The Secret Code of Monsters

Chapter 31 Ch31 Principles

Chapter 31 Ch.31 "Code"

“First of all, you have to understand that not everything has a ‘code’. "

In the warm office, two cups of steaming coffee are placed on the table.

A small dish of nuts and a few apples.

a book.

Two people.

This is the second time Enid has taught Roland a more formal lesson.


"Yes, principles." Enid put down her pen and picked up the apple:

"An apple, no rules."

Roland glanced quietly.

The white flame is very flattering.


"Criterion: None"

Just like the herbal medicine in my uncle's pharmacy.

"But if you or others have an influence on it, then it is 'possible' that it conforms to the principles of a certain god, thus producing some wonderful changes..."


"Yes, for example...this apple is a token of love between a man and a woman." Enid put the apple into Roland's hand, then paused, "...I mean for example."

Roland held the apple in both hands and said calmly: "I know."

"Ha ha ha ha."

"...Well. This token of love bears witness to their love."

"But one day."

"An accidental death."

"The other one is sad."

"He also jumped into the river."

Enid raised her arm and pressed her scarred palm on the apple: "Then, maybe, this apple has a "code" - of course this is just an example. In fact, the conditions for the emergence of standards are much more stringent than I mentioned.


Bigger impact?

"To be precise, it has a greater impact on all things."

Enid was satisfied with Roland's reaction, took the apple from his hand and put it back on the tray, "For example, the immortal: accomplished great deeds to complete the ring promotion ceremony - this can also be regarded as an "influence", although it is very small. Disaster. "

"Every move you make will have an "impact" and will conform to the principles of a certain god at certain moments. "

"But if you want to really give an object a code or complete a certain ritual, the impact required is unimaginably huge."

Roland digested it for a while before slowly nodding.

"Very good," Enid continued: "Items with "criteria" have two uses. "

"First, as a ritual object to complete the ceremony."

“After it’s been used, most of the time, most of the time it doesn’t go away — otherwise we wouldn’t have a church to go to today.”

"Second, it's "coordinates." "

"The closer you are to the criterion, the easier it will be for you to enter the realm of the corresponding god when you fall asleep."

And people without coordinates...

It is difficult to control where you are after falling asleep.

The world is chaotic and disorderly during sleep, and you may be killed by luck.

At this point, the basic introduction is over.

"Items with principles attached to them are very rare. The larger and more powerful they are, the harder they are to be "affected". "

"That is the condensation of the faith or spirit of every powerful ritualist."

"Sometimes, the object itself is of little value, but the principles on it are as valuable as treasures."

Roland saw her take out a dagger from the drawer and put it on the table.

Flames danced in his eyes.

"Executor's Combat Dagger"

"Code: Judgment"

"The fangs that have been followed by the Evil Thought Bat for many years have been stained with the blood of many alien species and cultists."

Enid took Roland's hand and let him hold the handle of the dagger.

"Be careful, don't hurt yourself, I'll have someone make a sheath for you." Enid felt dangerous when she saw the way he held the dagger, "Sleep with it until you enter the sleep world - two days , or two years.”

"That's when you really get started."

Enid told Roland: "But you have to be careful, and be more careful. Once you find yourself in a place you shouldn't be - I mean, except for the radiant Eden, the father of all things..."

"You must use your heart anchor to discover and 'tell' yourself that you are dreaming in time."

"Then stay there until you wake up."

"You are not even an apprentice. Once you are lost in the sleeping world, it is very likely that you will not be able to wake up, or your body will be irreversibly deformed."

Enid's description made Roland's palms sweat slightly.

"The sleeping world is so dangerous?"

"Very, very, very dangerous."

Enid asked, "Where was that place? Do you remember it?"

While sleeping…

‘A collection of all human subconsciousness and fantasies, it is the resting place of gods, the birthplace of alien species, the center of chaotic storms, the treasure mountain, and... the starting point of the great road. ’

This is what Enid said.

"That's right. Therefore, many ritual practitioners will obtain knowledge through the world of sleep, and even obtain powerful items from it."

"But the premise is that they can escape the dream alive."

"From today on, you must sleep with this dagger every night. The guidelines will guide you to where you should go, and at the same time, it will also protect you and try not to let you deviate from the track."

Seeing Roland silently thinking, Enid raised an eyebrow and said, "This is the world of ritualists, Roland."

"The danger comes not only from each other, but from every dream."

"Every ritualist must undergo such a test when becoming an apprentice... Even some sects will not provide code items to their followers - those poor people have to chance."

"You can't imagine how cruel it is."


"If you're going to back down, this is your last chance."

After she finished speaking, she slowly poured two cups of tea and waited for the boy's answer.


Roland would never refuse.

Not only did he need the identity of an executive, but the beautiful dreams that Enid showed him also attracted him all the time, causing him to have countless wonderful fantasies - just like what Miss Nina told him, those beautiful and dreamy things. Same story.

That's another colorful picture.

Much more interesting than his short and boring gray life.

He yearned for witches on broomsticks or ancient castles floating above the blue.

So, he has to hold the dagger.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

Enid said 'Come in'.

Follow the sound.

The visitor had a face familiar to Roland: Fernandez.

The square-faced priest who was scolded twice.

Enid stood up and pointed at Roland: "From now on, when you are in the Inspectorate, you will work with Roland Collins, and he will be your deputy."

"Yes, presiding judge."

…presiding judge?

The male priest walked straight over, raised his arm, and held Roland's hand with a serious look on his face.

"I am Fernandez, Fernandez de Vinson."

"Roland Collins."

"Welcome to the Tribunal! Starting today, you have new brothers and sisters."

Roland's palms were painfully pinched by him, and his arms were shaken up and down, causing his body to sway.

Like a rag fluttering in the wind.

"Dede, dede, Mr. Dewinson..."

"No need to add sir, starting from today, you have new brothers and sisters——"

here we go again.

He repeated it again, and Roland's palms ached when he clenched them.

The expressionless enthusiasm makes people feel hairy all over.

Brothers and sisters, sisters and brothers…

"Okay, Mr. de Vinson. You work for the Inspectorate?"

"It's assistance." Dewinson glanced at Enid and added, "From today on, you can call me Fernandez."

Roland certainly did not think that it was a 'coincidence' that Mr. Dewinson entered the Supervisory Bureau on the same day as him.

The Inquisition and the Inspectorate are not easy to deal with.

So, this is probably because Enid sent an executive officer to temporarily take him with him to receive some simple and less fatal tasks from the Inspectorate...

It's all prepared for him.


"The same goes for the newcomers before..."

"of course not."

Enid spoke from the side: "You have not entered the ring, and you are not an apprentice, Roland. The tasks of the Tribunal are not simple. You must get familiar with it first, and then let Fernandez teach you how to punch and kick."

"Don't worry, wages will be paid on time. We have no habit of defaulting on payment."

She asked Roland to give the dagger to Fernandez.

"Make a stronger sheath," she ordered.

Then, he took out the money from his pocket and gave it to Roland.

"Your salary this week, as well as the allowance - a reserve executive is less than a regular executive. If the money is not enough, tell me."

"Fernandez will communicate with the Supervision Bureau about the specific working hours."


"Fernandez, take him to get a set of teaching uniforms."

Fernandez held the dagger behind his back and bowed slightly: "I will take care of it, presiding judge." He looked at Roland again and held his arm with his other hand, "Follow me, Roland."


The lady in charge of uniforms is very old.

A face full of wrinkles, and eyes as sharp as an eagle.

She is somewhat short, with thin arms and neck. Although he walked lightly, his voice was extremely sharp and his tone was stern.

When Fernandez Devinson brought Roland in, the lady looked at him for a long time with her hands behind her back.

Roland felt like a sharp knife was pointed at his eyeballs.

"That little one Enid found someone more vulnerable than she is."

Very playful tone.

"I hope you can abide by the rules of the Inquisition. You, what is your name?"

"Collins. Roland Collins, ma'am."

"Oh, quite well-educated."

She reached out and pinched Roland's limbs: arms, legs, then shoulders, and neck.

Hands like iron pincers.

"The body is much weaker than that of ordinary men, alas." As she spoke, she seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly raised her head to look at the taciturn Fernandez, narrowing her eyes: "...It's time for Enid to find a man."

Fernandez: ...


"I like this old lady."

"Ma'am." Fernandez muttered.

"I know, I know." The old man waved his hand impatiently, asking the man to stay away like a fly. "If he's not smart enough, talented enough, not talented enough..." he glanced at Roland. "Not pretty can I be Enid's man."

"I really like this old lady."


Move the words away and cover your face.

The old man took two steps forward and looked at Roland's face carefully, his expression became very strange.

"Tsk tsk, your face is true. Why didn't I..." when I was young?

"Hug her and kiss her on the forehead and tell her."

"You're still young, my dear."


I will do this when I want to die with you one day.

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