The Secret Code of Monsters

Chapter 33 Ch33 When falling asleep

Chapter 33 Ch.33 When falling asleep

The dense forest is as humid as ever.

Roland got off the bed barefoot.

The creamy mist filled the room, making it difficult to sleep.

The forest outside was not a silent dead forest, but often erupted with the roar of some animals or the sound of galloping hooves. Birds often came to make trouble, carrying multi-legged insects and throwing them on his pillow -


How long has it been since I went to the forest to take a look?

Roland scratched the floor with his toes and pressed the window sill, eager to try.

He secretly flipped out of the house.

Landed outside.

The tender grass tickled his soles.

The air was filled with the smell of caramel mixed with chocolate, which tempted him to keep moving forward.

In front of him was a hazy mist, and there were faint white trees coated with silver frost.

There was no moon or sun above his head, and the rolling soft mist blocked the invasion of light: everything here was shining except light.

Trees, branches, grass and leaves.

He seemed to be standing in a mold of molten silver, and the winding and shining grass road was like a flowing white river, pushing him forward.

The trees said:

‘Go forward, Roland. ’

The grass said:

‘Sway like us, Roland. ’

The fog was moved by the wind, and the whistling sound was their passionate and unrestrained kiss.

‘Come to my arms, Roland. ’

The dense forest was planted with stars, shining underfoot.

The slow light was bright and dark, piercing Roland's soles, making them look like crystal, and you could see the blood vessels and the tendons involved in the steps.

The rustling sound was the deer dancing.

‘Where are you going, Roland. ’

‘You are burning like a torch! ’

The amber eyes became the only different color in this white place.


“Look at me! I found the torch!”

Someone was indeed talking beside him.

On his side, above his head, she was swinging on the silver-frost coated branch.

Small stature, small face, small hands and feet.

‘She’ was small in every way, but her figure was well-proportioned, and with the tree leaf robe sewn with spider silk, she looked like a small pearl lost in the dense forest.

She had long green hair, fluffy and soft, tied in a sloppy knot at her waist with some plant roots.

Her eyes rolled around, her body twisted, and there were four thin, transparent wings on her back.

“I found the torch!”

She looked around, rolled one hand into a bucket, and shouted against her mouth.

Roland was a little dazed, as if some invisible spikes were warning his brain.

He subconsciously pinched the silver ring on his little finger and turned it a little -


Something is wrong...


I am in a dream.

He touched his waist, and the dagger Enid gave him was gone.

Then he looked down:

He was wearing a white silk nightgown and barefoot.

"You are burning! Roland!"

The little creature above his head hung from the branches to the leaves, swaying, and suddenly let go of his hand, flapping its wings, and slid to the top of his head.

Lying in his black hair.

"My name is Roland, little lady."

"Really, Roland."

Her voice was like her body, like a child, tender and crisp. "I've been waiting for you for a long time and I'm almost asleep - let me count..."

She sat cross-legged on Roland's head and counted with her fingers and toes.

"I slept... I slept for seventy, eighty, ninety days."

"Can you come to my hand? It's inconvenient." Roland simply found a tree to sit down and stretched out his hand.

Soon, the little person jumped off his head.

It was a girl.

A new and wonderful dream, a strange little guy.

Everything was interesting.

"Lan Luoluo! You burn like a torch!"

The white sound waves outlined her shape in Roland's mind, as well as the most prominent big eyes.

"What should I call you...the messenger of Eden?"



The little thing tilted her head. Inexplicably, Roland seemed to see his own shadow in her.

"Or, angel?" Roland stretched his hand farther to make it easier for him to bow and salute:

"I am Roland Collins, sir. This is my first time entering the sleep world. It is my honor to come to Eden, the father of all things..."

The bird with a green and blue tail landed on the branch above his head, holding a stone in its mouth and smashing it directly at Roland's feet.

When the boy looked up, the other party had already flapped its wings and flew away.

The girl in his palm held her belly and laughed in Roland's palm.

"Hahahaha... Lan Luolan is so weird! It's a stupid torch! Idiot torch!" She rolled around, her hair spread out, like a tender green plant growing and blooming in Roland's hands.

"Luo Luo stupid, Lan Lan Dan?"

The girl, who was only slightly thicker than a thumb, kicked her legs, supported her arms, and looked at Roland with a smile.

This is not...

Eden, the father of all things.

Roland would be a fool if he couldn't hear it again.

He quickly recalled what Fernandez said in the carriage - the description of Eden.

But to his horror, he couldn't remember a word.


He seemed to have come to the wrong place.

'Stay where you are and urge yourself to wake up as soon as possible. '

Roland silently recited Enid's warning.

Wake up... Wake up...

Wake up quickly.

However, the little thing in his palm didn't want him to leave like this.

"Father of all things, Father of all things, wow, do you think He is your father?"

The girl in his palm looked at him over and over, and said: "You made your own choice when you came here! Don't shirk responsibility! A deer who shirks responsibility can't grow horns! A bear who shirks responsibility can't grow teeth!"

"Aurora has been waiting for a long time, as long as a white tree!"

She exaggeratedly spread her two short arms, and her expression was exaggerated as if she had swallowed a candy ball.

"But why are you alone?"

She looked left and right, with her hand in front of her forehead to make a small awning, and looked around: "There is another torch, it seems to be extinguished..."

"Aurora is so sad!"

She pretended to fall into Roland's hand as if she was hit, but after a few seconds, she turned over and jumped up with full energy: "Hee... It doesn't matter! There is still one burning!"


One is extinguished?

This sentence made Roland stop silently reciting. He frowned: "I don't understand, Aurora. Torch, are you referring to me?"

The flames in his eyes were particularly silent.

That ghost thing...

It only works when you gossip.

A little discouraged.

"Of course!"

"Come on!"

"Let me tell you the secret of the fog..."

Roland coughed and interrupted: "Miss Aurora, I don't think I'm going here."

He still remembered Enid's instructions to him, so...

As long as I don't walk around, there will be no danger, right?

A little risky.

Roland began to get excited.


Aurora grinned, revealing a mouthful of sharp teeth, "I know where you are going, Eden? Roland can't do it!"

"Not enough fuel!" She counted on her fingers: "Mercy? There is too little darkness in your heart; wisdom? Roland is so cute, it's a pity to go crazy, no no; judgment..."

She stared at Roland for a while, suddenly quieted down, and asked a seemingly ambiguous question.

"Will you really choose to judge?"

She said strange words, her voice rising and falling like singing:

"How do you want to destroy the stories in your memory, how do you want to kill the dreams in the stories, how do you want to pour dirty water on the beautiful wonders, make the beautiful ugly, and make the kind and elegant become hateful-"

"Lan Luoluo, can you..."

"Eat me?"

"Put me in your mouth and chew me up!"

She stood up, turned a circle in Roland's palm, and smiled innocently.

"Kill a goblin."

"Can you do it?"

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