The Secret Code of Monsters

Chapter 32 Ch32 The ritualist does not see the world with eyes

Chapter 32 Ch.32 Ritualists do not need eyes to see the world

After receiving the church uniform, Fernandez sent Roland back to the pharmacy.

He said that he needed some time to communicate with the Supervisory Bureau, and would come to inform him after the negotiation.

In addition, he also emphasized that Roland should carry the dagger with him, especially when sleeping.

Including the general form of Eden, and how to return to reality through the heart anchor after encountering danger-just like what Enid said, but he taught it more carefully.

"Fernandez, how many years have you worked in the Tribunal?"

"I was selected by Lord Enid eight years ago and entered the Tribunal."

"In the future, will I be like you?"

"Better than me." This is what Fernandez said in the carriage: "After all, we are different."


The strong man turned his face, and an imperceptible envy flashed across his angular face.

"You are a person with talent."

"I don't think that being valued so much by the adults is just because of your looks - Lady Enid is not so superficial and boring."

"But she 'raised' two little white rabbits."

"You are right." Roland deliberately ignored the chattering words on the side of the strong man's face and nodded. "The lady saved my life and killed the cultists; she cared for me and led me on this mysterious road... But I have always had a question."

"This has troubled me for a long time."

"Even if I become... a ritualist? I mean, I am the same as you, but I am still blind. I can't see my eyes, so how can I be competent as an executive... My world is dark..."

"I can't even walk properly."

Fernandez looked into Roland's amber eyes and saw himself in the clear reflection.

"...When you enter the sleep world and really find the way, you will understand."

"Ritualists don't use their eyes to see the world."

He said.

"As long as you have talent."

From the beginning, Fernandez has been emphasizing "talent".

"Is this important?"

"Yes, it's very important."

The sturdy man bent his index finger and clicked his temples, "Do you know how long it took me to pass the test?"

Roland was curious: "That dream... I mean, the heart anchor and the "field"? "

Dewinson didn't know what he was feeling, and he didn't hide much. He nodded, "It took me two months and four times, and only on the last time, with the help of the heart anchor, did I realize that I was in a dream."

"And you, Roland. I heard that in the adults' carriage..."

"You realized something was wrong the first time."

"Compared to you, I am like a star that doesn't shine to the sun."

He was a little melancholy, and his huge body leaned against the seat, making Roland next to him look very "petite".

"I remember that I took a raft and floated on the clouds rolling on the waves-I actually thought it was reasonable. Now I think it's my luck that a fool like me can be favored by Enid."

"Field" will rationalize many things, Roland has experienced it.


Four times?

Roland thought for a moment and said, "If the lady hadn't given me a hint in my dream, I would have probably used seven or eight times. I was still touching the antlers, wanting to dance with them."

This made the priest laugh.

He kindly raised his hard index finger and tapped Roland's forehead, and his voice unconsciously became louder.

"My Lord said that you are a very adaptable, wise, but not old-fashioned person. I understand now."

He laughed happily and no longer had a stern face: "Don't comfort me, Roland, I know what kind of person I am - that's it, I dare say, I am not stupid in the church. But you, if you really think so, then take a look."

He said: "It took me four months to find the way after I came into contact with the code."

Counting the previous two months of trials, it was half a year.

"Four months, more than a hundred days and nights..." He sighed: "Roland, maybe you can find your own way in the sleep world in less than two months."

"Is it difficult?"

After hearing so much, Roland couldn't help but worry.


Fernandez showed his white teeth and smiled: "Do you know what I felt in the first three months?"

"Just sleeping." He said.

"I didn't even have a dream. But my grandma who lives with me may have found the "way" - never live in the same room with a snorer. "

Roland laughed softly.

Fernandez shrugged: "I remember that the fastest one in the church was "Wisdom", and that guy only took a week."

"What an enviable talent."

"How wonderful is the world they see?"

Roland touched the dagger hanging on his belt, which was inserted in a deerskin sheath. It was given to him by Fernandez.

"Why don't I live in the church."

"If you want to get close to the "code", I think the Holy Cross Church and the Inquisition are the most suitable places? "

Fernandez didn't look at him and casually threw the question back: "You can think about why this is the case."

'Items with rules attached are very rare. The larger and more powerful they are, the more difficult they are to be "affected"...'

This is what Ms. Enid just said.

And the church and the Tribunal obviously have both the attributes of "large" and "powerful".

This surprised Roland a little.

The black church belonging to the Tribunal actually has no "Trial" rules?

"So, you now understand how precious this dagger that Lady Enid gave you is."

The carriage clattered across the road and headed to the East District.


Pugh Collins is happy today.

He cooked a table of delicious dishes, and when Roland came back, he diligently handed him a hand towel and helped him dust the dust on his sleeves and shoulders.

Anyway, it looks pretty good.

"I got you a fish stew, fresh spinach and corn, and bacon steaks. My holy father, I spent a lot of money today!"

Even the cutlery used the set of metal knives and forks that he had been reluctant to use.

See it.

Not only the meat and vegetables, but just the smell, you can tell that this uncle of yours has spent a lot of money.

Roland put away the bag containing the teaching uniforms.

"What do you want?"

Of course Roland knew that diligence was not free.

Old Collins hunched over and kept rubbing his hands: "Ahem, this..."


Roland opened his eyes wide and tilted his head.

"** (extremely obscene expletive)...don't look at me like that. Every time you look at me like that, I think how sorry and hateful things I have done to you..."

He breathed alcohol and cursed, pulled up a chair and sat in front of Roland.

Stare at him.

"...Tsk, well, I'm just curious."

The old guy smelling of alcohol glanced at the pocket containing the teaching uniform: "Have you, have you become that...?"

"Executor? I'm not officially—"

"Yes, tell me quickly, what kind of virtues do those black crows have? Do they know some..."


Roland didn't understand what he meant.

"No, no, no, I just want you to help me ask someone to ask..."

There was hope in his eyes: "Where will people go after they die?"

Where will it go...

"Are you talking about 'ghost'?"

"Yes! You see you are really smart. You figured it all out in one day. I mean, after death, people will become ghosts or ghosts or something... What are the conditions for this? Roland, dear, please help me find out. Details Just be clear, okay?"

No problem, this is what Roland wanted to learn in the future.

But when he asked his uncle why he was asking about these things...

The other person became hesitant.

Finally, spit out a name.

"That's your-"

"my son."

Old Collins rubbed his face vigorously, and his eyebrows, nose, and lips moved incoherently. He was half-lying on the table, with his other hand holding the wine that was only at the bottom of the bottle: "...I think he didn't do anything bad in his life, so after his death he should..."

"I always feel that there is still a chance, maybe I can meet..."

"There's always a way, right?"


Roland thought of the strange objects and paper drawings he saw on the second floor on the first night.

"I'll ask for you, uncle."

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