September 29th is the fourth day of the eighth lunar month.

Tianjia Town was lost.

When Luo Yao learned the news, it was already the afternoon of the 30th. The troops guarding the fortress were out of shells, resulting in huge casualties and no replacement.

In the end, they could not withstand the fierce Japanese attack, so they had no choice but to destroy the fort and withdraw from Tianjia Town.

This was expected, but they did not expect that Tianjia Town would fall back so quickly after a great victory. The Chinese people thought they could hold off the Japanese army on the front line of Tianjia Town for a few months.

And now, in just ten days, Xiakou's southeastern barrier and portal fell into the hands of the Japanese army.

Eat an orange?

Gong Huijiang sat beside Luo Yao's bed, peeled an orange for him, and stuffed it into his mouth one by one, like a maid serving the master.

Where did the oranges come from? Luo Yao was not used to this kind of feeding method, but his arm was seriously injured and he couldn't move his left arm. He really couldn't peel oranges with one hand.

Lao Liu had someone send it over. This year's new oranges are on the market. How are they? Are they sour?


Did you send a telegram to Yi Tie Ling? Luo Yao asked. If he wanted to get better from his injury quickly, he really had to have Yi Tie Ling come.

Not only has the medicine given to him been used up, but now the direct team also needs such a medical officer. If he is injured in the future, he will not be able to go to the hospital.

You said you would arrive today, but you don't know when?

Have you sent someone to pick you up at the dock?

I called Su Jing and he said he would send two people to pick him up. After receiving the call, he would settle down at Yuhetang and come back early tomorrow morning. Gong Hui said.

Well, when we act in the future, the probability of injury will increase. This 'Yitie Ling' is absolutely effective in treating trauma. Let this person stay and let him be a sitting doctor at 'Yuhetang'. Luo Yao said.

I bet you've already thought about it.

After nightfall, a black car parked at the entrance of the lane in Hengshan Lane. After about a few seconds, a person got out of the car. He looked around and walked around. Then he came over and opened the trunk door.

A slightly thin man wearing a gray cloth robe and a black gentleman's top hat walked out of the car. The man who rushed to the door nodded slightly.

The two of them walked into the alleyway one after another.

Luo Yao, who was lying in the study room on the second floor and preparing lessons, suddenly raised his head, his expression froze, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

Why is he here?

Just as I was about to stand up, I suddenly felt something in my heart and sat down again. At this time, it was better to pretend that I didn't know.

Downstairs, Gong Hui was cracking melon seeds and humming a tune from Peiping City. Although the singing was not very nice, it was good to enjoy herself.

Da da da……

The sound the door latch made against the door panel was a little hoarse, and it was obvious that someone was knocking on the door.

Gong Hui suddenly stopped her lazy movements and stood up quickly. It was late at night, and few people came to knock on her door. If Liu Jinbao and the others were to come, they would at least call in advance.

Xiao Hui, open the door, we have a guest. Luo Yao couldn't help but remind him when Gong Hui didn't move downstairs.


After hearing Luo Yao's instructions, Gong Hui stood up and walked out, walked through the small courtyard and opened the door.

Dad, why is it you? The moment she opened the door and saw the face of the person coming, Gong Hui couldn't help covering her mouth and exclaimed.

Dai Yunong chuckled: Why can't I come?

No, no, director, we really didn't expect you to come? Gong Hui was a little excited and at a loss. Dai Yunong's arrival was too sudden.

It's better to call me Dad, instead of calling me Director. Dai Yunong enjoyed it very much. The codename Dad was chosen casually by Luo Yao. It was just a call sign to directly communicate with Dai Yunong through secret telegrams. There was no other intention. Thinking that Dai Yunong actually liked it.

Yes, dad, please come in quickly!

Dai Yunong walked into the small courtyard with his personal guard Wang Qiao.

The place you live in is quite nice, and the surrounding environment is good. Dai Yunong said to Gong Hui as he took off his hat and handed it to the guard.

Actually, we didn't consider this at first. We just felt that this courtyard has better privacy, and there is also an independent small building with a wide view and a clear view of the surrounding situation.

Haha, this is considered unintentional.

Dad, please sit down. I'll call Luo Yao down? Gong Hui introduced Dai Yunong into the small living room and greeted him.

No, he's a wounded or sick person. I'll go up and see him. Dai Yunong ran directly to the stairs and walked upstairs.

Luo Yao couldn't really let Dai Yunong come up to the study to see him. When he was about to walk to the door of the study, he saw that Hu Nong had already climbed up the stairs and it was no longer possible to go down.

Director, student Luo Yao is ashamed! Luo Yao walked over, held the student ceremony, and bowed slightly.

Dai Yunong chuckled and looked at Luo Yao very happily: Not bad, not bad, Luo Yao, it has been more than two months since we last saw each other, right?

Yes, Director, my study is really messy... Luo Yao invited Dai Yunong into his study, which was indeed a bit messy.

When I came here, I saw lights on. What were you doing?

Prepare lessons.

Oh, let me take a look? Dai Yunong was surprised. What is Luo Yao's identity? He is the leader of the direct team of the military command stationed in Jiangcheng. This level is not low.

I'm not a teacher at Shangzhi Middle School. I don't dare to say how good my teaching is, but I can't mislead the children. These young students are also the future of the country.

That's good. This is how we Chinese people have been passed down from generation to generation. Xiaoyao, you did the right thing, but what about your injury? If Dai Yunong likes a person, he can tolerate and ignore many of the person's shortcomings. Even in the eyes of others if you are not doing your job properly, there will be another interpretation. In fact, from another perspective, isn't this a professional performance?

It's okay. I just lost a little blood. I'll recover for a few days and replenish it and it will come back. Luo Yao said easily. Yu Gongmu's knife almost went deep into the bone. Fortunately, it didn't damage the artery. Otherwise, He couldn't save even nine lives.

You are still young. Dai Yunong laughed.

Why is the director here alone? This is too dangerous. There are still hidden Japanese spies in Jiangcheng. We are not afraid of ten thousand, but just in case...

Jiangcheng is still under our control, and it's not as evil as you said. Dai Yunong waved his hand disapprovingly, I came today to see your injuries. Seeing you like this makes me relieved. This is the first time I've come here. Second, I want to talk to you about some of the work of the direct group in the future. I have read your work report, broken it down into parts, and prepared for rainy days. You have done a very good job. This will be very beneficial to our future work behind enemy lines in Jiangcheng. You have a heart.

I am also learning from Deputy District Chief Tang Xin of Jiangcheng District. It is not a bad thing to prepare earlier. Luo Yao chuckled.

Tang Xin, he has done a good job in Jiangcheng District. You two have a good relationship?

When I was looking for the 'Ghost' radio station, Deputy District Chief Tang helped me a lot when he was still the head of Jiangcheng Station. He is an action expert and I learned a lot from him.

Well, you are humble, studious, and not greedy for merit. These are all excellent qualities in you. Although I, the head teacher of the temporary training class, have never taught you, I have high hopes for the students in your class, especially you. And outstanding students like Li Fu. Dai Yunong said.

Without your cultivation, Director, Luo Yao would not be what he is today.

Well, regarding the next step of the direct team's work, I want you to be separated from Jiangcheng District and operate independently. If you have anything else you need, can you tell me? Dai Yunong said.

Director, Amamiya Mu's Kappa group is hidden so deeply that we spent so much manpower and material resources, even sacrificing ourselves, to dig it out. His hiding methods, organizational structure and even the methods of communication between members are all worth learning from. Yes, I wonder if our direct group can imitate the 'Kappa' group. Once we move behind enemy lines, it should be easier for us to survive than the 'Kappa' group. Luo Yaodao.

Well, your idea is very good. Do you have a specific plan? Dai Yunong nodded affirmatively.

The real person behind the 'Kappa' group is Lao Mu, the Amamiya Mu we just captured. We haven't figured out his background yet, but what is certain is that this guy's background is definitely not simple, and His hiding method is just like what our ancients said, hiding in the city. If Yoshida hadn't invited Lin Miao to meet at Dusk Coffee House, the waiter's unusual conversation with him, and later, there would be clues pointing to Dusk. I just put suspicion on him in the coffee house, but for such a person with good connections and status in the French Concession, I dare not touch him easily until I find definite evidence, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble, or even Diplomatic dispute...

You did a very good job this time. The code name River God has already gained quite a reputation within the military. Dai Yunong was very impressed.

Someone from the top is involved in Yu Gongmu's matter. Just leave it alone. I will send people to take away all the people and the box. Dai Yunong said solemnly, Your next task is to recover from your injuries. Tianjia Town is lost. Do you know the news?

Yes, Director, why is this happening? Luo Yao asked with some anger and disappointment.

We don't know much about the war ahead. In short, the loss this time is not the fault of the soldiers. Next, the Japanese troops on the northern front may march straight in, and Jiangcheng will become increasingly unsafe. Dai Yunong glanced at himself, a student After all, he is still young and has some spirit. You will understand after you have enough experience.

Don't worry, I will pay attention.

Did you buy the Twilight Cafe?

Well, I plan to reopen the business in a few days and let Gong Hui take charge. In addition to providing an additional source of income, it can also cover our subsequent activities in Jiangcheng. Luo Yao nodded.

This is a good idea. You have the purchase contract signed by Yu Gongmu. Even if the Japanese army takes over Jiangcheng, they will not doubt your identity. This is a good protection. Dai Yunong said.

What about Yu Gongmu?

Of course we won't kill such a person. If we do, it would be a pity, but we won't put him back. Don't worry about that. Dai Yunong said.

Luo Yao felt slightly relieved after hearing this.

There should be some people in the 'Kappa' team that have not been dug out, but these are just small fish and shrimps, and they should not be able to make big waves.

The task of eradicating evil is also related to your safety in Jiangcheng. Dai Yunong said seriously, Do you understand?


I'm arranging for some people to come over to the temporary training class. What else do you need? Dai Yunong suddenly joked and said with a smile, After passing this village, there is no such store?

Director, in addition to food, medicine and weapons, I want to buy some special equipment, such as micro cameras, pocket pistols and the like. Luo Yao said immediately, if I don't make demands at this time, when will I make them?

These equipments are not easy to get, so you make a list. I'll get them later and have them delivered to you. Dai Yunong thought for a while and agreed.

Once Jiangcheng becomes an enemy-occupied area, these things will be indispensable.

Please collect and recommend!

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