The Secret Code of Monsters

Chapter 147 Ch146 Disguised Brothers and Sisters

Chapter 147 Ch.146 Disguised brother and sister

Lady Molly's party was held in a small manor house south of James Street.

A brother and sister ride in a carriage and pass through the quietly approaching moon veil.

"I'm a little hot."

A certain ‘brother’ complained.

When he was handed over to Xander by Fernandez to ‘dress up’ – things got out of hand.

In addition to the three-piece suit, she also wore several extra thick thin cotton coats close to her body.

It makes him look like a chubby...humanoid.

In short, he will never be a human being.

"No one would eat themselves like this." Roland scratched his chin. After finding that it was difficult to bend his arms, he couldn't help but blame the lady next to him - oh, she was dressed very beautifully.

Xander Kratof turned his face slightly, a little embarrassed.

"Sorry, Collins."

She just couldn't resist dressing up Roland - just like when she was a child grooming animals or dressing porcelain dolls: it was so much fun!

"I didn't hear 'sorry' from your voice..." Roland curled his lips: "Have you and Fernandez considered it? We should be brother and sister - the appearance and size of the brother and sister are not so different. ”

"But Mr. Crow has 'made' your face to look like this - and in fact, that's what they look like."

Xander Kratof suppressed a smile and drew a circle in the air with his finger.

"Besides, no thin person would have such a fat face. Collins is so thin that it conforms to the most basic human cognition."


Cold winter day.

He's so hot.

"You're like a fat ball."


You're like a fat fire in a fat ball's head.

"Your true love dies with others."

Compared with the previous silence, after Roland saw Xander's 'sacrament', the girl seemed to talk to him more.

In particular, Roland gave her no 'advice' regarding her sacraments.

"Collins, what do you think Lady Enid and Mr. Crow will talk about?"

"I don't know, Kratof." Roland's eyes flashed slightly: "Maybe it's something related to the Tribunal and the Church."

"Church?" Xander didn't know why: "The church...what happened?"

"Something complicated."

Xander Kratof was dissatisfied: "I am already a big girl, why do you think I must not understand? I know that the relationship between the Inquisition, the church, the monastery, and the Parliament of Truth is not very good - but in the end, we Aren’t they all walking in the light of the benefactor?”

“We are under one God, and we will not and should not have other thoughts except to demonstrate His greatness and selflessness.”

Roland didn't know how to answer.

Xander was devout, a Sister of Mercy on the Path of Sainthood, and his faith was not as strong as hers.

"...My grandfather mentioned the Tribunal." Seeing that Roland didn't speak, Xander muttered to himself: "...He said that the way the Tribunal handled things was very inappropriate. It not only offended those powerful people, but also made the people afraid. , and the church was criticized.”

"But since something big happened..."

She stroked her chest gently and looked at Roland.

The dark blue shawl surrounds the girl in the carriage, making her look particularly noble and elegant - she is suitable for wearing this, very suitable.

"I think it's probably the Keshihai that Lady Enid was talking about - after that incident, the Inquisition's practices became much 'softer'. This is a good thing, isn't it?"

Roland lowered his eyebrows and said, "Maybe. Miss Kratofer, but I didn't hear any agreement from your words."

Kratof crossed his legs and moved slightly toward Roland twice.

She lowered her voice: "Because I always feel that the Tribunal has done the right thing." She said: "The Tribunal is a sword. If the sword becomes soft, is it still a sword?"

She shouldn't have said this.


Xander showed a strange smile: "I support burning... and I support your original approach, Collins. The Inquisition should not be limited by worldly views, should not be afraid of power, and should not suffer from loss of reputation..."

"I think she just wanted to see the horror of a living person being burned."



"Have you ever seen burning?" Roland asked.

Xander covered his mouth with his hands as if he was frightened: "...Collins! That is a very severe punishment. It is rare for me to see..."

"The disappointment is overflowing."

"Under what circumstances will the executioner of the Tribunal burn a sinner?" She asked 'casually' as she circled the hanging gold wire: "Today's cultists may have to use burning... Yes or no?"

"Perhaps? If Ms. Enid agrees."

Roland could easily detect the trembling of the person beside him and the growing excitement in those lake-blue eyes.

Xander clenched his fists and placed them on his legs, every nail digging into his palms.


A wail of agony.

The flames parted the skin and tore at the flesh.

There is no difference between human meat and animal meat, if grilled to the right level...

It will still emit bursts of fragrance.

Xander Kratof thought briskly, humming in his heart.

If you're lucky...

She gets to witness the creation of a cult roast.

"Miss Kratoff?"

Roland called out.

The girl beside him bit her lower lip gently, her eyes filled with water.

She turned her head and smiled at Roland.

"My sacrament today lies here, Collins. I will capture the cultists and save Mr. Benevento, as well as the gentlemen and ladies who went astray at the banquet." As she spoke, her expression suddenly changed. , one second it was full of spring, the next second it seemed to fall into eternal winter.

"…poor Chloe, poor Wilson."

"They suffered terribly before they died."

"Same banquet, same case. But we couldn't save those two painful souls..."

Xander Kratof lowered his eyes, clasped his hands on his chest, and prayed for them quietly.

The sound of prayers was drowned in the sound of wheels and stones.

After about ten minutes, she sighed quietly and opened her eyes.

“Why is there sin?”

she asked Roland.

"Why such terrible evil?"

She seemed to really pity the two gentlemen who were 'connected' on the bed. "That murderer - now, he is a cultist. We will catch him sooner or later, right?"

Roland wanted to shrug his shoulders, but unfortunately he couldn't. So, he glared at Xander again, "...Fernandez guessed that it was a ritualist from the Mithril Church. I heard him say that few executives seemed to deal with this kind of people - they were elusive and had a special kind of How to conceal your identity."

Xander nodded: "Yes, I know the Mithril Church. It is an organization that lives by lies, but its purpose is hard to figure out..."

"Human beings shouldn't be so cruel to each other..."

Everything that has happened in recent days seems to have made this young lady whose mission is "compassion" sigh.

What a cruel villain.

She looked at Roland's side face staring out the window. After a moment, she turned her head in the other direction and looked out the window.

Cruel villain.

Goug out eyeballs, cut off ears, tongues, noses, smash teeth and bones.

Like the pet dog she handled with her own hands when she was a child.

A small gift of three hundred pounds from her father.

When its fur is on its body, it is called one way; when its fur is not on its body, it is called another way.

When it's in bed...

Mom is another name.

Cultist, Mr. Killer...

It's awesome.

Where are you?

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