The secret war is silent

Chapter 106 Rejection

Luo Yao was a little surprised by Dai Yunong's sudden attack, but now it seems that his trust in him should have increased a lot.

This is a good thing.

This shows that his position within the military system is stable. Of course, he cannot be careless. Dai Yunong is famous for being suspicious. Even if he gains his trust, he must be more careful.

Dai Yunong didn't stay long, only half an hour in total. People like him were too busy, so being able to stoop down to see him was considered very important.

After Dai Yunong left, Luo Yao breathed a sigh of relief. It was clear that he wanted to lurk in Jiangcheng. The transition from light to dark in the future would require a process of adaptation.

Xiao Hui, post the notice first and go out. Twilight Cafe will be closed first and we will recruit talents. Luo Yao said, From now on, that place will be one of our strongholds.

Where's the name and sign?

The name Twilight is indeed very poetic, but it is too cold and sad for autumn. Let's change it and call it Sunshine Coffee House. Luo Yao said.

Sunshine Cafe, the name is quite good, but the artistic conception is a little bit off.

Let's just narrow it down. The coffee shop must be completely renovated. Find someone to design it. Don't be afraid of spending money. Luo Yao ordered.

Then after I take over the coffee shop, will I have to move out from here?

Of course, do you still want to live here with me? Luo Yao nodded.

You just want to use this reason to drive me away, right? Gong Hui's face darkened, a little dissatisfied.

Then what do you think? The two of us won't reveal any flaws for a while now, but once the Japanese enter Jiangcheng, then we will have to turn from light to dark. As long as we take action, it will inevitably lead to investigation You know what will happen if we live together but are not husband and wife. Luo Yao asked rhetorically.

Then why can't we be husband and wife?

Xiaohui, I told you that I will not consider personal issues before driving away the Japanese invaders. This is my principle. Luo Yao said solemnly, You also know the specific reasons. In our line of work Yes, I may sacrifice my life for the country at any time. I don’t want to lose my wife, and you don’t want to be a widow at that time. This is not fair to you.”

But we may not sacrifice, and besides, we don't care!

I care. Luo Yao said, Okay, there is no need to discuss this matter. Remember, this is an order.

Yes, team leader! Gong Hui nodded with red eyes.

Indecisiveness leads to disaster.

Sir, it's a good thing that your injury didn't hurt any bones, otherwise you would have been in trouble. Yitie Ling was brought over by Liu Jinbao early the next morning.

How long will it take for it to heal? Luo Yao asked.

It needs to be cured for at least a week. This arm cannot be moved around, otherwise it will be troublesome if the wound opens. After using Yi Tie Ling's special wound medicine and bandaging it again, Yi Tie Ling said.

Feeling the coolness and comfort on the wound, Luo Yao hurriedly said: Thank you, Dr. Lin, how is my sister-in-law's illness? If you need help, just ask.

Much better, but the root cause of this disease cannot be eliminated, we can only keep it. Yitie Ling said.

Luo Yao nodded: Mr. Lin, you also know what we do, so I won't beat around the bush with you. It's common for us to get injured while doing things, but sometimes it's inconvenient for us to go to the hospital. This At that time, a specialized doctor is needed, and I would like to invite you to join us and become our full-time medical officer.


As a medical officer, you are registered with the National Government and have a military rank. Even if you do nothing, you can still receive military pay every month. Will you and your wife have a living security in the future?

Okay, but apart from seeing injuries, what else can I do? Yitieling is not stupid. He has been in the world for so many years. Doesn't he understand what it means to assess the situation?

Luo Yao's group is pretty good. If you meet other people, they won't talk to you nicely and just force them to stay.

Don't worry, I won't let you do anything else. When you go back, you can go through the formalities with Old Liu and confirm your identity. From now on, you will be attending the clinic at 'Yuhetang'. Luo Yao pointed at Liu Jinbao and ordered.


You finally got this 'Yitie Ling' into the military system. Gong Hui looked at the back of Yitie Ling leaving and couldn't help but sigh.

Luo Yao smiled. Although he had selfish motives in this matter, the healing and bone-setting medical skills of Yi Tie Ling were exactly what he needed.

Although he practices medicine in the countryside, he will not bury his medical skills, but if the stage is changed, his contribution will be greater.

After that, for several days, battle reports from the front continued to come in. Most of them were bad news, but on the battlefield in northern Jiangxi, Luo Yao noticed that a tragic battle broke out.

The lone Japanese 106th Division plunged into the pocket formation of the Chinese army. No one yet knows what status this battle, known as the Wanjialing Victory in later generations, will have in the history of the Anti-Japanese War.

The Chinese army is still capable of fighting.

The wheels of history are rolling.

Okamura Ningji once again had to pay a heavy price for his impetuous advancement. This time it was not a detachment, but a division.

Although the 106th Division is weaker than the traditional Japanese Class A Division, it was also expanded from the main division's reserve force, and its weapons, equipment, and soldiers are the best.

Although the national army had much weaker equipment and basically no anti-aircraft firepower, it was tough-minded and had many people, so it managed to achieve a huge victory.

The war potential of the Japanese army was consumed bit by bit, and the myth of invincibility was shattered time and time again.

In the blink of an eye, it's already early October, the autumn wind is bright, and those who are afraid of the cold have already put on autumn clothes.

After recuperating at home for a week, Luo Yao went to school to work. If he didn't go, he would not be able to catch up with the teaching progress. He still couldn't move his left arm freely, but the bandage was no longer needed.

Teacher Qin is here?

Well, hello, Teacher Guo. Luo Yao greeted politely.

I heard that you accidentally fell down the stairs and dislocated your arm? Teacher Guo asked with concern.

Yes, my foot slipped... Luo Yao smiled. The excuse Gong Hui gave was quite appropriate. No one would really ask him to take off his clothes and look at the wound anyway.

Then be careful. Teacher Jiang will be taking care of you this week, right?

No, no, I'm all alone. Luo Yao hurriedly explained that Gong Hui would be moving away soon, and it would be more convenient for him to be alone.

Ah? Teacher Guo was stunned for a moment, Teacher Jiang doesn't live with you?

Now it was Luo Yao's turn to be surprised: Teacher Guo, do you have any misunderstanding? How come Teacher Jiang and I live together?

Then the person who called the school to ask for leave a week ago wasn't Teacher Jiang?

Teacher Guo, if Teacher Jiang lives with me, does she still need to call the school to ask for leave? Luo Yao asked back.

Yeah, I'm confused too. I didn't expect this. Who is Teacher Qin who asked for leave? Teacher Guo asked curiously.

Oh, it's my cousin.

Cousin, oh, no wonder, no wonder. Teacher Guo nodded and didn't ask any more questions. Any further questions would involve family relationships and privacy.

Luo Yao thought that Teacher Guo had explained the matter clearly, and it was over. He didn't expect, and he didn't know who was listening in the middle, and spread the words about Qin Ming and his cousin to Jiang Xiaoyu's ears. .

That's fine, just make a mistake. Luo Yao didn't explain much, but it also made Jiang Xiaoyu stop this idea, and he didn't have to face it deliberately, which was also a good thing.

Na Zeng thought that this girl actually followed him all the way after get off work, obviously wanting to follow him home to see what was going on.

Her tracking skills were so poor that someone with a little anti-stalking experience could easily detect her presence, but they couldn't let her follow him back.

Luo Yao saw a dessert shop in front of him and walked in. In fact, he had been observing Jiang Xiaoyu behind him with his peripheral vision.

When she reached the door of the dessert shop, she suddenly turned around and said, Teacher Jiang, what a coincidence, are you here to buy desserts too?

Yes, Qin, Teacher Qin, what a coincidence. Jiang Xiaoyu lowered her head for a moment with a guilty conscience, and stammered nervously when she spoke.

What kind of dessert do you like? Can I treat it to you later?

No, Teacher Qin, I will do it myself...

Why are you being polite to me? You even treated me to dumplings. It's a courtesy for me to treat you to dessert. Luo Yao said without any explanation, Every time I go home and pass by this dessert shop, I have to buy it for my cousin. A piece of his favorite chestnut cake, what do you like to eat?

That's clear enough.

I... Jiang Xiaoyu couldn't help but turn pale after hearing this.

This is good, sour and sweet. It's very suitable for you girls to eat. Just buy this one? Luo Yao pointed to a piece of fruit cake in the window and said.

After paying, Luo Yao handed the fruit cake directly to Jiang Xiaoyu's hand.

Teacher Jiang, it's getting late, go back early.

This is cruel, but this is the only thing Luo Yao can do. Rejection is the greatest protection. I hope Jiang Xiaoyu can understand that they are not from the same world.

After Luo Yao left without looking back, Jiang Xiaoyu held the cake in her hands, tears rolling down from her eyes like broken pearls.

It's over before it even begins.

Of course, Luo Yao was also in a bad mood. He couldn't fall in love with Jiang Xiaoyu, but this simple girl was his type.

But between personal emotions and national justice, he must choose one, sacrifice the small self, fulfill the greater self, love what I want, but resisting Japan and saving the country is his ideal and belief in his heart.

For this, he would sacrifice everything, even his own life.

Please collect and recommend!

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