The Secret Code of Monsters

Chapter 346 Ch345 Cleverness and Absurdity

Chapter 346 Ch.345 Cleverness and Absurdity

The road has an end.

The same goes for "field".

When everyone arrived at the riverside square following the wave of ghosts, they finally saw clearly what kind of situation they were in.

——They were pushed by the ghosts and rolled into this turbulent wave like a stream flowing into the sea.

The eyes are filled with gray and blurred spirits.

These mortals who have never been exposed to the backside of the world have no choice but to place their hope on the golden bird, hoping that he can rescue them from the hell like the Father of All Things - it should be said that the Father of All Things saved them Their souls, and Evans wants to save their bodies.

This reverential gaze that placed the latter on the same level as the Father of All Things undoubtedly made the leading gentleman feel a little lighter.

He had never been looked at like this by so many people in his life... No, he had indeed been looked at like this when he was looking for a woman at night.

But who were those people, and who are these people now?

They have much more money.

"Believe me, gentlemen and ladies. Since I can guarantee it, I am absolutely sure." He turned around, faced the small group of living people, and raised his chin slightly: "This is a sensational case. I think everyone present You must have heard of it.”

When it's time to unravel the mystery, Evans is going to tell them the answer.


He spit out a word.

"A despicable, cult-led march."

The crowd was horrified.

Someone quickly interjected: "You mean, that... the flesh and blood exploded..."

"That's right, sir." Evans followed the sound and nodded slightly after seeing the middle-aged man's face clearly, "You are a keen person, absolutely correct. The previous cases are reappearing in front of our eyes -"

He spoke in a low voice as he walked through the crowd and gradually came to the center.

"This is a 'common thing' that we extraordinary people often encounter - don't worry, madam, wipe your tears, I promise that you and your child will be taken out of this dangerous situation soon." He revealed two more words His teeth were white and he smiled brightly: "Please trust me."

He was thanked by the lady.

"There is a little trick for handling this case."

He was satisfied that the people around him listened to him humbly and patiently, which felt good.


"We have to recreate what happened and satisfy what was not satisfied at the time."

Someone asked.

“Simply put: persistence,” he said. "These are spiritual bodies... in layman's terms, it's the reason why their souls stay in the human world."

Roland nodded slightly.

So far, this Derek Evans has been doing the right thing - aside from the stupidity, the choice of words and the nefarious little plot, that's generally how he handles ghost cases.

He may be a newcomer to the Inspectorate, or he may have a friend who is a police detective in the Inspectorate.

The former is more likely.

"So, everyone, we have to first understand what happened at that time." Amid the exclamations of the young ladies, he raised his arms and patted the passing ghost on the shoulder - the ghost seemed to be possessed. Staring straight at her destination, she waddled past him and past them.

Turn a blind eye.

This increased everyone's trust in him.

They are safe.

"The march came from citizens from all districts. What did they ask for? Did they succeed? What was their result?"

"They want the right to vote." Someone provided a clue: "I heard from a friend that he happened to be nearby that day and heard the crowd shouting: 'They want the right to vote.'"

"Very well, this-" Evans asked.


"Very good, Mr. John." The man gradually became more familiar with the position of leader. This skill cannot be taught. You can only learn it once you sit down in that chair. "So, everyone, who else can give me some clues?"

A lady spoke.

"Reform, sir, they seem to be talking about 'reform', but I don't know what exactly."

"Not bad." Evans nodded, looked around at the living people, and motioned to continue.

Soon, the specific details of the day were spelled out in one sentence.

Reform, suffrage, holidays, getting women and children out of the mines.

This is what the marching citizens shouted.

So, they want these.

"It's a pity that they didn't get what they wanted." A young man said quietly: "...I don't understand how much money some people need to be satisfied. Do we have to squeeze the hardest working and most sincere people in our country? Can people show their extraordinary abilities?"

Where there is support, there is opposition.

"Oh, I have seen a lot of people who speak for these immoral and shameless people - you are considered young." The person who opposed him was an older, fat man with two curly beards on his lips that were slender - —Guess he's eager to switch over.

"Youth often means reckless impulsiveness and ignorance. You may not be old enough to see the truth clearly."

The young man sneered: "Maybe. But I bet, whether you can see the truth or not, at least you haven't seen how those marchers live every day."

The fat man looked around and smiled at the few people who supported him:

"Yes, a march. You see: they are not satisfied and want a holiday, so march and we will give it; they want suffrage, march and we will give it; they want women and children to leave the mines...or they will have to double their salary tomorrow and reduce it. working hours.”

"Parade ain't your wife's ass, a pat on the ass pays off, kid."

This statement angered the young man.

"How dare you!"

Roland sat on the cash box nearby, playing a game with Beatrice where little men climb mountains and fight monsters.

Please pay attention.

They are in danger now.

A life-threatening situation, a "field" full of ghosts, a bottomless mouth that may soon produce layers of shark teeth, waiting for hungry predators to chew and swallow.

In this situation.

The crowd gradually split into two groups and began to argue about the "parade".

Bronte had an unbelievable expression on her face.


It's really absurd.

Writers don't dare to write like this.

"When you get used to it, it means you have truly entered the upper class, Miss Bronte."

Randolph asked for a cigarette from the three ritualists, lit it, and held it in his mouth, with a joking look on his face: "If you ask these people to bend down to pick up something, it may be difficult. But if you let them accuse and debate according to a bill, they can talk about the succession of the next monarch of this country."

Bronte opened her mouth: "... Incredible."

"This is much more 'thinkable' than a flying white horse, Miss."

"Does our great country rely on these people..." When saying this, Bronte probably also knew the seriousness and quickly lowered her voice.

"Rely on these people? No, of course not." Randolph took a puff of cigarette:

"You mean brave, wise, sincere...capable...right? Let me tell you, there is no shortage of such people in our country, but often, you rarely see them in life...Coincidentally, Miss Bronte."

Bronte was speechless.

"...What a coincidence, sir."

Roland also happened to "eat" the little girl who climbed the mountain again.

Tilting his head.

Evans also happened to raise his hand.

“Everyone! I need your help!”

What a coincidence.

Roland happened to have something to say.

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