The secret war is silent

Chapter 101 Dumplings

Gu Yuan!


Tomorrow you take two people with you and go to Twilight Cafe in the name of a real estate agency to talk to their boss Lao Mu about the transfer. Luo Yao came to Yuhetang early in the morning.

Team leader, are you going to buy Twilight Cafe first?

Yes, I want to take down the property rights first, and then arrest people. All without alerting the French Concession Patrol Office. Luo Yao nodded.

I understand. Gu Yuan nodded.

Old Liu, Mancang, the two of you will lead the action teams of the two special agent brigades to control the front and rear doors of Twilight Coffee House. Be careful to hide your identity and not be too close. All employees in the coffee house must be taken into custody. return.


Muyu and Xiaomao, your mission is to go to Lao Mu's residence and report as soon as he returns to his residence.

Yes, team leader.

Su Jing and Xu Jihong stay behind to summarize and report information at any time. Luo Yao said, If everything goes well with Gu Yuan, the secret arrest operation will be scheduled after the coffee shop closes tonight.

After assigning the action tasks, Luo Yao went to school as usual.

Good morning, Teacher Qin!


Teacher Qin, congratulations...

Ah? Luo Yao was confused. What happy event did he have? How come he doesn't know it himself?

Teacher Qin, you can go ahead and kidnap the most beautiful flower in our school! Another male teacher came over to greet her with a jealous voice.

Teacher Zhang, why am I the only one who kidnapped a flower?

Pretend, keep pretending, Teacher Qin, we all saw it. Teacher Jiang was interested in you from the beginning. Just in time, the two of you became friends and saved others from worrying about you. The slightly older Teacher Dong also laughed. , lightly touched Luo Yao's shoulder.

When Luo Yao heard this, he couldn't laugh or cry immediately. Who had spread the news that he and Jiang Xiaoyu were in a couple? It was such nonsense!

Teacher Dong, that's not the case. Please listen to my explanation...

What are you explaining? Your men are unmarried and your women are unmarried. It's normal for you to fall in love. Teacher Dong also made a cute face and said, Mr. Qin, I'm optimistic about you!

Accidentally, I actually got into a scandal at school.

Luo Yao smiled self-deprecatingly. For this kind of thing, the more you explain, the greater the misunderstanding will be. It is better not to explain. After a while, everyone will naturally understand.

Anyway, he and Jiang Xiaoyu are innocent and have nothing to say.

When he walked into the freshman's office, all the eyes in the office turned to him. Apparently, the false rumors between him and Jiang Xiaoyu had become known to everyone.

Ahem... Luo Yao had never encountered this situation in his life. He was a little embarrassed and couldn't help but put his hands against his mouth and coughed to cover it up.

Teacher Xiao Qin is here.

Good morning, Teacher Guo. When someone greets you, it's hard not to respond. Luo Yao walked all the way over, and someone who didn't talk much before actually started talking to him today.

Luo Yao walked over and found that there was a cloth bag on his desk.

On the back of the chair was his coat. He and Jiang Xiaoyu went to visit Xia Yu's house that night. When he was sending her home, the wind suddenly started blowing and it started to rain a little, so he took off his coat and put it on her. .

Then the coat got a little wet and was left at Jiang Xiaoyu's place. When he went back in the evening, Gong Hui asked him where his coat had gone.

Teacher Xiao Jiang gave this to you. She brought it to morning reading class. Eat it while it's hot. A female teacher came over with a teacup in her hand and smiled at Luo Yao with a meaningful expression.

Luo Yao breathed a shush, walked over, put down his bag, sat down, and was stunned for a few seconds before reaching out to untie the small bag wrapped in blue cloth.

Inside is an aluminum lunch box with a pair of chopsticks. After opening it, a row of dumplings are neatly arranged and steaming. They look delicious.


Luo Yao sighed inwardly. Did Jiang Xiaoyu misunderstand something?

Didn't he give her any wrong hints? (Jiang Xiaoyu is a bright light in Luo Yao's life. Readers can guess her ending. The reason why I remind you is that I don't want everyone to think that I am writing a romantic drama. I have no choice but to make trade-offs.)

What should I do? It is not a triangle debt now, it is a four-corner debt. Gong Hui's affection for him can be ignored by Xu Jihong without driving away the Japanese invaders or considering personal feelings. Then she is just fighting against Gong Hui and directly keeping it secret. Just refuse with face, but this Jiang Xiaoyu is too simple a girl.

He really couldn't bear to hurt her.

What to do?

Should you eat this dumpling or not?

If he eats it, it will be like acquiescing to his relationship with Jiang Xiaoyu. If he doesn't eat it, this girl will be sad. It's really a dilemma.

Teacher Qin is here. Why, you brought dumplings? A later teacher passed by and saw the steaming dumplings in the lunch box on Luo Yao's table. His eyes lit up, It smells so good. Can I have one?

Of course, Teacher Fei. Luo Yao was worried that he couldn't find anyone to help him. Whether he threw it away or returned it, it would be too hurtful. It would be most appropriate to eat it, as long as it was not his food.

Teacher Qin, you are getting older. Teacher Fei picked up the chopsticks without politeness, picked up the lunch box and started eating, Ah, the celery and meat stuffing is so delicious!

While eating and judging, after a while, there were only three or five dumplings left in the box. Teacher Fei also noticed it and hurriedly stopped his chopsticks: Well, Teacher Qin, I'm really sorry, I accidentally...

It's okay. I've actually had breakfast. Teacher Fei, please help me get rid of them all. Luo Yao chuckled, Teacher Fei, what a good person.

If he eats half and keeps half, it will be really difficult for him to handle it.

Okay, I won't be polite. Teacher Fei ate all the remaining dumplings in three strokes.


There were waves of shaking heads and sighs coming from all around!

What's wrong with you? It's so early in the morning. Why are you sighing? The Japanese haven't attacked yet? Teacher Fei didn't seem to notice that the teachers around him were looking at him wrong.

Teacher Fei, you have eaten away all the love that Teacher Jiang had for Teacher Qin. Finally, a teacher couldn't help but tell Teacher Fei the truth.

What, Teacher Jiang's love? Teacher Fei didn't know why. As a physical education teacher, he really didn't have that much in mind, so he didn't understand what was going on for a while.

Don't listen to him. I've already had breakfast, and I can't eat these dumplings. Besides, these dumplings are delicious only when they are hot out of the pan, but not when they are hot. Teacher Fei, you can eat them all for me. Yes, it's good. Luo Yao closed the lunch box, wrapped it in blue cloth, washed it after a while, and returned it to Jiang Xiaoyu.

Teacher Qin, could it be that Teacher Jiang Xiaoyu made these dumplings for you? Teacher Fei finally came over and understood what was going on.

Yes, I'm sorry, Teacher Qin. I really didn't know that Teacher Jiang did this to you. I will compensate you from now on, and I will definitely compensate you! Teacher Fei ran away in shame.

Luo Yao was embarrassed, but he really didn't know what to say.

Teacher Qin, this is the hardest thing to accept the kindness of a beautiful woman. Don't know your blessings when you are in the midst of blessings! the older teacher Guo reminded her earnestly.

Luo Yao wanted to explain, but he didn't know how to speak.

It's better to prepare for class first. Next, the first class will be his math class. Although the teacher is just hiding his identity, he can't mislead his students.


The bell rang for the end of morning reading class.

Jiang Xiaoyu came in from outside holding her textbook.

Teacher Qin, I washed and dried that coat for you and brought it over to you. In addition, there was a crack in the lining, so I sewed it up for you.

Ah, I'm so sorry, Teacher Jiang, thank you so much. Luo Yao said hurriedly.

Have you eaten the dumplings? Jiang Xiaoyu's face turned red and she lowered her head and asked in a low voice.

Eat, eat...

Is it tasty?

It's delicious. Luo Yao said hurriedly. If it's not delicious, can Teacher Fei eat the whole box?

Next time, if you want to eat, just tell me and I will cook it for you. Jiang Xiaoyu's voice was like a mosquito, and her face was so red that it almost bled.

No, no need, it's too much trouble. Teacher Jiang, I don't even know what to say when you act like this. Luo Yao has never encountered such a battle.

Jiang Xiaoyu and Gong Hui are basically two different types. Gong Hui is very nervous and likes to play a little bit, but she is not too annoying. She is measured.

Jiang Xiaoyu is weak and slender, but she has delicate feelings and a simple mind that no one can bear to hurt at first sight.

No trouble, as long as Teacher Qin likes it.

Luo Yao was dumbfounded. He couldn't continue talking that day. He picked up the lesson plan and stood up and said, Well, Teacher Jiang, we'll talk later. I'm going to class first.

Twilight Cafe, small reception room.

Mr. Gu, 20,000 yuan is too low. If all the decorations and equipment in my coffee house are dismantled and sold, it will exceed this amount. Your price reduction is too harsh.

Boss Mu, it's not that we haven't inquired about the price. The location here is really good. In the past, the price was really bullying you. But now, the Japanese are about to come in, and there are many good shops outside. Selling at a low price, one price per day, if it is worth this amount today, it may not be worth a tenth of it tomorrow. Gu Yuan refused to budge.

Mr. Gu, can you add more?

No, it's just this amount. If Boss Mu doesn't sell it, we will have to find another home. Anyway, we have money in hand and we are afraid that we won't be able to get the store. Gu Yuan said.

Mr. Gu, if you buy my coffee shop and continue to keep Twilight's signature business, and take in the employees in my shop, I can transfer them to you at this price. Lao Mu closed his eyes and thought for a while. Said later.

This... Gu Yuan hesitated. Luo Yao didn't say what he wanted to do with the Twilight Cafe, and he didn't dare to agree without permission.

Mr. Gu, this is my biggest concession.

Boss Mu, can you tell me why?

This is my hard work over the past five years, and I don't want it to just disappear. Lao Mu explained.

In this case, why doesn't Boss Mu continue to operate? It doesn't look like you're going bankrupt at a loss?

To be honest, I received a letter from home a few days ago. My old mother was seriously ill in my hometown and asked me to go back. I had no choice but to give up my career here and go back to my bedside to fulfill my filial piety. Lao Mu explained with a wry smile.

It turns out that Boss Mu is a filial son. I admire him. I admire him. Well, I promise you that I will continue to open Twilight Cafe.

Thank you. Bring me the agreement and I'll sign it. Lao Mu finally agreed to transfer the Twilight Cafe to Gu Yuan for 20,000 yuan.

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