 'private' and 'family' can shorten the distance between herself and a young man more than dressing up.

She didn't know what happened between her loyal and loving aide and Roland Collins.

"Please take a seat, Mr. Roland Collins."

After Roland saluted, she asked Lavia Heidi to serve and invited Roland to take a seat.

The Queen's Afternoon Tea is famous for its variety.

First of all, this is definitely a low table.

Exquisite porcelain vessels filled with sugar cubes, a five-story dessert basket, and a long-necked milk jug with intricate carvings. The complete set of silver tea sets reflects light to the greatest extent, making the interior with lack of light always have a glow.

"An outstanding craftsman needs time to refine and carve, coupled with the materials at hand and the right weather, a rare flash of inspiration and the right mood - I rarely use this set. Mr. Hunter has not made new utensils for a long time. ”

Victoria said:

"If it is inconvenient for you, please ask my attendant to serve you. I don't expect you to be as comfortable as at home, but please believe that I am very happy to spend an interesting afternoon with you."

Roland bowed slightly:

"My pleasure, Your Majesty."

Victoria asked Ravia Heidi to pour tea and stepped aside.

"I have always heard of you, Mr. Roland Collins. You were a faithful executive and a gentleman of great courage."

"Some people are biased against you and think that a beautiful face and courage are not mutually exclusive and cannot appear in the same person - I do not agree with this idea."

Victoria said:

"You are both, and in one incident you proved yourself to be both extremely intelligent."

Roland smiled sincerely: "If I were just an ordinary flower garden, you would be a poet who did not hesitate to praise me. I am far less intelligent than you, and I am definitely not as good as your beauty - forgive me for being rude, Your Majesty. I am a ceremonial person, But I dare not rashly use "secret" to contact or look directly at the ruler of a country. "

The appearance of a certain word in the words made Victoria look very happy.

"'Look at me,' Mr. Collins, please look at me in your own way. I agree, I am willing to communicate with you, and I hope we can be honest with each other."

Although Roland could see it, he still released the "Secret".

to be honest.

The young ruler was not good-looking.

Her figure is far inferior to Cherry-Chloe, her agility cannot be compared with Rose, and her temperament is not as graceful as Enid.

"You picked it here, right?"


She asked me to see it.


The nearest place to her is full of desserts.

She is probably a sweets lover.

And then...

She may not be a ritualist.

At least from what she said, right?

"I have known Enid Jutia for many years, Mr. Collins, has she mentioned me?"

Roland smiled even more: "No. But I have heard about you several times from newspapers and colleagues - they say that you must be a great monarch who can lead us to a bright future..."

Victoria's smile is very 'standard', but Roland can still see the joy in her eyes from the flames.

This is a woman...

similar to Kate Pasetti.

"It should be said that Kate Pasetti is the ultimate youth version of Victoria."

"The two of them are very different."


You seem to know her very well.

"I'm going to disappoint you. I don't know much at all."

"It's all because of that useless Su Yue who always reads useless things and leaves me with a lot of chaotic and topsy-turvy memories - I have to spend time straightening them out one by one like weaving a web and untangling them."


This is the first time I've heard you complain like this.

"If you find that your head is full of stupid things like 'my cat can do backflips' and 'you can call me mom if you want', you will also think that the owner of the memory is an idiot."

"Her memory has tainted my noble soul."



Miss Nina's cat can do backflips?

"No, but you can learn."


You can't be tainted anymore, shut up.

Roland rarely has afternoon tea.

It started with the king in front of him and quickly became a trend, popular in the upper circles of the whole country.

Cherry Chloe talked about some of it, but didn't invite Roland. She said it was a private party and Roland would have his own in the future.

Anyway, eat some desserts, drink some tea, and talk about the weather, humanities, or interesting things in life.

He had a pleasant chat with her and there was no discomfort.

This proves...

"Prove that you are a smart guy?"


Prove that she is very powerful, wrench.

Roland didn't know why he was invited today, but he always felt that it should be related to Ms. Enid.

Or, it was related to the Tribunal.

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