The secret war is silent

Chapter 107 New situation

Wenhuali·Han Mansion.

Old Han, what's going on here? It's been half a month. If there's a problem, we can be arrested, imprisoned, or beheaded. But what's going on if we're just put under house arrest at home? Xu Xin She is a restless woman. She doesn’t like to stay at home. She likes to go out to spend money, go shopping, eat, and watch civilized dramas...

Such a life, which was like going to jail, was intolerable to her.

On the other hand, Han Liangze didn't seem to have much mood swings. He lived a very disciplined life every day, and he didn't have the usual social activities, so he was in good spirits.

Okay, please stop saying a few words. If you hadn't been too reckless this time, how could you have been in trouble today? Han Liangze said slowly.

You're still saying that if it wasn't for Duomen, how could so many things have happened? Xu Xin complained, It's all because of Duomen. The Japanese don't have any good intentions...

Master, madam, what's for dinner? Sister Lan asked, standing with her hands down.

Whatever. Xu Xin glanced at Sister Lan with a vicious look. She knew that Sister Lan had also been taken for questioning. Although she didn't know what Sister Lan said, she instinctively suspected that Sister Lan was the only third child in the family. Someone betrayed her and Han Liangze.

She must have said something that made Han Liangze lose his position as director, and she also squatted in that dark cell for two days and nights, shivering, the wife of the director, aloof and extremely embarrassed.

What do you have at home? Han Liangze asked warmly.

There are noodles, meat, and celery... Sister Lan thought for a moment and said.

Then let's make dumplings. We haven't had dumplings for a long time. Han Liangze ordered.



The phone upstairs suddenly rang. Han Liangze, who was sitting in the living room, looked up in shock. His phone had not rang for several days.

It suddenly sounded at this time, which was a bit unusual.

I've fallen into this situation, and there's still someone calling me? Han Liangze laughed at himself and decided not to answer the call.

However, after the phone stopped ringing, it rang again not long after.

In this way, Han Liangze could no longer sit down. He went upstairs, stretched out his hand, and hesitated before picking up the phone.

Hello, I'm Han Liangze, may I ask...


Yes, I understand. I'll get ready right away. When Han Liangze heard the voice coming from inside, his face suddenly flushed with excitement, he straightened his back and agreed loudly.

After putting down the phone, Han Liangze couldn't restrain his joy and quickly returned to the bedroom, changing into a Mao suit that he was usually reluctant to wear.

Old Han, what are you doing?

I'm going out for a while, so I won't have dinner at home. You and Sister Lan can have it together. Han Liangze said with a happy face.

What, you want to go out, can they let you out? Xu Xin asked, pointing to the door and the plainclothes officers of the secret service team in the courtyard.

They can't stop me. Han Liangze chuckled.

Are you going to regain your freedom? Xu Xin also thought about it. If Han Liangze can come and go freely, it means that he is about to regain his freedom. This is a good thing.

Yes, we have finally waited for this day. Han Liangze also let out a long sigh of relief.

Then why are you going out wearing this suit? You haven't worn this suit for many years? Xu Xin said with some disgust when she saw Han Liangze wearing a tunic suit.

Oh, you don't understand. The people I go to meet are different from those vulgar people. It is appropriate to wear this outfit to meet them. Han Liangze said, Okay, if I can't come back at night, you can go to bed early. Come on, don’t wait for me.”

Then be careful.

What's wrong? What did dad say in the telegram? Gong Hui brought the cooked soup and asked when she saw Luo Yao dazed under the lamp.

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China established a sleeper organization in Jiangcheng, codenamed: Hanshi. Its leader is my cousin, the former Xiakou Police Chief Han Liangze.

Luo Yao sighed.

What? The evidence is conclusive that Han Liangze had an affair with the Japanese, but the superiors let him go so easily and entrusted him with important tasks? Gong Hui also said in disappointment.

Luo Yaodao: My cousin once studied in Japan, and he can be regarded as a Japan-knowledge sect. He has some personal relations with the two Chen family members. He may have secretly joined the Central Unification Committee. This time he just restored his identity. As for his relationship with Duomen Erlang met secretly and had an affair. I guess he had secretly reported it to the top management of Zhongtong, otherwise, how could he have passed the test so easily?

This old guy is really cunning! Gong Hui gritted his teeth.

Yes, they have eaten more salt than we have eaten rice. We should be more cautious in the future. Luo Yao said, Tomorrow, let Liu Jinbao evacuate people from Han Mansion.


Han Liangze was indeed a cunning old fox. If Gu Yuan hadn't acted without authorization, he might not have been able to force out his identity as the Unification of the Central Committee.

This time is fine.

When he went to work the next morning, Luo Yao didn't see Jiang Xiaoyu all day. He knew that she came to school, but she avoided him the whole day.

She can also understand that she is not a good man worthy of her waiting. Maybe it will be better as time goes by. Anyway, she already understands.

After all, schools are places for teaching and educating people, so it is better to spread less gossipy and sexy news.

Teacher Qin, this week we are holding a fund-raising event for the soldiers on the front lines fighting against Japan. Can you come? get out of class monitor Xia Yu asked after class.

I'll take a look. I'll definitely be there when I have time. Luo Yao didn't dare to agree. He couldn't help it in class during the week, and his time on weekends was even more precious.

Teacher Qin, have you seen Teacher Jiang? She lost concentration several times in class today and read the text wrongly?

No, I really haven't seen her. Luo Yao felt guilty.

Then if you see her, can you help us tell her that we hope she can come with us for the weekend's anti-Japanese fundraiser? Xia Yu said.

Luo Yao nodded: Oh, I will tell you if I see it.

Of course, the final result was that Luo Yao didn't meet Jiang Xiaoyu all day long, and there was no follow-up to what he had conveyed.

It was like this for three days in a row.

Teachers in an office also noticed something unusual, but it involved personal matters and did not affect their work, so it was not easy for anyone to ask questions.

Luo Yao also pretended that nothing happened. When Jiang Xiaoyu adjusted himself, everything naturally returned to calm.

After all, the situation in Jiangcheng is getting more and more tense. The Japanese are about to invade. People are panicked. How can they still think about love?

On October 10th, good news that shocked the Chinese people finally came. The Chinese army won a great victory in the Wanjialing area of ​​northern Jiangxi, wiping out a Japanese division. Only the division commander Matsuura and several hundred others The man finally escaped.

There were endless reports in newspapers and loops on the radio. The news of victory really excited people across the country and shocked the whole world.

The Chinese army is not really vulnerable. Even though they are at a comprehensive disadvantage, they can still fight back and show their due prestige.

This was the first battle since the Anti-Japanese War in which a Japanese division was completely wiped out. God of War Xue Laohu became famous in one battle, frightening the Japanese invaders.

On the 12th, news came from the front line that the First Army defending the front line of Xinyang was defeated by the Japanese army and lost Xinyang. Army Commander Hu Shoushan did not obey the order and led his troops to retreat to Nanyang to preserve their strength. However, the Pinghan Railway line was opened and the Japanese army marched straight in. , Jiangcheng suddenly felt like a little girl wearing only a pajamas was exposed to the claws of the Japanese army.

On the same day, the Japanese 21st Army assembled in the Taiwan Strait and, with the cooperation of the Fifth Fleet, landed at Xiaogui, Yanqian, Fanhe, Pinghai and other places in Daya Bay, Guangzhou.

The battle to defend Guangzhou began.

On the 14th, the Nationalist Government officially decided to abandon Jiangcheng and implement a transfer strategy, but it did not announce it to the outside world. The evacuation had already begun, and at the same time, it was preparing for the final destruction of military and civilian facilities that might be helpful after the Japanese occupation.

The entire Jiangcheng was enveloped in a dull atmosphere of despair.

There is no way to block the news. The common people already know the upcoming fate. It is difficult to find a ticket for the retreating ship on the Shuo River.

The docks were crowded with people preparing to flee.

At this time, no matter whether they were high or low, there were no barriers in the past. They were all crowded into a small space and endured the unpleasant smell.

Ship capsizing accidents happen every day, and there is no time to salvage the corpses floating on the river.

What a human tragedy.

Those who are left behind are unable to leave their homeland. It is very difficult to survive in an unfamiliar place with nothing, especially the elderly and children, who cannot afford to travel long distances.

Xinhua News Agency and its offices are already preparing to evacuate. We plan to evacuate part of them to Hengyang first, and then transfer to Xiangcheng. Luo Yao came to Zhou Ji for a home visit again.

Lao Wu made tea to entertain Luo Yao.

Do you need my help? Luo Yao asked.

We have a lot of people and equipment, and it's very difficult to get a boat now... Old Wu thought for a while and finally said it.

It's really hard to get boats. However, in order to cover our lurking, I did it for my own benefit. I got a few boats and hid them. I can give you one. Luo Yao thought for a moment and said.

Will it cause trouble for you?

That's not the case. I have a transportation team that specializes in this matter. As long as you pay enough, they can help you send it to Yueyang. After you get there, you are thinking of a way. It is better than staying in Jiangcheng. Strong. Luo Yao said.

Okay, this money?

Left hand and right hand, I'm not asking you to actually pay. Luo Yao chuckled.

Also, if you need any supplies when you retreat, you can tell me and I will try my best to arrange it for you. There will be a lot of food and drink along the way, Luo Yao said.

I know, don't worry, I will speak up if you really need it. Old Wu nodded.

Has sister-in-law mastered the method of sending reports?

Ever since she got the radio, she has been practicing secretly. She should have almost mastered it. Old Wu said as he glanced at the room where his wife and children lived.

This is a set of passwords written by me. You give it to your superior. From now on, we will use my set of passwords to communicate with our superiors. Luo Yao took out a code book and handed it to Lao Wu.

Can you also write codes?

Don't forget, I study mathematics. It's not difficult for me to write passwords. Luo Yao said, There is also my unique encryption equation in it. It can be regarded as the first generation of 'Romy'.

That's not a big deal. Our party doesn't have a few systematic password encryption systems. Are you going to come up with one by yourself? Old Wu chuckled.

By the way, my superiors haven't given me a code name yet? Luo Yao remembered that he had mentioned this matter, but there had been no news.

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