The Secret Code of Monsters

Chapter 170 Ch169 You have to like one

Chapter 170 Ch.169 You have to like someone, right?

Mr. Philip Chandson was one of the most wonderful men Roland had ever seen.

"Why don't you talk to Lady Enid?"

Roland asked.

"I'm not qualified yet. However, isn't it the same as talking to Lady Enid Judith when I talk to you?" Chandson's eyes flashed shrewdly and he smiled: "I don't understand the magic thing, but I agree with Judge Judia’s vision.”

"You are a promising executive and I want your friendship."

Roland didn't know why this shrewd and funny fat gentleman, who said that "women are the ultimate pursuit of men", said very little to Fernandez, but he was particularly fond of himself. They talked about many interesting things, and Sir Chandson, sir, gentleman, was much more knowledgeable, and much more obscene, than Randolph.

Especially when it comes to women.

It can be an eye-opener for cats who have never really tasted fresh meat.

People, can they be folded...?

Mr. Chandler is well-informed on another level.

Because the intersection between the two people except at this moment is Kate Pacetti who is far away in West Manlis.

Of course, the fat gentleman mentioned this one frequently.

However, Roland could hear the indifference towards Kate Pacetti in his words.

He said that if he hadn't thought about apologizing, he would have almost forgotten about this woman.

"Commercial leasing, that's normal."

In this regard, the fat gentleman 'taught' Roland this way: "A man's 'bravery', like a woman's appearance, both depreciate over time. Employing an eighteen-year-old is the same as employing a fifty-year-old." The price is very different for the elderly.”

"Similarly, how does a sixteen-year-old girl compare with a fifty-six-year-old woman?"

"Excellent and smart businessmen only enjoy the most valuable time period. For things that are constantly depreciating, of course we spend a lot of money to rent them, and then slowly reduce the rental price as it continues to depreciate."

He hesitated, wanting to mention Roland's 'appearance' again. But then he thought about it and was afraid of upsetting Roland, so he quickly changed the topic.


This word is different from what Roland thought.

He thought Philip Chandson was in love with Kate Pacetti.

Even as a lover, Kate Pacetti will always be by his side until the two of them grow old together...

Towards death.

In the end, is it just ‘renting’?

That is to say, there will always be a day of dismissal?

Baron Chandson was too willing to answer such doubts for this 'ignorant' young man.

He changed his sitting position and talked about his past with Pasetti.

This was much more detailed than the 'fragments' Roland had seen.

all in all.

Philip has given Kate Pacetti financial support from a long time ago.

"Use wealth to 'cultivate' a musical protagonist, and watch her climb up step by step from the slums until she reaches the stage where everyone is watching, the only place where the lights are! Isn't this a very fulfilling thing?"

Philip said so.

"I originally wanted to continue to support her and make her famous across the country and even the world - but then, after what she did, I didn't dare to let her go on the stage again. I would rather stop this little game and put her on the stage. The bird is in a cage made of gold wire."

Philip Chandson kept his secret, shrank his stomach, and leaned forward.

The sound has become much quieter.

"...She dared to put nails in that person's dancing shoes, and she was so complacent, thinking that no one knew about it - this is really stupid."

that person…


Roland had seen the beautiful lady in the clip.



"...She is not an ordinary person."

Chandson didn't know what he was afraid of and didn't dare to say anything further.

Anyway, when it comes to Kate Pacetti, he shakes his head. This woman is not only ignorant, but also fearless - not only Collins, but in a certain salon, she even dared to mock an earl's wife in public.

What is her identity?

Is she worthy?

"She stays in that house and uses some money every week. I have to let the servants look after me so that she doesn't cause any big trouble for me..."

Philip Chandson shook his face. Thinking of the past, neither laughing nor crying was the norm.

Fortunately, he is just a businessman, a baron who has done nothing.

Just make money, nothing else.

"Look now, am I kind enough?"

Regarding the matter of satirizing the countess, Roland believed that Chandson was still providing Kate Pacetti with a good life...

This is indeed kind.

But to be honest, he felt that Chandson was reluctant to part with Pasetti's 'benefits'.

"I pushed her up with one hand." Chandson sighed: "Coupled with the dancer's softness... Oh, let's give it another year or two. Then, give her a sum of money and let her find a good husband."

He told Roland about London, the difference between Bristol and West Manley, the places he had been to, the novel things, passionate or gentle.

And when the topic gradually deepens, when they sweep into cults, even churches, and tribunals...

Philip Chandson's words are surprisingly candid.

Because when people are in the court of justice, they must know that there are some things that they cannot be "candid" to an executive.

But he did it anyway.

"I bet you don't want to hear my opinion on the church, Mr. Collins. It all started with the oracle. The Book of Eden says, 'Foreign gods are not the true gods, and whoever believes in them will not go to the Kingdom of Eden' - His tone was not serious: "...It's like someone heard what the father of all things said."

Chandson spoke very slowly.

While talking, he observed Roland's expression.

When he saw the young man in front of him smiling as usual, he had no objection, so he continued: "I would rather be a businessman than a nobleman. Unlike those lords, I don't delegate business to others, I do it myself."

“So, rather than the teachings of the Holy Cross, I admire the idea of ​​the busy daughter.”

"I hope this doesn't offend you."

He spread his hands:

"I have a beautiful house. In summer, the greenery climbs up to the second-story window sill. In winter, the garden is like a snow country. My lover walks in the flower beds carefully tended by the gardener and talks to me about the art of decorating the house. Style with every designer.”

Chandson asked Roland, "Can you imagine how beautiful my house is?"

Roland was confused and shook his head.

"Well, let me tell you now." Chandson spread his fingers, shook his head and smiled: "I spent five thousand pounds to take care of it."

Roland understood what he meant, but he still sighed in agreement: "That must be very beautiful."

Chandson laughed.

The daughter of the hustle and bustle.

The god that most businessmen believe in.

There is no sect.

But there is an organization composed of businessmen: the Private Alliance.

"I believe in the power of money. It can make people sensible and fearful; it can make people arrogant and lead to destruction, and it can also make people work hard and keep climbing. Wealth gives people reasons, and light and darkness come from Choice for every reason.”

"So, this should answer your question."

This is not only an answer, but also somewhat... blasphemous.

Compared to when Simanlis and his party were together, Roland is now more familiar with the Book of Eden and has a deeper understanding of the teachings of the Holy Cross - he understands to some extent the views of priests and executives towards pagans and pagans.

These words of Philip Chandson are indeed not illegal.

But it will definitely annoy the devout.

If he is fierce, he will spit at him, even insult him, and punch him.

Roland didn't know why the shrewd fat gentleman said this. After thinking about it, he felt that Miss Nina's summary was particularly correct.

"I'm right, right?"

"Betting on sex."


It was Miss Nina who said it, you were just paraphrasing it.

"I have no opinion about your beliefs, Mr. Chandson." Roland was already ambiguous about the Father of All - even his own belief in the 'sacred flame', 'judgment', 'burning', and 'cleansing' of the Executor's beliefs. special feeling at all.

He privately believed that the Inquisition or the Inspectorate were not much different from the Scotland Yard police.

He didn’t understand where the strong ‘sense of mission’ among most of the executives in the Tribunal, including Fernandez, came from——

In other words: after he learned about Enid's "inaction" over the past few years, he was even more amazed that so many executioners were willing to stay in the Inquisition - to stay in the Inquisition and suffer such harsh treatment and contempt, instead of choosing Leave and go somewhere with better treatment.

You must know that general sects and organizations cannot provide much salary to low-level ritualists. If you want to make money beyond the horizontal line, there are only two ways:

The first type is favored by wealthy people - including nobles and wealthy businessmen.

The scope of this 'green eye' is very wide, including but not limited to strength, intelligence, background, and gender.

(According to Fernandez, some widowed women were particularly attracted to the ritualists of the Maelstrom. Not only were they physically strong, like the Executors of the Inquisition, but they also had animals for company.)

The second is to become a criminal.

Some ritualists do have certain thoughts.

That is:

‘I can tear off this powerless fool’s head with my bare hands, but why is my year’s salary less than half a month’s income? ’

Then, they listened to the idea in their brain and did it.

Usually those who do this are low-level ritualists.

Clumsy and rough, he would break into a house late at night and steal the unlucky person's wealth.

The smart ones will consider a few more steps, set up a trap to confuse people, and use the power gained from the ritual to fly away with the wealth before being discovered.

These people end up becoming criminals.

Most organizations such as the Holy Cross, the Maelstrom, the Circle of Eternal Silence, the Private Alliance, the Eternal Scales, and the National Security Agency will obtain information from these people.

Their heads will be brought back by a lucky ritualist within a few months or years - the specific length of time and which organizations will send ritualists to participate in the arrest depend on what the criminal has committed. The size of the crime, as well as the valuation of the stolen money he carried with him, including his background, interpersonal relationships, the road he was on, the number of rings, the value of the rare items he carried with him, etc...

Each organization has different names for these ritualists.

This is what the Inquisition calls them:

Unowned gold pound box.


Low-level ritualists rarely have the power to break the rules.

And the High Circle Ritualist…

When you reach a high level, you will take the initiative to maintain the rules.

Gao Huan is a rentier.

This is valuable knowledge that Roland learned as he learned more about the 'world'.

And this is why some people accused Enid of "breaking the rules" for her recent behavior.

However, he likes Enid.

He likes her and her behavior.

She and Miss Nina are really similar in some ways.

"According to the teachings of the Holy Cross, your Su Yue is a blasphemer."


That's right.

Miss Nina's view on "faith" is exactly the opposite of the Holy Cross.

The Holy Cross says: Don't always think about whether the benefactor helps you. Think about what you have done, contributed, and paid for the benefactor and the church.

Miss Nina's view is:

"Since he can't help me, why should I believe in him? '

This casual remark that was once mentioned in the story did not sound special to Roland at the time - but now thinking about it... Miss Nina is indeed different.

And Enid...

As the presiding judge, how would she view the Father of All Things and his holy flame that purifies sin?

"Put on some socks to make you look beautiful."


Can you stop hiding in your head and peeping all the time?

"I'd like to sit next to you and watch openly..."

"Mr. Collins, do you have a special preference for a certain part of your body?"


I don't.

"Then you just like gray cotton socks."


I don't like gray cotton socks.

"You have to like one between feet and socks, right?"


I like you.

"Do you think it's useful to say this when I know you so well?"


It's useful.


"Exchange secrets. Tell me the answer, and I'll tell you a secret of Su Yue."


...I don't like gray cotton socks.

"Aha, I knew it!"


What about Miss Nina's secret?

"She doesn't like gray cotton socks either."


F*** wrench.

The flame laughed happily.

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