The Secret Code of Monsters

Chapter 345 Ch344 Leadership Temperament

Chapter 345 Ch.344 Leadership Temperament

Bronte's words will definitely embarrass many people, but no one will refute her directly——

It is not decent to argue with a woman in public.

Especially when Bronte revealed Evans' little thoughts mercilessly in public, the hearty smile on the young man's face became as frozen as it was after reaching the critical moment.

in short.


Really vulgar, Taylor's servant.

There are certain things that are not allowed to be said.

"Let's find a way to get out of here first, Mr. Jinque." Roland knocked on the wooden box with a green smile: "Let's go at the end of the team and be with you, okay?"

Roland's words eased the awkward atmosphere.

"...Of course." Evans shook the corner of his mouth and forcibly pulled the two sides together. The laughter in his throat was thick and deep, bumping up and down several times like a carriage passing through the bumpy stone ground. "Of course I don't have to talk to a maid. It's not respectable, sir."

"I have no selfish motives. I hope everyone can leave safely."

Everyone agreed.

In fact, both Randolph and Roland knew what he was going to do.

This person must not be from a big family, he doesn't have many contacts, his blood is not pure, and his pockets are clean.

He longed for a great favor in which all the people were baptized.

This is a life-saving grace.

There aren't many opportunities like this.

Maybe one of these people can help in the future and say a few words.

He does not look like a golden bird, but like a peacock.


Randolph, who was at the bottom of the team, commented this way.

In Mr. Businessman's opinion: being a big help and being a life-saving gift are two different things.

Because since human civilization began to shine, the shadow under the light has penetrated into the gaps of every stone brick.

The black juice flowing in the heart is like a shadow. If it were not fed by vicious selfish desires, this world would have become the kingdom of heaven on earth, as the Book of Eden said.

Unreasonable help, life-saving grace, or such a huge crowd - Randolph could foresee what would happen next.

"His cape is interesting."

Roland slowed down and fell to the end of the team together with Randolph.

Now that he had some insight, he could see that the material of the cloak was not very good.

"Bad stuff from the mezzanine."

Randolph touched his pocket and found that he had left his cigar bag on the carriage. He pursed his lips dryly and said, "I've never heard of 'The Goldfinch of the Evans Family'."

The real title must be called by others.

What's more, the clothes on this man's body are horribly cheap. Except for his pretty face, everything about him looks like something sold in a special store - specifically for people who are not that poor, but who are not rich either. goods.

It looks golden on the surface, but it is made with the cheapest materials and the crudest and roughest methods.

Wearing it in the winter is torture.

It's nice to look at, but by no means warm.

Unlike Randolph's custom-made clothes for Beatrice, they are all handmade by the top tailors in London, and the materials used are all high-end goods - except for those that are really rare or require a certain level to wear, it can be said that Beatrice Silk's clothes are no worse than those of the royal family.

"If he really had a decent family and was a valued talent, he wouldn't have learned such a dirty trick."

Randolph scoffed.

"He doesn't really think that these people will be grateful to him."

Randolph knew exactly what kind of virtues the people in front of him had.

Someone whose life was saved by a dog will thank the dog.

Someone will kill the dog.

Because that's an insult.

What the above two agree on is that they rarely treat those lower than themselves as human beings - Randolph can see the 'cheapness' in him, and these people are not blind.

"This gentleman will lament how terrible the living environment is."

"In the city of London, the living environment of most people is terrible. Except for that small group of people - I would say that being an apprentice is already a unique advantage." Randolph sighed: "If you give me this I'd pay half a million pounds for the chance."

"It doesn't take that much. Randolph, fifty thousand pounds will allow you to receive a lot of invisible skills."

Randolph glanced at him sideways: "And then you arrested him?"

"Give me the remaining four hundred and fifty thousand pounds, and I'll pretend not to see it."

Randolph ignored him and looked to the other side: "Miss Bronte."

"Sorry..." The woman had been a little worried since just now.

She thought that if she spoke beyond her 'master', she would not only embarrass "Tyler", but also make many enemies of the Taylor family because of her words.

This caused her to wonder whether she would be fired or even punished...

This happens all the time.

But she couldn't get angry and thought that man was really insidious.

"No, you did the right thing, Miss Bronte. As for... enemies? No, no, no one has a grudge against the gold pound."

Randolph finally discovered the 'innocence' of this young lady, and a smile appeared on his pale face: "If I insult their parents in public, I will gain an enemy. But if I insult them in private and give them five thousand pounds, guess what? What's going on?"

"They would say: You know my parents so well!"

What kind of grudges is this?

If there are enough benefits, the death of one or two children is nothing.

Randolph teased Bronte and Beatrice with joy.

The girl jumped up and down, not feeling sorry for the insult just now. She looked around at the shadows of her fellow travelers, those silent and ragged ghosts, and tried to talk to them.

"Beatrice, I said you have to listen to Roland and me after we go out, right? You promised me."


Beatrice puffed up her cheeks and wanted to stretch out her legs to trip the ghost while no one was paying attention. However, Roland discovered it and carried her to the other side - sandwiched between them and no longer allowed to move.

But Bronte was frightened.

"My lady! This is a fatal place!"

Randolph still maintained a smile, but he couldn't help but feel sad in his heart.

To be honest, the 'fool' just now made him quite sad.

It was especially sad when he found that his sister was still enjoying herself as if nothing had happened.

When will she get better?


Someone whispered beside me.

Unconsciously, the three ritualists fell behind and reached Randolph's side.

"Is there anything you can do?"

Randolph stared intently.

"Sorry. This is a field." The "field" formed by the gathering of a large number of ghosts will probably last for a long time unless more than half of them are killed. "

Randolph shook his head slightly: "I don't understand your terminology, so just tell me, there's nothing you can do about it, right?"

The leading ritualist nodded: "We can only try our best to ensure the safety of you and the lady...until...we can no longer do it."

Randolph said nothing.

After a while.

"Follow Roland's instructions. I don't need to explain the rest."

The ritualist glanced at Roland and stepped away.

Of course they knew the identity of Roland Collins - compared to them who were not much better than the Rangers, the Inquisition's Executive Officer was much more powerful.

"Protect your husband and lady."

Roland didn't need them to do anything.

If their guess is correct, they can walk out of this "field" unscathed.

In fact, those who know the rules and know the answer to the mystery can easily unscrew an almost unsolvable lock.

Of course, this is mainly thanks to Randolph and Beatrice.

Otherwise he will be in trouble too.

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