The Secret Code of Monsters

Chapter 426 Ch425 The Truth

Chapter 426 Ch.425 The Truth

The guards knew Paige.

Or should I say, they seemed to see Peggy a lot.

——These people looked at the carriage with wary eyes until Peggy jumped off and put on a smile that was neither embarrassing nor embarrassing.

‘I’m here to visit. ’

'who? ’

‘Old Moore’s daughter. ’

The guard did not stop her, and allowed Peggy to lead three ragged miners with dark faces into the town. Thanks to Miss Lillian Rose Vansittart's makeup, Roland felt like he was being painted like a A black slave with a price tag on the London market.

Small shacks were erected in the town, using sheets and wooden stakes: they were so rough that they could not block the wind in winter and the sun in summer.

It was filled with patients covered in 'white sores'.

The coughs formed waves, penetrated eight ears, and buzzed in the head.

"Cough cough cough..."

Sheds next to sheds.

They walked for about ten minutes and found the person they wanted to meet in an open space full of sheds leading to the inner town.

A girl with brown curly hair.

Nina moore.

Old Moore, the daughter of the tavern owner.

The pale-faced girl looked less than ten years old, paler than the heavily powdered ladies at the reception. The lips are gray, and the exposed skin on the tip of the nose, face and neck is covered with white, soft, thick sores——

When she saw Peggy lifting the bill, she let out an 'ah' sound. When she stood up anxiously, the thick sore on her skin was put under pressure and spurted out thick white juice.

But not a hint of foul or pungent smell.

It's more like a light, fragrant but not annoying floral scent.

"Lie down!"

Paige trotted over, put her arms around the girl's neck, let her lean into her arms, and then slowly placed her on the board.

"They won't even give you a quilt!"

Nina Moore blinked, showing her bad teeth: "I drank broth."

Peggy didn't mind the white thick juice getting on her body, so she took out her handkerchief and wiped the broken sores on her face.

"…how are you feeling?"

"I'm fine, sis. Is my dad okay?"

Paige nodded silently, stroking her curly hair like a comb, one after another.

It didn't take long for her eyes to turn red.

There are fallen hairs between the fingers.

"I'll be fine." Nina grabbed Paige's sleeves and looked aside: "Who are they?"

Peggy's nasal voice was thick: " friend."

"You made a new friend!"

This girl was too cheerful to look like she was sick - no, maybe the whole town was too cheerful to look like they were suffering.

Even in the mine, apart from the beastly yells, what Rolando heard was obscene songs or low chants that echoed endlessly.

I even heard some of the lines I sang that night.

This girl is like those miners.

Frankly speaking, over the years, Roland has discovered that people are probably only good at two things: some are good at laughing in hell, and the other are good at creating hell.


While Paige was wiping her tears, she greeted Roland: "I'm Nina Moore! I'm sick now and it will take two months to recover!"

Two months.

However, everyone present knew that there was currently no treatment for the disease and she might not survive more than two months.

"Did my dad ask you to lose money?" After greeting the three strangers, she immediately turned to Paige with a worried expression: "He has never done this job, maybe he just can't do it. Sister, he will hide and cry secretly by himself. ”

Her narrow tone could not hide the pain in her body. She talked about her father, saying that he was strong and would never contract such a strange disease. She asked Paige to carry a message for her and tell her father that she would go back soon.

Wait until the disease is cured.

“The pub is very well run.”

Peggy touched her face and forced out an ugly smile: "Great. When you go back, you will be the little princess of "Barbecue Hands". "

"I don't feel much pain recently, sister." Nina Moore moved her arms, "Am I almost healed?"

Paige was silent.


"Nina Moore is the new kid in town."

The tents are connected to the tents, but there are also spacious areas. Roland found that almost all the guards were outside the town. At the entrance and exit of the town, there were very few patrols inside.

Peggy told them that Old Moore's daughter was pretty and lived by her own 'skills'.

Later, I don’t know who I served.

She contracted the disease.

Peggy led them around a small road: "Old Moore was originally a miner. When I was a child, I knew his wife - and even lived in his small house."

Later the house was torn down.

"So, you built "Barbecue Hand" and asked him to be the boss. "Kingsley responded.

Peggy nodded lightly: "Old Moore's family are all good people. If it weren't for the 'white mine', his wife and daughter would not be in this situation - we all know that even if a woman does this job, unless she is very unlucky, Otherwise, he wouldn’t have died so quickly.”

"I was still young at that time, so I could only secretly drop a few coins when the servants were distracted."

Kingsley sighed: "This won't solve any problems, Miss Street. It will only get them into trouble."

"Yeah, they did get in trouble because of my ignorance."

Paige lowered her eyes and stopped talking.

This narrow road is as winding as an intestine, and there are many forks in it. If you are not familiar with it, you will never reach the destination you are supposed to go to.

They walked for a long time, almost thirty minutes.

Among these ordinary ruins, Peggy knocked on the door of a half-collapsed two-story building.

There was a copper ring on the wooden door.

Peggy knocked five times, paused, and knocked three more times.

Half a minute later, with a creak, the door opened a crack.

In the darkness, an eye emerged and examined the visitor outside the door - and then saw Peggy.


The boy opened the door, his face full of joy, but also with a lot of vigilance: he saw Roland and Kingsley behind Peggy.

"This is my friend. Kohler, open the door."

At this time, the three people found that although the door was opened a crack, there was still an iron chain inside - the boy was not tall, wearing a felt hat, pushing the door with one hand, and holding a double-shot musket that was too big for him in the other hand.

After struggling with the chain, he held the gun and made way.

His eyes were still fixed on them.

"I'm going to 'that' place to change their clothes."

After she finished speaking, she turned around and faced Rose.

"Don't ask."

She said.

"Come with me, I'll show you the real 'white mine'."

In a box in the room were many dirty police uniforms - the uniforms worn by the guards, with the Street family crest embroidered on them.

Kingsley and Roland had already realized something, only Rose went to the next room to change her clothes, and asked while adjusting her collar.

Clearly, Kohler was not the only one following Peggy.

When they left from another door of the building and headed all the way to the factory in the center of town, several guards holding cigarettes secretly winked at Peggy and gave way to the back door of the factory - the building connected to the stone workshop, with a road inside that could go straight into the factory.


Rose saw many corpses.

They were dead stone sculptures.

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