The secret war is silent

Chapter 109 Preparation

There was no welcome, not even a single person could be seen on the street.

The slogans Defend Jiangcheng, resist Japan and save the country! and Down with Japanese imperialism! were still posted everywhere without having time to tear them down. They all showed the city's attitude towards the invaders.

That is disgust and unwelcome!

I wanted to vent, but I couldn't find any Chinese soldiers with guns in the city.

Even the police who were maintaining law and order were hiding.

Lieutenant General Inaba Shiro was very ambitious. Hisao Tani led the Sixth Division to be the first to break into Jinling City, which was the capital of the National Government, and now he led the Sixth Division to be the first to occupy Jiangcheng.

This was the wartime capital of the Nationalist Government, and it would leave the most vivid mark in the war history of the Sixth Division.

However, he did not want to follow Hisao Tani. He clearly made great achievements in capturing the enemy's capital, but he was criticized for not restraining his subordinates from causing chaos. He was then transferred to the reserve force, and his military career was even ruined.

Facing an undefended city, although he didn't have the sense of accomplishment that he experienced after going through so much hard work, the honor of occupying an important city in the enemy's country made him feel very satisfied.

However, what made him unhappy was that there was a concession in Xiakou.

Although there were not many troops stationed in the concession, it was the territory of the Western powers after all. Inaba Shiro ordered Japanese troops not to enter the concession without permission.

But it is inevitable elsewhere.

The Japanese army implemented the strategy of fighting to support war. They were used to burning, killing and looting wherever they went. How could Shiro Inaba be able to restrain them with a single order.

Soon, the entire Jiangcheng became a place where Japanese troops were wreaking havoc and carnival.

Wealth was robbed, houses were occupied, women were raped...

All kinds of horrifying incidents kept happening, and the whole city was crying in the ravage. The police in Xiakou had already stopped doing things. Occasionally, someone who couldn't stand it anymore would reach out to take care of it, and either his head would be chopped off with a knife, or his head would be chopped off with a knife. Let the Japanese soldiers capture him and practice assassination.

What is even more hateful are those who led the way and the traitors. These people have completely lost their conscience, betrayed their ancestors, and helped the evil tyrants, which made people and gods angry.

The chaotic situation continued until the arrival of Okamura Neji.

After Okamura Neiji strictly enforced military discipline and dealt with a group of Japanese officers and soldiers, the situation improved. Of course, these were only seen by ordinary people who had been in Jiangcheng.

Order was restored slightly, three days after the Japanese army occupied Jiangcheng.

To be honest, Luo Yao wanted to take action when the Sixth Division entered the city. The power he had under his control had penetrated into all aspects of Xiakou. Although it was only a preliminary penetration, if it could be pulled out, it would definitely be possible. Teach these inhumane beasts a harsh lesson.

However, he finally endured it.

A small leak will sink a great ship.

In order to lurk and fight later, he could not show off his temporary ambition. Once the Japanese army's ferocity was aroused, it was likely to cause huge casualties to the innocent people in the city.

This is the sorrow of the weak. Only by being patient and holding back the anger for a moment can we deal the heaviest blow to the enemy.

Speaking of hatred, his feud with the Japanese Sixth Division goes deep into the sea. He still clearly remembers that several Japanese soldiers dragged a young female student to the riverside and carried out a brutal and inhumane gang rape...

Also, they use bayonets to prick the belly of young pregnant women and take out the newly formed fetuses for fun, leaving the pregnant women to die in pain.

The old man was dragged out of the house and his head was beheaded. The beast soldiers were all around him, pointing and laughing loudly.

The infant baby was placed on the bayonet, with his innocent eyes wide open, as if he was asking, what kind of crime did he commit in just a few months after he came into this world to deserve such a crime?

In the end, he was also driven to the river, along with thousands of captured soldiers and civilians. They were driven into the water, and the river was up to their knees...

Then, on the shore, Japanese soldiers set up dozens of machine guns!

With a cold command.

The machine guns opened fire.

Men fall like wheat reapers.

Blood dyed the river red.

He survived because he came to avenge the compatriots who died in Jinling City. When he saw the military flag of the Sixth Division, Luo Yao's heart felt as if it was being eaten by a poisonous snake.

This kind of pain can only be understood by experiencing it.

And the reason why he held back was because he didn't want to sacrifice more people in Jiangcheng for his own hatred. He couldn't be so selfish.

Only when the situation in the city stabilizes is the best time to take action.

Team leader, according to the tip, how many Japanese officers were eating at the Dahua Hotel on Hanzheng Street tonight? Liu Jinbaohui reported.

Is the news accurate?


Then let's send them away first! Luo Yao extinguished the cigarette butt in his hand and ordered coldly that it was time to take action.


Picker news, a batch of cotton-padded clothes has been shipped from Shanghai and will arrive at the Merchants Pier tomorrow. They are winter clothes distributed to the Japanese Sixth Division.

Find a way to light a fire for me.

No problem, there are our people on the dock. As long as the ship is close, we can sneak in from under the water. Operation Captain Mancang agreed.

That night, a ship of winter clothes and quilts distributed to the Japanese Sixth Division sank in the middle of the river amid raging fire.

In addition to Luo Yao's direct team, there was also Tang Xin's latent action team at Juntong Jiangcheng Station. In the following days, the action team at Juntong Jiangcheng Station also launched dozens of attacks, killing and wounding Japanese soldiers and ronin serving the Japanese army. Dozens of warriors blew up a Japanese warehouse and executed more than ten traitors who had betrayed their country and sought glory.

For a time, lone Japanese soldiers were attacked, killed and injured everywhere in Jiangcheng. The Japanese army was exhausted and could not catch the murderer. They could only launch large-scale manhunts, but in the end they achieved little results.

Team leader, the Japanese army has begun to implement the five-household joint security system. This move is very vicious. Our activities may be greatly restricted in the future. Liu Jinbao took a big drink of water. He has been out almost every day these days. He ran around, collected and summarized information, and even encountered a large-scale manhunt by the Japanese army.

Fortunately, he was familiar with the environment and escaped easily.

This is inevitable. From now on, let's stop the small fights. We have taught this group of invaders an unforgettable lesson. Luo Yao knows what it means to give up when things are good.

It will not do any good to the directly-affiliated team, and it will only increase unnecessary sacrifices.

Stop? Liu Jinbao was stunned and didn't understand.

I received news that the day after tomorrow, on the 3rd, the Japanese army plans to hold a grand military parade in Xiakou. I plan to give the Japanese army a hard blow at this ceremony. Luo Yaodao.

For such a big celebration, the Japanese army must be heavily guarded. It would be difficult for us to get close, right?

Who said I was going to get close? Luo Yao snorted, Don't we have mortars in our hands?

Team leader, do you want to use this mortar to directly bombard the rostrum? Liu Jinbao's eyes lit up, and he immediately understood Luo Yao's intention.

While they don't have complete control over Xiakou now, we still have a chance. This is our last big move. Luo Yao said, After this time, everyone will go underground. Without receiving the awakening order, we will never allow it. Act or contact in private, anyone who violates the order will be dealt with according to the family law!


But team leader, this mortar is not a small item. How can we transport it there and where is our suitable launch site? Liu Jinbao said.

Why did I ask you to break the special agent brigade into pieces?

The team leader already knew that such a day would come, so he made preparations to lurk in advance. Liu Jinbao blurted out, We have known this for a long time.

Don't I know how to prepare this mortar? Luo Yao smiled slightly.

Ah? Team leader, when did this happen? Why didn't I know?

Based on our understanding of the Japanese army, every time the Japanese army captured a big city, they would hold a grand military parade into the city to celebrate the victory. Jiangcheng was our wartime capital. With such a big victory, do you think they would give up this show of force? Any chance? Luo Yao laughed and explained, November 3rd is the birthday of Emperor Meiji of Japan, which is called Meiji Festival in Japan, and they have always had the tradition of holding grand commemorative activities on the emperor's birthday. The postponement of the entry ceremony was also for this festival. In Xiakou, the only place that can hold such a grand entry parade is Jianghan Road. Therefore, I prepared a total of three German-made Type 3 and 4 80mm mortars, one for each The mortar prepared three shells and stored them in three different locations...

Team leader, just give the order! Liu Jinbao was extremely excited.

You prepare three gunners and three observers for me, a total of six people. I marked every place where the mortars are stored. They must follow my instructions and put the mortars where I chose. The location, as well as the angle. Of course, the temperature and wind direction will change that day. When the time comes, I will calculate the variables and notify you as soon as possible, and you will inform them. Luo Yao continued, Send someone to observe it tomorrow. Where is the chairman's viewing platform set up, its specific orientation, etc.


Also, for future actions, each team will use a single line of communication and will not interfere with each other. Everyone will do their own thing. Even you, Rakshasa, and Muyu are not allowed to reveal relevant action plans to each other. Do you understand? Luo Yao solemnly said remind.

Team leader, you don't believe them?

This is not a matter of trust. Of course I trust each of you, but in order to avoid unnecessary losses and exposure in extreme circumstances. We are now behind enemy lines. We must prepare for the worst if any of you are exposed. , I might be exposed, why should I not trust you, but each of you should perform his own duties, so even if one person is exposed, the mission and plan will not be exposed, do you understand?

I understand. Liu Jinbao nodded seriously.

Regarding the code name issue, please explain it. You will understand it later. Furthermore, as long as you don’t use this code name, there will naturally be no risk of exposure. The protagonist is now an idle chess player. He can move freely. The superior If he is not assigned a task, even if he is in contact, he will only contact Lao Wu and will not directly mention Listen. Therefore, the risk of exposure is not high. Moreover, his code name is top secret. No matter how strict our party is in keeping secrets, there is no need for more information. Said that the spies could not reach him at all.

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