The secret war is silent

Chapter 102 Closing the Net

Boss, is it necessary to evacuate?

Well, I have already smelled a hint of danger. If we evacuate immediately, the military commander will find us soon. Lao Mu said seriously.

Although the 'Kappa' was designed by the military to steal a false intelligence and bring it back, causing us heavy losses, boss, we haven't been exposed yet, why should we evacuate? the barista asked in confusion.

I have been to the place where Lin Miao lives, and he also called me. These are all loopholes. Lao Mu said, Furthermore, if we stay, what else can we do? This place will soon be occupied by the empire. occupied.

That's why we don't need to evacuate! insisted the barista Aka.

What, have you forgotten the oath you made when you joined us? Lao Mu suddenly asked with a very stern look.

No, boss, I didn't. I just think we are not exposed and there is no need to evacuate!

Enough, this is an order. Today is your last day of work at Twilight Cafe. After closing, the new boss will come to take over. All keys and accounts will be handed over. We will evacuate Jiangcheng tomorrow. Lao Mu ordered.


7:45 p.m.

There is still a quarter of an hour before Twilight Cafe closes.

Gu Yuan has already arrived, and he has brought two people with him, one is Liu Jinbao and the other is Mancang. Of course, there are two action teams outside that have been prepared.

Mr. Gu is here.

Where are you, Boss Mu? Gu Yuan frowned slightly. All he saw was the barista Lao Ka, which gave him a bad feeling.

Lao Ka smiled slightly and said: Our boss is not in a good mood and has gone back to rest first. He asked me to hand over the work to Mr. Gu.

Lao Mu isn't here?

This is a bad sign.

Liu Jinbao and Mancang both had a strange look on their faces. Two groups of their men had been occupying key positions in the nearby streets today, monitoring every move of Twilight Cafe, but they had never seen the boss, Lao Mu, leave from the front or back door. ah!

Boss Mu is not here, can you make the decision? Gu Yuan asked calmly.

Lao Ka said: Of course, the boss has given me full authority to handle the handover. All documents and account books have been handed over to me. Mr. Gu can take a look and see if there are any shortages.

Gu Yuan nodded and signaled Liu Jinbao to spread the news of Lao Mu's absence, while he came forward to check the handed over documents and account information.

If Mr. Gu still needs to take over the business, we still need to hand over some customer information. Some old customers have fixed positions and discounts at Dusk...

Lao Ka, since you are so familiar with the business, how about you stay and continue to help me take care of this coffee shop? Gu Yuan asked calmly.

Of course, all of you can stay, and the salary and benefits will remain the same! Gu Yuan promised all the employees in the coffee house.

However, no one said anything.

It was Lao Ka who spoke first: Thank you, Mr. Gu, for your kindness. Of course we are willing to stay. It is really hard to find a comfortable and satisfying job these days.

Really? No wonder Boss Mu insisted that I continue to run Muse, so he was willing to sell it to me at a low price. It turns out that he is thinking about you. He is really affectionate and righteous. Gu Yuan gave a thumbs up. .

Boss Mu is really good to us. He had no choice but to sell this coffee house. If he hadn't left now, he might not have the chance to come back, and he wouldn't have transferred the coffee house.

Yes, yes, such a good coffee house, such a high-quality property, if it were me, I would never sell it at a low price. Gu Yuan said.

Mr. Gu, no, Boss Gu, from now on, you will be our boss. If you have any orders, just tell me? Aka said with a humble smile.

Since you are willing to follow me as your new boss, then I, as your new boss, can't be too stingy. Come with me tonight and I'll treat you all to dinner, Gu Yuan said.

Eat, Boss Gu, we have all eaten...

You've eaten, don't you need to eat again? Gu Yuan's expression suddenly changed, You still don't want to give me face as the new boss?

Boss Gu, everyone has been busy all day and just wants to go home to rest and eat...

Two people poured in from the front and back doors of the coffee house. They were all dressed in plain clothes, but they were armed with live ammunition. The black muzzles were pointed at Aka and others.

Don't move, anyone who moves will die! Mancang took out his pistol, walked over, and put the muzzle of the gun on Aka's temple.


Hear a slight crunch!

not good!

Mancang punched Aka on the right cheek, and a tooth shot out mixed with blood. It was a false tooth, a false tooth with a poison sac hidden in it.

It has been bitten into pieces by him.

Hahaha, the boss is right, you have discovered us... After Aka finished speaking, he fell to the ground and died.

Immediately afterwards, two more people bit the poison sacs in their dentures, bleeding from their orifices, and fell to the ground dead.

Quickly, check the poison sacs in their mouths! Gu Yuan's expression changed suddenly. These spies were really not afraid of death at all. They would commit suicide immediately by taking poison after their identity was revealed. It was simply too crazy.

Not everyone was a lurking spy. There were two waiters and a chef who had no poison sacs found in their mouths. Seeing them wet their pants in fright, we knew they couldn't be spies.

Old Liu, what should I do?

You stay and dispose of the body, and I'll report to the team leader immediately. Liu Jinbao sighed. The arrest was originally very smooth, but in the end, who would have thought that these spies would not hesitate after their identities were exposed. He bit the poison sac in his mouth and committed suicide by taking the poison.

Such a spy is terrible.

This is a ferry downstream of Xiakou City. The dark clouds in the sky cover Emei New Moon (the third day of the eighth lunar month), and I can't see my fingers. The river water gently laps the shore.

Make a rustling sound.

If you listen carefully, you can still hear the rumble of artillery hundreds of miles away.

A man, carrying a leather suitcase, walked quickly along the river embankment. The cool breeze from the river blew up and rolled up the hem of his robe, making a rustling sound.

On the ferry, the visitor listened and looked nervously at the river twice, then took out a flashlight from his pocket, opened and closed it in a certain direction of the river, opened and closed it again, and after three consecutive times, it was completely Closed.

More than ten minutes later.

A awning boat sailed slowly from the center of the river. A man wearing only shorts, bare feet, and a bare upper body was holding the boat closer to the ferry.

Mr. Mu.

The man on the boat jumped lightly and climbed onto the ferry. When he saw the man carrying the box, he immediately walked over, bent down and reached out to pick up the box.

Old Gouzi, I'll do it myself. Lao Mu didn't hand the box to the boatman who obviously looked younger than him. He walked over, jumped lightly, and got on the boat.

Mr. Mu, it's windy outside. Come into the cabin. Lao Guzi then got on the boat. With a tap of the bamboo pole, the awning boat swayed away from the water bank and sailed slowly towards the middle of the water.

Okay. Lao Mu agreed, carrying the box, opening the curtain, bending down and walking into the cabin.

In the cabin, a lantern suddenly lit up.

Lao Mu looked up in shock. When he saw the person in front of him, a trace of fright clearly flashed in his eyes, and he turned around to exit.

Unfortunately, it's too late.

The tiger's mouth was numb, and the box he was carrying in his left hand had left his hand and fell into the hands of others.

Boss Mu, I didn't expect you to be so elegant and like to go fishing at night? Luo Yao sat there and looked at Lao Mu with a smile.

It turned out to be Mr. Qin and Miss Hui. It really shocked me. Lao Mu's face instantly returned to calmness, he straightened his clothes a little and smiled slightly, I thought I met someone bad.

The coffee made by Boss Mu is good, but I can't. How about trying the tea I just made? Luo Yao extended his hand and invited.

Thank you. Mr. Qin really doesn't show his face. It's disrespectful.

Same goes for Boss Mu.

Well, good tea, this year's Mingqian Longjing. Lao Mu sat down in front of Luo Yao, took a small cup of tea and took a sip.

Boss Mu is also a person who understands tea.

I just stayed for a long time and drank too much, so I can taste it. Lao Mu put down the cup and said, It is really admirable that Mr. Qin has such knowledge and determination at such a young age.

Boss Mu, let's not beat around the bush. You have already guessed who I am. Luo Yao chuckled, And I also know a lot about who you are. Can we all be honest with each other?

Okay, fair!

Who comes first?

The guest does as the host does.

Then please ask Boss Mu to come first?

Lao Mu sat down on his knees and bowed to Luo Yaoyi: Mu Amamiya, Major of the Imperial Japanese Army, attached to the China Section of the Second Department of the General Staff Headquarters, directly under the intelligence agent, codename: Kappa.

Luo Yao smiled slightly. He was not surprised by this answer. Although Lin Miao was also codenamed Kappa, he was not a real Kappa.

He is just an incarnation of Kappa.

Qin Ming, the leader of the investigation and statistics bureau of the Military Commission of the Nationalist Government in Jiangcheng, code name: River God. Luo Yaoke was stupid enough to tell him his real name.

As for the code name, it doesn't matter.

Are you the River God? (Luo Yao's code name was changed to River God. It was modified before. If you find anything that has not been modified, please let me know)? Yu Gongmu showed a hint of surprise, and then burst into laughter. Her code name was Kappa, but her opponent He is the River God. How can a Kappa be undefeated when he meets the River God?

Why, have you heard of me? Luo Yao was surprised. Not many people in the military system knew his code name. Yu Gongmu actually knew it, which is enough to show how powerful his intelligence network has penetrated Jiangcheng. .

I heard something, but it's not very clear. Yu Gongmu nodded.

We have plenty of time to explain everything clearly. Luo Yao smiled slightly, refilled Amamiya Mu's tea cup and said, Please.

Can you tell me how you discovered me? Yu Gongmu asked.

After Lin Miao met River, was the phone call he made to you? Luo Yao asked with a slight smile.

Yu Gongmu sighed: One hundred secrets and one sparse.

How did you know you were exposed?

Two days ago, the telephone company suddenly sent someone to repair the lines. I knew that the automatic telephone switching device I made was discovered by someone, and it would be a matter of time before I found the Twilight Cafe. Amamiya Mu explained.

It seems that my men are still too rough in their work, and you can see it.

They are outstanding. It has been so long for another person, and they would not have doubts. But I am more cautious and suspicious by nature, so I don't dare to take risks.

Please collect!

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