The secret war is silent

Chapter 104 Conversation with Yu Gongmu

When Luo Yao woke up, he found himself lying on his bed with the bandage wrapped around his arm, and he could see blood seeping out.

There is a sling bottle on his right arm.

Luo Yao stretched out his hand to pull out the hanging needle and pressed the needle hole. Luo Yao climbed up from the bed and looked at the beautiful scenery outside the window. The sun was already setting in the west.

I slept for at least a day.

The pale, paper-like face in the mirror was obviously caused by excessive blood loss.

Hey, why are you up? The door was pushed open, and Gong Hui walked in with a bowl of soup. Seeing that Luo Yao had gotten up, she quickly put down the soup.

How long have I been asleep?

It's been less than twenty hours since I came back last night, Gong Hui said.

It's okay. Luo Yao breathed a sigh of relief, How is Yu Gongmu?

He's fine. He's being held in custody at Yuhetang for the time being. Gong Hui nodded, And that old gourd. It turns out that this guy is actually a Japanese ronin samurai.

I made a mistake and almost let these two people escape. Luo Yao sighed with emotion. It was also his negligence. Since Yu Gongmu chose this evacuation route, he must be fully confident.

With his cautious and cautious character, if he wasn't someone he could absolutely trust, how could he let him take care of him?

Yes, we were also negligent in our investigation of Lao Gouzi. We didn't expect him to be so hidden. Gong Hui said, This Yu Gong Mu has probably planned his escape from the day he lurked in Jiangcheng.

Such people are more terrifying.

Yes. Gong Hui walked over and picked up the freshly brewed medicinal soup, Here, it's for replenishing qi and blood. It's specially prepared for you. Drink it while it's hot.

Luo Yao frowned slightly. He had not liked drinking traditional Chinese medicine since he was a child. The taste was really unpleasant, but he also knew that good medicine was bitter. Gong Hui was kind-hearted and reached out to take it, hesitated for a moment.

Drink quickly.

Luo Yao picked up the bowl and drank the bowl of medicinal soup in one breath.

I can't go to the school these two days. I have to make a phone call to ask for leave. Luo Yao stood up and was about to go to the study to make a phone call.

You don't need to use the phone. I've already called you to ask for leave.

You've been beaten, what did you say? Luo Yao asked.

What else can I say? Of course, you dislocated your arm and couldn't go to class. I asked the school for leave for you. Gong Hui smiled slightly, walked over, collected the medicine bowl, and prepared to go downstairs.

Dad, do you have a report on the situation? Luo Yao also nodded, as long as he asked for leave, it was a good reason to have his arm dislocated.

I sent a report to dad early in the morning, and also told him about your injury.

What did Dad say?

In addition to commending us in the telegram, he also asked me to take good care of you. In addition, regarding Yu Gongmu, my father ordered us not to interrogate or torture him for the time being. Gong Hui said.

Oh why?

I don't know. Dad didn't tell me the reason, so I didn't dare to ask any more questions.

Okay, I understand. Since dad has an order, we will follow it. Luo Yao waved his hand and said, is Lao Mu valuable?

Very big.

Lao Mu controlled a kappa group to infiltrate Jiangcheng's key military and political departments like a sieve. The Japanese obtained intelligence on military, political, transportation and other aspects without any effort.

By the way, where is Yu Gongmu's box? Luo Yao asked, Have you opened it and checked it?

not yet.

Why don't you open it for inspection? Let's just leave it without interrogation. Don't we have the right to inspect his belongings? Luo Yao was angry.

Yugong Mu said that it would be better if the things in his box were not opened. If he did open it, whoever looked at it would be unlucky, and there would be no intact body, so...

What you said is quite vicious, so you don't dare to open it?

Since Dad won't let us torture him, there must be something he doesn't want us to know. If we open the box rashly, we won't be able to hide it if there is something horrifying. Gong Hui explained.

Luo Yao thought for a moment and nodded: Forget it, in this case, let's seal it up and wait until dad comes.

Well, you know, I'm not very good at cooking, so I ordered some food from outside and it will be delivered in a moment. If you are hungry, I still have some biscuits...

What about that medicine just now? Luo Yao suddenly remembered.

I stayed up for more than two hours.

Ah? Luo Yao's face turned dark when he heard this. He was anxious just now.

After another night's rest, Luo Yao came to Yuhe Hall early in the morning.

The team leader is still awesome. I had expected that Lao Mu would sneak away secretly, but he was still waiting for him on his way out. When Liu Jinbao saw Luo Yao, he flattered him.

Okay, I came back almost dead. Luo Yao said calmly, Take him to see this Yu Gongmu. I still have some questions to ask him.

Liu Jinbao nodded and took Luo Yao to the room where Yu Gongmu was detained.

Considering that Amamiya Mu is such a dangerous person, in addition to being searched and put into a special prison uniform, he was also put in heavy shackles and handcuffs.

When he saw Yu Gongmu again, he was no longer the graceful, gentle and elegant boss Lao Mu. His messy hair and red eyes showed that he was not at peace at the moment.

This also made Luo Yao look down on him a little.

He thought he would see a calm Amamiya Mu, but in fact, after becoming a prisoner, he was no different from an ordinary person.

Maybe he didn't want to lose points in front of Luo Yao. When Yu Gongmu saw Luo Yao, he quickly adjusted his mentality and his eyes gradually returned to calm.

Switching is quite easy.

Team Leader Qin, I'm sorry, I didn't actually mean to hurt you with that knife. Yu Gongmu bowed slightly to Luo Yao and spoke first.

Luo Yaoxin said, you don't want to hurt me, you want to kill me.

I'll still call you Lao Mu, it's smoother. Luo Yao knows very well that the characteristics of Japan as a country and nation, they pay attention to etiquette, which means taking the form to the extreme, and this extreme is a kind of cruelty. To yourself and to others.

Of course, you can say that this is a kind of respect for the opponent because he has earned this respect.

The Japanese obey and worship the strong in their bones. This has become a gene flowing in their blood.


Old Mu, I know that you have accumulated many connections in Jiangcheng in the past five years, and you also have many unknown secrets in your hands. Am I right? Luo Yao smiled slightly.

Amamiya Mu was stunned for a moment and nodded: As a spy lurking in other countries, sometimes you have to consider your own safety. Knowing some secrets of other countries' political figures is also a means of protection.

What you did is very clever, but it is also very dangerous. If you let these people know that you have these things in your hands, they will definitely find a way to kill you.

Yes, this is a crazy approach, but I can also use these things to trade.

But you and everything fell into our hands?

The box has a password. If you open it violently, you know the consequences. Amamiya Mu smiled slightly.

Luo Yao's expression changed slightly when he heard this.

He got it.

Amamiya Mu installed a bomb in the box. If it is opened by force, the bomb will explode, and the person who opened the box will be dead.

You are really thoughtful.

Team Leader Qin's men are very smart, but I reminded them from the beginning that they are quite obedient. Yu Gongmu smiled slightly.

We are actually not interested in the secrets in the box...

Don't you want to know how many of them have secret dealings with the Japanese Empire? Amamiya Mu smiled faintly, These people are all time bombs for you, and I have already sent back the list of these people.

What you said may be true, but I also believe that they just made a mistake and one leg took the wrong path. But as long as there is no substantial betrayal of the country and seeking glory, there is still a possibility of salvation. We can even atone for our sins, and we won't just beat people to death with a stick. Luo Yao said slowly.

Can Team Leader Qin take the initiative?

Even a little person like me understands the truth. Do you think the top brass of our government don't understand? Luo Yao paused, organized his language a little and said, Let me tell you a story. For more than a thousand years, Recently, a huge corruption and fraud case occurred in the imperial court, implicating hundreds of officials in the imperial court. The evidence was conclusive. According to the law at that time, homes were confiscated and beheadings were not counted. However, if this was really done, the court would have to If one-third is empty, there will be no one to work in many positions, and the government will definitely be unsustainable. What will the emperor do?

Amamiya was stunned.

The emperor and the prime minister at that time discussed it and burned the seized evidence in front of all the ministers. They also agreed that the matter would end here and that they would not commit any more crimes in the future and serve the court well. Let bygones be bygones, Luo Yao said.

Are you just going to let these erring ministers go? Amamiya Mu asked dumbfounded.

Luo Yao chuckled: Of course not. Although the evidence was burned, the emperor and the prime minister wrote down the names of these people. In the next few years, they would be replaced from the court and demoted from the official. Although these people did not You will get the punishment you deserve, but in order to avoid turmoil and keep the country's political system stable, this is the principle of choosing the lesser of two mutually harmful things, do you understand?

You mean, even if I hand over these evidences, I will burn them like this emperor and not hold these people accountable, right?

You think that by grasping their handle, you can make them your protective umbrella, and you can even negotiate with us as a condition. In fact, this is of no use at all. Luo Yao said, The thing is already in our hands, and we have the initiative in how to deal with it. , it doesn’t matter whether it is opened now or not, it will be opened one day. By then, the situation of these people will be different, and these people will not be able to escape punishment. Therefore, these chips of yours have no effect on me. And the list you sent back, It may be useful to your empire, but it is of no use to you at all.”

But I still want to take a gamble. After all, the person I am negotiating with is not you, Team Leader Qin, right? Yu Gongmu quickly realized that he almost fell into Luo Yao's language trap.

Then it's up to you. Luo Yao knew that it was very difficult to open Yu Gongmu's psychological defense. This guy was really not an easy person to deal with. Without any hesitation, he turned around and walked out, By the way, that guy Lao Guzi had a very tough mouth, so in order to prevent him from biting his tongue and committing suicide, I had all his teeth pulled out.


Luo Yao was warning him that he was not a womanly person and would never show mercy when he should be cruel.

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