The Secret Code of Monsters

Chapter 427 Ch426 Instigation

Chapter 427 Ch.426 Encourage

Dead stone sculpture.

It’s a stone sculpture, but it’s also a human being.

Only then did Rose finally understand why the miners had not deliberately collected the fragments of white ore in the cave - that was not what Street wanted at all.

They don't want mines.

People who want to mine.

These bare-chested and barefoot workers working in deep wells with oil lamps are the real "white mines" - the raw materials do not need to be picked out, pinched, and put away bit by bit from the dirty coal pile. Into pocket.

Just send people in to mine.

Soon, ‘people’ became ‘mines’.

Rose saw it with her own eyes.

Several workers shouted slogans, carried the ferocious-looking 'stone sculpture', put it down in a huge sunken stone mortar, and smashed it in half with a sledgehammer: the outline of the internal organs was clearly visible, and soon it was broken again. Hammer after hammer, it turned into powder.

These workers with hammers showed no mercy. They know, or they don't know - whether they know or not may not prevent them from using hammers to smash the stone-carved corpses, using large rollers to roll the particles into fine particles, and using brushes to carefully collect these maddening 'corpse fragments' .

This is the best material for building houses and even for mixing into sawdust bread.

They were not allowed to smoke. They chewed the skin with some condiments in their mouths. They chewed it repeatedly, and occasionally joked about women and the country with their coworkers. The sweat dropped into the powder and made pits.

"We're eating people."

Peggy's face was calm, she leaned against the wall and uttered these words quietly.

"We're eating people."

she said.

"Ince Town, this mining town is eating people."

Rose stared at the scene behind the glass and remained silent.

Kingsley felt cold all over.

He has never seen a world like this.

New, brand new, not a verbal description, but a hell seen through the eyeballs.

"They believed in me, so they always thought that their illness would be cured, they would get better, and they would be arranged to go to mining towns farther away - they became healthy before they died, and they also met their friends, said goodbye to them, and said they would use I'll be back in less than seven or eight years..."

Paige covered her face, slowly slid down the wall, and squatted down.

"...I can't believe I've harmed so many people."

Rose came to her side, knelt down too, and put her arm around her.

The weeping girl was shaking.

"It would be worse if you didn't, right?" Rose asked softly.

"...If I don't do this, he said, he will go to the town to arrest people." Paige clenched her fists tightly and suddenly raised her head. The hatred penetrated her eyes and almost melted Rose's face: "What is he going to do? 'Research' - the so-called 'white mineral', said to give the world a better future..."

"I don't need a future, Miss Shelley."

"I just hope that the miners die in the mining accident and die where they deserve to die - don't die of this disease and be smashed by us, mixed with bricks and mud, mixed with bread... Even more, I can't imagine Among the things…”

"That's terrible..."

"The Streeters should not treat the people of this land like this."

To Kingsley's surprise.

Paige Street only suffered for a few seconds before she broke out of her vulnerability and became fierce.

"I am also the heir of Street. I can't just watch him destroy the glory of the Street family and corrupt the people in the town who once supported us."

Roland suddenly spoke:

"What do you want to do?"

This sentence was asked by Peggy yesterday. Now he returned and asked Peggy Street again.

What do you want to do?

"I have to tell him! He can't do this!"

"You didn't answer my question." Roland shook his head: "What are you going to do, Miss Street."

A well-educated lady couldn't think of 'what to do' - the most vicious thing Peggy could think of to make her brother submit was:


she said.

"People love me, and I'm going to give them new hope—we're going to take to the streets and through the alleys! We're going to the Streeters' mansion, and we're going to show him what we can do—"

"I advise you not to do this, Cinder." Before she could finish speaking, Rose interrupted with a sneer: "That's of no use at all, believe me."

The parade of the Elephant Gang only resulted in countless blooming blood flowers.


Those hypocritical bills with no progress will not be disturbed by the will of these tiny ants.

The passage of a bill will inevitably affect the interests of all parties.

The interests of the country eventually trickle down to personal interests;

The interests of citizens eventually trickle down to personal interests;

War, trade, friendship or enmity between countries, support or opposition to a certain rule.

Everything will trickle down to the interests of a certain person, or a certain camp or party.

- When we want women to go into factories, it’s not for so-called ‘freedom’: it’s just that we need them.

There are not enough men anymore, we need them to create more additional benefits for us.

——When we are planning to ban young girls, it is not to forgive women’s inherent sins and to save them from the pain of being spoiled and ravaged.

Because we don’t run a theater, we don’t have to worry about the complicated taxes and fees, dealing with greedy policemen, and paying numerous and invisible ‘protection’ and ‘cleaning’ fees——

We need to leave them with nowhere to go.

There is no way back. I could only grab the clothes I had taken off, put on work clothes, and walked into the factory.

Our new industries, different kinds of jobs, the same invisible cage.

Rose didn't understand this.

But she definitely knew that some people were untrustworthy - Anne's experience and the education she had received at the Shelley family these days told her:

A feeble demonstration is just a ridiculous farce in the eyes of big shots.

They were afraid of true rebellion, afraid of the hammers and scimitars suddenly coming out of their raised hands.

If Henry Street was really smart, he would have prohibited the miners from gathering in large numbers to be invited to buy by his own sister.

He hasn't noticed it yet, or he has already noticed it, but he still thinks arrogantly that it is not a big deal.

It's a good opportunity.

"You should be more powerful."

She stood up and looked down at the girl with wet tears.

Peggy Streeter had ideals and firm goals—she just lacked experience and the courage to fight.

"Why don't you overthrow your brother, Street." She encouraged her, informed her, seduced her, and did what the prophecy or divination said she would do - she would bring about a new life, a different Street. Special, revitalized town of Inns.

I also want the tragedy on the streets of London to never happen again.

Not this time.

"You should truly rebel, lead your followers into the streets in droves, use swords, muskets, hammers and sharp shovels to tell your brother: Who has the final say in this town now."

These words stunned Paige.


How could she do this?

"That's not legal!"

"How could you make such a suggestion to me?!"

The girl shouted in a low voice, glanced at the glass window warily, turned around and left.

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