The secret war is silent

Chapter 108 “Listen”

What kind of code name do you want? Lao Wu asked.

Luo Yao chuckled: Can I still choose this by myself?

Old Wu smiled and said: The chief's original words said that it would definitely not work if I replaced him with someone else, but it is different for you. I have to choose a code name that you recognize and is worthy of the name.

Then I'm really flattered. Luo Yao said hurriedly, Has the chief defined a range, or selected a few for me to choose from?

The chief wrote two, one is Shunfeng Er and the other is Listening. Which one do you like? Old Wu nodded and said.

Although Shunfeng Er is a heavenly deity and can hear very far away, compared with the ancient divine beast Tingting who can explore the three realms and seek good luck and avoid misfortunes, there is a huge difference. If I were asked to choose, I would choose Tingting. Luo Yao thought. After a moment, I chose the latter one without hesitation.

The chief also means this. If you want to infiltrate deep within the military, you must not only be able to work for the party, but also ensure your own safety. It is necessary to seek good fortune and avoid disaster. Listening is an ancient auspicious beast and is good at probing people's hearts. It is very suitable for you. Wu Dao.

Then since the chief has said so, what else can I say? My codename is Di Tingting. Luo Yao said happily. He also liked this codename very much. It sounded extraordinary.

Then I'll report it like this. Old Wu nodded.

By the way, Lao Wu, what code name did your superiors give you? Luo Yao asked curiously.

I'm different from you. We only have one number: 0749. Old Wu said, Your sister-in-law's code name is: 0327.

I remember the two numbers 0749 and 0327. Luo Yao nodded and suddenly asked curiously, What about me? I also have a code name, right?

Your digital code is 0815.

Luo Yao had a strange expression and smiled: This number is quite auspicious.

Stay for dinner. Your sister-in-law stewed a fish today? Old Wu asked without noticing anything.

No, I have to go back. Luo Yao declined, If you need anything, please contact me at any time.

I know, I'll take you out.

Have you found the house? Luo Yao asked while eating.

Gong Hui complained: It's not that easy. Now a large number of people are pouring into the concession. The houses in the concession are no longer enough to live in. The rental price has also gone up a lot. The good houses have been rented out immediately, and the remaining It’s either small or dirty.”

If it doesn't work out, why don't we find a hotel to stay for a while? Luo Yao said after some discussion.

Are you so eager to drive me away? Gong Hui said dissatisfied.

Xiaohui, this is also for work. If you move out and change your identity, you will be much freer than you are now. If you are a housewife, how can you run a coffee shop? Luo Yao asked.

Why not?

If you appear as a woman in the business world from the beginning, there is no problem. But the problem is that if you appear as a gentle and demure image from the beginning, the contrast between the front and the back is so big, what will the neighbors think? Has it become our biggest flaw? Luo Yao explained and analyzed.

But, even if I move out, there's no guarantee that no one will recognize me. I once lived here? Gong Hui asked.

Don't forget your identity. You are a soldier, an agent of the party and the state, not one of those vulgar women on the street who only knows how to wash and cook.

But I just don't want to move?

You have to move even if you don't want to. This is an order. Xiaohui, you know the general rules. Don't force me to use the family rules. Luo Yao solemnly reminded Gong Hui.

You are too cruel...

Okay, even though you have moved away, we can still have a 'cousin' relationship. In this way, you can come over to see me at any time. Luo Yao said.


We have lived together before. If there is really no relationship, how can we win people's trust? Luo Yao said, The relationship between cousins ​​is the most suitable.

Okay, then I'll move tomorrow.

Didn't you say you haven't found a house yet? Luo Yao asked in surprise.

I'm just saying that I haven't found anything more suitable. Gong Hui smiled, I'm not saying that I haven't found anything. It's not far anyway. It's just next door in Sanli. The yard is bigger than this one, but the house is not as good as this one. The rent costs thirty dollars a month.

Thirty dollars a month is not cheap. Luo Yao nodded. He bought this small house with a yard. If he wanted to rent it, it would cost upwards of twenty dollars a month.

Gong Hui is not a person who is ignorant of the general situation. She knows the importance of things. In the current situation, it is really inappropriate to dwell on certain things.

The next day, Gong Hui called a car and moved out from Huanshan Lane No. 26.

During the housewarming ceremony, Liu Jinbao quietly went over for several nights to help Gong Hui celebrate in secret. Xu Jihong also went, but it was hard to tell what her intentions were.

However, Luo Yao still maintains a cousin relationship with Gong Hui as Qin Ming, which is not a big surprise.

Gong Hui will take charge of the work of the Sunshine coffee house after the renovation of Twilight. .

About 20 people were transferred from the temporary training class to join the River God direct group. Four of them were girls, and the remaining 16 were all boys.

During the day, Luo Yao had to go to school, and at night, he had to instruct these people on making coffee and train them on how to be a good waiter.

Although they are classmates, Luo Yao's status today is far above these classmates, and the people transferred this time are relatively loyal and honest people.

What the River God team needs now is loyal people. Those who are too lively are not suitable. He needs some people who can be obedient and do things.

The days passed quickly.

The Japanese troops on the south bank stormed the Gedian front line, and the battle was fierce.

On the 18th, the Jiangcheng Garrison Headquarters decided to evacuate rickshaws and various transport vehicles in the city, and the work of clearing the wall and clearing the fields officially began.

The bad news came on the 21st. Guangzhou had fallen. The only channel for the Nationalist Government to obtain maritime support was cut off by the Japanese army. The darkest moment had arrived.

Soon, the Jiangcheng Garrison Headquarters issued a martial law order. The Japanese troops on the northern front captured Huanggang and other places. The Japanese troops attacking along the south bank also occupied Yangxin, Dazhi and other places. Jiangcheng's outer positions were being lost inch by inch. Soon, the Japanese troops would be approaching the city. .

The fall of Jiangcheng is irreversible.

People are panic-stricken, and people are panic-buying all kinds of supplies, not to mention rice, flour, oil, salt, but also cloth, soap, toilet paper, etc. All daily necessities are included in the rush-buying, even items in coffin shops The coffins were also sold out, with prices almost double or even triple the usual price.

Even the bamboo baskets, bamboo chairs, bamboo poles and the like in Lao Wu's Zhou Ji bamboo products store are being snapped up by people, and the prices are more than 30% higher than usual.

The Japanese were here, killing people on sight, grabbing things when they saw them, and pounced on young girls when they saw them. Those who were not afraid, who could not run away, had to prepare all the supplies they could.

More people ran to the French Concession.

Even the establishment of an international safety zone imitating Jinling has been put on the agenda. Before the city fell into the hands of the Japanese invaders, they began to prepare for life in the upcoming occupied area.

This is the sorrow of the people of Jiangcheng, the sorrow of the Chinese people, and the sorrow of weak countries all over the world!

The night rain was cold and cold.

Whether it was the French Concession or the Chinese Concession, curfews were implemented in all areas. At a glance, the whole city seemed dead, and Luo Yao couldn't sleep at all.

Put on a coat and stand in front of the window.

Reach out and push open the window, letting the cold wind carry the drizzle and wet your front. In no more than two days, this once prosperous city will be occupied by the Japanese invaders. In the next few years, the people will live a life worse than pigs and dogs. Life.

The school has been closed. Some people have left and some have stayed.

In the two classes taught by Luo Yao, less than half of the students have left Jiangcheng with their parents, whether they went to the countryside to escape or to live in other cities.

This place no longer belongs to them.

What is left behind, in addition to protecting this piece of land that belongs to them, is also a deep helplessness. The world is so big, even if you can temporarily get a place to live, what can you do?

If the country is destroyed, how can the family survive?

The phone in the study suddenly rang.

Luo Yao was shocked.

Who would call him at this time? Luo Yao stood up and walked over, turned on the lamp on the table, and picked up the phone: Hello, I'm Qin Ming.

It's me, dad. A hoarse voice came from the other end of the phone.

It was actually Dai Yunong.

Dad, your orders! Luo Yao stood up subconsciously and straightened his back.

I left a batch of supplies for you. Send someone across the river to pick them up tomorrow. I'll store the items at... Dai Yunong didn't say anything more. After giving an address, he hung up the phone.

Luo Yao knew the meaning behind this call. The heads of the National Government had decided to give up and leave Jiangcheng.

Dai Yunong will leave at any time.

However, before leaving, he was able to leave a batch of supplies for him, which was enough to show his importance in Dai Yunong's heart, but he didn't say anything else.

It’s not that I don’t have to talk about it, it’s that I don’t need to talk about it.

Sure enough, the latest news came from the newspapers the next day. The chairman of the Nationalist Government's Military Commission officially announced that he would abandon the defense of Jiangcheng.

At that time, the Japanese army had surrounded Jiangcheng from three directions: east, north and south.

Wu Guozhen, mayor of Xiakou Special City, gave a speech: In the battle to defend Wuhan, we have tried our best to fight a war of attrition and a protracted war. Our highest strategy is to exchange space for time... We have focused on the evacuation of the population and the transfer of industries. , we have gone quite thoroughly, and we have also covered the construction in the rear...

Later, the Xiakou Municipal Government and the Shouchang Municipal Government moved to Yichang upstream.

That night, Chairman Chiang and his wife took a plane to Hengyang. The plane circled over Jiangcheng three times before flying south.

At the same time, the order of scorched earth resistance was issued.

The next day, the leading troops of the Japanese Sixth Division arrived near the outskirts of Xiakou and had a fierce battle with the 545th Brigade guarding Dai Jia Mountain, and then collapsed.

Amidst the fire and smoke.

The Japanese army occupied Jiangcheng without bloodshed, and the blue sky and white sun flag was replaced by a disgusting plaster flag!

The suffering of the three towns in Jiangcheng began.

New book, beg to be collected and voted for!

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